package ecologylab.serialization.deserializers.parsers.bibtex; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import ecologylab.serialization.ElementState; import ecologylab.serialization.FieldTypes; import ecologylab.serialization.SIMPLTranslationException; import ecologylab.serialization.SimplTypesScope; import ecologylab.serialization.deserializers.parsers.bibtex.entrytypes.AbstractBibTeXEntry; import ecologylab.serialization.deserializers.parsers.bibtex.entrytypes.BibTeXInProceedings; import ecologylab.serialization.formatenums.StringFormat; /** * The BibTeX parser class. * * @author quyin * */ public class BibTeXParser implements FieldTypes { static enum State { START, TYPE, BODY_START, KEY_START, KEY, KEY_FINISH, TAG_START, TAG, VALUE_START, VALUE, STOP }; BibTeXEvents eventListener; State state; /** * Constructor. * * @param eventListener * An event listener to handle parsing events. * */ public BibTeXParser(BibTeXEvents eventListener) { this.eventListener = eventListener; } /** * The entry method to parse BibTeX for deserialization. Accept a char array. Output a list of * ElementState (which has been annotated with S.IM.PL's bibtex annotations) since one BibTeX file * can contain multiple entries. * <p /> * The parsing process is controlled by a DFA. * * @param data * @return * @throws BibTeXFormatException */ public <ES extends ElementState> List<ES> parse(char[] data) throws BibTeXFormatException { List<ES> rst = new ArrayList<ES>(); if (data.length <= 0) return rst; eventListener.startBibTeX(); state = State.START; int p = 0; int valueStart = 0; while (p < data.length) { switch (state) { case START: if (data[p] != '@') { ++p; } else if (data[p] == '@') { state = State.TYPE; ++p; valueStart = p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting whitespaces or '@'."); break; case TYPE: if (!(Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) && data[p] != '{') { ++p; } else if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { state = State.BODY_START; eventListener.startEntity(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else if (data[p] == '{') { state = State.KEY_START; eventListener.startEntity(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting letters, whitespaces or '{'."); break; case BODY_START: if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { ++p; } else if (data[p] == '{') { state = State.KEY_START; ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting whitespaces or '{'."); break; case KEY_START: if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { state = State.KEY; valueStart = p; ++p; } else if (Character.isLetterOrDigit((int) data[p])) { state = State.KEY; valueStart = p; ++p; } else if (data[p] == ',') { state = State.TAG_START; eventListener.key(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting letters, digits or whitespaces."); break; case KEY: if (!(Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) && data[p] != ',') { ++p; } else if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { state = State.KEY_FINISH; eventListener.key(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else if (data[p] == ',') { state = State.TAG_START; eventListener.key(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting letters, digits, whitespaces or ','."); break; case KEY_FINISH: if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { ++p; } else if (data[p] == ',') { state = State.TAG_START; ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting whitespaces or ','."); break; case TAG_START: if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { ++p; } else if (Character.isLetterOrDigit((int) data[p])) { state = State.TAG; valueStart = p; ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting letters, digits or whitespaces."); break; case TAG: if (Character.isLetterOrDigit((int) data[p]) || data[p] == '_') { ++p; } else if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) { state = State.VALUE_START; eventListener.startTag(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else if (data[p] == '=') { state = State.VALUE; eventListener.startTag(new String(data, valueStart, p - valueStart)); ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting letters, digits, whitespaces or '='."); break; case VALUE_START: if (Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) ++p; else if (data[p] == '=') { state = State.VALUE; ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting whitespaces or '='."); break; case VALUE: StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); p += readValueAndWhitespaces(data, p, sb); eventListener.value(sb.toString()); if (data[p] == ',') { eventListener.endTag(); state = State.TAG_START; ++p; } else if (data[p] == '}') { eventListener.endTag(); ES object = (ES) eventListener.getBibTeXObject(); if (object != null) rst.add(object); eventListener.endEntity(); state = State.START; ++p; } else throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "expecting ',' or '}'."); break; } } state = State.STOP; eventListener.endBibTeX(); return rst; } private int readValueAndWhitespaces(char[] data, int p, StringBuilder sb) throws BibTeXFormatException { int p0 = p; while (p < data.length && Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) ++p; if (data[p] == '"') { ++p; int mode = 0; while (p < data.length && !(mode == 0 && data[p] == '"')) { switch (mode) { case 0: if (data[p] == '\\') mode = 1; else sb.append(data[p]); break; case 1: if (data[p] == '"' || data[p] == '\\') sb.append(data[p]); else sb.append('\\').append(data[p]); mode = 0; break; } ++p; } if (mode != 0 || p >= data.length) throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "unclosed quotes."); } else if (data[p] == '{') { ++p; int count = 1; int mode = 0; while (p < data.length && count > 0) { switch (mode) { case 0: if (data[p] == '\\') mode = 1; else { if (data[p] == '{') ++count; else if (data[p] == '}') --count; if (count > 0) sb.append(data[p]); } break; case 1: if (data[p] == '{' || data[p] == '}' || data[p] == '\\') sb.append(data[p]); else sb.append('\\').append(data[p]); mode = 0; break; } ++p; } --p; if (count > 0) throw new BibTeXFormatException(data, p, "unclosed brackets."); } else { // numbers or proper nouns while (p < data.length && !Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p]) && data[p] != ',') { sb.append(data[p]); ++p; } --p; } ++p; // skip the closing " or } while (p < data.length && Character.isWhitespace((int) data[p])) ++p; return p - p0; } void testReadValue() throws BibTeXFormatException { String[] tests = { "\"\"", "\"abc\"", "\"ab\\\"c\"", "\"ab\\\\\\\"c\"", "{}", "{abc}", "{ab\\{c}", "{ab\\{abc\\}}", "{ab{abc}}", "1234" }; for (String test : tests) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int d = readValueAndWhitespaces(test.toCharArray(), 0, sb); System.out.format("%d: %s\n", d, sb.toString()); } } void testParser1() throws BibTeXFormatException, SIMPLTranslationException { String data = " @inproceedings { article1 , author = \"Author 1\" , title = {TITLE 1} } @inproceedings { article2, author = \"Somebody\", sometag={some value}} "; List<BibTeXInProceedings> entities = parse(data.toCharArray()); for (BibTeXInProceedings entity : entities) { SimplTypesScope.serialize(entity, System.out, StringFormat.XML); } } void testParser2() throws IOException, BibTeXFormatException, SIMPLTranslationException { FileReader fr = new FileReader("C:/tmp/iis10.bib"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); char[] buf = new char[4096]; while (true) { int len =; if (len < 0) break; sb.append(buf, 0, len); } List<AbstractBibTeXEntry> entities = parse(sb.toString().toCharArray()); for (AbstractBibTeXEntry entity : entities) { SimplTypesScope.serialize(entity, System.out, StringFormat.XML); System.out.println(); // entity.serialize(System.out, FORMAT.BIBTEX); } } // public static void main(String[] args) throws BibTeXFormatException, SIMPLTranslationException, // IOException // { // BibTeXEvents listener = new ElementStateBibTeXHandler(BibTeXEntryTranslationScope.get()); // BibTeXParser parser = new BibTeXParser(listener); // // parser.testReadValue(); // // parser.testParser1(); // parser.testParser2(); // } }