package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import ecologylab.collections.CollectionTools; import ecologylab.generic.Debug; /** * Reusable static methods that do nifty network stuff. * * @author andruid * @author blake * @author eunyee * */ public class NetTools extends Debug { final static String SUPPORTED_CHARSETS[] = { "us-ascii", "windows-1250", "windows-1251", "windows-1252", "windows-1253", "windows-1254", "windows-1257", "iso-8859-1", "iso-8859-2", "iso-8859-4", "iso-8859-5", "iso-8859-7", "iso-8859-9", "iso-8859-13", "iso-8859-15", "ISO-8859-1", "ISO_8859-1", "ISO-8859-2", "ISO-8859-4", "ISO-8859-5", "ISO-8859-7", "ISO-8859-9", "ISO-8859-13", "ISO-8859-15", "koi8-r", "utf-8", "utf-16", "utf-16be", "utf-16le", "UTF-8", "UTF-16", "UTF-16be", "UTF-16le" }; final static HashMap<String, String> supportedCharsetMap = CollectionTools.buildHashMapFromStrings(SUPPORTED_CHARSETS); /** * Seek a charset specification in the MimeType header of the HTTP request. The return values are * strange, in order to enable reporting an error to happen conveniently around the call site. * * @param mimeType * The Mime Type header. * * @return Null if the charset is supported (including if there is no specificaton of it in the * header). The charset that is unsupported, if that is the case. */ public static String isCharsetSupported(String mimeType) { if (mimeType == null) return null; int charsetIndex = mimeType.indexOf("charset"); if (charsetIndex > -1) { int equalsIndex = mimeType.indexOf('=', charsetIndex); if (equalsIndex++ > -1) // seek and skip over the equals { int closingSemIndex = mimeType.indexOf(';', equalsIndex); String charset = null; if (equalsIndex >= closingSemIndex) { charset = (closingSemIndex == -1) ? mimeType.substring(equalsIndex) : mimeType.substring(closingSemIndex, equalsIndex); } if ((charset != null) && (charset.length() > 0)) { charset = charset.trim(); if (charset.startsWith("\"")) charset = charset.substring(1); if (charset.endsWith("\"")) charset = charset.substring(0, charset.length() - 1); // println("CHARSET: '" + charset + "'"); if (!supportedCharsetMap.containsKey(charset)) { return charset; } } } } return null; /* * StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( mimeType, ";= "); String encoding = null; * while(st.hasMoreTokens()) { if( st.nextToken().equals("charset")) { encoding = * st.nextToken(); println("ENCODING : " + encoding); } } if( (encoding != null) && * !supportedCharsetMap.containsKey(encoding) ) { * infoCollector.displayStatus("Cant process charset " + encoding + " in " + purl.toString() ); * return null; } */ } /** * Free resources as possible on the URLConnection passed in. * * This is accomplished by calling disconnect() if it turns out to be an instance of * HttpURLConnection. * * @param urlConnection * a reference to a URLConnection. */ public static void disconnect(URLConnection urlConnection) { if ((urlConnection != null) && (urlConnection instanceof HttpURLConnection)) { HttpURLConnection httpConnection = (HttpURLConnection) urlConnection; httpConnection.disconnect(); // free resources! } } public static void close(InputStream inStream) { if (inStream != null) try { inStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } static String localHost = null; /** * local host address (parse out only IP address) * * @return */ public static String localHost() { String localHost1 = NetTools.localHost; if (localHost1 == null) { try { localHost1 = InetAddress.getLocalHost().toString(); // localHost = localHost.replace('/','_'); localHost1 = localHost1.substring(localHost1.indexOf('/') + 1); NetTools.localHost = localHost1; } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return localHost1; } public static InetAddress[] getAllInetAddressesForLocalhost() { HashSet<InetAddress> addresses = new HashSet<InetAddress>(); try { Enumeration<NetworkInterface> byName = NetworkInterface.getNetworkInterfaces(); while (byName.hasMoreElements()) { NetworkInterface nextElement = byName.nextElement(); // System.out.println(nextElement.getDisplayName()); Enumeration<InetAddress> inetAddresses = nextElement.getInetAddresses(); while (inetAddresses.hasMoreElements()) { addresses.add(inetAddresses.nextElement()); } } } catch (SocketException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } try { for (InetAddress a : InetAddress.getAllByName("localhost")) { addresses.add(a); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { for (InetAddress a : InetAddress.getAllByName(InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostAddress())) { addresses.add(a); } } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } try { addresses.add(InetAddress.getLocalHost()); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return addresses.toArray(new InetAddress[addresses.size()]); } /** * Convenience method for getting a single-element array of InetAddresses for servers that * normally take an array, but when only one is available. * * @param address * the address to wrap. * @return a single-element array containing address. */ public static final InetAddress[] wrapSingleAddress(InetAddress address) { InetAddress[] wrappedAddress = { address }; return wrappedAddress; } }