package water.api; import water.Func; import water.MRTask2; import water.UKV; import water.fvec.Chunk; import water.fvec.Frame; import water.fvec.Vec; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils; /* Compute the Gains and Lift Table for binary classifier */ public class GainsLiftTable extends Func { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. public static final String DOC_GET = "Gains/Lift Table"; @API(help = "", required = true, filter = Default.class, json=true) public Frame actual; @API(help="Column of the actual results", required=true, filter=actualVecSelect.class, json=true) public Vec vactual; class actualVecSelect extends VecClassSelect { actualVecSelect() { super("actual"); } } @API(help = "", required = true, filter = Default.class, json=true) public Frame predict; @API(help="Column of the predicted results", required=true, filter=predictVecSelect.class, json=true) public Vec vpredict; class predictVecSelect extends VecClassSelect { predictVecSelect() { super("predict"); } } @API(help = "The number of rows in the gains table", required = false, filter = Default.class, json = true) public int groups = 10; // helper - contains the probability thresholds for each of the groups double[] thresholds; // Results (Output) @API(help="Response rates", json=true) public float[] response_rates; @API(help="Average response rate", json=true) public float avg_response_rate; @API(help="Positive Responses Per Group", json=true) public long[] positive_responses; @Override protected void init() throws IllegalArgumentException { // Input handling if( vactual==null || vpredict==null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing vactual or vpredict!"); if (vactual.length() != vpredict.length()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Both arguments must have the same length ("+vactual.length()+"!="+vpredict.length()+")!"); if (!vactual.isInt()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Actual column must be integer class labels!"); if (vactual.cardinality() != -1 && vactual.cardinality() != 2) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Actual column must contain binary class labels, but found cardinality " + vactual.cardinality() + "!"); if (vpredict.isEnum()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("vpredict cannot be class labels, expect probabilities."); } public GainsLiftTable() {} public GainsLiftTable(float[] response_rates, float avg_response_rate) { this.response_rates = response_rates; this.avg_response_rate = avg_response_rate; } @Override protected void execImpl() { Vec va = null, vp; try { va = vactual.toEnum(); // always returns TransfVec vp = vpredict; // The vectors are from different groups => align them, but properly delete it after computation if (! { vp = va.align(vp); } // compute thresholds for each quantile { thresholds = new double[groups]; for (int i=0; i<groups; ++i) { QuantilesPage q = new QuantilesPage(); q.source_key = predict; q.column = vpredict; q.quantile = (groups-i-1.) / groups; q.invoke(); thresholds[i] = q.result; } if (Utils.minValue(thresholds) < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Minimum propability cannot be negative."); if (Utils.maxValue(thresholds) > 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Maximum probability cannot be greater than 1."); // Now compute the GainsTask GainsTask gt = new GainsTask(thresholds, va.length()); gt.doAll(va, vp); response_rates = gt.response_rates(); avg_response_rate = gt.avg_response_rate(); positive_responses = gt.responses(); } } catch (Throwable t) { // do nothing } finally { // Delete adaptation vectors if (va!=null) UKV.remove(va._key); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); toASCII(sb);; } @Override public boolean toHTML( StringBuilder sb ) { if (response_rates == null) return false; DocGen.HTML.arrayHead(sb); sb.append("<a href=\"\">" + "Gains/Lift Table Reference</a></h4>"); // Sum up predicted & actuals sb.append("<tr class='warning' style='min-width:60px'>"); sb.append("<th>Quantile</th><th>Response rate</th><th>Lift</th><th>Cumulative lift</th>"); sb.append("</tr>"); float cumulativelift = 0; for( int i=0; i<groups; i++ ) { sb.append("<tr>"); sb.append("<td>").append(Utils.formatPct((i + 1.) / groups)).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(Utils.formatPct(response_rates[i])).append("</td>"); final float lift = response_rates[i]/ avg_response_rate; cumulativelift += lift/groups; sb.append("<td>").append(lift).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(Utils.formatPct(cumulativelift)).append("</td>"); } sb.append("<tr style='min-width:60px'><th>Total</th>"); sb.append("<td>").append(Utils.formatPct(avg_response_rate)).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td>").append(1.0).append("</td>"); sb.append("<td></td>"); DocGen.HTML.arrayTail(sb); return true; } public void toASCII( StringBuilder sb ) { if (response_rates == null) return; // Sum up predicted & actuals sb.append("Quantile Response rate Lift Cumulative lift\n"); float cumulativelift = 0; for( int i=0; i<groups; i++ ) { sb.append(Utils.formatPct((i + 1.) / groups)); sb.append(" ").append(Utils.formatPct(response_rates[i])).append(" "); final float lift = response_rates[i]/ avg_response_rate; cumulativelift += lift/groups; sb.append(" ").append(lift).append(" "); sb.append(" ").append(Utils.formatPct(cumulativelift)).append("\n"); } sb.append("Total "); sb.append(" ").append(Utils.formatPct(avg_response_rate)).append(" "); sb.append(" ").append(1.0).append(" "); sb.append(" \n"); } // Compute Gains table via MRTask2 private static class GainsTask extends MRTask2<GainsTask> { /* @OUT response_rates */ public final float[] response_rates() { return _response_rates; } public final float avg_response_rate() { return _avg_response_rate; } public final long[] responses(){ return _responses; } /* @IN total count of events */ final private double[] _thresh; final private long _count; private long[] _responses; private long _avg_response; private float _avg_response_rate; private float[] _response_rates; GainsTask(double[] thresh, long count) { _thresh = thresh.clone(); _count = count; } @Override public void map( Chunk ca, Chunk cp ) { _responses = new long[_thresh.length]; _avg_response = 0; final int len = Math.min(ca._len, cp._len); for( int i=0; i < len; i++ ) { if (ca.isNA0(i)) continue; final int a = (int)ca.at80(i); if (a != 0 && a != 1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid values in vactual: must be binary (0 or 1)."); if (cp.isNA0(i)) continue; final double pr = cp.at0(i); for( int t=0; t < _thresh.length; t++ ) { // count number of positive responses in bucket given by two thresholds if (pr >= _thresh[t] && (t == 0 || pr < _thresh[t-1]) && a == 1) _responses[t]++; } if (a == 1) _avg_response++; } } @Override public void reduce( GainsTask other ) { for( int i=0; i<_responses.length; ++i) { _responses[i] += other._responses[i]; } _avg_response += other._avg_response; } @Override public void postGlobal(){ _response_rates = new float[_thresh.length]; for (int i=0; i<_response_rates.length; ++i) { _response_rates[i] = (float) _responses[i]; } Utils.div(_response_rates, (float)_count/_thresh.length); for (int i=0; i<_response_rates.length; ++i) { // spill over to next bucket - needed due to tie breaking in quantiles if(_response_rates[i] > 1) { _response_rates[i+1] += (_response_rates[i]-1); _response_rates[i] -= (_response_rates[i]-1); } } _avg_response_rate = (float)_avg_response / _count; } } }