package water.deploy; import*; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.jar.*; import javassist.*; import water.*; import water.api.DocGen; import water.util.Utils; public class LaunchJar extends Request2 { static final int API_WEAVER = 1; static public DocGen.FieldDoc[] DOC_FIELDS; @API(help = "Jars keys", required = true, filter = Default.class) public String jars; @API(help = "Class to instantiate and launch", required = true, filter = Default.class) public String job_class; @Override protected Response serve() { final Job job; try { // Move jars from KV store to tmp files ClassPool pool = new ClassPool(true); ArrayList<JarEntry> entries = new ArrayList<JarEntry>(); String[] splits = jars.split(","); for( int i = 0; i < splits.length; i++ ) { Key key = Key.make(splits[i]); throw H2O.unimpl(); //ValueArray va = UKV.get(key); //File file = File.createTempFile("h2o", ".jar"); //Utils.writeFileAndClose(file, va.openStream()); //DKV.remove(key); //pool.appendClassPath(file.getPath()); // //JarFile jar = new JarFile(file); //Enumeration e = jar.entries(); //while( e.hasMoreElements() ) { // JarEntry entry = (JarEntry) e.nextElement(); // entries.add(entry); //} //jar.close(); } // Append UID to class names so allow multiple invocations String uid = Key.rand(); ClassMap renames = new ClassMap(); for( JarEntry entry : entries ) { if( entry.getName().endsWith(".class") ) { String n = Utils.className(entry.getName()); String u; int index = n.indexOf("$"); if( index < 0 ) index = n.length(); u = n.substring(0, index) + uid + n.substring(index); renames.put(n, u); } } ArrayList<CtClass> updated = new ArrayList(); for( Entry<String, String> entry : ((Map<String, String>) renames).entrySet() ) { CtClass c = pool.get(entry.getKey().replace('/', '.')); c.replaceClassName(renames); updated.add(c); } // Create jar file and register it on each node HashSet<String> packages = new HashSet(); ByteArrayOutputStream mem = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); JarOutputStream jar = new JarOutputStream(mem); DataOutputStream bc = new DataOutputStream(jar); for( CtClass c : updated ) { jar.putNextEntry(new JarEntry(c.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class")); c.toBytecode(bc); bc.flush(); String p = c.getPackageName(); if( p == null ) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Package is null for class " + c); packages.add(p); } jar.close(); weavePackages(packages.toArray(new String[0])); AddJar task = new AddJar(); task._data = mem.toByteArray(); task.invokeOnAllNodes(); // Start job Class c = Class.forName(job_class + uid); job = (Job) c.newInstance(); job.fork(); } catch( Exception ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } return Response.done(this); } public static void weavePackages(String... names) { WeavePackages task = new WeavePackages(); task._names = names; task.invokeOnAllNodes(); } static class WeavePackages extends DRemoteTask { String[] _names; @Override public void lcompute() { for( String name : _names ) Boot.weavePackage(name); tryComplete(); } @Override public void reduce(DRemoteTask drt) { } } static class AddJar extends DRemoteTask { byte[] _data; @Override public void lcompute() { try { File file = File.createTempFile("h2o", ".jar"); Utils.writeFileAndClose(file, new ByteArrayInputStream(_data)); Boot._init.addExternalJars(file); tryComplete(); } catch( Exception ex ) { throw new RuntimeException(ex); } } @Override public void reduce(DRemoteTask drt) { } } }