package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dijits; import; import; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.HideHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ShowHandler; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.geometry.Point; /** * An InfoWindow is an HTML popup. It often contains the attributes of a * Graphic. The default behavior on a Graphic is to show the InfoWindow * after a click on the Graphic. An InfoTemplate is required for this * default behavior. In addition, the InfoWindow can be used to display * custom content on the map. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class InfoWindow extends JavaScriptObject { public static enum FixedAnchor { NOT_SET(""), ANCHOR_LOWERLEFT("lowerleft"), ANCHOR_LOWERRIGHT("lowerright"), ANCHOR_UPPERLEFT("upperleft"), ANCHOR_UPPERRIGHT("upperright"); private String val; private FixedAnchor(String value){ val = value; } public String getValue(){ return val; } } protected InfoWindow() {} /** * Placement of the InfoWindow with respect to * the graphic. See the Constants table for values. * * @return FixedAnchor */ public final FixedAnchor getAnchor() { String f = _getAnchor(); for( int i = 0 ; i < FixedAnchor.values().length; i++ ){ if( FixedAnchor.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(f) ) return FixedAnchor.values()[i]; } return FixedAnchor.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getAnchor() /*-{ return this.anchor; }-*/; /** * The anchor point of the InfoWindow in screen coordinates. * * @return Point */ public final native Point getCoords() /*-{ return this.coords; }-*/; /** * InfoWindow always show with the specified anchor. * See the Constants table for values. * * @return FixedAnchor */ public final FixedAnchor getFixedAnchor() { String f = _getFixedAnchor(); for( int i = 0 ; i < FixedAnchor.values().length; i++ ){ if( FixedAnchor.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(f) ) return FixedAnchor.values()[i]; } return FixedAnchor.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getFixedAnchor() /*-{ return this.fixedAnchor; }-*/; /** * Determines whether the InfoWindow is currently shown on the map. * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean isShowing() /*-{ return this.isShowing; }-*/; /** * Hides the InfoWindow. */ public final native void hide() /*-{ this.hide(); }-*/; /** * Moves the InfoWindow to the specified screen point. * * @param point - The new anchor point when moving the InfoWindow. */ public final native void move(Point point) /*-{ this.move(point); }-*/; /** * Resizes the InfoWindow to the specified height and width in pixels. * * @param width * @param height */ public final native void resize(int width, int height) /*-{ this.resize(width, height); }-*/; /** * Sets the content in the InfoWindow. * * @param content - The content for the InfoWindow. Can be any valid HTML. */ public final native void setContent(String content) /*-{ this.setContent(content); }-*/; /** * Sets the content in the InfoWindow. * * @param element - The content for the InfoWindow. Valid DOM element. */ public final native void setContent(Element element) /*-{ this.setContent(element); }-*/; /** * Sets the content in the InfoWindow. * * @param widget - The content for the InfoWindow */ public final void setContent(Widget widget) { setContent(widget.getElement()); }; /** * Sets the fixed location of the InfoWindow anchor. Valid * values are listed in FixedAnchor. * * @param fixedAnchor */ public final void setFixedAnchor(FixedAnchor fixedAnchor) { _setFixedAnchor(fixedAnchor.getValue()); } private final native void _setFixedAnchor(String anchor) /*-{ return this.setFixedAnchor(anchor); }-*/; /** * Sets the title for the InfoWindow. * * @param title - The title for the InfoWindow. Can be any valid HTML. * @return InfoWindow */ public final native InfoWindow setTitle(String title) /*-{ this.setTitle(title); }-*/; /** * Shows the InfoWindow to the specified screen point and anchor. * * @param point - The new anchor point when moving the InfoWindow. * @param anchor - Placement of the InfoWindow with respect to the graphic */ public final native void show(Point point, String anchor) /*-{, anchor); }-*/; /** * Fires when an infoWindow is hidden. * * @param handler */ public native final void addHideHandler(HideHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onHide", function() { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.HideHandler::onHide(); } ); }-*/; /** * Fires when an InfoWindow is visible. * * @param handler */ public native final void addShowHandler(ShowHandler handler) /*-{ $wnd.dojo.connect(this, "onShow", function() { handler.@edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.event.ShowHandler::onShow(); } ); }-*/; }