package; import; import; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.BytesArraySerializer; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.serializers.LongSerializer; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Keyspace; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.Serializer; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.HColumn; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.ColumnQuery; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.query.QueryResult; /** * Return an InputStream which retrieve columns from a row which stores chunk of * data. See also {@link ChunkOutputStream} * * This implementation is not thread-safe! * * @param <T> */ public class ChunkInputStream<T> extends InputStream { private T key; private byte[] chunk; private Keyspace keyspace; private String cf; private long chunkPos = 0; private int pos; private Serializer<T> rowKeySerializer; public ChunkInputStream(Keyspace keyspace, String cf, T key, Serializer<T> rowKeySerializer) { this.key = key; this.keyspace = keyspace; = cf; this.rowKeySerializer = rowKeySerializer; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public int read() throws IOException { if (chunk == null || pos + 1 == chunk.length) { if (!fetchChunk()) { return -1; } } return chunk[pos++] & 0xff; } /** * Fetch the next chunk. * * @return exists if there was a chunk to fetch. * @throws IOException */ private boolean fetchChunk() throws IOException { try { ColumnQuery<T, Long, byte[]> query = HFactory.createColumnQuery(keyspace, rowKeySerializer, LongSerializer.get(), BytesArraySerializer.get()); QueryResult<HColumn<Long, byte[]>> result = query.setColumnFamily(cf).setKey(key).setName(chunkPos).execute(); HColumn<Long, byte[]> column = result.get(); if (column != null) { chunk = column.getValue(); chunkPos++; pos = 0; return true; } else { return false; } } catch (HectorException e) { throw new IOException("Unable to read data", e); } } /** * Not supported */ public boolean markSupported() { return false; } }