package water; import hex.*; import hex.deeplearning.NeuronsTest; import org.junit.internal.TextListener; import org.junit.runner.Description; import org.junit.runner.JUnitCore; import org.junit.runner.Result; import org.junit.runner.notification.Failure; import water.deploy.NodeCL; import water.exec.Expr2Test; import water.util.Log; import water.util.Utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class JUnitRunnerDebug { public static final int NODES = 3; public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { int[] ports = new int[NODES]; for( int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++ ) ports[i] = 64321 + i * 2; String flat = ""; for( int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++ ) flat += "" + ports[i] + "\n"; flat = Utils.writeFile(flat).getAbsolutePath(); for( int i = 0; i < ports.length; i++ ) { Class c = i == 0 ? UserCode.class : H2O.class; // single precision // new NodeCL(c, ("-ip -single_precision -port " + ports[i] + " -flatfile " + flat).split(" ")).start(); // double precision new NodeCL(c, ("-ip -port " + ports[i] + " -flatfile " + flat).split(" ")).start(); } } public static class UserCode { public static void userMain(String[] args) { H2O.main(args); TestUtil.stall_till_cloudsize(NODES); List<Class> tests = new ArrayList<Class>(); // Classes to test: // tests = JUnitRunner.all(); // Neural Net - deprecated // tests.add(NeuralNetSpiralsTest.class); //compare NeuralNet vs reference // tests.add(NeuralNetIrisTest.class); //compare NeuralNet vs reference // Chunk tests // tests.add(C0LChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C0DChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C1ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C1NChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C1SChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C2ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C2SChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C4ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C4FChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C4SChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C8ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C8DChunkTest.class); // tests.add(C16ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(CBSChunkTest.class); // tests.add(CX0ChunkTest.class); // tests.add(CXIChunkTest.class); // tests.add(CXDChunkTest.class); // tests.add(VecTest.class); // Deep Learning tests // tests.add(DeepLearningVsNeuralNet.class); //only passes for NODES=1, not clear why // tests.add(DeepLearningAutoEncoderTest.class); //test Deep Learning convergence // tests.add(DeepLearningAutoEncoderCategoricalTest.class); //test Deep Learning convergence // tests.add(DeepLearningSpiralsTest.class); //test Deep Learning convergence // tests.add(DeepLearningIrisTest.Short.class); //compare Deep Learning vs reference // tests.add(DeepLearningIrisTest.Long.class); //compare Deep Learning vs reference // tests.add(DeepLearningProstateTest.Short.class); //test Deep Learning tests.add(DeepLearningReproducibilityTest.class); //test Deep Learning // tests.add(DeepLearningMissingTest.class); //test Deep Learning // tests.add(DeepLearningProstateTest.Long.class); //test Deep Learning // tests.add(NeuronsTest.class); //test Deep Learning // tests.add(MRUtilsTest.class); //test MR sampling/rebalancing // tests.add(DropoutTest.class); //test NN Dropput // tests.add(ParserTest2.class); // tests.add(ParserTest2.ParseAllSmalldata.class); // tests.add(KMeans2Test.class); // tests.add(KMeans2RandomTest.class); // tests.add(GLMRandomTest.Short.class); // tests.add(SpeeDRFTest.class); // tests.add(SpeeDRFTest2.class); //// tests.add(GLMTest2.class); // tests.add(DRFTest.class); // tests.add(DRFTest2.class); // tests.add(GBMTest.class); // tests.add(KMeans2Test.class); // tests.add(PCATest.class); // tests.add(NetworkTestTest.class); // Uncomment this to sleep here and use the browser. // try { Thread.sleep(10000000); } catch (Exception _) {} JUnitCore junit = new JUnitCore(); junit.addListener(new LogListener()); Result result = Class[0])); if( result.getFailures().size() == 0 ) {"SUCCESS!"); System.exit(0); } else {"FAIL!"); System.exit(1); } } } static class LogListener extends TextListener { LogListener() { super(System.out); } @Override public void testRunFinished(Result result) { printHeader(result.getRunTime()); printFailures(result); printFooter(result); } @Override public void testStarted(Description description) {"");"Starting test " + description); } @Override public void testFailure(Failure failure) {"Test failed " + failure); } @Override public void testIgnored(Description description) {"Ignoring test " + description); } } }