package water.exec; import hex.FrameTask.DataInfo; import hex.Quantiles; import hex.gram.Gram.GramTask; import; import; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.ArithmeticUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.MutableDateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import water.*; import water.api.QuantilesPage; import water.fvec.*; import water.util.Utils; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.MathContext; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** Parse a generic R string and build an AST, in the context of an H2O Cloud * @author */ // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- public abstract class ASTOp extends AST { // The order of operator precedence follows R rules. // Highest the first static final public int OPP_PREFIX = 100; /* abc() */ static final public int OPP_POWER = 13; /* ^ */ static final public int OPP_UPLUS = 12; /* + */ static final public int OPP_UMINUS = 12; /* - */ static final public int OPP_INTDIV = 11; /* %/% */ static final public int OPP_MOD = 11; /* %xyz% */ static final public int OPP_MUL = 10; /* * */ static final public int OPP_DIV = 10; /* / */ static final public int OPP_PLUS = 9; /* + */ static final public int OPP_MINUS = 9; /* - */ static final public int OPP_GT = 8; /* > */ static final public int OPP_GE = 8; /* >= */ static final public int OPP_LT = 8; /* < */ static final public int OPP_LE = 8; /* <= */ static final public int OPP_EQ = 8; /* == */ static final public int OPP_NE = 8; /* != */ static final public int OPP_NOT = 7; /* ! */ static final public int OPP_AND = 6; /* &, && */ static final public int OPP_OR = 5; /* |, || */ static final public int OPP_DILDA = 4; /* ~ */ static final public int OPP_RARROW = 3; /* ->, ->> */ static final public int OPP_ASSN = 2; /* = */ static final public int OPP_LARROW = 1; /* <-, <<- */ // Operator assocation order static final public int OPA_LEFT = 0; static final public int OPA_RIGHT = 1; // Operation formula notations static final public int OPF_INFIX = 0; static final public int OPF_PREFIX = 1; // Tables of operators by arity static final public HashMap<String,ASTOp> UNI_INFIX_OPS = new HashMap(); static final public HashMap<String,ASTOp> BIN_INFIX_OPS = new HashMap(); static final public HashMap<String,ASTOp> PREFIX_OPS = new HashMap(); static final public HashMap<String,ASTOp> UDF_OPS = new HashMap(); // Too avoid a cyclic class-loading dependency, these are init'd before subclasses. static final String VARS1[] = new String[]{ "", "x"}; static final String VARS2[] = new String[]{ "", "x","y"}; static { // Unary infix ops putUniInfix(new ASTUniPlus()); putUniInfix(new ASTUniMinus()); putUniInfix(new ASTNot()); // Binary infix ops putBinInfix(new ASTPlus()); putBinInfix(new ASTSub()); putBinInfix(new ASTMul()); putBinInfix(new ASTDiv()); putBinInfix(new ASTPow()); putBinInfix(new ASTPow2()); putBinInfix(new ASTMod()); putBinInfix(new ASTMod2()); putBinInfix(new ASTAND()); putBinInfix(new ASTOR()); putBinInfix(new ASTLT()); putBinInfix(new ASTLE()); putBinInfix(new ASTGT()); putBinInfix(new ASTGE()); putBinInfix(new ASTEQ()); putBinInfix(new ASTNE()); putBinInfix(new ASTLA()); putBinInfix(new ASTLO()); putBinInfix(new ASTMMult()); putBinInfix(new ASTIntDiv()); putBinInfix(new ASTColSeq()); // Unary prefix ops putPrefix(new ASTIsNA()); putPrefix(new ASTNrow()); putPrefix(new ASTNcol()); putPrefix(new ASTLength()); putPrefix(new ASTAbs ()); putPrefix(new ASTSgn ()); putPrefix(new ASTSqrt()); putPrefix(new ASTCeil()); putPrefix(new ASTFlr ()); putPrefix(new ASTTrun()); putPrefix(new ASTRound()); putPrefix(new ASTSignif()); putPrefix(new ASTLog ()); putPrefix(new ASTExp ()); putPrefix(new ASTScale()); putPrefix(new ASTFactor()); putPrefix(new ASTNumeric()); putPrefix(new ASTIsFactor()); putPrefix(new ASTAnyFactor()); // For Runit testing putPrefix(new ASTCanBeCoercedToLogical()); putPrefix(new ASTAnyNA()); putPrefix(new ASTIsTRUE()); putPrefix(new ASTMTrans()); // Trigonometric functions putPrefix(new ASTCos()); putPrefix(new ASTSin()); putPrefix(new ASTTan()); putPrefix(new ASTACos()); putPrefix(new ASTASin()); putPrefix(new ASTATan()); putPrefix(new ASTCosh()); putPrefix(new ASTSinh()); putPrefix(new ASTTanh()); // Time extractions, to and from msec since the Unix Epoch putPrefix(new ASTYear ()); putPrefix(new ASTMonth ()); putPrefix(new ASTDay ()); putPrefix(new ASTHour ()); putPrefix(new ASTMinute()); putPrefix(new ASTSecond()); putPrefix(new ASTMillis()); putPrefix(new ASTasDate()); // Time series operations putPrefix(new ASTDiff ()); // More generic reducers putPrefix(new ASTMin ()); putPrefix(new ASTMax ()); putPrefix(new ASTSum ()); putPrefix(new ASTSdev()); putPrefix(new ASTVar()); putPrefix(new ASTMean()); putPrefix(new ASTMedian()); putPrefix(new ASTMostCommon()); putPrefix(new ASTMinNaRm()); putPrefix(new ASTMaxNaRm()); putPrefix(new ASTSumNaRm()); putPrefix(new ASTXorSum ()); // Misc putPrefix(new ASTSeq ()); putPrefix(new ASTSeqLen()); putPrefix(new ASTRepLen()); putPrefix(new ASTQtile ()); putPrefix(new ASTCat ()); putPrefix(new ASTCbind ()); putPrefix(new ASTRbind ()); putPrefix(new ASTTable ()); putPrefix(new ASTReduce()); putPrefix(new ASTIfElse()); putPrefix(new ASTRApply()); putPrefix(new ASTSApply()); putPrefix(new ASTddply ()); putPrefix(new ASTUnique()); putPrefix(new ASTRunif ()); putPrefix(new ASTCut ()); putPrefix(new ASTfindInterval()); putPrefix(new ASTPrint ()); putPrefix(new ASTLs ()); putPrefix(new ASTStrSplit()); putPrefix(new ASTToLower()); putPrefix(new ASTToUpper()); putPrefix(new ASTGSub()); putPrefix(new ASTSetLevel()); putPrefix(new ASTStrSub()); putPrefix(new ASTRevalue()); putPrefix(new ASTWhich()); putPrefix(new ASTTrim()); putPrefix(new ASTSample()); } static private boolean isReserved(String fn) { return UNI_INFIX_OPS.containsKey(fn) || BIN_INFIX_OPS.containsKey(fn) || PREFIX_OPS.containsKey(fn); } static private void putUniInfix(ASTOp ast) { UNI_INFIX_OPS.put(ast.opStr(),ast); } static private void putBinInfix(ASTOp ast) { BIN_INFIX_OPS.put(ast.opStr(),ast); } static private void putPrefix (ASTOp ast) { PREFIX_OPS.put(ast.opStr(),ast); } static void putUDF (ASTOp ast, String fn) { if (isReserved(fn)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Trying to overload a reserved method: "+fn+". Must not overload a reserved method with a user-defined function."); if (UDF_OPS.containsKey(fn)) removeUDF(fn); UDF_OPS.put(fn,ast); } static void removeUDF (String fn) { UDF_OPS.remove(fn); } static public ASTOp isOp(String id) { // This order matters. If used as a prefix OP, `+` and `-` are binary only. ASTOp op4 = UDF_OPS.get(id); if( op4 != null ) return op4; return isBuiltinOp(id); } static public ASTOp isBuiltinOp(String id) { ASTOp op3 = PREFIX_OPS.get(id); if( op3 != null ) return op3; ASTOp op2 = BIN_INFIX_OPS.get(id); if( op2 != null ) return op2; ASTOp op1 = UNI_INFIX_OPS.get(id); return op1; } static public boolean isInfixOp(String id) { return BIN_INFIX_OPS.containsKey(id) || UNI_INFIX_OPS.containsKey(id); } static public boolean isUDF(String id) { return UDF_OPS.containsKey(id); } static public boolean isUDF(ASTOp op) { return isUDF(op.opStr()); } static public Set<String> opStrs() { Set<String> all = UNI_INFIX_OPS.keySet(); all.addAll(BIN_INFIX_OPS.keySet()); all.addAll(PREFIX_OPS.keySet()); all.addAll(UDF_OPS.keySet()); return all; } final int _form; // formula notation, 0 - infix, 1 - prefix final int _precedence; // operator precedence number final int _association; // 0 - left associated, 1 - right associated // All fields are final, because functions are immutable final String _vars[]; // Variable names ASTOp( String vars[], Type ts[], int form, int prec, int asso) { super(Type.fcn(ts)); _form = form; _precedence = prec; _association = asso; _vars = vars; assert ts.length==vars.length : "No vars?" + this; } ASTOp( String vars[], Type t, int form, int prec, int asso) { super(t); _form = form; _precedence = prec; _association = asso; _vars = vars; assert t._ts.length==vars.length : "No vars?" + this; } abstract String opStr(); abstract ASTOp make(); public boolean leftAssociate( ) { return _association == OPA_LEFT; } @Override public String toString() { String s = _t._ts[0]+" "+opStr()+"("; int len=_t._ts.length; for( int i=1; i<len-1; i++ ) s += _t._ts[i]+" "+(_vars==null?"":_vars[i])+", "; return s + (len > 1 ? _t._ts[len-1]+" "+(_vars==null?"":_vars[len-1]) : "")+")"; } public String toString(boolean verbose) { if( !verbose ) return toString(); // Just the fun name& arg names return toString(); } static ASTOp parse(Exec2 E) { int x = E._x; String id = E.isID(); if( id == null ) return null; ASTOp op = isOp(id); // The order matters. If used as a prefix OP, `+` and `-` are binary only. // Also, if assigning to a built-in function then do not parse-as-a-fcn. // Instead it will default to parsing as an ID in ASTAssign.parse if( op != null ) { int x1 = E._x; if (!E.peek('=') && !(E.peek('<') && E.peek('-'))) { E._x = x1; return op.make(); } } E._x = x; return ASTFunc.parseFcn(E); } // Parse a unary infix OP or return null. static ASTOp parseUniInfixOp(Exec2 E) { int x = E._x; String id = E.isID(); if( id == null ) return null; ASTOp op = UNI_INFIX_OPS.get(id); if( op != null) return op.make(); E._x = x; // Roll back, no parse happened return null; } // Parse a binary infix OP or return null. static ASTOp parseBinInfixOp(Exec2 E) { int x = E._x; String id = E.isID(); if( id == null ) return null; ASTOp op = BIN_INFIX_OPS.get(id); if( op != null) return op.make(); E._x = x; // Roll back, no parse happened return null; } @Override void exec(Env env) { env.push(this); } // Standard column-wise function application abstract void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply); // Special row-wise 'apply' double[] map(Env env, double[] in, double[] out) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } } abstract class ASTUniOp extends ASTOp { static Type[] newsig() { Type t1 = Type.dblary(); return new Type[]{t1,t1}; } ASTUniOp( int form, int precedence, int association ) { super(VARS1,newsig(),form,precedence,association); } double op( double d ) { throw; } protected ASTUniOp( String[] vars, Type[] types, int form, int precedence, int association ) { super(vars,types,form,precedence,association); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Expect we can broadcast across all functions as needed. if( !env.isAry() ) { env.poppush(op(env.popDbl())); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); final ASTUniOp uni = this; // Final 'this' so can use in closure Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n =nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) n.addNum(uni.op(c.at0(r))); } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr._names, null); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } } abstract class ASTUniPrefixOp extends ASTUniOp { ASTUniPrefixOp( ) { super(OPF_PREFIX,OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } ASTUniPrefixOp( String[] vars, Type[] types ) { super(vars,types,OPF_PREFIX,OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } } class ASTCos extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "cos"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCos ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.cos(d);}} class ASTSin extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "sin"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSin ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.sin(d);}} class ASTTan extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "tan"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTTan ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.tan(d);}} class ASTACos extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "acos"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTACos();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.acos(d);}} class ASTASin extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "asin"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTASin();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.asin(d);}} class ASTATan extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "atan"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTATan();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.atan(d);}} class ASTCosh extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "cosh"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCosh ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.cosh(d);}} class ASTSinh extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "sinh"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSinh ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.sinh(d);}} class ASTTanh extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "tanh"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTTanh ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.tanh(d);}} class ASTAbs extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "abs"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTAbs ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.abs(d);}} class ASTSgn extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "sgn" ; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSgn ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.signum(d);}} class ASTSqrt extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "sqrt"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSqrt();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.sqrt(d);}} class ASTCeil extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "ceil"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCeil();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.ceil(d);}} class ASTFlr extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "floor"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTFlr ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.floor(d);}} class ASTTrun extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "trunc"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTTrun();} @Override double op(double d) { return d>=0?Math.floor(d):Math.ceil(d);}} class ASTLog extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "log"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLog ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.log(d);}} class ASTExp extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "exp"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTExp ();} @Override double op(double d) { return Math.exp(d);}} //class ASTIsNA extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return ""; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTIsNA();} @Override double op(double d) { return Double.isNaN(d)?1:0;}} class ASTIsNA extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "";} @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTIsNA();} @Override double op(double d) { return Double.isNaN(d)?1:0;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Expect we can broadcast across all functions as needed. if( !env.isAry() ) { env.poppush(op(env.popDbl())); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); final ASTUniOp uni = this; // Final 'this' so can use in closure Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n = nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) n.addNum( ( c.isNA0(r) || isNA0(c, r)) ? 1 : 0); } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr._names, null); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } private boolean isNA0(Chunk c, int row0) { if (c._vec.isEnum()) { if (c._vec.domain()[(int) c.at0(row0)].equals("NA")) return true; } return false; } } class ASTWhich extends ASTOp { ASTWhich() { super(new String[]{"which", "x"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT);} @Override String opStr() { return "which"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTWhich(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(env.isAry()) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("`which` accepts at exactly 1 column!"); String skey = env.key(); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { for (int r = 0; r < chk._len; ++r) if (chk.at0(r) == 1) nchk.addNum(chk._start + r + 1); } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(new String[]{"which"},null); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } } } class ASTRound extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "round"; } ASTRound() { super(new String[]{"round", "x", "digits"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.dblary(), Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final int digits = (int)env.popDbl(); if(env.isAry()) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); for(int i = 0; i < fr.vecs().length; i++) { if(fr.vecs()[i].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-numeric column " + String.valueOf(i+1) + " in data frame"); } String skey = env.key(); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[]) { for(int i = 0; i < nchks.length; i++) { NewChunk n = nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for(int r = 0; r < rlen; r++) n.addNum(roundDigits(c.at0(r),digits)); } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } else env.poppush(roundDigits(env.popDbl(),digits)); } static double roundDigits(double x, int digits) { if(Double.isNaN(x)) return x; BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(x); bd = bd.setScale(digits, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN); return bd.doubleValue(); } } class ASTSignif extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "signif"; } ASTSignif() { super(new String[]{"signif", "x", "digits"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.dblary(), Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final int digits = (int)env.popDbl(); if(digits < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in signif: argument digits must be a non-negative integer"); if(env.isAry()) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); for(int i = 0; i < fr.vecs().length; i++) { if(fr.vecs()[i].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Non-numeric column " + String.valueOf(i+1) + " in data frame"); } String skey = env.key(); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[]) { for(int i = 0; i < nchks.length; i++) { NewChunk n = nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for(int r = 0; r < rlen; r++) n.addNum(signifDigits(c.at0(r),digits)); } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } else env.poppush(signifDigits(env.popDbl(),digits)); } static double signifDigits(double x, int digits) { if(Double.isNaN(x)) return x; BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(x); bd = bd.round(new MathContext(digits, RoundingMode.HALF_EVEN)); return bd.doubleValue(); } } class ASTNrow extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTNrow() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "nrow"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = fr.numRows(); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTNcol extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTNcol() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "ncol"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = fr.numCols(); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTLength extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTLength() { super(VARS1, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "length"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = fr.numCols() == 1 ? fr.numRows() : fr.numCols(); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTIsFactor extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTIsFactor() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "is.factor"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry()) { env.poppush(0); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = 1; Vec[] v = fr.vecs(); for(int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { if(!v[i].isEnum()) { d = 0; break; } } env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } // Added to facilitate Runit testing class ASTAnyFactor extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTAnyFactor() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "any.factor"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry()) { env.poppush(0); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = 0; Vec[] v = fr.vecs(); for(int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { if(v[i].isEnum()) { d = 1; break; } } env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTCanBeCoercedToLogical extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTCanBeCoercedToLogical() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "canBeCoercedToLogical"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry()) { env.poppush(0); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = 0; Vec[] v = fr.vecs(); for (Vec aV : v) { if (aV.isInt()) { if ((aV.min() == 0 && aV.max() == 1) || (aV.min() == 0 && aV.min() == aV.max()) || (aV.min() == 1 && aV.min() == aV.max())) { d = 1; break; } } } env.subRef(fr,skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTAnyNA extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTAnyNA() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return ""; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry()) { env.poppush(0); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); double d = 0; Vec[] v = fr.vecs(); for(int i = 0; i < v.length; i++) { if(v[i].naCnt() > 0) { d = 1; break; } } env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(d); } } class ASTIsTRUE extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTIsTRUE() {super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.unbound()});} @Override String opStr() { return "isTRUE"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTIsTRUE();} // to make sure fcn get bound at each new context @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double res = env.isDbl() && env.popDbl()==1.0 ? 1:0; env.pop(); env.poppush(res); } } class ASTScale extends ASTUniPrefixOp { ASTScale() { super(VARS1,new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.ARY}); } @Override String opStr() { return "scale"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry()) { env.poppush(Double.NaN); return; } Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); Frame fr2 = new Scale().doIt(fr.numCols(), fr).outputFrame(fr._names,; env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } private static class Scale extends MRTask2<Scale> { protected int _nums = 0; protected int[] _ind; // Saves indices of numeric cols first, followed by enums protected double[] _normSub; protected double[] _normMul; @Override public void map(Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[]) { // Normalize numeric cols only for(int k = 0; k < _nums; k++) { int i = _ind[k]; NewChunk n = nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for(int r = 0; r < rlen; r++) n.addNum((c.at0(r)-_normSub[i])*_normMul[i]); } for(int k = _nums; k < chks.length; k++) { int i = _ind[k]; NewChunk n = nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for(int r = 0; r < rlen; r++) n.addNum(c.at0(r)); } } public Scale doIt(int outputs, Frame fr) { return dfork2(outputs, fr).getResult(); } public Scale dfork2(int outputs, Frame fr) { final Vec [] vecs = fr.vecs(); for(int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) { if(!vecs[i].isEnum()) _nums++; } if(_normSub == null) _normSub = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_nums); if(_normMul == null) { _normMul = MemoryManager.malloc8d(_nums); Arrays.fill(_normMul,1); } if(_ind == null) _ind = MemoryManager.malloc4(vecs.length); int ncnt = 0; int ccnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++){ if(!vecs[i].isEnum()) { _normSub[ncnt] = vecs[i].mean(); _normMul[ncnt] = 1.0/vecs[i].sigma(); _ind[ncnt++] = i; } else _ind[_nums+(ccnt++)] = i; } assert ncnt == _nums && (ncnt + ccnt == vecs.length); return dfork(outputs, fr, false); } } } // ---- abstract class ASTTimeOp extends ASTOp { static Type[] newsig() { Type t1 = Type.dblary(); return new Type[]{t1,t1}; } ASTTimeOp() { super(VARS1,newsig(),OPF_PREFIX,OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } abstract long op( MutableDateTime dt ); @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Single instance of MDT for the single call if( !env.isAry() ) { // Single point double d = env.popDbl(); if( !Double.isNaN(d) ) d = op(new MutableDateTime((long)d)); env.poppush(d); return; } // Whole column call Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); final ASTTimeOp uni = this; // Final 'this' so can use in closure Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { MutableDateTime dt = new MutableDateTime(0); for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n =nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) { double d = c.at0(r); if( !Double.isNaN(d) ) { dt.setMillis((long)d); d = uni.op(dt); } n.addNum(d); } } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr._names, null); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); // Pop self env.push(fr2); } } class ASTYear extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "year" ; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTYear ();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getYear();}} class ASTMonth extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "month"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMonth ();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getMonthOfYear()-1;}} class ASTDay extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "day" ; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTDay ();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getDayOfMonth();}} class ASTHour extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){ return "hour" ; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTHour ();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getHourOfDay();}} class ASTMinute extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){return "minute";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMinute();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getMinuteOfHour();}} class ASTSecond extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){return "second";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSecond();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getSecondOfMinute();}} class ASTMillis extends ASTTimeOp { @Override String opStr(){return "millis";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMillis();} @Override long op(MutableDateTime dt) { return dt.getMillisOfSecond();}} class ASTasDate extends ASTOp { ASTasDate() { super(new String[]{"as.Date", "x", "format"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.STR}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "as.Date"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTasDate();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final String format = env.popStr(); if (format.isEmpty()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("as.Date requires a non-empty format string"); // check the format string more? Frame fr = env.ary(-1); if( fr.vecs().length != 1 || !fr.vecs()[0].isEnum() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("as.Date requires a single column of factors"); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { //done on each node in lieu of rewriting DateTimeFormatter as Iced DateTimeFormatter dtf = ParseTime.forStrptimePattern(format).withZone(ParseTime.getTimezone()); for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n =nchks[i]; Chunk c = chks[i]; int rlen = c._len; for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) { if (!c.isNA0(r)) { String date = c._vec.domain((long)c.at0(r)); n.addNum(DateTime.parse(date, dtf).getMillis(), 0); } else n.addNA(); } } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(),fr).outputFrame(fr._names, null); env.poppush(2, fr2, null); } } class ASTStrSplit extends ASTOp { ASTStrSplit() { super(new String[]{"strsplit", "x", "split"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.STR}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "strsplit"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTStrSplit(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { String split = env.popStr(); Frame fr = env.ary(-1); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("strsplit requires a single column."); split = split.isEmpty() ? "" : split; final String[] old_domains = fr.anyVec().domain(); final String[][] new_domains = newDomains(old_domains, split); final String[] col_names = new String[new_domains.length]; for (int i = 1; i <= col_names.length; ++i) col_names[i-1] = "C"+i; final String regex = split; Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] cs, NewChunk[] ncs) { Chunk c = cs[0]; for (int i = 0; i < c._len; ++i) { int idx = (int)c.at0(i); String s = old_domains[idx]; String[] ss = s.split(regex); int cnt = 0; for (int j = 0; j < ss.length; ++j) { int n_idx = Arrays.asList(new_domains[cnt]).indexOf(ss[j]); if (n_idx == -1) ncs[cnt++].addNA(); else ncs[cnt++].addNum(n_idx); } if (cnt < ncs.length) for (; cnt < ncs.length; ++cnt) ncs[cnt].addNA(); } } }.doAll(col_names.length, fr).outputFrame(col_names, new_domains); env.poppush(2, fr2, null); } private String[][] newDomains(String[] domains, String regex) { ArrayList<HashSet<String>> strs = new ArrayList<HashSet<String>>(); for (String domain : domains) { String[] news = domain.split(regex); for (int i = 0; i < news.length; ++i) { if (strs.size() == i) { HashSet<String> x = new HashSet<String>(); x.add(news[i]); strs.add(x); } else { HashSet<String> x = strs.get(i); x.add(news[i]); strs.set(i, x); } } } String[][] doms = new String[strs.size()][]; for (int i = 0; i < strs.size(); ++i) { HashSet<String> x = strs.get(i); doms[i] = new String[x.size()]; for (int j = 0; j < x.size(); ++j) doms[i][j] = (String)x.toArray()[j]; } return doms; } } class ASTToLower extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr() { return "tolower"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTToLower(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if( !env.isAry() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tolower only operates on a single vector!"); } Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("tolower only takes a single column of data. Got "+ fr.numCols()+" columns."); String skey = env.key(); String[] new_dom = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < new_dom.length; ++i) new_dom[i] = new_dom[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); Frame fr2 = new Frame(fr._names, fr.vecs()); fr2.anyVec()._domain = new_dom; env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } class ASTToUpper extends ASTUniPrefixOp { @Override String opStr() { return "toupper"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTToUpper(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if( !env.isAry() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("toupper only operates on a single vector!"); } Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("toupper only takes a single column of data. Got "+ fr.numCols()+" columns."); String skey = env.key(); String[] new_dom = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < new_dom.length; ++i) new_dom[i] = new_dom[i].toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH); Frame fr2 = new Frame(fr._names, fr.vecs()); fr2.anyVec()._domain = new_dom; env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } class ASTRevalue extends ASTOp { ASTRevalue(){ super(new String[]{"revalue", "x", "replace", "warn_missing"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.STR, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "revalue"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTRevalue(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final boolean warn_missing = env.popDbl() == 1; final String replace = env.popStr(); String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("revalue works on a single column at a time."); String[] old_dom = fr.anyVec()._domain; if (old_dom == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column is not a factor column. Can only revalue a factor column."); HashMap<String, String> dom_map = hashMap(replace); for (int i = 0; i < old_dom.length; ++i) { if (dom_map.containsKey(old_dom[i])) { old_dom[i] = dom_map.get(old_dom[i]); dom_map.remove(old_dom[i]); } } if (dom_map.size() > 0 && warn_missing) { for (String k : dom_map.keySet()) { env._warnings = Arrays.copyOf(env._warnings, env._warnings.length + 1); env._warnings[env._warnings.length - 1] = "Warning: old value " + k + " not a factor level."; } } } private HashMap<String, String> hashMap(String replace) { HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); //replace is a ';' separated string. Each piece after splitting is a key:value pair. String[] maps = replace.split(";"); for (String s : maps) { String[] pair = s.split(":"); String key = pair[0]; String value = pair[1]; map.put(key, value); } return map; } } class ASTGSub extends ASTOp { ASTGSub() { super(new String[]{"gsub", "pattern", "replacement", "x", ""}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.STR, Type.STR, Type.ARY, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "gsub"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTGSub(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final boolean ignore_case = env.popDbl() == 1; String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("gsub works on a single column at a time."); final String replacement = env.popStr(); final String pattern = env.popStr(); String[] doms = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < doms.length; ++i) doms[i] = ignore_case ? doms[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceAll(pattern, replacement) : doms[i].replaceAll(pattern, replacement); Frame fr2 = new Frame(fr.names(), fr.vecs()); fr2.anyVec()._domain = doms; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(1, fr2, null); } } class ASTSetLevel extends ASTOp { ASTSetLevel() { super(new String[]{"setLevel", "x", "level"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.STR}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "setLevel"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTSetLevel(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final String level = env.popStr(); String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("setLevel works on a single column at a time."); String[] doms = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); if( doms == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot set the level on a non-factor column!"); final int idx = Arrays.asList(doms).indexOf(level); if (idx == -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Did not find level `" + level + "` in the column."); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk c, NewChunk nc) { for (int i=0;i<c._len;++i) nc.addNum(idx); } }.doAll(1, fr.anyVec()).outputFrame(null, fr.names(),; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(1, fr2, null); } } class ASTTrim extends ASTOp { ASTTrim() { super(new String[]{"trim","x"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "trim"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTTrim(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("trim works on a single column at a time."); String[] doms = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < doms.length; ++i) doms[i] = doms[i].trim(); Frame fr2 = new Frame(fr.names(), fr.vecs()); fr2.anyVec()._domain = doms; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(1, fr2, null); } } //FIXME: Create new chunks that overlay the frame to avoid ragged chunk issue class ASTSample extends ASTOp { ASTSample() { super(new String[]{"sample", "ary", "nobs", "seed"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.DBL, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "sample"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTSample(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final double seed = env.popDbl(); final double nobs = env.popDbl(); String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); long[] espc = fr.anyVec()._espc; long[] chk_sizes = new long[espc.length]; final long[] css = new long[espc.length]; for (int i = 0; i < espc.length-1; ++i) chk_sizes[i] = espc[i+1] - espc[i]; chk_sizes[chk_sizes.length-1] = fr.numRows() - espc[espc.length-1]; long per_chunk_sample = (long) Math.floor(nobs / (double)espc.length); long defecit = (long) (nobs - per_chunk_sample*espc.length) ; // idxs is an array list of chunk indexes for adding to the sample size. Chunks with no defecit can not be "sampled" as candidates. ArrayList<Integer> idxs = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < css.length; ++i) { // get the max allowed rows to sample from the chunk css[i] = Math.min(per_chunk_sample, chk_sizes[i]); // if per_chunk_sample > css[i] => spread around the defecit to meet number of rows requirement. long def = per_chunk_sample - css[i]; // no more "room" in chunk `i` if (def >= 0) { defecit += def; // else `i` has "room" } if (chk_sizes[i] > per_chunk_sample) idxs.add(i); } if (defecit > 0) { Random rng = new Random(seed != -1 ? (long)seed : System.currentTimeMillis()); while (defecit > 0) { if (idxs.size() <= 0) break; // select chunks at random and add to the number of rows they should sample, // up to the number of rows in the chunk. int rand = rng.nextInt(idxs.size()); if (css[idxs.get(rand)] == chk_sizes[idxs.get(rand)]) { idxs.remove(rand); continue; } css[idxs.get(rand)]++; defecit--; } } Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk[] chks, NewChunk[] nchks) { int N = chks[0]._len; int m = 0; long n = css[chks[0].cidx()]; int row = 0; Random rng = new Random(seed != -1 ? (long)seed : System.currentTimeMillis()); while( m < n) { double u = rng.nextDouble(); if ( (N - row)* u >= (n - m)) { row++; } else { for (int i = 0; i < chks.length; ++i) nchks[i].addNum(chks[i].at0(row)); row++; m++; } } } }.doAll(fr.numCols(), fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(1, fr2, null); } } class ASTStrSub extends ASTOp { ASTStrSub() { super(new String[]{"sub", "pattern", "replacement", "x", ""}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.STR, Type.STR, Type.ARY, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "sub"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTStrSub(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final boolean ignore_case = env.popDbl() == 1; String skey = env.key(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); if (fr.numCols() != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sub works on a single column at a time."); final String replacement = env.popStr(); final String pattern = env.popStr(); String[] doms = fr.anyVec().domain().clone(); for (int i = 0; i < doms.length; ++i) doms[i] = ignore_case ? doms[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH).replaceFirst(pattern, replacement) : doms[i].replaceFirst(pattern, replacement); Frame fr2 = new Frame(fr.names(), fr.vecs()); fr2.anyVec()._domain = doms; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.poppush(1, fr2, null); } } // Finite backward difference for user-specified lag // class ASTDiff extends ASTOp { ASTDiff() { super(new String[]{"diff", "x", "lag", "differences"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.DBL, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "diff"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTDiff();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final int diffs = (int)env.popDbl(); if(diffs < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("differences must be an integer >= 1"); final int lag = (int)env.popDbl(); if(lag < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("lag must be an integer >= 1"); Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); if(fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("diff takes a single numeric column vector"); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { int rstart = (int)(diffs*lag - chk._start); if(rstart > chk._len) return; rstart = Math.max(0, rstart); // Formula: \Delta_h^n x_t = \sum_{i=0}^n (-1)^i*\binom{n}{k}*x_{t-i*h} for(int r = rstart; r < chk._len; r++) { double x = chk.at0(r); long row = chk._start + r; for(int i = 1; i <= diffs; i++) { double x_lag = chk.at_slow(row - i*lag); double coef = ArithmeticUtils.binomialCoefficient(diffs, i); x += (i % 2 == 0) ? coef*x_lag : -coef*x_lag; } nchk.addNum(x); } } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(fr.names(),; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } // ---- // Class of things that will auto-expand across arrays in a 2-to-1 way: // applying 2 things (from an array or scalar to array or scalar) producing an // array or scalar result. abstract class ASTBinOp extends ASTOp { static Type[] newsig() { Type t1 = Type.dblary(), t2 = Type.dblary(); return new Type[]{Type.anyary(new Type[]{t1,t2}),t1,t2}; } ASTBinOp( int form, int precedence, int association ) { super(VARS2, newsig(), form, precedence, association); // binary ops are infix ops } abstract double op( double d0, double d1 ); @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // Expect we can broadcast across all functions as needed. Frame fr0 = null, fr1 = null; double d0=0, d1=0; if( env.isAry() ) fr1 = env.popAry(); else d1 = env.popDbl(); String k0 = env.key(); if( env.isAry() ) fr0 = env.popAry(); else d0 = env.popDbl(); String k1 = env.key(); if( fr0==null && fr1==null ) { env.poppush(op(d0,d1)); return; } final boolean lf = fr0 != null; final boolean rf = fr1 != null; final double df0 = d0, df1 = d1; Frame fr = null; // Do-All frame int ncols = 0; // Result column count if( fr0 !=null ) { // Left? ncols = fr0.numCols(); if( fr1 != null ) { if( fr0.numCols() != fr1.numCols() || fr0.numRows() != fr1.numRows() ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays must be same size: LHS FRAME NUM ROWS/COLS: "+fr0.numRows()+"/"+fr0.numCols() +" vs RHS FRAME NUM ROWS/COLS: "+fr1.numRows()+"/"+fr1.numCols()); fr = new Frame(fr0).add(fr1,true); } else { fr = fr0; } } else { ncols = fr1.numCols(); fr = fr1; } final ASTBinOp bin = this; // Final 'this' so can use in closure // Run an arbitrary binary op on one or two frames & scalars Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n =nchks[i]; int rlen = chks[0]._len; Chunk c0 = chks[i]; if( (!c0._vec.isEnum() && !(lf && rf && chks[i+nchks.length]._vec.isEnum())) || bin instanceof ASTEQ || bin instanceof ASTNE ) { for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) { double lv; double rv; if (lf) { if(vecs(i).isUUID() || (chks[i].isNA0(r) && !bin.opStr().equals("|"))) { n.addNum(Double.NaN); continue; } lv = chks[i].at0(r); } else { if (Double.isNaN(df0) && !bin.opStr().equals("|")) { n.addNum(Double.NaN); continue; } lv = df0; } if (rf) { if(vecs(i+(lf ? nchks.length:0)).isUUID() || chks[i].isNA0(r) && !bin.opStr().equals("|")) { n.addNum(Double.NaN); continue; } rv = chks[i+(lf ? nchks.length:0)].at0(r); } else { if (Double.isNaN(df1) && !bin.opStr().equals("|")) { n.addNum(Double.NaN); continue; } rv = df1; } n.addNum(bin.op(lv, rv)); } } else { for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) n.addNA(); } } } }.doAll(ncols,fr).outputFrame((lf ? fr0 : fr1)._names,null); if( fr0 != null ) env.subRef(fr0,k0); if( fr1 != null ) env.subRef(fr1,k1); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } class ASTUniPlus extends ASTUniOp { ASTUniPlus() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_UPLUS, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "+" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTUniPlus(); } @Override double op(double d) { return d;}} class ASTUniMinus extends ASTUniOp { ASTUniMinus() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_UMINUS, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "-" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTUniMinus();} @Override double op(double d) { return -d;}} class ASTNot extends ASTUniOp { ASTNot() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_NOT, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "!" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTNot(); } @Override double op(double d) { return d==0?1:0; }} class ASTPlus extends ASTBinOp { ASTPlus() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_PLUS, OPA_LEFT ); } @Override String opStr(){ return "+" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTPlus();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0+d1;}} class ASTSub extends ASTBinOp { ASTSub() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_MINUS, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "-" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSub ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0-d1;}} class ASTMul extends ASTBinOp { ASTMul() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_MUL, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "*" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMul ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0*d1;}} class ASTDiv extends ASTBinOp { ASTDiv() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_DIV, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "/" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTDiv ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0/d1;}} class ASTPow extends ASTBinOp { ASTPow() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_POWER, OPA_RIGHT);} @Override String opStr(){ return "^" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTPow ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.pow(d0,d1);}} class ASTPow2 extends ASTBinOp { ASTPow2() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_POWER, OPA_RIGHT);} @Override String opStr(){ return "**" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTPow2();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.pow(d0,d1);}} class ASTMod extends ASTBinOp { ASTMod() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_MOD, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "%" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMod ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0%d1;}} class ASTMod2 extends ASTBinOp { ASTMod2() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_MOD, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "%%" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMod2 ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0%d1;}} class ASTLT extends ASTBinOp { ASTLT() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_LT, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "<" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLT ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0<d1 && !Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?1:0;}} class ASTLE extends ASTBinOp { ASTLE() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_LE, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "<=" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLE ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0<d1 || Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?1:0;}} class ASTGT extends ASTBinOp { ASTGT() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_GT, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return ">" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTGT ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0>d1 && !Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?1:0;}} class ASTGE extends ASTBinOp { ASTGE() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_GE, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return ">=" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTGE ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0>d1 || Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?1:0;}} class ASTEQ extends ASTBinOp { ASTEQ() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_EQ, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "==" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTEQ ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?1:0;}} class ASTNE extends ASTBinOp { ASTNE() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_NE, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "!=" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTNE ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Utils.equalsWithinOneSmallUlp(d0,d1)?0:1;}} class ASTLA extends ASTBinOp { ASTLA() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_AND, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "&" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLA ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return (d0!=0 && d1!=0) ? (Double.isNaN(d0) || Double.isNaN(d1)?Double.NaN:1) :0;}} class ASTLO extends ASTBinOp { ASTLO() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_OR, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "|" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLO ();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { if (d0 == 0 && Double.isNaN(d1)) { return Double.NaN; } if (d1 == 0 && Double.isNaN(d0)) { return Double.NaN; } if (Double.isNaN(d0) && Double.isNaN(d1)) { return Double.NaN; } if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0) { return 0; } return 1; }} class ASTIntDiv extends ASTBinOp { ASTIntDiv() { super(OPF_INFIX, OPP_INTDIV, OPA_LEFT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "%/%";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTIntDiv();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.floor(d0/d1); }} // Variable length; instances will be created of required length abstract class ASTReducerOp extends ASTOp { final double _init; boolean _narm; // na.rm in R ASTReducerOp( double init, boolean narm ) { super(new String[]{"","dbls"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.varargs(Type.dblary())}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); _init = init; _narm = narm; } @Override double[] map(Env env, double[] in, double[] out) { double s = _init; for (double v : in) if (!_narm || !Double.isNaN(v)) s = op(s,v); if (out == null || out.length < 1) out = new double[1]; out[0] = s; return out; } abstract double op( double d0, double d1 ); @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double sum=_init; for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) if( env.isDbl() ) sum = op(sum,env.popDbl()); else { Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); sum = op(sum,_narm?new NaRmRedOp(this).doAll(fr)._d:new RedOp(this).doAll(fr)._d); env.subRef(fr,skey); } env.poppush(sum); } private static class RedOp extends MRTask2<RedOp> { final ASTReducerOp _bin; RedOp( ASTReducerOp bin ) { _bin = bin; _d = bin._init; } double _d; @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<chks.length; i++ ) { Chunk C = chks[i]; for( int r=0; r<C._len; r++ ) _d = _bin.op(_d,C.at0(r)); if( Double.isNaN(_d) ) break; } } @Override public void reduce( RedOp s ) { _d = _bin.op(_d,s._d); } } private static class NaRmRedOp extends MRTask2<NaRmRedOp> { final ASTReducerOp _bin; NaRmRedOp( ASTReducerOp bin ) { _bin = bin; _d = bin._init; } double _d; @Override public void map( Chunk chks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<chks.length; i++ ) { Chunk C = chks[i]; for( int r=0; r<C._len; r++ ) if (!Double.isNaN(C.at0(r))) _d = _bin.op(_d,C.at0(r)); if( Double.isNaN(_d) ) break; } } @Override public void reduce( NaRmRedOp s ) { _d = _bin.op(_d,s._d); } } } class ASTSum extends ASTReducerOp { ASTSum( ) {super(0,false);} @Override String opStr(){ return "sum" ;} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSum(); } @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0+d1;}} class ASTSumNaRm extends ASTReducerOp { ASTSumNaRm( ) {super(0,true) ;} @Override String opStr(){ return "";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTSumNaRm();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return d0+d1;}} class ASTReduce extends ASTOp { static final String VARS[] = new String[]{ "", "op2", "ary"}; static final Type TYPES[]= new Type []{ Type.ARY, Type.fcn(new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.DBL,Type.DBL}), Type.ARY }; ASTReduce( ) { super(VARS,TYPES,OPF_PREFIX,OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr(){ return "Reduce";} @Override ASTOp make() {return this;} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { throw H2O.unimpl(); } } // TODO: Check refcnt mismatch issue: tmp = cbind(h.hex,3.5) results in different refcnts per col class ASTCbind extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "cbind"; } ASTCbind( ) { super(new String[]{"cbind","ary"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.varargs(Type.dblary())}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCbind(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Vec vmax = null; for(int i = 0; i < argcnt-1; i++) { if(env.isAry(-argcnt+1+i)) { Frame tmp = env.ary(-argcnt+1+i); if(vmax == null) vmax = tmp.vecs()[0]; else if(tmp.numRows() != vmax.length()) // R pads shorter cols to match max rows by cycling/repeating, but we won't support that throw new IllegalArgumentException("Row mismatch! Expected " + String.valueOf(vmax.length()) + " but frame has " + String.valueOf(tmp.numRows())); } } Frame fr = new Frame(new String[0],new Vec[0]); for(int i = 0; i < argcnt-1; i++) { if( env.isAry(-argcnt+1+i) ) { String name; Frame fr2 = env.ary(-argcnt+1+i); Frame fr3 = fr.makeCompatible(fr2); if( fr3 != fr2 ) { // If copied into a new Frame, need to adjust refs env.addRef(fr3); env.subRef(fr2,null); } // Take name from an embedded assign: "cbind(colNameX = some_frame, ...)" if( fr2.numCols()==1 && apply != null && (name = apply._args[i+1].argName()) != null ) { if (name.equals(fr3._key.toString())) fr.add(fr3,true); else fr.add(name, fr3.anyVec()); } else fr.add(fr3,true); } else { double d = env.dbl(-argcnt+1+i); Vec v = vmax == null ? Vec.make1Elem(d) : vmax.makeCon(d); fr.add("C" + String.valueOf(i+1), v); env.addRef(v); } } env._ary[env._sp-argcnt] = fr; env._fcn[env._sp-argcnt] = null; env._sp -= argcnt-1; Arrays.fill(env._ary,env._sp,env._sp+(argcnt-1),null); assert env.check_refcnt(fr.anyVec()); } } class ASTRbind extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "rbind"; } ASTRbind( ) { super(new String[]{"rbind","ary"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.varargs(Type.dblary())}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTRbind(); } private static String get_type(Vec v) { if (v.isUUID()) return "UUID"; if (v.isEnum()) return "factor"; if (v.isTime()) return "time"; if (v.isFloat() || v.isInt()) return "numeric"; return "bad"; } private static class RbindMRTask extends MRTask2<RbindMRTask> { private final int[] _emap; private final int _chunkOffset; private final Vec _v; RbindMRTask(H2O.H2OCountedCompleter hc, int[] emap, Vec v, int offset) { super(hc); _emap = emap; _v = v; _chunkOffset = offset;} @Override public void map(Chunk cs) { int idx = _chunkOffset+cs.cidx(); Key ckey = Vec.chunkKey(_v._key, idx); if (_emap != null) { NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(_v, idx); // loop over rows and update ints for new domain mapping according to vecs[c].domain() for (int r=0;r < cs._len;++r) { if (cs.isNA0(r)) nc.addNA(); else nc.addNum(_emap[(int)cs.at80(r)], 0); } nc.close(_fs); } else { Chunk oc = cs.clone(); oc._start = -1; oc._vec = null; oc._mem = cs.getBytes().clone(); // needless replication of the data, can do ref counting on byte[] _mem DKV.put(ckey, oc, _fs, true); } } } private static class RbindTask extends H2O.H2OCountedCompleter<RbindTask> { final transient Vec[] _vecs; final Vec _v; final long[] _espc; String[] _dom; RbindTask(H2O.H2OCountedCompleter cc, Vec[] vecs, Vec v, long[] espc) { super(cc); _vecs = vecs; _v = v; _espc = espc; } private static Map<Integer, String> invert(Map<String, Integer> map) { Map<Integer, String> inv = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : map.entrySet()) { inv.put(e.getValue(), e.getKey()); } return inv; } @Override public void compute2() { addToPendingCount(_vecs.length-1); boolean isEnum = _vecs[0].domain() != null; int[][] emaps = new int[_vecs.length][]; if (isEnum) { // loop to create BIG domain HashMap<String, Integer> dmap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // probably should allocate something that's big enough (i.e. 2*biggest_domain) int c = 0; for (int i = 0; i < _vecs.length; ++i) { emaps[i] = new int[_vecs[i].domain().length]; for (int j = 0; j < emaps[i].length; ++j) if (!dmap.containsKey(_vecs[i].domain()[j])) dmap.put(_vecs[i].domain()[j], emaps[i][j]=c++); else emaps[i][j] = dmap.get(_vecs[i].domain()[j]); } _dom = new String[dmap.size()]; HashMap<Integer, String> inv = (HashMap<Integer, String>) invert(dmap); for (int s = 0; s < _dom.length; ++s) _dom[s] = inv.get(s); } int offset=0; for (int i=0; i<_vecs.length; ++i) { new RbindMRTask(this, emaps[i], _v, offset).asyncExec(_vecs[i]); offset += _vecs[i].nChunks(); } } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter cc) { _v._domain = _dom; UKV.put(_v._key,_v); } } private static class ParallelRbinds extends H2O.H2OCountedCompleter{ private final Frame[] _f; private final int _argcnt; private final AtomicInteger _ctr; private int _maxP = 100; private long[] _espc; private Vec[] _vecs; ParallelRbinds(Frame[] f, int argcnt) { _f = f; _argcnt = argcnt; _ctr = new AtomicInteger(_maxP-1); } //TODO pass maxP to constructor @Override public void compute2() { addToPendingCount(_f[0].numCols()-1); int nchks=0; for (int i =0; i < _argcnt; ++i) nchks+=_f[i].anyVec().nChunks(); _espc = new long[nchks+1]; int coffset = _f[0].anyVec().nChunks(); long[] first_espc = _f[0].anyVec()._espc; System.arraycopy(first_espc, 0, _espc, 0, first_espc.length); for (int i=1; i < _argcnt; ++i) { long roffset = _espc[coffset]; long[] espc = _f[i].anyVec()._espc; int j = 1; for (; j < espc.length; j++) _espc[coffset + j] = roffset+ espc[j]; coffset += _f[i].anyVec().nChunks(); } Key[] keys = _f[0].anyVec().group().addVecs(_f[0].numCols()); _vecs = new Vec[keys.length]; String type; for (int i=0; i<_vecs.length; ++i) { _vecs[i] = new Vec(keys[i], _espc, null, (type = get_type(_f[0].vec(i))).equals("UUID"), type.equals("time") ? (byte) 3 : (byte) -1); } for (int i=0; i < Math.min(_maxP, _vecs.length); ++i) forkVecTask(i); } private void forkVecTask(final int i) { Vec[] vecs = new Vec[_argcnt]; for (int j= 0; j < _argcnt; ++j) { Vec vm, v = _f[j].vec(i); vecs[j] = ((vm=v.masterVec())==null) ? v : vm; } new RbindTask(new Callback(), vecs, _vecs[i], _espc).fork(); } private class Callback extends H2O.H2OCallback { public Callback(){super(ParallelRbinds.this);} @Override public void callback(H2O.H2OCountedCompleter h2OCountedCompleter) { int i = _ctr.incrementAndGet(); if(i < _vecs.length) forkVecTask(i); } } } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // quick check to make sure rbind is feasible if (argcnt-1 == 1) { return; } // leave stack as is Frame[] fs = new Frame[argcnt-1]; Frame f1 = env.peekAry(); int j = fs.length-1; boolean[] wrapped = new boolean[f1.numCols()]; for (int c = 0; c<f1.numCols(); ++c) wrapped[c] = f1.vec(c).masterVec() != null; fs[j--] = f1; // do error checking and compute new offsets in tandem for (int i = 1; i < argcnt-1; ++i) { Frame t = env.ary(-(i+1)); fs[j--]=t; // check columns match if (t.numCols() != f1.numCols()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column mismatch! Expected " + f1.numCols() + " but frame has " + t.numCols()); // check column types for (int c = 0; c < f1.numCols(); ++c) { wrapped[c] |= t.vec(c).masterVec() != null; if (!get_type(f1.vec(c)).equals(get_type(t.vec(c)))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Column type mismatch! Expected type " + get_type(f1.vec(c)) + " but vec has type " + get_type(t.vec(c))); } } ParallelRbinds t; H2O.submitTask(t = new ParallelRbinds(fs, argcnt-1)).join(); for (int i = 0; i < wrapped.length; ++i) if (wrapped[i]) t._vecs[i] = t._vecs[i].toEnum(); Key m = Key.make(); env.poppush(argcnt, new Frame(m, f1.names(), t._vecs), m.toString()); } } class ASTMinNaRm extends ASTReducerOp { ASTMinNaRm( ) { super( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, true ); } @Override String opStr(){ return "";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMinNaRm();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.min(d0, d1); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; int nacnt = 0; for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) if( env.isDbl() ) { double a = env.popDbl(); if (Double.isNaN(a)) nacnt++; else min = Math.min(min, a); } else { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); for (Vec v : fr.vecs()) min = Math.min(min, v.min()); env.pop(); } if (nacnt > 0 && min == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) min = Double.NaN; env.poppush(min); } } class ASTMaxNaRm extends ASTReducerOp { ASTMaxNaRm( ) { super( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, true ); } @Override String opStr(){ return "";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMaxNaRm();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.max(d0,d1); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; int nacnt = 0; for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) if( env.isDbl() ) { double a = env.popDbl(); if (Double.isNaN(a)) nacnt++; else max = Math.max(max, a); } else { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); for (Vec v : fr.vecs()) max = Math.max(max, v.max()); env.pop(); } if (nacnt > 0 && max == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) max = Double.NaN; env.poppush(max); } } class ASTMin extends ASTReducerOp { ASTMin( ) { super( Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, false); } @Override String opStr(){ return "min";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMin();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.min(d0, d1); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) if( env.isDbl() ) min = Math.min(min, env.popDbl()); else { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); for (Vec v : fr.vecs()) if (v.naCnt() > 0) { min = Double.NaN; break; } else min = Math.min(min, v.min()); env.pop(); } env.poppush(min); } } class ASTMax extends ASTReducerOp { ASTMax( ) { super( Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, false ); } @Override String opStr(){ return "max";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTMax();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { return Math.max(d0,d1); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) if( env.isDbl() ) max = Math.max(max, env.popDbl()); else { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); for (Vec v : fr.vecs()) if (v.naCnt() > 0) { max = Double.NaN; break; } else max = Math.max(max, v.max()); env.pop(); } env.poppush(max); } } // R like binary operator && class ASTAND extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "&&"; } ASTAND( ) { super(new String[]{"", "x", "y"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.dblary(),Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_AND, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTAND(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double op1 = env.isAry(-2) ? env.ary(-2).vecs()[0].at(0) : env.dbl(-2); double op2 = op1==0 ? 0 : Double.isNaN(op1) ? Double.NaN : env.isAry(-1) ? env.ary(-1).vecs()[0].at(0) : env.dbl(-1); env.pop(3); if (!Double.isNaN(op2)) op2 = op2==0?0:1; env.push(op2); } } // R like binary operator || class ASTOR extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "||"; } ASTOR( ) { super(new String[]{"", "x", "y"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.dblary(),Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_OR, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTOR(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double op1 = env.isAry(-2) ? env.ary(-2).vecs()[0].at(0) : env.dbl(-2); double op2 = !Double.isNaN(op1) && op1!=0 ? 1 : env.isAry(-1) ? env.ary(-1).vecs()[0].at(0) : env.dbl(-1); if (!Double.isNaN(op2) && op2 != 0) op2 = 1; else if (op2 == 0 && Double.isNaN(op1)) op2 = Double.NaN; env.push(op2); } } // Brute force implementation of matrix multiply class ASTMMult extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "%*%"; } ASTMMult( ) { super(new String[]{"", "x", "y"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.ARY,Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_MUL, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTMMult(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { env.poppush(3, DMatrix.mmul(env.ary(-2),env.ary(-1)),null); } } // Brute force implementation of matrix transpose class ASTMTrans extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "t"; } ASTMTrans( ) { super(new String[]{"", "x"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTMTrans(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(!env.isAry(-1)) { Key k = new Vec.VectorGroup().addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec avec = new AppendableVec(k); NewChunk chunk = new NewChunk(avec, 0); chunk.addNum(env.dbl(-1)); chunk.close(0, fs); Vec vec = avec.close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); vec._domain = null; Frame fr = new Frame(new String[] {"C1"}, new Vec[] {vec}); env.poppush(2,new Matrix(fr).trans(),null); } else env.poppush(2,DMatrix.transpose(env.ary(-1)),null); } } // Similar to R's seq_len class ASTSeqLen extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "seq_len"; } ASTSeqLen( ) { super(new String[]{"seq_len", "n"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { long len = (long)env.popDbl(); if (len <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in seq_len(" +len+"): argument must be coercible to positive integer"); env.poppush(1,new Frame(new String[]{"c"}, new Vec[]{Vec.makeSeq(len)}),null); } } class ASTColSeq extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return ":"; } ASTColSeq() { super(new String[]{":", "from", "to"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.DBL, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double by = 1.0; double to = env.popDbl(); double from = env.popDbl(); double delta = to - from; if(delta == 0 && to == 0) env.poppush(to); else { double n = delta/by; if(n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong sign in 'by' argument"); else if(n > Double.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'by' argument is much too small"); double dd = Math.abs(delta)/Math.max(Math.abs(from), Math.abs(to)); if(dd < 100*Double.MIN_VALUE) env.poppush(from); else { Key k = new Vec.VectorGroup().addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec(k); NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(av, 0); int len = (int)n + 1; for (int r = 0; r < len; r++) nc.addNum(from + r*by); // May need to adjust values = by > 0 ? min(values, to) : max(values, to) nc.close(0, fs); Vec vec = av.close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); vec._domain = null; env.poppush(1, new Frame(new String[] {"C1"}, new Vec[] {vec}), null); } } } } // Same logic as R's generic seq method class ASTSeq extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "seq"; } ASTSeq() { super(new String[]{"seq", "from", "to", "by"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.DBL, Type.DBL, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double by = env.popDbl(); double to = env.popDbl(); double from = env.popDbl(); double delta = to - from; if(delta == 0 && to == 0) env.poppush(to); else { double n = delta/by; if(n < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("wrong sign in 'by' argument"); else if(n > Double.MAX_VALUE) throw new IllegalArgumentException("'by' argument is much too small"); double dd = Math.abs(delta)/Math.max(Math.abs(from), Math.abs(to)); if(dd < 100*Double.MIN_VALUE) env.poppush(from); else { Key k = new Vec.VectorGroup().addVec(); Futures fs = new Futures(); AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec(k); NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(av, 0); int len = (int)n + 1; for (int r = 0; r < len; r++) nc.addNum(from + r*by); // May need to adjust values = by > 0 ? min(values, to) : max(values, to) nc.close(0, fs); Vec vec = av.close(fs); fs.blockForPending(); vec._domain = null; env.poppush(1, new Frame(new String[] {"C1"}, new Vec[] {vec}), null); } } } } class ASTRepLen extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "rep_len"; } ASTRepLen() { super(new String[]{"rep_len", "x", "length.out"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(), Type.DBL, Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() { return this; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(env.isAry(-2)) H2O.unimpl(); else { long len = (long)env.popDbl(); if(len <= 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in rep_len: argument length.out must be coercible to a positive integer"); double x = env.popDbl(); env.poppush(1,new Frame(new String[]{"C1"}, new Vec[]{Vec.makeConSeq(x, len)}),null); } } } // Compute exact quantiles given a set of cutoffs, using multipass binning algo. class ASTQtile extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "quantile"; } ASTQtile( ) { super(new String[]{"quantile","x","probs"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTQtile make() { return new ASTQtile(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame x = env.ary(-2); Vec xv = x .theVec("Argument #1 in Quantile contains more than 1 column."); Vec pv = env.ary(-1).theVec("Argument #2 in Quantile contains more than 1 column."); double p[] = new double[(int)pv.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < pv.length(); i++) { if ((p[i] < 0 || p[i] > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantile: probs must be in the range of [0, 1]."); } if ( xv.isEnum() ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Quantile: column type cannot be Enum."); } // create output vec Vec res = pv.makeCon(Double.NaN); final int MAX_ITERATIONS = 16; final int MAX_QBINS = 1000; // less uses less memory, can take more passes final boolean MULTIPASS = true; // approx in 1 pass if false // Type 7 matches R default final int INTERPOLATION = 7; // linear if quantile not exact on row. 2 uses mean. // a little obtuse because reusing first pass object, if p has multiple thresholds // since it's always the same (always had same valStart/End seed = vec min/max // some MULTIPASS conditionals needed if we were going to make this work for approx or exact final Quantiles[] qbins1 = new Quantiles.BinTask2(MAX_QBINS, xv.min(), xv.max()).doAll(xv)._qbins; for( int i=0; i<p.length; i++ ) { double quantile = p[i]; // need to pass a different threshold now for each finishUp! qbins1[0].finishUp(xv, new double[]{quantile}, INTERPOLATION, MULTIPASS); if( qbins1[0]._done ) { res.set(i,qbins1[0]._pctile[0]); } else { // the 2-N map/reduces are here (with new start/ends. MULTIPASS is implied Quantiles[] qbinsM = new Quantiles.BinTask2(MAX_QBINS, qbins1[0]._newValStart, qbins1[0]._newValEnd).doAll(xv)._qbins; for( int iteration = 2; iteration <= MAX_ITERATIONS; iteration++ ) { qbinsM[0].finishUp(xv, new double[]{quantile}, INTERPOLATION, MULTIPASS); if( qbinsM[0]._done ) { res.set(i,qbinsM[0]._pctile[0]); break; } // the 2-N map/reduces are here (with new start/ends. MULTIPASS is implied qbinsM = new Quantiles.BinTask2(MAX_QBINS, qbinsM[0]._newValStart, qbinsM[0]._newValEnd).doAll(xv)._qbins; } } } res.chunkForChunkIdx(0).close(0,null); res.postWrite(); env.poppush(argcnt, new Frame(new String[]{"Quantile"}, new Vec[]{res}), null); } } // Variable length; flatten all the component arys class ASTCat extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "c"; } ASTCat( ) { super(new String[]{"cat","dbls"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.varargs(Type.dblary())}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCat();} @Override double[] map(Env env, double[] in, double[] out) { if (out == null || out.length < in.length) out = new double[in.length]; for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) out[i] = in[i]; return out; } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Key key = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(1)[0]; AppendableVec av = new AppendableVec(key); NewChunk nc = new NewChunk(av,0); for( int i=0; i<argcnt-1; i++ ) { if (env.isAry(i-argcnt+1)) for (Vec vec : env.ary(i-argcnt+1).vecs()) { if (vec.nChunks() > 1) H2O.unimpl(); for (int r = 0; r < vec.length(); r++) nc.addNum(; } else nc.addNum(env.dbl(i-argcnt+1)); } nc.close(0,null); Vec v = av.close(null); env.pop(argcnt); env.push(new Frame(new String[]{"C1"}, new Vec[]{v})); } } class ASTRunif extends ASTOp { @Override String opStr() { return "runif"; } ASTRunif() { super(new String[]{"runif","dbls","seed"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY,Type.ARY,Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTRunif();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { double temp = env.popDbl(); final long seed = (temp == -1) ? System.currentTimeMillis() : (long)temp; Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); long [] espc = fr.anyVec()._espc; long rem = fr.numRows(); if(rem > espc[espc.length-1]) throw H2O.unimpl(); for(int i = 0; i < espc.length; ++i){ if(rem <= espc[i]){ espc = Arrays.copyOf(espc, i+1); break; } } espc[espc.length-1] = rem; Vec randVec = new Vec(fr.anyVec().group().addVecs(1)[0],espc); Futures fs = new Futures(); DKV.put(randVec._key,randVec, fs); for(int i = 0; i < espc.length-1; ++i) DKV.put(randVec.chunkKey(i),new C0DChunk(0,(int)(espc[i+1]-espc[i])),fs); fs.blockForPending(); new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk c){ Random rng = new Random(seed*c.cidx()); for(int i = 0; i < c._len; ++i) c.set0(i, (float)rng.nextDouble()); } }.doAll(randVec); env.subRef(fr,skey); env.pop(); env.push(new Frame(new String[]{"rnd"},new Vec[]{randVec})); } } class ASTSdev extends ASTOp { ASTSdev() { super(new String[]{"sd", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "sd"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTSdev(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); if (fr.vecs().length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sd does not apply to multiple cols."); if (fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sd only applies to numeric vector."); double sig = fr.vecs()[0].sigma(); env.pop(); env.poppush(sig); } } class ASTVar extends ASTOp { ASTVar() { super(new String[]{"var", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.dblary(),Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "var"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTVar(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(env.isDbl()) { env.pop(2); env.push(Double.NaN); } else { Frame fr = env.ary(-1); String[] colnames = fr.names(); // Save standard deviations for later use double[] sdev = new double[fr.numCols()]; for(int i = 0; i < fr.numCols(); i++) sdev[i] = fr.vecs()[i].sigma(); // TODO: Might be more efficient to modify DataInfo to allow for separate standardization of mean and std dev DataInfo dinfo = new DataInfo(fr, 0, true, false, DataInfo.TransformType.STANDARDIZE); GramTask tsk = new GramTask(null, dinfo, false, false).doAll(dinfo._adaptedFrame); double[][] var = tsk._gram.getXX(); long nobs = tsk._nobs; assert sdev.length == var.length; assert sdev.length == var[0].length; // Just push the scalar if input is a single col if(var.length == 1 && var[0].length == 1) { env.pop(2); double x = var[0][0]*sdev[0]*sdev[0]; // Undo normalization of each col's standard deviation x = x*nobs/(nobs-1); // Divide by n-1 rather than n so unbiased env.push(x); } else { // Build output vecs for var-cov matrix Key keys[] = Vec.VectorGroup.VG_LEN1.addVecs(var.length); Vec[] vecs = new Vec[var.length]; for(int i = 0; i < var.length; i++) { AppendableVec v = new AppendableVec(keys[i]); NewChunk c = new NewChunk(v,0); v._domain = null; for (int j = 0; j < var[0].length; j++) { double x = var[i][j]*sdev[i]*sdev[j]; // Undo normalization of each col's standard deviation x = x*nobs/(nobs-1); // Divide by n-1 rather than n so unbiased c.addNum(x); } c.close(0, null); vecs[i] = v.close(null); } env.pop(2); env.push(new Frame(colnames, vecs)); } } } } class ASTMean extends ASTOp { ASTMean() { super(new String[]{"mean", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "mean"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTMean(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); if (fr.vecs().length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mean does not apply to multiple cols."); if (fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mean only applies to numeric vector."); double ave = fr.vecs()[0].mean(); env.pop(); env.poppush(ave); } @Override double[] map(Env env, double[] in, double[] out) { if (out == null || out.length < 1) out = new double[1]; double s = 0; int cnt=0; for (double v : in) if( !Double.isNaN(v) ) { s+=v; cnt++; } out[0] = s/cnt; return out; } } class ASTMedian extends ASTOp { ASTMedian() { super(new String[]{"median", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "median"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTMedian(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); if (fr.vecs().length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("median does not apply to multiple cols."); if (fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("median only applies to numeric vector."); QuantilesPage qp = new QuantilesPage(); qp.source_key = fr; qp.column = fr.anyVec(); qp.invoke(); double median = qp.result; env.pop(); env.poppush(median); } } class ASTMostCommon extends ASTOp { ASTMostCommon() { super(new String[]{"mode", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL,Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "mode"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTMostCommon(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame fr = env.peekAry(); if (fr.vecs().length > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode does not apply to multiple cols."); if (!fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("mode only applies to factor columns."); Vec column = fr.anyVec(); String dom[] = column.domain(); long[][] levels = new long[1][]; levels[0] = new Vec.CollectDomain(column).doAll(new Frame(column)).domain(); long[][] counts = new ASTTable.Tabularize(levels).doAll(column)._counts; long maxCounts = -1; int mode = -1; for (int i = 0; i < counts[0].length; ++i) { if (counts[0][i] > maxCounts && !dom[i].equals("NA")) { maxCounts = counts[0][i]; mode = i; } } double mc = mode != -1 ? (double)mode : (double)Arrays.asList(dom).indexOf("NA"); if (mc == -1) mc = Double.NaN; env.pop(); env.poppush(mc); } } class ASTXorSum extends ASTReducerOp { ASTXorSum() {super(0,false); } @Override String opStr(){ return "xorsum";} @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTXorSum();} @Override double op(double d0, double d1) { long d0Bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d0); long d1Bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(d1); long xorsumBits = d0Bits ^ d1Bits; // just need to not get inf or nan. If we zero the upper 4 bits, we won't final long ZERO_SOME_SIGN_EXP = 0x0fffffffffffffffL; xorsumBits = xorsumBits & ZERO_SOME_SIGN_EXP; double xorsum = Double.longBitsToDouble(xorsumBits); return xorsum; } @Override double[] map(Env env, double[] in, double[] out) { if (out == null || out.length < 1) out = new double[1]; long xorsumBits = 0; long vBits; // for dp ieee 754 , sign and exp are the high 12 bits // We don't want infinity or nan, because h2o will return a string. double xorsum = 0; for (double v : in) { vBits = Double.doubleToLongBits(v); xorsumBits = xorsumBits ^ vBits; } // just need to not get inf or nan. If we zero the upper 4 bits, we won't final long ZERO_SOME_SIGN_EXP = 0x0fffffffffffffffL; xorsumBits = xorsumBits & ZERO_SOME_SIGN_EXP; xorsum = Double.longBitsToDouble(xorsumBits); out[0] = xorsum; return out; } } // Selective return. If the selector is a double, just eval both args and // return the selected one. If the selector is an array, then it must be // compatible with argument arrays (if any), and the selection is done // element-by-element. class ASTIfElse extends ASTOp { static final String VARS[] = new String[]{"ifelse","tst","true","false"}; static Type[] newsig() { Type t1 = Type.unbound(), t2 = Type.unbound(), t3=Type.unbound(); return new Type[]{Type.anyary(new Type[]{t1,t2,t3}),t1,t2,t3}; } ASTIfElse( ) { super(VARS, newsig(),OPF_INFIX,OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTIfElse();} @Override String opStr() { return "ifelse"; } // Parse an infix trinary ?: operator static AST parse(Exec2 E, AST tst, boolean EOS) { if( !E.peek('?',true) ) return null; int x=E._x; AST tru=E.xpeek(':',E._x,parseCXExpr(E,false)); if( tru == null ) E.throwErr("Missing expression in trinary",x); x = E._x; AST fal=parseCXExpr(E,EOS); if( fal == null ) E.throwErr("Missing expression in trinary",x); return ASTApply.make(new AST[]{new ASTIfElse(),tst,tru,fal},E,x); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { // All or none are functions assert ( env.isFcn(-1) && env.isFcn(-2) && _t.ret().isFcn()) || (!env.isFcn(-1) && !env.isFcn(-2) && !_t.ret().isFcn()); // If the result is an array, then one of the other of the two must be an // array. , and this is a broadcast op. assert !_t.isAry() || env.isAry(-1) || env.isAry(-2); // Single selection? Then just pick slots if( !env.isAry(-3) ) { if( env.dbl(-3)==0 ) env.pop_into_stk(-4); else { env.pop(); env.pop_into_stk(-3); } return; } Frame frtst=null, frtru= null, frfal= null; double dtst= 0 , dtru= 0 , dfal= 0 ; String kf, kt, kq; boolean bothStr=false; // are both yes and no a string? ok that's easy to deal with... String stru=null, sfal=null; if( env.isAry() ) frfal= env.popAry(); else if( env.isDbl() && !env.isStr() ) { dfal = env.popDbl(); } else if( env.isStr() ) { sfal=env.popStr(); dfal=0.0; } kf = env.key(); if( env.isAry() ) frtru= env.popAry(); else if( env.isDbl() && !env.isStr() ) { dtru = env.popDbl(); } else if( env.isStr() ) { stru=env.popStr(); dtru=1.0; } kt = env.key(); if( env.isAry() ) frtst= env.popAry(); else dtst = env.popDbl(); kq = env.key(); bothStr= stru!=null&&sfal!=null; // bothStr==true => make domain [stru, sfal] // Multi-selection // Build a doAll frame Frame fr = new Frame(frtst); // Do-All frame final int ncols = frtst.numCols(); // Result column count final long nrows = frtst.numRows(); // Result row count String names[]=null; if( frtru !=null ) { // True is a Frame? if( frtru.numCols() != ncols || frtru.numRows() != nrows ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays must be same size: "+frtst+" vs "+frtru); fr.add(frtru,true); names = frtru._names; } if( frfal !=null ) { // False is a Frame? if( frfal.numCols() != ncols || frfal.numRows() != nrows ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Arrays must be same size: "+frtst+" vs "+frfal); fr.add(frfal,true); names = frfal._names; } if( names==null && frtst!=null ) names = frtst._names; final boolean t = frtru != null; final boolean f = frfal != null; final double fdtru = dtru; final double fdfal = dfal; String[][]; if( bothStr ) domains[0] = new String[]{sfal,stru}; // Run a selection picking true/false across the frame Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map( Chunk chks[], NewChunk nchks[] ) { for( int i=0; i<nchks.length; i++ ) { NewChunk n =nchks[i]; int off=i; Chunk ctst= chks[off]; Chunk ctru= t ? chks[off+=ncols] : null; Chunk cfal= f ? chks[off+=ncols] : null; int rlen = ctst._len; for( int r=0; r<rlen; r++ ) if( ctst.isNA0(r) ) n.addNA(); else n.addNum(ctst.at0(r)!=0 ? (t ? ctru.at0(r) : fdtru) : (f ? cfal.at0(r) : fdfal)); } } }.doAll(ncols,fr).outputFrame(names,domains); env.subRef(frtst,kq); if( frtru != null ) env.subRef(frtru,kt); if( frfal != null ) env.subRef(frfal,kf); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } class ASTCut extends ASTOp { ASTCut() { super(new String[]{"cut", "ary", "dbls"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.dblary()}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "cut"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTCut();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { if(env.isDbl()) { final int nbins = (int) Math.floor(env.popDbl()); if(nbins < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Number of intervals must be at least 2"); Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); if(fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument must be a numeric column vector"); final double fmax = fr.vecs()[0].max(); final double fmin = fr.vecs()[0].min(); final double width = (fmax - fmin)/nbins; if(width == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Data vector is constant!"); // Note: I think R perturbs constant vecs slightly so it can still bin values // Construct domain names from bins intervals String[][] domains = new String[1][nbins]; domains[0][0] = "(" + String.valueOf(fmin - 0.001*(fmax-fmin)) + "," + String.valueOf(fmin + width) + "]"; for(int i = 1; i < nbins; i++) domains[0][i] = "(" + String.valueOf(fmin + i*width) + "," + String.valueOf(fmin + (i+1)*width) + "]"; Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { for(int r = 0; r < chk._len; r++) { double x = chk.at0(r); double n = x == fmax ? nbins-1 : Math.floor((x - fmin)/width); nchk.addNum(n); } } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(fr._names, domains); env.subRef(fr, skey); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } else if(env.isAry()) { Frame ary = env.popAry(); String skey1 = env.key(); if(ary.vecs().length != 1 || ary.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Second argument must be a numeric column vector"); Vec brks = ary.vecs()[0]; // TODO: Check that num rows below some cutoff, else this will likely crash // Remove duplicates and sort vector of breaks in ascending order SortedSet<Double> temp = new TreeSet<Double>(); for(int i = 0; i < brks.length(); i++) temp.add(; int cnt = 0; final double[] cutoffs = new double[temp.size()]; for(Double x : temp) { cutoffs[cnt] = x; cnt++; } if(cutoffs.length < 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vector of breaks must have at least 2 unique values"); Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey2 = env.key(); if(fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument must be a numeric column vector"); // Construct domain names from bin intervals final int nbins = cutoffs.length-1; String[][] domains = new String[1][nbins]; for(int i = 0; i < nbins; i++) domains[0][i] = "(" + cutoffs[i] + "," + cutoffs[i+1] + "]"; Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { for(int r = 0; r < chk._len; r++) { double x = chk.at0(r); if(Double.isNaN(x) || x <= cutoffs[0] || x > cutoffs[cutoffs.length-1]) nchk.addNum(Double.NaN); else { for(int i = 1; i < cutoffs.length; i++) { if(x <= cutoffs[i]) { nchk.addNum(i-1); break; } } } } } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(fr._names, domains); env.subRef(ary, skey1); env.subRef(fr, skey2); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } else throw H2O.unimpl(); } } class ASTfindInterval extends ASTOp { ASTfindInterval() { super(new String[]{"findInterval", "ary", "vec", "rightmost.closed"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY, Type.dblary(), Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "findInterval"; } @Override ASTOp make() { return new ASTfindInterval(); } @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { final boolean rclosed = env.popDbl() == 0 ? false : true; if(env.isDbl()) { final double cutoff = env.popDbl(); Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey = env.key(); if(fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument must be a numeric column vector"); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { for(int r = 0; r < chk._len; r++) { double x = chk.at0(r); if(Double.isNaN(x)) nchk.addNum(Double.NaN); else { if(rclosed) nchk.addNum(x > cutoff ? 1 : 0); // For rightmost.closed = TRUE else nchk.addNum(x >= cutoff ? 1 : 0); } } } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(fr._names,; env.subRef(fr, skey); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } else if(env.isAry()) { Frame ary = env.popAry(); String skey1 = env.key(); if(ary.vecs().length != 1 || ary.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Second argument must be a numeric column vector"); Vec brks = ary.vecs()[0]; // TODO: Check that num rows below some cutoff, else this will likely crash // Check if vector of cutoffs is sorted in weakly ascending order final int len = (int)brks.length(); final double[] cutoffs = new double[len]; for(int i = 0; i < len-1; i++) { if( > throw new IllegalArgumentException("Second argument must be sorted in non-decreasing order"); cutoffs[i] =; } cutoffs[len-1] =; Frame fr = env.popAry(); String skey2 = env.key(); if(fr.vecs().length != 1 || fr.vecs()[0].isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("First argument must be a numeric column vector"); Frame fr2 = new MRTask2() { @Override public void map(Chunk chk, NewChunk nchk) { for(int r = 0; r < chk._len; r++) { double x = chk.at0(r); if(Double.isNaN(x)) nchk.addNum(Double.NaN); else { double n = Arrays.binarySearch(cutoffs, x); if(n < 0) nchk.addNum(-n-1); else if(rclosed && n == len-1) nchk.addNum(n); // For rightmost.closed = TRUE else nchk.addNum(n+1); } } } }.doAll(1,fr).outputFrame(fr._names,; env.subRef(ary, skey1); env.subRef(fr, skey2); env.pop(); env.push(fr2); } } } class ASTFactor extends ASTOp { ASTFactor() { super(new String[]{"factor", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "factor"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTFactor();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame ary = env.peekAry(); // Ary on top of stack, keeps +1 refcnt String skey = env.peekKey(); if( ary.numCols() != 1 ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("factor requires a single column"); Vec v0 = ary.vecs()[0]; Vec v1 = v0.isEnum() ? null : v0.toEnum(); if (v1 != null) { ary = new Frame(ary._names,new Vec[]{v1}); skey = null; } env.poppush(2, ary, skey); } } class ASTNumeric extends ASTOp { ASTNumeric() { super(new String[]{"as.numeric", "ary"}, new Type[]{Type.ARY, Type.ARY}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "as.numeric"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTNumeric();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { Frame ary = env.peekAry(); // Ary on top of stack, keeps +1 refcnt String skey = env.peekKey(); Vec[] nvecs = new Vec[ary.numCols()]; for (int c = 0; c < ary.numCols(); ++c) { Vec v = ary.vecs()[c]; Vec nv = v.isEnum() ? v.masterVec() : null; (nvecs[c] = nv == null ? v : nv)._domain = null; } ary = new Frame(ary._names, nvecs); env.poppush(2, ary, skey); } } class ASTPrint extends ASTOp { static Type[] newsig() { Type t1 = Type.unbound(); return new Type[]{t1, t1, Type.varargs(Type.unbound())}; } ASTPrint() { super(new String[]{"print", "x", "y..."}, newsig(), OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX,OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "print"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTPrint();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { for( int i=1; i<argcnt; i++ ) { if( env.isAry(i-argcnt) ) { env._sb.append(env.ary(i-argcnt).toStringAll()); } else { env._sb.append(env.toString(env._sp+i-argcnt,true)); } } env.pop(argcnt-2); // Pop most args env.pop_into_stk(-2); // Pop off fcn, returning 1st arg } } /** * R 'ls' command. * * This method is purely for the console right now. Print stuff into the string buffer. * JSON response is not configured at all. */ class ASTLs extends ASTOp { ASTLs() { super(new String[]{"ls"}, new Type[]{Type.DBL}, OPF_PREFIX, OPP_PREFIX, OPA_RIGHT); } @Override String opStr() { return "ls"; } @Override ASTOp make() {return new ASTLs();} @Override void apply(Env env, int argcnt, ASTApply apply) { for( Key key : H2O.KeySnapshot.globalSnapshot().keys()) if( key.user_allowed() && H2O.get(key) != null ) env._sb.append(key.toString()); // Pop the self-function and push a zero. env.pop(); env.push(0.0); } }