package water.fvec; import hex.Interaction; import jsr166y.CountedCompleter; import water.*; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils; import static water.util.Utils.IcedLong; import java.util.*; /** * Helper to create interaction features between enum columns */ public class createInteractions extends H2O.H2OCountedCompleter { public createInteractions(Interaction ci) { this(ci, null); } public createInteractions(Interaction ci, Key job) { super(null); _job = job; _ci = ci; } final private Interaction _ci; static final private int _missing = Integer.MIN_VALUE; //marker for missing factor level static final private String _other = "other"; // name for lost factor levels private Frame _target; final private Key _job; private Map<Long, Long> _sortedMap = null; private static Map<Long, Long> mySort(Map<IcedLong, IcedLong> unsortMap) { List<Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong>> list = new LinkedList<Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong>>(unsortMap.entrySet()); // Sorting the list based on values Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong>>() { public int compare(Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong> o1, Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong> o2) { return ((Long)o2.getValue()._val).compareTo(o1.getValue()._val); } }); // Maintaining insertion order with the help of LinkedList Map sortedMap = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Long>(); for (Map.Entry<IcedLong, IcedLong> entry : list) { sortedMap.put(entry.getKey()._val, entry.getValue()._val); } return sortedMap; } // Create a combined domain from the enum values that map to domain A and domain B // Both enum integers are combined into a long = (int,int), and the unsortedMap keeps the occurrence count for each pair-wise interaction protected String[] makeDomain(Map<IcedLong, IcedLong> unsortedMap, String[] dA, String[] dB) { String[] _domain; //"Collected hash table"); //; //"Interaction between " + dA.length + " and " + dB.length + " factor levels => " + // ((long)dA.length * dB.length) + " possible factors."); _sortedMap = mySort(unsortedMap); // create domain of the most frequent unique factors long factorCount = 0; //"Found " + _sortedMap.size() + " unique interaction factors (out of " + ((long)dA.length * (long)dB.length) + ")."); _domain = new String[_sortedMap.size()]; //TODO: use ArrayList here, then convert to array Iterator it2 = _sortedMap.entrySet().iterator(); int d = 0; while (it2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry kv = (Map.Entry); final long ab = (Long)kv.getKey(); final long count = (Long)kv.getValue(); if (factorCount < _ci.max_factors && count >= _ci.min_occurrence) { factorCount++; // extract the two original factor enums String feature = ""; if (dA != dB) { int a = (int)(ab >> 32); final String fA = a != _missing ? dA[a] : "NA"; feature = fA + "_"; } int b = (int) ab; String fB = b != _missing ? dB[b] : "NA"; feature += fB; //"Adding interaction feature " + feature + ", occurrence count: " + count); //"Total number of interaction factors so far: " + factorCount); _domain[d++] = feature; } else break; } if (d < _sortedMap.size()) { //"Truncated map to " + _sortedMap.size() + " elements."); String[] copy = new String[d+1]; System.arraycopy(_domain, 0, copy, 0, d); copy[d] = _other; _domain = copy; Map tm = new LinkedHashMap<Long, Long>(); it2 = _sortedMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (--d >= 0) { Map.Entry kv = (Map.Entry); tm.put(kv.getKey(), kv.getValue()); } _sortedMap = tm; } //"Created domain: " + Arrays.deepToString(_domain)); return _domain; } @Override public void compute2() { DKV.remove(_ci.dest()); ArrayList<int[]> al = new ArrayList<int[]>(); if (!_ci.pairwise || _ci.factors.length < 3) { al.add(_ci.factors); } else { // pair-wise for (int i=0; i<_ci.factors.length; ++i) { for (int j=i+1; j<_ci.factors.length; ++j) { al.add(new int[]{_ci.factors[i], _ci.factors[j]}); } } } for (int l=0; l<al.size(); ++l) { int[] factors = al.get(l); int idx1 = factors[0]; Vec tmp = null; int start = factors.length == 1 ? 0 : 1; Frame _out = null; for (int i = start; i < factors.length; ++i) { String name; int idx2 = factors[i]; if (i > 1) { idx1 = _out.find(tmp); assert idx1 >= 0; name = _out._names[idx1] + "_" + _ci.source._names[idx2]; } else { name = _ci.source._names[idx1] + "_" + _ci.source._names[idx2]; } //"Combining columns " + idx1 + " and " + idx2); final Vec A = i > 1 ? _out.vecs()[idx1] : _ci.source.vecs()[idx1]; final Vec B = _ci.source.vecs()[idx2]; // Pass 1: compute unique domains of all interaction features createInteractionDomain pass1 = new createInteractionDomain(idx1 == idx2).doAll(A, B); // Create a new Vec based on the domain final Vec vec = _ci.source.anyVec().makeZero(makeDomain(pass1._unsortedMap, A.domain(), B.domain())); if (i > 1) { _out.add(name, vec); } else { assert(_out == null); _out = new Frame(new String[]{name}, new Vec[]{vec}); } final Vec C = _out.lastVec(); // Create array of enum pairs, in the same (sorted) order as in the _domain map -> for linear lookup // Note: "other" is not mapped in keys, so keys.length can be 1 less than domain.length long[] keys = new long[_sortedMap.size()]; int pos = 0; for (long k : _sortedMap.keySet()) { keys[pos++] = k; } assert (C.domain().length == keys.length || C.domain().length == keys.length + 1); // domain might contain _other // Pass 2: fill Vec values new fillInteractionEnums(idx1 == idx2, keys).doAll(A, B, C); tmp = C; // remove temporary vec if (i > 1) { final int idx = _out.vecs().length - 2; //second-last vec //"Removing column " + _out._names[idx]); _out.remove(idx); } } if (_target == null) { _target = new Frame(_ci.dest(), _out.names(), _out.vecs()); _target.delete_and_lock(_job); } else { _target.add(_out, true); } } tryComplete(); } @Override public void onCompletion(CountedCompleter caller) { _target.update(_job); _target.unlock(_job); } // Create interaction domain private static class createInteractionDomain extends MRTask2<createInteractionDomain> { // INPUT final private boolean _same; // OUTPUT private Utils.IcedHashMap<IcedLong, IcedLong> _unsortedMap = null; public createInteractionDomain(boolean same) { _same = same; } @Override public void map(Chunk A, Chunk B) { _unsortedMap = new Utils.IcedHashMap<IcedLong, IcedLong>(); // find unique interaction domain for (int r = 0; r < A._len; r++) { int a = A.isNA0(r) ? _missing : (int)A.at80(r); long ab; if (!_same) { int b = B.isNA0(r) ? _missing : (int)B.at80(r); // key: combine both ints into a long ab = ((long) a << 32) | (b & 0xFFFFFFFFL); assert a == (int) (ab >> 32); assert b == (int) ab; } else { if (a == _missing) continue; ab = (long)a; } // add key to hash map, and count occurrences (for pruning) IcedLong AB = new IcedLong(ab); if (_unsortedMap.containsKey(AB)) { _unsortedMap.get(AB)._val++; } else { _unsortedMap.put(AB, new IcedLong(1)); } } } @Override public void reduce(createInteractionDomain mrt) { assert(mrt._unsortedMap != null); assert(_unsortedMap != null); for (Map.Entry<IcedLong,IcedLong> e : mrt._unsortedMap.entrySet()) { IcedLong x = _unsortedMap.get(e.getKey()); if (x != null) { x._val+=e.getValue()._val; } else { _unsortedMap.put(e.getKey(), e.getValue()); } } mrt._unsortedMap = null; //"Merged hash tables"); //; } } // Fill interaction enums in last Vec in Frame private static class fillInteractionEnums extends MRTask2<fillInteractionEnums> { // INPUT boolean _same; final long[] _keys; //minimum information to be sent over the wire transient private java.util.List<java.util.Map.Entry<Long,Integer>> _valToIndex; //node-local shared helper for binary search public fillInteractionEnums(boolean same, long[] keys) { _same = same; _keys = keys; } @Override protected void setupLocal() { // turn _keys into a sorted array of pairs _valToIndex = new java.util.ArrayList<Map.Entry<Long,Integer>>(); // map factor level (int,int) to domain index (long) for (int i=0;i<_keys.length;++i) { _valToIndex.add(new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Long, Integer>(_keys[i], i)); } // sort by key (the factor level) Collections.sort(_valToIndex, new Comparator<Map.Entry<Long, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<Long, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<Long, Integer> o2) { return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey()); } }); } @Override public void map(Chunk A, Chunk B, Chunk C) { // find unique interaction domain for (int r = 0; r < A._len; r++) { final int a = A.isNA0(r) ? _missing : (int)A.at80(r); long ab; if (!_same) { final int b = B.isNA0(r) ? _missing : (int) B.at80(r); ab = ((long) a << 32) | (b & 0xFFFFFFFFL); // key: combine both ints into a long } else { ab = (long)a; } if (_same && A.isNA0(r)) { C.setNA0(r); } else { // find _domain index for given factor level ab int level = -1; int pos = Collections.binarySearch(_valToIndex, new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<Long,Integer>(ab,0), new Comparator<Map.Entry<Long, Integer>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<Long, Integer> o1, Map.Entry<Long, Integer> o2) { return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey()); } }); if (pos >= 0) { level = _valToIndex.get(pos).getValue(); assert _keys[level] == ab; //confirm that binary search in _valToIndex worked } if (level < 0) { for (int i=0; i<_keys.length; ++i) { assert (_keys[i] != ab); } level = _fr.lastVec().domain().length-1; assert _fr.lastVec().domain()[level].equals(_other); } C.set0(r, level); } } } } }