package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.renderer; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.dojo.Color; /** * Time ramp agers display aging using a gradual change in symbology. A range of colors and symbol sizes can be specified. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class TimeRampAger extends SymbolAger { protected TimeRampAger() {} /** * Creates a new TimeRampAger object with the specified color and size ranges. * * @return TimeRampAger */ public static native TimeRampAger create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.renderer.TimeRampAger(); }-*/; /** * Creates a new TimeRampAger object with the specified color and size ranges. * * @param minColor - Minimum color. Older features will be closer to the minimum value. * @param maxColor - Maximum color. Newer features will be closer to the maximum value. * @param minSize - Minimum size in pixels. Older features will be closer to the minimum value. * @param maxSize - Maximum size in pixels. Newer features will be closer to the maximum value. * @return TimeRampAger */ public static native TimeRampAger create( Color minColor, Color maxColor, int minSize, int maxSize ) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.renderer.TimeRampAger([minColor, maxColor], [minSize, maxSize]); }-*/; /** * Creates a new TimeRampAger object with the specified color and size ranges. * * @param minColor - Minimum color. Older features will be closer to the minimum value. * @param maxColor - Maximum color. Newer features will be closer to the maximum value. * @return TimeRampAger */ public static native TimeRampAger create( Color minColor, Color maxColor ) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.renderer.TimeRampAger([minColor, maxColor]); }-*/; /** * Creates a new TimeRampAger object with the specified color and size ranges. * * @param minSize - Minimum size in pixels. Older features will be closer to the minimum value. * @param maxSize - Maximum size in pixels. Newer features will be closer to the maximum value. * @return TimeRampAger */ public static native TimeRampAger create( int minSize, int maxSize ) /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.renderer.TimeRampAger([minColor, maxColor], [minSize, maxSize]); }-*/; // getAgedSymbol implemented by SymbolAger }