package ecologylab.serialization.deserializers.parsers.tlv; /* * * * Copyright 1990-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version * 2 only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License version 2 for more details (a copy is * included at /legal/license.txt). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * version 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA * 02110-1301 USA * * Please contact Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa * Clara, CA 95054 or visit if you need additional * information or have any questions. */ import; import; import; import; import java.util.Calendar; /** * This class implements miscellaneous utility methods including * those used for conversion of BigIntegers to * byte arrays, hexadecimal printing of byte arrays etc. */ public class Utils { /** UTF-8 encoding name. */ public static final String utf8 = "UTF-8"; /** Hexadecimal digits. */ private static char[] hc = { '0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F' }; /** * Returns hex value for given sequence of bytes. * @param b source data * @param off offset of the first byte * @param len length of the value * @return hex value for given sequence of bytes. */ public static String hexNumber(byte[] b, int off, int len) { char[] r; int v; int i; int j; if ((b == null) || (len == 0)) { return ""; } if ((off < 0) || (len < 0)) { throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } r = new char[len * 2]; for (i = 0, j = 0;;) { v = b[off + i] & 0xff; r[j++] = hc[v >>> 4]; r[j++] = hc[v & 0x0f]; i++; if (i >= len) { break; } } return (new String(r, 0, j)); } /** * Returns hex value for given byte. * @param b source data * @return hex value. */ public static String hexByte(int b) { b = b & 0xff; return new String(new char[] { hc[b >>> 4], hc[b & 0x0f] }); } /** * Checks if two byte arrays match. * @param a the first byte array * @param aOff starting offset for comparison within a * @param aLen length of data in the first array * @param b the second byte array * @param bOff starting offset for comparison within b * @param bLen length of data in the second array * @return true if the sequence of len bytes in a starting at * aOff matches those in b starting at bOff, false otherwise */ public static boolean byteMatch(byte[] a, int aOff, int aLen, byte[] b, int bOff, int bLen) { if ((aLen != bLen) || (a.length < aOff + aLen) || (b.length < bOff + bLen)) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < aLen; i++) { if (a[i + aOff] != b[i + bOff]) return false; } return true; } /** * Checks if two byte arrays match. * @param a the first byte array * @param b the second byte array * @return true if both arrays has the same length and contents */ public static boolean byteMatch(byte[] a, byte[] b) { return byteMatch(a, 0, a.length, b, 0, b.length); } /** * Converts a sequence of bytes into a printable OID, * a string of decimal digits, each separated by a ".". * @param buffer byte array containing the bytes to be converted * @param offset starting offset of the byte subsequence inside b * @param length number of bytes to be converted * @return printable OID */ public static String OIDtoString(byte[] buffer, int offset, int length) { StringBuffer result; int end; int t; int x; int y; if (length == 0) { return ""; } result = new StringBuffer(40); end = offset + length; // first byte (t) always represents the first 2 values (x, y). // t = (x * 40) + y; t = buffer[offset++] & 0xff; x = t / 40; y = t - (x * 40); result.append(x); result.append('.'); result.append(y); x = 0; while (offset < end) { // 7 bit per byte, bit 8 = 0 means the end of a value x = x << 7; t = buffer[offset++]; if (t >= 0) { x += t; result.append('.'); result.append(x); x = 0; } else { x += t & 0x7f; } } return result.toString(); } /** * Converst OID from string representation into byte array. * @param oid string representation of OID * @return byte array containing DER value for this OID. */ public static byte[] StringToOID(String oid) { if (oid.indexOf('-') != -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(oid); } ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int i = 0; int b1 = 0; int current = 0; while (current < oid.length()) { i++; int k = oid.indexOf('.', current); if (k == -1) { k = oid.length(); } int v = Integer.parseInt(oid.substring(current, k)); current = k + 1; if (i == 1) { b1 = v; continue; } if (i == 2) { v = b1 * 40 + v; if (v > 255) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(oid); } out.write(v); continue; } int p = 0; k = v; while (true) { p += 1; k = k >> 7; if (k == 0) { break; } } k = v; while (p > 0) { byte x = (byte) (k >> ((p - 1) * 7)); if (p == 1) { x &= 0x7f; } else { x |= 0x80; } p--; out.write(x); } } if (i < 2) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(oid); } return out.toByteArray(); } /** * Retrieves short value from byte array. * @param data byte array * @param offset value offset * @return the short value */ public static short getShort(byte[] data, int offset) { return (short) getU2(data, offset); } /** * Retrieves unsigned 2-byte value from byte array. * @param data byte array * @param offset value offset * @return the value */ public static int getU2(byte[] data, int offset) { return ((data[offset] & 0xff) << 8) | (data[offset + 1] & 0xff); } /** * Constructs integer value from byte array data. * @param data the byte array. * @param offset offset of the data. * @return the integer value. */ public static int getInt(byte[] data, int offset) { int l = 0; for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { l = (l << 8) | (data[offset++] & 0xFF); } return l; } /** * Calculates SHA-1 hash for given data. * @param inBuf array containing the data * @param inOff data offset * @param inLen data length * @return SHA-1 hash */ public static byte[] getHash(byte[] inBuf, int inOff, int inLen) { try { MessageDigest sha = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA"); sha.reset(); byte[] hash = new byte[20]; hash = sha.digest(inBuf); return hash; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } /** * Returns byte array which contains encoded short value. * @param i the value * @return byte array */ public static byte[] shortToBytes(int i) { byte[] data = new byte[2]; data[0] = (byte) (i >> 8); data[1] = (byte) i; return data; } /** * Returns byte array that contains sequence of encoded short values. * @param data the short values * @return byte array */ public static byte[] shortsToBytes(short[] data) { byte[] d = new byte[2 * data.length]; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { d[i * 2] = (byte) (data[i] >> 8); d[i * 2 + 1] = (byte) data[i]; } return d; } /** * Returns UTF 8 encoding for this string. * @param s the string * @return UTF 8 encoding */ public static byte[] stringToBytes(String s) { try { return s.getBytes(utf8); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("Internal error: unsupported encoding"); return null; } /** * Converts the calender to a string. * @param calendar input date information * @return formatted calendar string */ public static String calendarToString(Calendar calendar) { String[] months = { "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; String[] days = { "Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" }; if (calendar == null) { return "Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 UTC 1970"; } int dow = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); int hour_of_day = calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY); int minute = calendar.get(Calendar.MINUTE); int seconds = calendar.get(Calendar.SECOND); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); String yr = Integer.toString(year); // TimeZone zone = calendar.getTimeZone(); // String zoneID = zone.getID(); // if (zoneID == null) zoneID = ""; String zoneID = "GMT"; // The total size of the string buffer // 3+1+3+1+2+1+2+1+2+1+2+1+zoneID.length+1+yr.length // = 21 + zoneID.length + yr.length StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(25 + zoneID.length() + yr.length()); sb.append(days[dow - 1]).append(' '); sb.append(months[month]).append(' '); appendTwoDigits(sb, day).append(' '); appendTwoDigits(sb, hour_of_day).append(':'); appendTwoDigits(sb, minute).append(':'); appendTwoDigits(sb, seconds).append(' '); if (zoneID.length() > 0) sb.append(zoneID).append(' '); appendFourDigits(sb, year); return sb.toString(); } /** * Appends zero filled numeric string for two digit numbers. * @param sb current formatted buffer * @param number the digit to format * @return updated formatted string buffer */ private static final StringBuffer appendTwoDigits(StringBuffer sb, int number) { if (number < 10) { sb.append('0'); } return sb.append(number); } /** * Appends zero filled numeric string for four digit numbers. * @param sb current formatted buffer * @param number the digit to format * @return updated formatted string buffer */ private static final StringBuffer appendFourDigits(StringBuffer sb, int number) { if (number >= 0 && number < 1000) { sb.append('0'); if (number < 100) { sb.append('0'); } if (number < 10) { sb.append('0'); } } return sb.append(number); } /** * Writes hex representation of byte array elements. * @param writer where to write * @param data data to be written */ public static void writeHex(PrintStream writer, byte[] data) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (data[i] > -1 && data[i] < 16) { s = s + "0"; } s = s + Integer.toHexString(data[i] & 0xff) + " "; if ((i + 1) % 16 == 0) { writer.println(s); s = ""; } } if (s.length() != 4) { writer.println(s); } } /** * Converts string to array of shorts * @param str input string * @return output array of shorts */ public static short[] stringToShorts(String str) { byte[] b = str.getBytes(); short[] res = new short[1 + (b.length / 4)]; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { if ((b[i] >= 0x30) & (b[i] <= 0x39)) { b[i] = (byte) (b[i] - 0x30); } else { if ((b[i] >= 0x41) & (b[i] <= 0x46)) { b[i] = (byte) (b[i] - 0x41 + 0xa); } else { if ((b[i] >= 0x61) & (b[i] <= 0x66)) { b[i] = (byte) (b[i] - 0x61 + 0xa); } } } } res[0] = 0x3fff; for (int i = 0; i < res.length - 1; i++) { res[i + 1] = (short) ((b[4 * i] << 12) | (b[4 * i + 1] << 8) | (b[4 * i + 2] << 4) | b[4 * i + 3]); } return res; } /** * Creates java source for static array initialization. * @param writer where to write * @param name array name * @param data initial values */ public static void writeDataArray(PrintStream writer, String name, byte[] data) { writer.println(); String s = " static byte[] " + name + " = { "; for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { s = s + ", "; } String h = "" + data[i]; if (s.length() + h.length() > 76) { writer.println(s); s = " "; } s = s + h; } writer.println(s + "};"); writer.println(); } }