package me.prettyprint.cassandra.service; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.*; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HClientFactory; import me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory.HThriftClientFactoryImpl; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.ClockResolution; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.factory.HFactory; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public final class CassandraHostConfigurator implements Serializable { // update this if you make changes private static final long serialVersionUID = -5798876803582956262L; public static final ClockResolution DEF_CLOCK_RESOLUTION = HFactory.createClockResolution(ClockResolution.MICROSECONDS_SYNC); private static ClockResolution clockResolution = DEF_CLOCK_RESOLUTION; private String hosts; private int port = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_PORT; private int maxActive = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_ACTIVE; private boolean lifo = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_LIFO; private long maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_WAITTIME_WHEN_EXHAUSTED; private long maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_EXHAUSTED_TIME_BEFORE_MARKING_AS_DOWN; private int cassandraThriftSocketTimeout; private boolean useThriftFramedTransport = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_USE_FRAMED_THRIFT_TRANSPORT; private int maxFrameSize = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_FRAME_SIZE; private boolean retryDownedHosts = true; private int retryDownedHostsQueueSize = CassandraHostRetryService.DEF_QUEUE_SIZE; private int retryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds = CassandraHostRetryService.DEF_RETRY_DELAY; private boolean autoDiscoverHosts = false; private int autoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds = NodeAutoDiscoverService.DEF_AUTO_DISCOVERY_DELAY; private List<String> autoDiscoveryDataCenters; private LoadBalancingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy = new RoundRobinBalancingPolicy(); private int hostTimeoutCounter = HostTimeoutTracker.DEF_TIMEOUT_COUNTER; private int hostTimeoutWindow = HostTimeoutTracker.DEF_TIMEOUT_WINDOW; private int hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds = HostTimeoutTracker.DEF_NODE_SUSPENSION_DURATION_IN_SECONDS; private int hostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay = HostTimeoutTracker.DEF_NODE_UNSUSPEND_CHECK_DELAY_IN_SECONDS; private boolean useHostTimeoutTracker = false; private boolean runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup = false; private boolean useSocketKeepalive = false; private HOpTimer opTimer = new NullOpTimer(); private Class<? extends HClientFactory> clientFactoryClass = HThriftClientFactoryImpl.class; private long maxConnectTimeMillis = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_CONNECT_TIME; private long maxLastSuccessTimeMillis = CassandraHost.DEFAULT_MAX_LAST_SUCCESS_TIME; public CassandraHostConfigurator() { this.hosts = null; } /** * Creates a new {@code CassandraHostConfigurator} from the specified hosts String, formatted as * {@code host[:port][,host[:port]...]}. * @param hosts The hosts to create {@link CassandraHost}s from. */ public CassandraHostConfigurator(String hosts) { this.hosts = hosts; } public CassandraHost[] buildCassandraHosts() { if (this.hosts == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Need to define at least one host in order to apply configuration."); } String[] hostVals = hosts.split(","); CassandraHost[] cassandraHosts = new CassandraHost[hostVals.length]; for (int x=0; x<hostVals.length; x++) { CassandraHost cassandraHost = this.port == CassandraHost.DEFAULT_PORT ? new CassandraHost(hostVals[x].trim()) : new CassandraHost(hostVals[x], this.port); applyConfig(cassandraHost); cassandraHosts[x] = cassandraHost; } return cassandraHosts; } public void applyConfig(CassandraHost cassandraHost) { cassandraHost.setMaxActive(maxActive); cassandraHost.setLifo(lifo); cassandraHost.setMaxWaitTimeWhenExhausted(maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted); cassandraHost.setMaxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown(maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown); cassandraHost.setUseThriftFramedTransport(useThriftFramedTransport); cassandraHost.setMaxFrameSize(maxFrameSize); cassandraHost.setUseSocketKeepalive(useSocketKeepalive); cassandraHost.setMaxConnectTimeMillis(maxConnectTimeMillis); cassandraHost.setMaxLastSuccessTimeMillis(maxLastSuccessTimeMillis); // this is special as it can be passed in as a system property if (cassandraThriftSocketTimeout > 0) { cassandraHost.setCassandraThriftSocketTimeout(cassandraThriftSocketTimeout); } } /** * Specifies the hosts String, formatted as * {@code host[:port][,host[:port]...]}. * @param hosts The hosts to create {@link CassandraHost}s from. */ public void setHosts(String hosts) { this.hosts = hosts; } public void setMaxActive(int maxActive) { this.maxActive = maxActive; } public void setMaxWaitTimeWhenExhausted(long maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted) { this.maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted = maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted; } public void setMaxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown(long maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown) { this.maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown = maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown; } /** * The value (in milliseconds) which gets passed down to {@link} * used by the underlying Thrift transport. */ public void setCassandraThriftSocketTimeout(int cassandraThriftSocketTimeout) { this.cassandraThriftSocketTimeout = cassandraThriftSocketTimeout; } public boolean getRetryDownedHosts() { return this.retryDownedHosts; } public void setRetryDownedHosts(boolean retryDownedHosts) { this.retryDownedHosts = retryDownedHosts; } public void setRetryDownedHostsQueueSize(int retryDownedHostsQueueSize) { this.retryDownedHostsQueueSize = retryDownedHostsQueueSize; } public int getRetryDownedHostsQueueSize() { return retryDownedHostsQueueSize; } public void setRetryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds(int retryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds) { this.retryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds = retryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds; } public int getRetryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds() { return retryDownedHostsDelayInSeconds; } /** * Sets this Clock for all clusters administered by Hector. * Notice this is a class method and ideally should be called from the CHC class just once. * * @param resolutionString one of "SECONDS", "MILLISECONDS", "MICROSECONDS" or "MICROSECONDS_SYNC" */ public static void setClockResolution(String resolutionString) { clockResolution = HFactory.createClockResolution(resolutionString); } public HOpTimer getOpTimer() { return opTimer; } public void setOpTimer(HOpTimer opTimer) { this.opTimer = opTimer; } @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); s.append("CassandraHostConfigurator<"); s.append("clockResolution="); s.append(clockResolution); s.append("&cassandraThriftSocketTimeout="); s.append(cassandraThriftSocketTimeout); s.append("&maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted="); s.append(maxWaitTimeWhenExhausted); s.append("&maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown="); s.append(maxExhaustedTimeBeforeMarkingAsDown); s.append("&maxActive="); s.append(maxActive); s.append("&hosts="); s.append(hosts); s.append("&useThriftFramedTransport="); s.append(useThriftFramedTransport); s.append("&maxFrameSize="); s.append(maxFrameSize); s.append("&retryDownedHosts="); s.append(retryDownedHosts); s.append("&opTimer="); s.append(opTimer); s.append(">"); return s.toString(); } public boolean getLifo() { return lifo; } public void setLifo(boolean lifo) { this.lifo = lifo; } public int getPort() { return port; } public void setPort(int port) { this.port = port; } public void setUseThriftFramedTransport(boolean useThriftFramedTransport) { this.useThriftFramedTransport = useThriftFramedTransport; } public void setMaxFrameSize(int maxFrameSize) { this.maxFrameSize = maxFrameSize; } public static ClockResolution getClockResolution() { return CassandraHostConfigurator.clockResolution; } /** * Sets this Clock for all clusters administered by Hector. * Notice this is a class method and ideally should be called from the CHC class just once. * @param clockResolution a specific ClockResolution */ public static void setClockResolution(ClockResolution clockResolution) { CassandraHostConfigurator.clockResolution = clockResolution; } public boolean getAutoDiscoverHosts() { return autoDiscoverHosts; } public void setAutoDiscoverHosts(boolean autoDiscoverHosts) { this.autoDiscoverHosts = autoDiscoverHosts; } public int getAutoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds() { return autoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds; } public void setAutoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds(int autoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds) { this.autoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds = autoDiscoveryDelayInSeconds; } /** * Sets the local datacenter for the DiscoveryService. Nodes out of this * datacenter will be discarded. For configuration simplicity, you can provide * an empty or null string with the effect being the same as if you had not set * this property. * @param dataCenter DataCenter name */ public void setAutoDiscoveryDataCenter(String dataCenter) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(dataCenter)) { this.autoDiscoveryDataCenters = Arrays.asList(dataCenter); } } /** * Sets the datacenters for the DiscoveryService. Nodes out of these * datacenters will be discarded. */ public void setAutoDiscoveryDataCenter(List<String> dataCenters) { this.autoDiscoveryDataCenters = dataCenters; } /** * Retrieves the 'local' datacenter names that the DiscoveryService recognizes as valid * in order to discover new hosts. * @return a list of 'local' datacenter names */ public List<String> getAutoDiscoveryDataCenters() { return autoDiscoveryDataCenters; } public LoadBalancingPolicy getLoadBalancingPolicy() { return loadBalancingPolicy; } public void setLoadBalancingPolicy(LoadBalancingPolicy loadBalancingPolicy) { this.loadBalancingPolicy = loadBalancingPolicy; } public int getHostTimeoutCounter() { return hostTimeoutCounter; } public void setHostTimeoutCounter(int hostTimeoutCounter) { this.hostTimeoutCounter = hostTimeoutCounter; } public int getHostTimeoutWindow() { return hostTimeoutWindow; } public void setHostTimeoutWindow(int hostTimeoutWindow) { this.hostTimeoutWindow = hostTimeoutWindow; } public int getHostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds() { return hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds; } public void setHostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds(int hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds) { this.hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds = hostTimeoutSuspensionDurationInSeconds; } public int getHostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay() { return hostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay; } public void setHostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay(int hostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay) { this.hostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay = hostTimeoutUnsuspendCheckDelay; } public boolean getUseHostTimeoutTracker() { return useHostTimeoutTracker; } public void setUseHostTimeoutTracker(boolean useHostTimeoutTracker) { this.useHostTimeoutTracker = useHostTimeoutTracker; } public boolean getRunAutoDiscoveryAtStartup() { return runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup; } /** * Set to true to run {@link NodeAutoDiscoverService} at startup. * You must also call {@link CassandraHostConfigurator#setAutoDiscoverHosts(boolean)} * to true for this to have an effect. * @param runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup */ public void setRunAutoDiscoveryAtStartup(boolean runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup) { this.runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup = runAutoDiscoveryAtStartup; } public boolean getUseSocketKeepalive() { return useSocketKeepalive; } /** * Enable SO_KEEPALIVE on the underlying socket. OFF by default (per<br/> * Enabling the socket keepalive is the usual way to work around a firewall problem * (that is, a firewall that cuts idle connections between the Hector's host and the Cassandra * nodes, Hector being unaware of these cuts). To do so, this method must be used * in accordance with the appropriate "tcp_keepalive" settings of the machine that runs Hector, * to deal with the firewall own settings (that is, how long a connection should be detected * idle before the firewall cuts it). */ public void setUseSocketKeepalive(boolean useSocketKeepalive) { this.useSocketKeepalive = useSocketKeepalive; } public void setClientFactoryClass(String cls) { String className = cls.contains(".") ? cls : "me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.factory." + cls; Class<? extends HClientFactory> temp; try { temp = Class.forName(className).asSubclass(HClientFactory.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unable to find '%s' class.", className), e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ClientFactoryClass should be extended from HClientFactory.", e); } clientFactoryClass = temp; } public Class<? extends HClientFactory> getClientFactoryClass() { return clientFactoryClass; } /** * The maximum time in milliseconds that we'll allow a connection to stay open to a host. A negative * value indicates indefinitely (and is the default). * * @return the number of milliseconds */ public long getMaxConnectTimeMillis() { return maxConnectTimeMillis; } /** * Set the maximum time in milliseconds that we'll allow a connection to stay open to a host. A negative * value indicates indefinitely. This setting is useful if you you need to work around a firewall that * forcefully closes connections after a fixed amount of time regardless of activity. * * @param maxConnectTimeMillis the maximum time to use a connection */ public void setMaxConnectTimeMillis(long maxConnectTimeMillis) { this.maxConnectTimeMillis = maxConnectTimeMillis; } /** * The maximum time in milliseconds that we'll allow a connection to stay idle to a host. A negative * value indicates indefinitely (and is the default). * * @return the number of milliseconds */ public long getMaxLastSuccessTimeMillis() { return this.maxLastSuccessTimeMillis; } /** * Set the maximum time in milliseconds that we'll allow a connection to stay idle to a host. A negative * value indicates indefinitely. <br/> * This setting is useful if you you need to work around a firewall that forcefully closes connections * after a fixed amount of idle time. Example: if your firewall cuts connections after an idle time * of 30 mn, one could set this property with the duration 29 mn 30s to have a margin. <br/> * But before using <code>setMaxLastSuccessTimeMillis</code>, the first way, that is, the most used way, * to try to work around a firewall problem should be to use the socket "keepalive" mechanism, see * <code>setUseSocketKeepalive</code> method. The current method <code>setMaxLastSuccessTimeMillis</code> * is generally used for dealing with firewalls when the "keepalive" mechanism could not be used. * * @param maxLastSuccessTimeMillis the maximum idle time for a connection */ public void setMaxLastSuccessTimeMillis(long maxLastSuccessTimeMillis) { this.maxLastSuccessTimeMillis = maxLastSuccessTimeMillis; } }