package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.layers; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.JSObject; /** * Specifies the processing to be done to the image service. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class RasterFunction extends JavaScriptObject { protected RasterFunction() {} /** * Creates a new RasterFunction object. * * @return RasterFunction */ public static native RasterFunction create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.layers.RasterFunction(); }-*/; /** * Get the function arguments * * @return JSObject */ public native final JSObject getArguments() /*-{ if( this.arguments ) return this.arguments; return {}; }-*/; /** * Set the arguments * * @param arguments - The argumens for the raster function. The structure depends * on the function specified. */ public native final void setArguments(JSObject arguments) /*-{ this.arguments = arguments; }-*/; /** * The raster function name. View the Raster Functions documentation in the REST help for more details. * * @return String */ public native final String getFunctionName() /*-{ if( this.functionName ) return this.functionName; return ""; }-*/; /** * Set function name * * @param functionName - The raster function name. View the Raster Functions documentation in the * REST help for more details. */ public native final void setFunctionName(String functionName) /*-{ this.functionName = functionName; }-*/; /** * Variable name for the raster function. * * @return String */ public native final String getVariableName() /*-{ if( this.variableName ) return this.variableName; return ""; }-*/; /** * Set the variable name * * @param variableName - Variable name for the raster function. */ public native final void setVariableName(String variableName) /*-{ this.variableName = variableName; }-*/; /** * Returns an easily serializable object representation of the raster function. (As of v2.0) * * @return JavaScriptObject */ public final native JavaScriptObject toJson() /*-{ return this.toJson(); }-*/; }