package edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.tasks; import; import; import; import; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.SpatialReference; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.TimeExtent; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.Util; import edu.ucdavis.cstars.client.geometry.Geometry; /** * Query for input to the QueryTask. Not all query properties are required to execute a QueryTask. The query definition * requires one of the following properties: queryGeometry, text, or where. Optional properties include outFields, * outSpatialReference, and returnGeometry. * * @author Justin Merz */ public class Query extends JavaScriptObject { public enum SpatialRelationshipType { NOT_SET(""), SPATIAL_REL_CONTAINS("esriSpatialRelContains"), SPATIAL_REL_CROSSES("esriSpatialRelCrosses"), SPATIAL_REL_ENVELOPEINTERSECTS("esriSpatialRelEnvelopeIntersects"), SPATIAL_REL_INDEXINTERSECTS("esriSpatialRelIndexIntersects"), SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS("esriSpatialRelIntersects"), SPATIAL_REL_OVERLAPS("esriSpatialRelOverlaps"), SPATIAL_REL_RELATION("esriSpatialRelRelation"), SPATIAL_REL_TOUCHES("esriSpatialRelTouches"), SPATIAL_REL_SPATIAL_REL_WITHIN("esriSpatialRelWithin"); private String val; private SpatialRelationshipType(String value){ val = value; } public String getValue() { return val; } } protected Query() {} /** * Creates a new Query object used to execute a query on the layer resource identified by the URL. * * @return Query */ public static native Query create() /*-{ return new $wnd.esri.tasks.Query(); }-*/; /** * The geometry to apply to the spatial filter. The spatial relationship as specified by spatialRelationship * is applied to this geometry while performing the query. The valid geometry types are Extent, Point, * Multipoint, Polyline, or Polygon. * * @return Geometry */ public final native Geometry getGeometry() /*-{ return this.geometry; }-*/; /** * Set the geometry to apply to the spatial filter. * * @param geometry - the geometry to apply to the spatial filter. The spatial relationship as specified by spatialRelationship * is applied to this geometry while performing the query. The valid geometry types are Extent, Point, * Multipoint, Polyline, or Polygon. */ public final native void setGeometry(Geometry geometry) /*-{ this.geometry = geometry; }-*/; /** * One or more field names that will be used to group the statistics. groupByFieldsForStatistics is only valid when outStatistics have been defined. * * Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) * * @return JsArrayString */ public final native JsArrayString getGroupByFieldsForStatistics() /*-{ return this.groupByFieldsForStatistics; }-*/; /** * Set the groupByFieldsForStatistics parameter. * * @param groupByFieldsForStatistics - One or more field names that will be used to group the statistics. groupByFieldsForStatistics is only valid when * outStatistics have been defined. Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) */ public final void setGroupByFieldsForStatistics(String[] groupByFieldsForStatistics) { _setGroupByFieldsForStatistics(Util.stringArrayToJSO(groupByFieldsForStatistics)); } private final native void _setGroupByFieldsForStatistics(JavaScriptObject groupByFieldsForStatistics) /*-{ this.groupByFieldsForStatistics = groupByFieldsForStatistics; }-*/; /** * The maximum allowable offset used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The * offset is in the units of the spatialReference. If a spatialReference is not defined the spatial reference of the map is used. * * @return double */ public final native double getMaxAllowableOffset() /*-{ return this.maxAllowableOffset; }-*/; /** * Set the maximum allowable offset. * * @param maxAllowableOffset - the maximum allowable offset used for generalizing geometries returned by the query operation. The * offset is in the units of the spatialReference. If a spatialReference is not defined the spatial reference of the map is used. */ public final native void setMaxAllowableOffset(double maxAllowableOffset) /*-{ this.maxAllowableOffset = maxAllowableOffset; }-*/; /** * A comma delimited list of ObjectIds for the features in the layer/table that you want to query. * * @return JsArrayInteger */ public final native JsArrayInteger getObjectIds() /*-{ return this.objectIds; }-*/; /** * Set object ids. * * @param ids - Array of ObjectIds for the features in the layer/table that you want to query. */ public final void setObjectIds(int[] ids) { _setObjectIds(Util.intArrayToJSO(ids)); }; private final native void _setObjectIds(JavaScriptObject ids) /*-{ this.objectIds = ids; }-*/; /** * One or more field names that will be used to order the query results. Specfiy ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after the field name to * control the order. The default order is ASC. orderByFields is only supported on dynamic layers and tables where supportsAdvancedQueries is * true. * * Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) * * @return JsArrayString */ public final native JsArrayString getOrderByFields() /*-{ return this.orderByFields; }-*/; /** * Set the orderByField parameter. * * @param orderByFields - One or more field names that will be used to order the query results. Specfiy ASC (ascending) or DESC (descending) after the field name to * control the order. The default order is ASC. orderByFields is only supported on dynamic layers and tables where supportsAdvancedQueries is * true. Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) */ public final void setOrderByFields(String[] orderByFields) { _setOrderByFields(Util.stringArrayToJSO(orderByFields)); } private final native void _setOrderByFields(JavaScriptObject orderByFields) /*-{ this.orderByFields = orderByFields; }-*/; /** * Attribute fields to include in the FeatureSet. Fields must exist in the map layer. You must list the actual field names rather * than the alias names. Returned fields are also the actual field names. However, you are able to use the alias names when * you display the results. You can set field alias names in the map document. * * When you specify the output fields, you should limit the fields to only those you expect to use in the query or the results. * The fewer fields you include, the faster the response will be. * * Each query must have access to the Shape and Objectid fields for a layer, but your list of fields does not need to include * these two fields. * * @return JsArrayString */ public final native JsArrayString getOutFields() /*-{ return this.outFields; }-*/; /** * Set outFields for query. * * @param outFields - Attribute fields to include in the FeatureSet. */ public final void setOutFields(String[] outFields) { _setOutFields(Util.stringArrayToJSO(outFields)); } private final native void _setOutFields(JavaScriptObject outFields) /*-{ this.outFields = outFields; }-*/; /** * The spatial reference for the returned geometry. If not specified, the geometry is returned in the spatial reference of the map. * * @return SpatialReference */ public final native SpatialReference getOutSpatialReference() /*-{ return this.outSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * Set the spatial reference for the query. * * @param outSpatialReference - The spatial reference for the returned geometry. If not specified, the geometry * is returned in the spatial reference of the map. */ public final native void setOutSpatialReference(SpatialReference outSpatialReference) /*-{ this.outSpatialReference = outSpatialReference; }-*/; /** * The definitions for one or more field-based statistic to be calculated. outStatistics is only supported on layers/tables where * supportsStatistics is true. If outStatistics is specified the only other query parameters that will be used are * groupByFieldsForStatistics, orderByFields, text, timeExtent and where. * * Requires ArcGIS Server service version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) * * @return JsArray<StatisticDefinition> */ public final native JsArray<StatisticDefinition> getOutStatistics() /*-{ return this.outStatistics; }-*/; /** * Set the outStatistics parameter. * * @param outStatistics - The definitions for one or more field-based statistic to be calculated. outStatistics is only * supported on layers/tables where supportsStatistics is true. If outStatistics is specified the only other query parameters * that will be used are groupByFieldsForStatistics, orderByFields, text, timeExtent and where. Requires ArcGIS Server service * version 10.1 or greater (As of v2.6) */ public final void setOutStatistics(StatisticDefinition[] outStatistics) { _setOutStatistics(Util.objectArrayToJSO(outStatistics)); }; private final native void _setOutStatistics(JavaScriptObject outStatistics) /*-{ this.outStatistics = outStatistics; }-*/; /** * The 'Shape Comparison Language' string to evaluate. Examples of valid strings are: * * RELATE(G1,G2,"FFFTTT***) * dim (g1.boundary,g2.boundary) = linear * dim (g1.exterior, g2.boundary)= linear * * The string describes the spatial relationship to be tested when the spatial relationship is esriSpatialRelRelation * The Shape Comparison Language EDN topic has additional details. * * @return String */ public final native String getRelationParam() /*-{ return this.relationParam; }-*/; /** * Set the relation param for this query. * * @param relationParam -The 'Shape Comparison Language' string to evaluate. */ public final native void setRelationParam(String relationParam) /*-{ this.relationParam = relationParam; }-*/; /** * If "true", each feature in the FeatureSet includes the geometry. Set to "false" (default) if you do not plan to include * highlighted features on a map since the geometry makes up a significant portion of the response. * * @return boolean */ public final native boolean returnGeometry() /*-{ return this.returnGeometry; }-*/; /** * Set the returnGeometry parameter for this query. * * @param returnGeometry - If "true", each feature in the FeatureSet includes the geometry. Set to "false" (default) if * you do not plan to include highlighted features on a map since the geometry makes up a significant portion of the response. */ public final native void setReturnGeometry(boolean returnGeometry) /*-{ this.returnGeometry = returnGeometry; }-*/; /** * The spatial relationship to be applied on the input geometry while performing the * query. Default value: SPATIAL_REL_INTERSECTS * * @return SpatialRelationshipType */ public final SpatialRelationshipType getSpatialRelationship() { String sr = _getSpatialRelationship(); for( int i = 0; i < SpatialRelationshipType.values().length; i++ ){ if( SpatialRelationshipType.values()[i].getValue().contentEquals(sr) ){ return SpatialRelationshipType.values()[i]; } } return SpatialRelationshipType.NOT_SET; } private final native String _getSpatialRelationship() /*-{ return this.spatialRelationship; }-*/; /** * Set the spatial relationship for this query. * * @param spatialRelationship - The spatial relationship to be applied on the input geometry while performing the query. */ public final void setSpatialRelationship(SpatialRelationshipType spatialRelationship) { _setSpatialRelationship(spatialRelationship.getValue()); } private final native void _setSpatialRelationship(String spatialRelationship) /*-{ this.spatialRelationship = spatialRelationship; }-*/; /** * Shorthand for a where clause using "like". The field used is the display field defined in the map document. * You can determine what the display field is for a layer in Services Directory. * * @return String */ public final native String getText() /*-{ return this.text; }-*/; /** * Set the text for this query. * * @param text - Shorthand for a where clause using "like". The field used is the display field defined in the * map document. You can determine what the display field is for a layer in Services Directory. */ public final native void setText(String text) /*-{ this.text = text; }-*/; /** * Time extent for the query. * * @return TimeExtent */ public final native TimeExtent getTimeExtent() /*-{ return this.timeExtent; }-*/; /** * Specify a time extent for the query. * * @param timeExtent - time extent to be used in query. */ public final native void setTimeExtent(TimeExtent timeExtent) /*-{ this.timeExtent = timeExtent; }-*/; /** * A where clause for the query. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the layer is allowed. * * @return String */ public final native String getWhere() /*-{ return this.where; }-*/; /** * Set where clause for this query. * * @param where - A where clause for the query. Any legal SQL where clause operating on the fields in the * layer is allowed. */ public final native void setWhere(String where) /*-{ this.where = where; }-*/; }