package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; /** * Class added v2.6. * Define the classification definition and optional where clause for the GenerateRendererTask operation. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class GenerateRendererParameters extends JavaScriptObject { protected GenerateRendererParameters() {} /** * Creates a new GenerateRendererParameters object. * * @return GenerateRendererParameters */ public static native GenerateRendererParameters create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.GenerateRendererParameters(); }-*/; /** * A ClassBreaksDefinition or UniqueValueDefinition classification definition used to generate the data classes. * * @return ClassificationDefinition */ public final native ClassificationDefinition getClassificationDefinition() /*-{ return this.classificationDefinition; }-*/; /** * set the classificationDefinition parameter. * * @param classificationDefinition - A ClassBreaksDefinition or UniqueValueDefinition classification definition * used to generate the data classes. */ public final native void setClassificationDefinition(ClassificationDefinition classificationDefinition) /*-{ this.classificationDefinition = classificationDefinition; }-*/; /** * A where clause used to generate the data classes. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the * layer/table is allowed. * * @return String */ public final native String getWhere() /*-{ return this.where; }-*/; /** * Set the where parameter. * * @param where - A where clause used to generate the data classes. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the * fields in the layer/table is allowed. */ public final native void setWhere(String where) /*-{ this.where = where; }-*/; }