package ecologylab.generic; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Observable; import java.util.Set; public class FeatureVector<T> extends Observable implements IFeatureVector<T> { private static final int UNCALCULATED = -1; protected HashMap<T,Double> values; private double norm = UNCALCULATED, max = UNCALCULATED; private static final Map ZERO_LENGTH_HASHMAP = new HashMap(0); public FeatureVector () { } private void initValues() { values = new HashMap<T,Double>(); } public FeatureVector ( int size ) { values = new HashMap<T,Double>(size); } public FeatureVector ( IFeatureVector<T> copyMe ) { Map<T, Double> otherMap =; if (otherMap != null && otherMap.size() > 0) values = new HashMap<T,Double>(otherMap); norm = copyMe.norm(); } protected void reset() { if (values != null) values.clear(); resetNorm(); } public FeatureVector<T> copy ( ) { return new FeatureVector<T>(this); } @Override public double get ( T term ) { if (values == null) return 0; Double d = values.get(term); if (d == null) return 0; return d; } public void add ( T term, Double val ) { if (values == null) initValues(); synchronized (values) { if (values.containsKey(term)) val += values.get(term); values.put(term, val); resetNorm(); } } public void set ( T term, Double val ) { if (values == null) initValues(); synchronized (values) { values.put(term, val); resetNorm(); } } /** * Pairwise multiplies this Vector by another Vector, in-place. * * @param v * Vector by which to multiply */ public void multiply ( IFeatureVector<T> v ) { Map<T, Double> other =; if (other == null || values == null || other.size() == 0) return; synchronized (values) { this.values.keySet().retainAll(other.keySet()); for (T term : this.values.keySet()) this.values.put(term, other.get(term) * this.values.get(term)); } resetNorm(); } /** * Scalar multiplication of this vector by some constant * * @param c * Constant to multiply this vector by. */ public void multiply ( double c ) { if (values == null) return; synchronized (values) { ArrayList<T> terms_to_delete = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T term : this.values.keySet()) { double new_val = c * this.values.get(term); if (Math.abs(new_val) < 0.001) terms_to_delete.add(term); else this.values.put(term, new_val); } for (T t : terms_to_delete) values.remove(t); } resetNorm(); } /** * Pairwise addition of this vector by some other vector times some constant.<br> * i.e. this + (c*v)<br> * Vector v is not modified. * * @param c * Constant which Vector v is multiplied by. * @param v * Vector to add to this one */ public void add ( double c, IFeatureVector<T> v ) { Map<T, Double> other =; if (other == null || other.size() == 0) return; if (values == null) initValues(); synchronized (other) { synchronized (values) { for (T term : other.keySet()) if (this.values.containsKey(term)) this.values.put(term, new Double(c * other.get(term) + this.values.get(term))); else this.values.put(term, new Double(c * other.get(term))); } } resetNorm(); } /** * Adds another Vector to this Vector, in-place. * * @param v * Vector to add to this */ public void add ( IFeatureVector<T> v ) { add(1, v); } @Override public double dot ( IFeatureVector<T> v ) { return dot(v, false); } public double dot ( IFeatureVector<T> v, boolean simplex ) { Map<T, Double> other =; if (other == null || other.size() == 0 || values == null || v.norm() == 0 || this.norm() == 0) return 0; double dot = 0; Map<T, Double> vector = this.values; synchronized (values) { for (T term : vector.keySet()) if (other.containsKey(term)) if (simplex) dot += vector.get(term); else dot += vector.get(term) + other.get(term); } return dot; } @Override public Set<T> elements ( ) { if (values == null) return new HashSet<T>(0); return new HashSet<T>(values.keySet()); } @Override public Set<Double> values ( ) { if (values == null) return new HashSet<Double>(0); return new HashSet<Double>(values.values()); } /** * Access to the inner-level HashMap backing this FeatureVector. * Do NOT modify this collection outside of or, * you will probably cause things to break. * * @return HashMap backing this FeatureVector */ @Override public Map<T, Double> map ( ) { if (values == null) return ZERO_LENGTH_HASHMAP; return values; } public int size ( ) { if (values == null) return 0; return values.size(); } private void recalculateNorm ( ) { if (values == null) return; double norm = 0; synchronized(values) { for (double d : this.values.values()) { norm += Math.pow(d, 2); } } this.norm = Math.sqrt(norm); } private void resetNorm ( ) { norm = UNCALCULATED; max = UNCALCULATED; } @Override public double norm ( ) { if (norm == UNCALCULATED) recalculateNorm(); return norm; } @Override public double max ( ) { if (max == UNCALCULATED) recalculateMax(); return max; } private void recalculateMax ( ) { if (values == null) return; synchronized(values) { for (Double d : values.values()) if (Math.abs(d) > max) max = d; } } /** * Linearly scales the vector such that the max value in the vector is no more than the passed * in value.<br/> * <br/> * Pivots around zero so that negative values with a magnitude greater than the clamp will be * scaled appropriately. * * @param clampTo * The new max value of the vector. */ public void clamp ( double clampTo ) { if (values == null) return; clampTo = Math.abs(clampTo); double max = this.max(); if (!(max > clampTo)) return; double clampRatio = clampTo / max; synchronized (values) { Set<T> keySet = this.values.keySet(); for (T term : keySet) { double old_value = this.values.get(term); double new_value = clampRatio * old_value; this.values.put(term, new_value); } } resetNorm(); } public void clampExp ( double clampTo ) { if (values == null) return; clampTo = Math.abs(clampTo); double max = 0; synchronized (values) { for (Double d : values.values()) { double d2 = Math.abs(d); if (d2 > max) max = d2; } if (!(max > clampTo)) return; ArrayList<T> terms_to_delete = new ArrayList<T>(); for (T term : this.values.keySet()) { double old_value = this.values.get(term); double new_value = clampTo * old_value / max; if (Math.abs(new_value) < 0.001) terms_to_delete.add(term); else this.values.put(term, new_value); } for (T t : terms_to_delete) values.remove(t); } resetNorm(); } @Override public IFeatureVector<T> unit ( ) { FeatureVector<T> v = new FeatureVector<T>(this); v.clamp(1); return v; } @Override public double dotSimplex ( IFeatureVector<T> v ) { return dot(v, true); } @Override public int commonDimensions ( IFeatureVector<T> v ) { Set<T> v_elements = v.elements(); v_elements.retainAll(this.elements()); return v_elements.size(); } @Override public FeatureVector<T> simplex ( ) { FeatureVector<T> v = new FeatureVector<T>(this); for (T t : v.values.keySet()) { v.values.put(t, 1.0); } return v; } public void clear() { if (values == null) return; synchronized(values) { values.clear(); } } public void recycle() { if (values != null) { values.clear(); values = null;//TODO could drop this line to be more moderate } } @Override public boolean isRecycled() { return values == null; } }