package water; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import hex.ConfusionMatrix; import hex.gbm.DTree.TreeModel; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.*; import org.junit.rules.TestRule; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runners.model.Statement; import water.Job.JobState; import water.deploy.*; import water.fvec.*; import water.util.*; public class TestUtil { private static int _initial_keycnt = 0; private static Timer _testClassTimer; protected static void startCloud(String[] args, int nnodes) { for( int i = 1; i < nnodes; i++ ) { Node n = new NodeVM(args); n.inheritIO(); n.start(); } H2O.waitForCloudSize(nnodes); } @BeforeClass public static void setupCloud() { H2O.main(new String[] {}); _initial_keycnt = H2O.store_size(); assert Job.all().length == 0; // No outstanding jobs _testClassTimer = new Timer(); } /** Execute this rule before each test to print test name and test class */ @Rule public TestRule logRule = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) {"###########################################################");" * Test class name: " + description.getClassName());" * Test method name: " + description.getMethodName());"###########################################################"); return base; } }; @Rule public TestRule timerRule = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(Statement base, Description description) { return new TimerStatement(base, description.getClassName()+"#"+description.getMethodName()); }; class TimerStatement extends Statement { private final Statement base; private final String tname; public TimerStatement(Statement base, String tname) { this.base = base; this.tname = tname;} @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { Timer t = new Timer(); try { base.evaluate(); } finally {"#### TEST "+tname+" EXECUTION TIME: " + t.toString()); } } } }; @AfterClass public static void checkLeakedKeys() {"## TEST CLASS EXECUTION TIME (sum over all tests): " + _testClassTimer.toString()); Job[] jobs = Job.all(); for( Job job : jobs ) { assert job.state != JobState.RUNNING : ("UNFINISHED JOB: " + job.job_key + " " + job.description + ", end_time = " + job.end_time + ", state=" + job.state ); // No pending job DKV.remove(job.job_key); } DKV.remove(Job.LIST); // Remove all keys if (Log.LOG_KEY!=null) DKV.remove(Log.LOG_KEY); // The job key does not need to be created if the test does not print into logs DKV.write_barrier(); int leaked_keys = H2O.store_size() - _initial_keycnt; int nvecs = 0, nchunks = 0, nframes = 0, nmodels = 0, nothers = 0; if( leaked_keys > 0 ) { for( Key k : H2O.localKeySet() ) { Value value = DKV.get(k); if( value==null ) { leaked_keys--; continue; } Object o = value.type() != TypeMap.PRIM_B ? value.get() : "byte[]"; // Ok to leak VectorGroups if( o instanceof Vec.VectorGroup ) leaked_keys--; else { try { System.err.println("Leaked key: " + k + " = " + o); } catch (NullPointerException t) { System.err.println("Leaked key: " + k + " = " + o.getClass().getSimpleName() + " with missing data"); } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(t); } if (k.isChunkKey()) nchunks++; else if (k.isVec()) nvecs++; else if (o instanceof Frame) nframes++; else if (o instanceof Model) nmodels++; else nothers++; } } } assertTrue("Key leak! #keys(" + leaked_keys + ") = #vecs("+nvecs+")+#chunks("+nchunks+")+#frames("+nframes+")+#nmodels("+nmodels+")+#others("+nothers+")", leaked_keys <= 0); _initial_keycnt = H2O.store_size(); } // Stall test until we see at least X members of the Cloud public static void stall_till_cloudsize(int x) { stall_till_cloudsize(x, 10000); } public static void stall_till_cloudsize(int x, long ms) { H2O.waitForCloudSize(x, ms); UKV.put(Job.LIST, new Job.List()); // Jobs.LIST must be part of initial keys } public static File find_test_file(String fname) { // When run from eclipse, the working directory is different. // Try pointing at another likely place File file = new File(fname); if( !file.exists() ) file = new File("target/" + fname); if( !file.exists() ) file = new File("../" + fname); if( !file.exists() ) file = new File("../target/" + fname); if( !file.exists() ) file = null; return file; } // Old VA-style wrappers for tests public static Key load_test_file(String fname) { return load_test_file(find_test_file(fname)); } public static Key load_test_file(File file) { return NFSFileVec.make(file); } public static Key loadAndParseFile(String keyName, String path) { Key okey = Key.make(keyName); ParseDataset2.parse(okey, new Key[]{load_test_file(path)}); return okey; } public static Key[] load_test_folder(File folder) { assert folder.isDirectory(); ArrayList<Key> keys = new ArrayList<Key>(); for( File f : folder.listFiles() ) { if( f.isFile() ) keys.add(load_test_file(f)); } Key[] res = new Key[keys.size()]; keys.toArray(res); return res; } public static Key loadAndParseFolder(String keyname, String path) { Key[] keys = load_test_folder(new File(path)); Arrays.sort(keys); Key okey = Key.make(keyname); ParseDataset2.parse(okey, keys); return okey; } // Fluid Vectors public static Frame parseFromH2OFolder(String path) { File file = new File(VM.h2oFolder(), path); return FrameUtils.parseFrame(null, file); } public static Frame parseFrame(String path) { return FrameUtils.parseFrame(null, find_test_file(path)); } public static Frame parseFrame(File file) { return FrameUtils.parseFrame(null, file); } public static Frame parseFrame(Key okey, String path) { return FrameUtils.parseFrame(okey, find_test_file(path)); } public static Frame parseFrame(Key okey, File f) { return FrameUtils.parseFrame(okey, f); } public static Vec vec(int...rows) { return vec(null, null, rows); } public static Vec vec(String[] domain, int ...rows) { return vec(null, domain, rows); } public static Vec vec(Key k, String[] domain, int ...rows) { k = (k==null) ? new Vec.VectorGroup().addVec() : k; Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); for( int r = 0; r < rows.length; r++ ) chunk.addNum(rows[r]); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); vec._domain = domain; return vec; } public static Frame frame(String name, Vec vec) { return FrameUtils.frame(name, vec); } public static Frame frame(String[] names, Vec[] vecs) { return FrameUtils.frame(names, vecs); } public static Frame frame(String[] names, double[]... rows) { return FrameUtils.frame(names, rows); } public static void dumpKeys(String msg) { System.err.println("-->> Store dump <<--"); System.err.println(" " + msg); System.err.println(" Keys: " + H2O.store_size()); for ( Key k : H2O.localKeySet()) System.err.println(" * " + k); System.err.println("----------------------"); } public static String[] ar (String ...a) { return a; } public static long [] ar (long ...a) { return a; } public static long[][] ar (long[] ...a) { return a; } public static int [] ari(int ...a) { return a; } public static int [][] ar (int[] ...a) { return a; } public static float [] arf(float ...a) { return a; } public static double[] ard(double ...a) { return a; } public static double[][] ard(double[] ...a) { return a; } // Expanded array public static double[][] ear (double ...a) { double[][] r = new double[a.length][1]; for (int i=0; i<a.length;i++) r[i][0] = a[i]; return r; } public static void assertCM(long[][] expectedCM, long[][] givenCM) { Assert.assertEquals("Confusion matrix dimension does not match", expectedCM.length, givenCM.length); String m = "Expected: " + Arrays.deepToString(expectedCM) + ", but was: " + Arrays.deepToString(givenCM); for (int i=0; i<expectedCM.length; i++) Assert.assertArrayEquals(m, expectedCM[i], givenCM[i]); } public static void assertCMEquals(String msg, ConfusionMatrix a, ConfusionMatrix b) { Assert.assertEquals(msg + " - Confusion matrix should be of the same size", a._arr.length, b._arr.length); for (int i=0; i< a._arr.length; i++) { Assert.assertArrayEquals(msg, a._arr[i], b._arr[i]); } } public static void assertModelEquals(Model a, Model b) { assertArrayEquals("Model names has to equal!", a._names, b._names); assertEquals("Model has to contain same number of domains!", a._domains.length, b._domains.length); for (int i=0; i<a._domains.length; i++) { assertArrayEquals("Model input column "+i+" has to contain same domain names!", a._domains[i], b._domains[i]); } } public static void assertTreeModelEquals(TreeModel a, TreeModel b) { assertModelEquals(a,b); assertEquals("Number of demanded trees should be same!", a.N, b.N); assertEquals("Number of produced trees should be same!", a.ntrees(), b.ntrees()); assertArrayEquals("All error fields should be same (requiring models build without skipping scoring)!", a.errs, b.errs, 0.00000001); assertEquals("Models shoudl be of the same type!", a.isClassifier(), b.isClassifier()); if (a.isClassifier()) { assertEquals("The models should contain the same number of CMs", a.cms.length, b.cms.length); for (int i=0; i<a.cms.length; i++) { assertCMEquals(i+"-th CM should be same (requiring models build without skipping scoring)!", a.cms[i], b.cms[i]); } } } public static void assertModelBinaryEquals(Model a, Model b) { assertArrayEquals("The serialized models are not binary same!", a.write(new AutoBuffer()).buf(), b.write(new AutoBuffer()).buf()); } public static void sleep(int msec) { try { Thread.sleep(msec); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } }