package me.prettyprint.hector.api.query; import java.util.Collection; import me.prettyprint.hector.api.beans.Rows; /** * A query wrapper for the call multiget_slice for subcolumns of supercolumns * * @author ran */ public interface MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> extends Query<Rows<K, N, V>>{ MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setKeys(K... keys); MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setKeys(Collection<K> keys); /** * Set the supercolumn to run the slice query on */ MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setSuperColumn(SN superColumn); MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setColumnFamily(String cf); MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setRange(N start, N finish, boolean reversed, int count); Collection<N> getColumnNames(); /** * Sets the column names to be retrieved by this query * @param columns a list of column names */ MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setColumnNames(N... columnNames); MultigetSubSliceQuery<K, SN, N, V> setColumnNames(Collection<N> columnNames); }