package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.Graphic; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.JSObject; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.SpatialReference; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.Util; /** * A collection of features returned from ArcGIS Server or used as input to tasks. Each feature in the FeatureSet may contain * geometry, attributes, symbolgy, and an InfoTemplate. If the FeatureSet does not contain geometry, and only contains * attributes, the FeatureSet can be treated as a table where each feature is a row object. Tasks that return FeatureSet * include QueryTask, Geoprocessor, and RouteTask. In addition, Geoprocessor and RouteTask may require FeatureSet as input. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class FeatureSet extends JavaScriptObject { protected FeatureSet() {} /** * Creates a new FeatureSet object. * * @return FeatureSet */ public static native FeatureSet create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.FeatureSet(); }-*/; /** * Creates a new FeatureSet object using a JSON object. * * @param json - A JSON object that contains feature set. * @return FeatureSet */ public static native FeatureSet create(JavaScriptObject json) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.FeatureSet(json); }-*/; /** * The name of the layer's primary display field. The value of this property matches the name of one of the fields of the feature. * Only applicable when the FeatureSet is returned from a task. It is ignored when the FeatureSet is used as input to a geoprocessing task. * * @return String */ public final native String getDisplayFieldName() /*-{ return this.displayFieldName; }-*/; /** * Set the display field name parameter * * @param displayFieldName - The name of the layer's primary display field. The value of this property matches the name of one of the fields of * the feature. Only applicable when the FeatureSet is returned from a task. It is ignored when the FeatureSet is used as input to a geoprocessing task. */ public final native void setDisplayFieldName(String displayFieldName) /*-{ this.displayFieldName = displayFieldName; }-*/; /** * The array of graphics returned. * * @return JsArray<Graphic> */ public final native JsArray<Graphic> getFeatures() /*-{ return this.features; }-*/; /** * Set the features parameters. * * @param features - The array of graphics returned. */ public final void setFeatures(Graphic[] features) { _setFeatures(Util.objectArrayToJSO(features)); } private final native void _setFeatures(JavaScriptObject features) /*-{ this.features = features; }-*/; /** * Set of name-value pairs for the attribute's field and alias names. * * @return JSObject */ public final native JSObject getFieldAliases() /*-{ return this.fieldAliases; }-*/; /** * Set the field aliases parameter. * * @param fieldAliases - Set of name-value pairs for the attribute's field and alias names. */ public final native void setFieldAliases(JSObject fieldAliases) /*-{ this.fieldAliases = fieldAliases; }-*/; /** * The geometry type of the FeatureSet. * * @return String */ public final native String getGeometryType() /*-{ return this.geometryType; }-*/; /** * set the geometry type parameter. * * @param geometryType - The geometry type of the FeatureSet. */ public final native void setGeometryType(String geometryType) /*-{ this.geometryType = geometryType; }-*/; /** * When a FeatureSet is used as input to Geoprocessor, the spatial reference is set to the map's spatial reference by default. * This value can be changed. When a FeatureSet is returned from a task, the value is the result as returned from the server. * * @return SpatialReference */ public final native SpatialReference getSpatialReference() /*-{ return this.spatialReference; }-*/; /** * set the spatial reference parameter. * * @param spatialReference - When a FeatureSet is used as input to Geoprocessor, the spatial reference is set to the map's * spatial reference by default. This value can be changed. When a FeatureSet is returned from a task, the value is the result * as returned from the server. */ public final native void setSpatialReference(SpatialReference spatialReference) /*-{ this.spatialReference = spatialReference; }-*/; }