package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCountCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskIdsCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskRelationshipCallback; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dojo.Deferred; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ErrorHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskCompleteHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskCountHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskIdsHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskRelationshipHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers.LayerDataSource; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers.LayerMapSource; /** * Executes a query operation on a layer resource of a map service exposed by the ArcGIS Server REST API. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class QueryTask extends JavaScriptObject { protected QueryTask() {} /** * Creates a new QueryTask object used to execute a query on the layer resource identified by the url * * @param url - URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a layer in a service * @return QueryTask */ public static native QueryTask create(String url) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.QueryTask(url); }-*/; /** * Creates a new QueryTask object used to execute a query on the layer resource identified by the url * * @param url - URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a layer in a service * @param options - Optional parameters. * @return QueryTask */ public static native QueryTask create(String url, Options options) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.QueryTask(url, options); }-*/; /** * URL to the ArcGIS Server REST resource that represents a map service layer. * * @return String */ public final native String getUrl() /*-{ return this.url; }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. The result is returned as a FeatureSet. If the * query is successful, the user-specified callback function is invoked with the result. A FeatureSet * contains an array of Graphic features, which can be added to the map using * This array will not be populated if no results are found. * * @param query - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @param callback - handler to be fired upon server response. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred execute(Query query, QueryTaskCallback callback) /*-{ this.execute(query, function(featureSet) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCallback::onComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/FeatureSet;)(featureSet); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. The result is returned as a FeatureSet. If the * query is successful, the user-specified callback function is invoked with the result. A FeatureSet * contains an array of Graphic features, which can be added to the map using * This array will not be populated if no results are found. * * @param query - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred execute(Query query) /*-{ return this.execute(query); }-*/; /** * Get a count of the number of features that satisfy the input query. Valid only for layers published * using ArcGIS Server 10 SP1 or greater. Layers published with earlier versions of ArcGIS Server * return an error to the error callback. * * @param query - Specify the input query object. * @param callback - handler to be fired upon server response. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeForCount(Query query, QueryTaskCountCallback callback) /*-{ return this.executeForCount(query, function(count) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCountCallback::onExecuteForCountComplete(I)(count); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskCountCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Get a count of the number of features that satisfy the input query. Valid only for layers published * using ArcGIS Server 10 SP1 or greater. Layers published with earlier versions of ArcGIS Server * return an error to the error callback. * * @param query - Specify the input query object. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeForCount(Query query) /*-{ return this.executeForCount(query); }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. The result is returned as an array of ints. * * @param parameters - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @param callback - handler to be fired upon server response. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeForIds(Query parameters, QueryTaskIdsCallback callback) /*-{ return this.executeForIds(parameters, function(ids) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskIdsCallback::onExecuteForIdsComplete(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArrayInteger;)(ids); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskIdsCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. The result is returned as an array of ints. * * @param parameters - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeForIds(Query parameters) /*-{ return this.executeForIds(parameters); }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. * * @param parameters - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @param callback - handler to be fired upon server response. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeRelationshipQuery(Query parameters, QueryTaskRelationshipCallback callback) /*-{ return this.executeRelationshipQuery(parameters, function(relatedFeatureSets) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskRelationshipCallback::onExecuteForIdsComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/event/QueryTaskRelationshipHandler$RelatedFeatureSets;)(relatedFeatureSets); }, function(error) { callback.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.callback.QueryTaskRelationshipCallback::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Executes a Query against an ArcGIS Server map layer. * * @param parameters - Specifies the attributes and spatial filter of the query. * @return Deferred */ public final native Deferred executeRelationshipQuery(Query parameters) /*-{ return this.executeRelationshipQuery(parameters); }-*/; /** * Add handler for when complete event fires. * * @param handler - Fires when the query operation is complete. */ public final native void addCompleteHandler(QueryTaskCompleteHandler handler ) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect( this, "onComplete", function(featureSet) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskCompleteHandler::onComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/tasks/FeatureSet;)(featureSet); } ); }-*/; /** * Add handler for when error event fires. * * @param handler - Fires when an error occurs when executing the task. */ public final native void addErrorHandler(ErrorHandler handler ) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect( this, "onError", function(error) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ErrorHandler::onError(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/Error;)(error); } ); }-*/; /** * Add handler for when count complete event fires. * * @param handler - Fires when the query for the count is complete. This event is only available * for layers published using ArcGIS Server 10 SP1 or later. */ public final native void addExecuteForCountCompleteHandler(QueryTaskCountHandler handler)/*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect( this, "onExecuteForCountComplete", function(count) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskCountHandler::onExecuteForCountComplete(I)(count); } ); }-*/; /** * Add handler for when execute for ids complete event fires. * * @param handler - Fires when the query on IDs is complete. */ public final native void addExecuteForIdsCompleteHandler(QueryTaskIdsHandler handler)/*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect( this, "onExecuteForIdsComplete", function(featrueIds) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskIdsHandler::onExecuteForIdsComplete(Lcom/google/gwt/core/client/JsArrayInteger;)(featureIds); } ); }-*/; /** * Add handler for when execute relationship query complete event fires. * * @param handler - Fires when the executeRelationshipQuery is complete */ public final native void addExecuteRelationshipQueryCompleteHandler(QueryTaskRelationshipHandler handler)/*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect( this, "onExecuteRelationshipQueryComplete", function(relatedFeatureSets) { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.QueryTaskRelationshipHandler::onExecuteForIdsComplete(Ledu/ucdavis/cstars/client/event/QueryTaskRelationshipHandler$RelatedFeatureSets;)(relatedFeatureSets); } ); }-*/; public static class Options extends JavaScriptObject { protected Options() {} public static Options create() { return JavaScriptObject.createObject().cast(); } /** * Set the gdbVersion. * * @param gdbVersion - Specify the geodatabase version to display. (As of v2.7). Requires ArcGIS Server service 10.1 or greater */ public final native void setGbdVersion(String gdbVersion) /*-{ this["gdbVersion"] = gdbVersion; }-*/; /** * Set the source parameter. * * @param source - The dynamic layer. Required when the QueryTask url is set to 'http://<map service url>/dynamicLayer'. */ public final native void setSource(LayerMapSource source) /*-{ this["source"] = source; }-*/; /** * Set the source parameter. * * @param source - The table source. Required when the QueryTask url is set to 'http://<map service url>/dynamicLayer'. */ public final native void setSource(LayerDataSource source) /*-{ this["source"] = source; }-*/; } }