package ecologylab.appframework; import; import java.util.Properties; import ecologylab.appframework.types.prefs.Pref; import ecologylab.generic.Debug; import ecologylab.generic.StringTools; import; /** * Collects paths and methods for accessing properties that store's on the participant's machine and * then accesses again. */ public class PropertiesAndDirectories extends Debug { protected static File USER_DOCUMENT_DIR; protected static File USER_DIR; protected static File DESKTOP_DIR; protected static File LOG_DIR; protected static File APPLICATION_DATA_DIR; protected static File THIS_APPLICATION_DIR; protected static File LAUNCH_DIR; protected static File TEMP_DIR; protected static File _DIR; public static final int UNKNOWN = 0, XP = 1, LINUX = 2, MAC_OLD = 3, MAC = 4, OTHER_UNIX = 5, VISTA_AND_7 = 6, ANDROID = 7; public static final String OS_NAMES[] = { "Unknown", "Windows XP", "Linux", "Mac old", "Mac OSX", "Unix", "Windows Vista / 7" , "Android" }; protected static int os; // should be final static { String osName = System.getProperty(""); if (osName != null) { osName = osName.toLowerCase(); if (StringTools.contains(osName, "xp")) os = XP; else if (StringTools.contains(osName, "windows")) os = VISTA_AND_7; else if (StringTools.contains(osName, "mac os x")) os = MAC; else if (StringTools.contains(osName, "mac os")) os = MAC_OLD; else if (System.getProperty("").contains("Dalvik")) os = ANDROID; else if (StringTools.contains(osName, "linux")) os = LINUX; else if (StringTools.contains(osName, "sunos") || StringTools.contains(osName, "solaris") || StringTools.contains(osName, "hp-ux") || StringTools.contains(osName, "freebsd") || StringTools.contains(osName, "irix") || StringTools.contains(osName, "aix")) os = OTHER_UNIX; else os = UNKNOWN; } else os = UNKNOWN; println("System Properties: " + System.getProperties()); } public static int os() { if (os == UNKNOWN) { String osPreference = Pref.lookupString("os"); if (osPreference != null) { osPreference = osPreference.toLowerCase(); if (osPreference.indexOf("xp") != -1) os = XP; else if (osPreference.indexOf("windows") != -1) os = VISTA_AND_7; else if (osPreference.indexOf("mac") != -1) os = MAC; else if (osPreference.indexOf("linux") != -1) os = LINUX; } } return os; } public static String getOsName() { return OS_NAMES[os()]; } static String applicationName; public static void setApplicationName(String apName) { applicationName = apName; } public static String applicationName() { return applicationName; } /** * This function now uses the Assets class that manages caching and retrieval of assets. * * @return The directory where we like to cache files. not user files (information spaces), but * our application files. */ public static File thisApplicationDir() { File result = THIS_APPLICATION_DIR; if (result == null) { result = lookupApplicationDir(applicationName); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); if (result != null) THIS_APPLICATION_DIR = result; } return result; } /** * This function provides the application directory for a particular Environment. * * @return The directory where we like to cache files. not user files (information spaces), but * our application files. */ public static File thisApplicationDir(Environment e) { File result = THIS_APPLICATION_DIR; if (result == null) { result = lookupApplicationDir(e.getApplicationName()); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); if (result != null) THIS_APPLICATION_DIR = result; } return result; } /** * Lookup the location for application files, given the application name. * * @param applicationName * name of the application whose application files directory we want to find. * @return the application files directory for the application. */ public static File lookupApplicationDir(String applicationName) { File apDataDir = applicationDataDir(); File result = null; // println("thisApplicationDir() apDataDir="+apDataDir+" applicationName="+applicationName // +" os()=" // +os()); switch (os) { case XP: case VISTA_AND_7: case MAC: case MAC_OLD: result = Files.newFile(apDataDir, applicationName); break; case ANDROID: case LINUX: case OTHER_UNIX: case UNKNOWN: result = Files.newFile(apDataDir, "." + applicationName); } return result; } /** * @return the appropriate directory for storing temporary files. */ public static File logDir(ApplicationEnvironment env) { File result = LOG_DIR; if (result == null) { File apDataDir = thisApplicationDir(env); if (apDataDir != null) { result = lookupApplicationLogDir(apDataDir); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); if (result != null) LOG_DIR = result; } println("LOG_DIR = " + LOG_DIR); } return result; } /** * @return the appropriate directory for storing temporary files. */ public static File logDir() { File result = LOG_DIR; if (result == null) { File apDataDir = thisApplicationDir(); if (apDataDir != null) { result = lookupApplicationLogDir(apDataDir); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); if (result != null) LOG_DIR = result; } println("LOG_DIR = " + LOG_DIR); } return result; } /** * @param apDataDir * @return */ public static File lookupApplicationLogDir(File apDataDir) { File result; int thisOS = os(); if (thisOS == XP || thisOS == VISTA_AND_7) result = Files.newFile(apDataDir, "log"); else result = Files.newFile(apDataDir, "." + "log"); return result; } /** * Create directories associated with this path, if possible. * * @param path * @return null if it was not possible to create the path, otherwise, the argument passed in. */ public static File createDirsAsNeeded(File path) { return path.exists() ? path : (path.mkdirs() ? path : null); } /** * @return the appropriate directory for storing temporary files. */ public static File tempDir() { File result = TEMP_DIR; if (result == null) { File sysTempDir = sysTempDir(); if (sysTempDir != null) result = sysTempDir; else { result = Files.newFile(thisApplicationDir(), "temp"); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); if (result == null) { result = Files.newFile(userDocumentDir(), "temp"); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); } } TEMP_DIR = result; println("TEMP_DIR = " + TEMP_DIR); } return result; } /** * @return name of the appropriate directory for storing temporary files. */ public static File sysTempDir() { File result = null; String javaTmpDirStr = System.getProperty(""); File javaTmpDir = new File(javaTmpDirStr); if (javaTmpDir.exists()) result = javaTmpDir; else if (javaTmpDir.mkdirs()) result = javaTmpDir; else { switch (PropertiesAndDirectories.os()) { case XP: case VISTA_AND_7: String s1 = "c:/temp/"; File f1 = new File(s1); if (f1.exists() && f1.canRead() && f1.canWrite()) { result = f1; } else { String s2 = "c:/wutemp/"; File f2 = new File(s2); if (f2.exists() && f2.canRead() && f2.canWrite()) { result = f2; } else { String osDirName = System.getProperty("deployment.system.profile"); if (osDirName != null) { File osDir = Files.newFile(osDirName); File osTempDir = Files.newFile(osDir, "temp"); if (osTempDir.exists() && osTempDir.canRead() && osTempDir.canWrite()) result = osTempDir; else { if (createDirsAsNeeded(f1) != null) result = f1; else { // use (and make if necessary) temp dir inside our application dir result = Files.newFile(thisApplicationDir(), "\temp"); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); } } } else { // use (and make if necessary) temp dir inside our application dir result = Files.newFile(thisApplicationDir(), "temp"); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); } } } break; default: result = Files.newFile("/tmp/"); result = createDirsAsNeeded(result); } } return result; } public static String sysProperty(String propName) { return System.getProperty(propName); } /** * Find the OS-specific location for application data files. */ public static File applicationDataDir() { File result = APPLICATION_DATA_DIR; if (result == null) { String fileName = sysProperty("deployment.user.profile"); println("deployment.user.profile=" + fileName); if (fileName == null) // for Mac OS X (and some windows!!) { fileName = sysProperty("user.home"); println("user.home=" + fileName); } File appDataDir; switch (os) { case ANDROID: appDataDir = new File(fileName = "/mnt/sdcard/Android/data/"); break; case VISTA_AND_7: appDataDir = new File(fileName, "AppData/Roaming"); break; case XP: appDataDir = new File(fileName, "Application Data"); break; case MAC: appDataDir = new File(fileName, "Library/Application Support"); break; case LINUX: case OTHER_UNIX: case UNKNOWN: default: appDataDir = new File(fileName); } result = createDirsAsNeeded(appDataDir); if (result == null) { result = createDirsAsNeeded(Files.newFile(fileName)); } println("applicationDataDir() = " + result); APPLICATION_DATA_DIR = result; } return result; } /** * A default place for storing the user's files. * * In Windows, this is typically c:\\Documents and Settings\\username\\My Documents * * In unix-based OSes, it is typically ~. */ public static File userDocumentDir() { File result = USER_DOCUMENT_DIR; if (result == null) { int thisOS = PropertiesAndDirectories.os(); switch (thisOS) { case XP: case VISTA_AND_7: // File appDataDir = applicationDataDir(); // File appDataParent= Files.newFile(appDataDir.getParent()); File userDir = userDir(); if (thisOS == XP) { result = Files.newFile(userDir, "My Documents"); if (!result.exists()) result = Files.newFile(userDir, "Personal"); } else { result = Files.newFile(userDir, "Documents"); } break; default: result = userDir(); break; } if (result == null) result = userDir(); USER_DOCUMENT_DIR = result; } return result; } public static File userDir() { File result = USER_DIR; if (result == null) { result = Files.newFile(sysProperty("user.home")); } USER_DIR = result; return result; } public static String userName() { return sysProperty(""); } /** * A default place for storing the user's files. * * In Windows, this is typically c:\\Documents and Settings\\username */ public static File desktopDir() { File result = DESKTOP_DIR; int thisOS = PropertiesAndDirectories.os(); if (result == null) { switch (thisOS) { case XP: case VISTA_AND_7: case MAC: // && // old code for dealing with applet launched cF, commented out by andrew on 9/22/08 // (System.getProperty("http.agent") == null || //since the app version has no agent // System.getProperty("http.agent").startsWith("Mozilla"))) // File appDataDir = applicationDataDir(); // System.out.println("appDataDir: " + appDataDir); // if (appDataDir.toString().matches("Application Data")) // result = Files.newFile(appDataDir.getParentFile().getParent(), "Desktop"); // else // result = Files.newFile(appDataDir.getParent(), "Desktop"); File userDir = userDir(); result = Files.newFile(userDir, "Desktop"); break; default: result = userDir(); } DESKTOP_DIR = result; println("DESKTOP_DIR = " + DESKTOP_DIR); } return result; } /** * For an application, the directory launched from. Derived from System property = user.home, * which doesn't seem to contain what you might think it would. */ public static File getLaunchDir() { String launchDirName = System.getProperty("user.home"); return Files.newFile(launchDirName); } public static void printProperties() { Properties p = System.getProperties(); println("\nProperties TEST\n" + p); } public static void main(String args[]) { PropertiesAndDirectories.printProperties(); } /** * Root directory of the current user's workspace. **/ public static String userDirName() { return ""; } /** * Path to the Java deployment properties file. This is, among other things, where Java Plug-in * properties are stored. * * @return Properties File for Java deployment. */ public static File javaDeploymentProfile() { File deploymentFile; int os = os(); switch (os) { case XP: // tested with XP and 2000 case VISTA_AND_7: deploymentFile = new File(applicationDataDir(), "Sun/Java/Deployment/"); break; case MAC: // tested on OSX deploymentFile = new File(sysProperty("deployment.user.home"), ""); break; default: // Probably works in linux (not tested on linux yet!!!) TODO test on linux deploymentFile = new File(sysProperty("user.home"), ".java/deployment/"); break; } if (deploymentFile.exists()) return deploymentFile; return null; } public static boolean runningAsApplication() { return System.getProperty("http.agent") == null; } public static void setOSSpecificProperties(String applicationName2) { switch (os()) { case MAC: System.setProperty("apple.laf.useScreenMenuBar", "true"); System.setProperty("", applicationName2); } } public static final boolean isMac = (os() == MAC); public static final boolean isWindows() { int os = os(); return (os == XP) || (os == VISTA_AND_7); } public static final boolean isUnix() { int os = os(); return (os == MAC) || (os == LINUX) || (os == OTHER_UNIX); } }