package water.api; import dontweave.gson.Gson; import dontweave.gson.GsonBuilder; import dontweave.gson.JsonElement; import dontweave.gson.JsonObject; import hex.VarImp; import hex.deeplearning.DeepLearning; import hex.drf.DRF; import hex.gbm.GBM; import hex.glm.GLM2; import hex.glm.GLMModel; import hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRF; import hex.nb.NaiveBayes; import hex.nb.NBModel; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.Pair; import water.*; import water.api.Frames.FrameSummary; import water.fvec.Frame; import java.util.*; import static water.util.ParamUtils.*; public class Models extends Request2 { /////////////////////// // Request2 boilerplate /////////////////////// static final int API_WEAVER=1; // This file has auto-gen'd doc & json fields static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; // Initialized from Auto-Gen code. // This Request supports the HTML 'GET' command, and this is the help text // for GET. static final String DOC_GET = "Return the list of models."; public static String link(Key k, String content){ return "<a href='/2/Models'>" + content + "</a>"; } //////////////// // Query params: //////////////// @API(help="An existing H2O Model key.", required=false, filter=Default.class) Model key = null; @API(help="Find Frames that are compatible with the Model.", required=false, filter=Default.class) boolean find_compatible_frames = false; @API(help="An existing H2O Frame key to score with the Model which is specified by the key parameter.", required=false, filter=Default.class) Frame score_frame = null; @API(help="Should we adapt() the Frame to the Model?", required=false, filter=Default.class) boolean adapt = true; ///////////////// // The Code (tm): ///////////////// public static final Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().serializeSpecialFloatingPointValues().setPrettyPrinting().create(); public static final class ModelSummary { public String[] warnings = new String[0]; public String model_algorithm = "unknown"; public Model.ModelCategory model_category = Model.ModelCategory.Unknown; public Job.JobState state = Job.JobState.CREATED; public String id = null; public String key = null; public long creation_epoch_time_millis = -1; public long training_duration_in_ms = -1; public List<String> input_column_names = new ArrayList<String>(); public String response_column_name = "unknown"; public Map critical_parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Map secondary_parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Map expert_parameters = new HashMap<String, Object>(); public Map variable_importances = null; public Set<String> compatible_frames = new HashSet<String>(); } private static Map whitelistJsonObject(JsonObject unfiltered, Set<String> whitelist) { // If we create a new JsonObject here and serialize it the key/value pairs are inside // a superflouous "members" object, so create a Map instead. JsonObject filtered = new JsonObject(); Set<Map.Entry<String,JsonElement>> entries = unfiltered.entrySet(); for (Map.Entry<String,JsonElement> entry : entries) { String key = entry.getKey(); if (whitelist.contains(key)) filtered.add(key, entry.getValue()); } return gson.fromJson(gson.toJson(filtered), Map.class); } /** * Fetch all the Frames so we can see if they are compatible with our Model(s). */ private Pair<Map<String, Frame>, Map<String, Set<String>>> fetchFrames() { Map<String, Frame> all_frames = null; Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols = null; if (this.find_compatible_frames) { // caches for this request all_frames = Frames.fetchAll(); all_frames_cols = new TreeMap<String, Set<String>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Frame> entry : all_frames.entrySet()) { all_frames_cols.put(entry.getKey(), new TreeSet<String>(Arrays.asList(entry.getValue()._names))); } } return new Pair<Map<String, Frame>, Map<String, Set<String>>>(all_frames, all_frames_cols); } private static Map<String, Frame> findCompatibleFrames(Model model, Map<String, Frame> all_frames, Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols) { Map<String, Frame> compatible_frames = new TreeMap<String, Frame>(); Set<String> model_column_names = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(model._names)); for (Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : all_frames_cols.entrySet()) { Set<String> frame_cols = entry.getValue(); if (frame_cols.containsAll(model_column_names)) { /// See if adapt throws an exception or not. try { Frame frame = all_frames.get(entry.getKey()); Frame[] outputs = model.adapt(frame, false); // TODO: this does too much work; write canAdapt() Frame adapted = outputs[0]; Frame trash = outputs[1]; // adapted.delete(); // TODO: shouldn't we clean up adapted vecs? But we can't delete() the frame as a whole. . . trash.delete(); // A-Ok compatible_frames.put(entry.getKey(), frame); } catch (Exception e) { // skip } } } return compatible_frames; } public static Map<String, ModelSummary> generateModelSummaries(Set<String>keys, Map<String, Model> models, boolean find_compatible_frames, Map<String, Frame> all_frames, Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols) { Map<String, ModelSummary> modelSummaries = new TreeMap<String, ModelSummary>(); if (null == keys) { keys = models.keySet(); } for (String key : keys) { ModelSummary summary = new ModelSummary(); Models.summarizeAndEnhanceModel(summary, models.get(key), find_compatible_frames, all_frames, all_frames_cols); modelSummaries.put(key, summary); } return modelSummaries; } /** * Summarize subclasses of water.Model. */ protected static void summarizeAndEnhanceModel(ModelSummary summary, Model model, boolean find_compatible_frames, Map<String, Frame> all_frames, Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols) { if (model instanceof GLMModel) { summarizeGLMModel(summary, (GLMModel) model); } else if (model instanceof DRF.DRFModel) { summarizeDRFModel(summary, (DRF.DRFModel) model); } else if (model instanceof hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) { summarizeDeepLearningModel(summary, (hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel) model); } else if (model instanceof hex.gbm.GBM.GBMModel) { summarizeGBMModel(summary, (hex.gbm.GBM.GBMModel) model); } else if (model instanceof hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRFModel) { summarizeSpeeDRFModel(summary, (hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRFModel) model); } else if (model instanceof NBModel) { summarizeNBModel(summary, (NBModel) model); } else { // catch-all summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); } if (find_compatible_frames) { Map<String, Frame> compatible_frames = findCompatibleFrames(model, all_frames, all_frames_cols); summary.compatible_frames = compatible_frames.keySet(); } } /** * Summarize fields which are generic to water.Model. */ private static void summarizeModelCommonFields(ModelSummary summary, Model model) { String[] names = model._names; summary.warnings = model.warnings; summary.model_algorithm = model.getClass().toString(); // fallback only // model.job() is a local copy; on multinode clusters we need to get from the DKV Key job_key = ((Job)model.job()).self(); if (null == job_key) throw"Null job key for model: " + (model == null ? "null model" : model._key)); // later when we deserialize models from disk we'll relax this constraint Job job = DKV.get(job_key).get(); summary.state = job.getState(); summary.model_category = model.getModelCategory(); UniqueId unique_id = model.getUniqueId(); = unique_id.getId(); summary.key = unique_id.getKey(); summary.creation_epoch_time_millis = unique_id.getCreationEpochTimeMillis(); summary.training_duration_in_ms = model.training_duration_in_ms; summary.response_column_name = names[names.length - 1]; for (int i = 0; i < names.length - 1; i++) summary.input_column_names.add(names[i]); // Ugh. VarImp vi = model.varimp(); if (null != vi) { summary.variable_importances = new LinkedHashMap(); summary.variable_importances.put("varimp", vi.varimp); summary.variable_importances.put("variables", vi.getVariables()); summary.variable_importances.put("method", vi.method); summary.variable_importances.put("max_var", vi.max_var); summary.variable_importances.put("scaled", vi.scaled()); } } /****** * GLM2 ******/ private static final Set<String> GLM_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(GLM2.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> GLM_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(GLM2.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> GLM_expert_params = getExpertParamNames(GLM2.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.glm.GLMModel. */ private static void summarizeGLMModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.glm.GLMModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "GLM"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GLM_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GLM_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GLM_expert_params); } /****** * DRF ******/ private static final Set<String> DRF_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(DRF.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> DRF_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(DRF.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> DRF_expert_params = getExpertParamNames(DRF.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.drf.DRF.DRFModel. */ private static void summarizeDRFModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.drf.DRF.DRFModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "BigData RF"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DRF_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DRF_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DRF_expert_params); } /****** * SpeeDRF ******/ private static final Set<String> SpeeDRF_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(SpeeDRF.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> SpeeDRF_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(SpeeDRF.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> SpeeDRF_expert_params = getExpertParamNames(SpeeDRF.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.drf.DRF.SpeeDRFModel. */ private static void summarizeSpeeDRFModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.singlenoderf.SpeeDRFModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "Random Forest"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, SpeeDRF_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, SpeeDRF_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, SpeeDRF_expert_params); } /*************** * DeepLearning ***************/ private static final Set<String> DL_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(DeepLearning.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> DL_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(DeepLearning.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> DL_expert_params =getExpertParamNames(DeepLearning.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel. */ private static void summarizeDeepLearningModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "DeepLearning"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DL_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DL_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, DL_expert_params); } /****** * GBM ******/ private static final Set<String> GBM_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(GBM.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> GBM_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(GBM.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> GBM_expert_params = getExpertParamNames(GBM.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.gbm.GBM.GBMModel. */ private static void summarizeGBMModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.gbm.GBM.GBMModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "GBM"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GBM_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GBM_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, GBM_expert_params); } /****** * NB ******/ private static final Set<String> NB_critical_params = getCriticalParamNames(NaiveBayes.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> NB_secondary_params = getSecondaryParamNames(NaiveBayes.DOC_FIELDS); private static final Set<String> NB_expert_params = getExpertParamNames(NaiveBayes.DOC_FIELDS); /** * Summarize fields which are specific to hex.nb.NBModel. */ private static void summarizeNBModel(ModelSummary summary, hex.nb.NBModel model) { // add generic fields such as column names summarizeModelCommonFields(summary, model); summary.model_algorithm = "Naive Bayes"; JsonObject all_params = (model.get_params()).toJSON(); summary.critical_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, NB_critical_params); summary.secondary_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, NB_secondary_params); summary.expert_parameters = whitelistJsonObject(all_params, NB_expert_params); } /** * Fetch all Models from the KV store. */ protected Map<String, Model> fetchAll() { return H2O.KeySnapshot.globalSnapshot().fetchAll(water.Model.class); } /** * Score a frame with the given model. */ protected static Response scoreOne(Frame frame, Model score_model, boolean adapt) { return Frames.scoreOne(frame, score_model); } /** * Fetch all the Models from the KV store, sumamrize and enhance them, and return a map of them. */ private Response serveOneOrAll(Map<String, Model> modelsMap) { // returns empty sets if !this.find_compatible_frames Pair<Map<String, Frame>, Map<String, Set<String>>> frames_info = fetchFrames(); Map<String, Frame> all_frames = frames_info.getFirst(); Map<String, Set<String>> all_frames_cols = frames_info.getSecond(); Map<String, ModelSummary> modelSummaries = Models.generateModelSummaries(null, modelsMap, find_compatible_frames, all_frames, all_frames_cols); Map resultsMap = new LinkedHashMap(); resultsMap.put("models", modelSummaries); // If find_compatible_frames then include a map of the Frame summaries. Should we put this on a separate switch? if (this.find_compatible_frames) { Set<String> all_referenced_frames = new TreeSet<String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, ModelSummary> entry: modelSummaries.entrySet()) { ModelSummary summary = entry.getValue(); all_referenced_frames.addAll(summary.compatible_frames); } Map<String, FrameSummary> frameSummaries = Frames.generateFrameSummaries(all_referenced_frames, all_frames, false, null, null); resultsMap.put("frames", frameSummaries); } // TODO: temporary hack to get things going String json = gson.toJson(resultsMap); JsonObject result = gson.fromJson(json, JsonElement.class).getAsJsonObject(); return Response.done(result); } @Override protected Response serve() { if (null == this.key) { return serveOneOrAll(fetchAll()); } else { if (null == this.score_frame) { Model model = this.key; Map<String, Model> modelsMap = new TreeMap(); // Sort for pretty display and reliable ordering. modelsMap.put(model._key.toString(), model); return serveOneOrAll(modelsMap); } else { return scoreOne(this.score_frame, this.key, this.adapt); } } } // serve() }