package ecologylab.serialization; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.TypeVariable; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilder; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.parsers.FactoryConfigurationError; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.transform.OutputKeys; import javax.xml.transform.Transformer; import javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory; import javax.xml.transform.dom.DOMSource; import; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.xml.sax.SAXException; import org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; import ecologylab.collections.Scope; import ecologylab.generic.Debug; import ecologylab.generic.HashMapArrayList; import ecologylab.generic.StringInputStream; import; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.Hint; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.bibtex_key; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.bibtex_tag; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_collection; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_composite; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_composite_as_scalar; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_format; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_hints; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_inherit_parent_tag; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_map; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_scalar; import ecologylab.serialization.annotations.simpl_tag; import ecologylab.serialization.types.CrossLanguageTypeConstants; import ecologylab.serialization.types.ScalarType; import ecologylab.serialization.types.TypeRegistry; /** * Static helper methods that are used during the translation of java objects to XML and back. The * XML files can also be compressed by using the compression variable. For compression to work, the * developer should provide a abbreviation table in the format listed in the code. * * @author Andruid Kerne * @author Madhur Khandelwal * @version 0.5 */ public class XMLTools extends Debug implements CharacterConstants, SpecialCharacterEntities { private static final int DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH = 15; static HashMap<String, String> entityTable = new HashMap<String, String>(); static final String SPECIAL_SPELLINGS[] = { "nbsp", "iexcl", "cent", "pound", "curren", "yen", "brvbar", "sect", "uml", "copy", "ordf", "laquo", "not", "shy", "reg", "macr", "deg", "plusmn", "sup2", "sup3", "acute", "micro", "para", "middot", "ccedil", "sup1", "ordm", "raquo", "frac14", "frac12", "frac34", "iquest", "Agrave", "Aacute", "Acirc", "Atilde", "Auml", "Aring", "AElig", "Ccedil", "Egrave", "Eacute", "Ecirc", "Euml", "Igrave", "Iacute", "Icirc", "Iuml", "ETH", "Ntilde", "Ograve", "Oacute", "Ocirc", "Otilde", "Ouml", "times", "Oslash", "Ugrave", "Uacute", "Ucirc", "Uuml", "Yacute", "THORN", "szlig", "agrave", "aacute", "acirc", "atilde", "auml", "aring", "aelig", "ccedil", "egrave", "eacute", "ecirc", "euml", "igrave", "iacute", "icirc", "iuml", "eth", "ntilde", "ograve", "oacute", "ocirc", "otilde", "ouml", "divide", "oslash", "ugrave", "uacute", "ucirc", "uuml", "yacute", "thorn" }; static { // special spellings for (char i = 0; i < SPECIAL_SPELLINGS.length; i++) entityTable.put(SPECIAL_SPELLINGS[i], Character.toString((char) (i + 160))); entityTable.put("#x00bb", Character.toString((char) 187)); // a hack for weird hex references to // » � » � right-pointing // double angle quotation mark = // right pointing guillemet // even though we fill the table from 0-255, actually // 0-8 are illegal. 9,10 (decimal) are legal. 11-31 are illegal. 31-127 are legal. // syntax such as & for (char c = 0; c < 255; c++) putNumberedEntityInTable(c); for (char c = 913; c < 982; c++) // greek letters putNumberedEntityInTable(c); // the rest of the special chars: for (int i = 0; i < SPECIAL_CHARACTER_ENTITIES.length; i++) putNumberedEntityInTable(SPECIAL_CHARACTER_ENTITIES[i]); putEntityInTable("#039", '\''); putEntityInTable("#x0027", '\''); putEntityInTable("#x22", '\"'); putEntityInTable("#x27", '\''); // magic chars from the NY TIMES // ’ is really ' (ascii 39) putEntityInTable("#8217", '\''); // “ is really � = “ putEntityInTable("#8220", '�');//If this line will not compile for you, set the encoding to UTF8 // ” is really � = ” putEntityInTable("#8221", '�'); // — is really � = — -- em dash putEntityInTable("#8212", '�'); putEntityInTable("#151", '�'); putEntityInTable("#xa0", ' '); putEntityInTable("#x2019", '\''); putEntityInTable("#x2013", '-'); putEntityInTable("#x2014", '?'); putEntityInTable("#9660", '<'); // defined in the XML 1.0 spec: "predefined entities" putEntityInTable("amp", '&'); putEntityInTable("AMP", '&'); putEntityInTable("quot", '"'); putEntityInTable("lt", '<'); putEntityInTable("gt", '>'); putEntityInTable("apos", '\''); putEntityInTable("nbsp", ' '); // TODO -- start handling nbsp as a char and in TextTokn putEntityInTable("bull", BULL); putEntityInTable("hellip", HELLIP); putEntityInTable("prime", PRIME); putEntityInTable("oline", OLINE); putEntityInTable("frasl", FRASL); putEntityInTable("weierp", WEIERP); putEntityInTable("image", IMAGE); putEntityInTable("real", REAL); putEntityInTable("trade", TRADE); putEntityInTable("alefsym", ALEFSYM); putEntityInTable("larr", LARR); putEntityInTable("uarr", UARR); putEntityInTable("rarr", RARR); putEntityInTable("darr", DARR); putEntityInTable("harr", HARR); putEntityInTable("crarr", CRARR); putEntityInTable("forall", FORALL); putEntityInTable("part", PART); putEntityInTable("exist", EXIST); putEntityInTable("empty", EMPTY); putEntityInTable("nabla", NABLA); putEntityInTable("isin", ISIN); putEntityInTable("notin", NOTIN); putEntityInTable("ni", NI); putEntityInTable("prod", PROD); putEntityInTable("sum", SUM); putEntityInTable("minus", MINUS); putEntityInTable("lowast", LOWAST); putEntityInTable("radic", RADIC); putEntityInTable("prop", PROP); putEntityInTable("infin", INFIN); putEntityInTable("ang", ANG); putEntityInTable("and", AND); putEntityInTable("or", OR); putEntityInTable("cap", CAP); putEntityInTable("cup", CUP); putEntityInTable("int", INT); putEntityInTable("there4", THERE4); putEntityInTable("sim", SIM); putEntityInTable("cong", CONG); putEntityInTable("asymp", ASYMP); putEntityInTable("ne", NE); putEntityInTable("equiv", EQUIV); putEntityInTable("le", LE); putEntityInTable("ge", GE); putEntityInTable("sub", SUB); putEntityInTable("sup", SUP); putEntityInTable("nsub", NSUB); putEntityInTable("sube", SUBE); putEntityInTable("supe", SUPE); putEntityInTable("oplus", OPLUS); putEntityInTable("otimes", OTIMES); putEntityInTable("perp", PERP); putEntityInTable("sdot", SDOT); putEntityInTable("lceil", LCEIL); putEntityInTable("rceil", RCEIL); putEntityInTable("lfloor", LFLOOR); putEntityInTable("rfloor", RFLOOR); putEntityInTable("lang", LANG); putEntityInTable("rang", RANG); putEntityInTable("loz", LOZ); putEntityInTable("spades", SPADES); putEntityInTable("clubs", CLUBS); putEntityInTable("hearts", HEARTS); putEntityInTable("diams", DIAMS); putEntityInTable("oelig", OELIG); putEntityInTable("scaron", SCARON); putEntityInTable("yuml", YUML); putEntityInTable("circ", CIRC); putEntityInTable("tilde", TILDE); putEntityInTable("ensp", ENSP); putEntityInTable("emsp", EMSP); putEntityInTable("thinsp", THINSP); putEntityInTable("zwnj", ZWNJ); putEntityInTable("zwj", ZWJ); putEntityInTable("lrm", LRM); putEntityInTable("rlm", RLM); putEntityInTable("ndash", NDASH); putEntityInTable("mdash", MDASH); putEntityInTable("lsquo", LSQUO); putEntityInTable("rsquo", RSQUO); putEntityInTable("sbquo", SBQUO); putEntityInTable("ldquo", LDQUO); putEntityInTable("rdquo", RDQUO); putEntityInTable("bdquo", BDQUO); putEntityInTable("dagger", DAGGER); putEntityInTable("permil", PERMIL); putEntityInTable("lsaquo", LSAQUO); putEntityInTable("rsaquo", RSAQUO); putEntityInTable("euro", EURO); putEntityInTable("dblrarr", DBLRARR); putEntityInTable("imdbDblQt", ANOTHER_DBL_QUOTE); putEntityInTable("imdbQt", ANOTHER_QUOTE); } /** * Generate lookup from numbered XML entity character reference (e.g., {) to the actual * Character. * * @param i */ private static void putNumberedEntityInTable(char c) { String entityString = "#" + (int) c; putEntityInTable(entityString, c); } private static void putEntityInTable(String name, char c) { entityTable.put(name, Character.toString(c)); } private static boolean inheritsTagNameFromParent(Class<?> c) { final simpl_inherit_parent_tag tagParent = c.getAnnotation(simpl_inherit_parent_tag.class); if(tagParent != null) { return true; }else{ return false; } } private static final String BOGUS = "BOGUS"; /** * This method generates a name for the xml tag given a reference type java object. This is used * during the translation of Java to xml. Part of this is to translate mixed case class name word * separation into "_" word separtion. * * @param obj * a java reference type object * @param suffix * string to remove from class name, null if nothing to be removed * @return name of the xml tag (element) */ public static String xmlTagFromObject(Object obj, String suffix) { return getXmlTagName(obj.getClass(), suffix); } /** * This method generates a name for the xml tag given a reference type java object. This is used * during the translation of Java to xml. Part of this is to translate mixed case class name word * separation into "_" word separtion. * * @param thatClass * Class object to translate. * @param suffix * string to remove from class name, null if nothing to be removed * @return name of the xml tag (element) */ public static String getXmlTagName(Class<?> thatClass, String suffix) { final simpl_tag tagAnnotation = thatClass.getAnnotation(simpl_tag.class); String result = getXmlTagAnnotationIfPresent(tagAnnotation); if (result == null) { if(inheritsTagNameFromParent(thatClass)) { return getXmlTagName(thatClass.getSuperclass(), suffix); }else{ result = getXmlTagName(getClassSimpleName(thatClass), suffix); } } return result; } /** * This method generates a name for the xml tag given a reference type java object. This is used * during the translation of Java to xml. Part of this is to translate mixed case class name word * separation into "_" word separtion. * * @param describedClass * Class object to translate. * @param suffix * string to remove from class name, null if nothing to be removed * @return name of the xml tag (element) */ public static String getXmlTagName(Field thatField) { final simpl_tag tagAnnotation = thatField.getAnnotation(simpl_tag.class); String result = getXmlTagAnnotationIfPresent(tagAnnotation); if (result == null) { result = getXmlTagName(thatField.getName(), null); } return result; } public static String getBibtexTagName(Field thatField) { final bibtex_tag tagAnnotation = thatField.getAnnotation(bibtex_tag.class); String result = getBibtexTagAnnotationIfPresent(tagAnnotation); if (result == null) { result = getXmlTagName(thatField.getName(), null).replace('_', ' '); } return result; } public static String getBibtexTagAnnotationIfPresent(final bibtex_tag tagAnnotation) { String result = null; if (tagAnnotation != null) { String thatTag = tagAnnotation.value(); if ((thatTag != null) && (thatTag.length() > 0)) result = thatTag; } return result; } public static String getXmlTagAnnotationIfPresent(final simpl_tag tagAnnotation) { String result = null; if (tagAnnotation != null) { String thatTag = tagAnnotation.value(); if ((thatTag != null) && (thatTag.length() > 0)) result = thatTag; } return result; } /** * This method generates a name for the xml tag given a reference type java object. This is used * during the translation of Java to xml. Part of this is to translate mixed case class name word * separation into "_" word separtion. * * @param className * class name of a java reference type object * @param suffix * string to remove from class name, null if nothing to be removed * @return name of the xml tag (element) */ public static String getXmlTagName(String className, String suffix) { if ((suffix != null) && (className.endsWith(suffix))) { int suffixPosition = className.lastIndexOf(suffix); className = className.substring(0, suffixPosition); } StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH); // translate mixed case class name word separation into // _ word separtion int classNameLength = className.length(); for (int i = 0; i < classNameLength; i++) { char c = className.charAt(i); if ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) { char lc = Character.toLowerCase(c); if (i > 0) result.append('_'); result.append(lc); } else result.append(c); } return result.toString(); } /** * This method generates a name for an ElementState object, given an XML element name. It is used * during translation of XML to Java. Using the returned class name, the appropriate class can be * instantiated using reflection. * * @param elementName * the name of the XML element * @return the name of the Java class corresponding to the elementName */ public static String classNameFromElementName(String elementName) { return javaNameFromElementName(elementName, true); } /** * This method generates a name for an ElementState object, given an XML attribute name. It is * used during translation of XML to Java. Using the returned class name, the appropriate class * can be instantiated using reflection. * * @param elementName * the name of the XML element attribute * @return the name of the Java class corresponding to the elementName */ public static String fieldNameFromElementName(String elementName) { return javaNameFromElementName(elementName, false); } /** * Generate the name of a Java class (capitalized) or field (starts with lower case), given the * name of an XML tag or attribute. Used during translation of XML to Java. * * @param elementName * the name of the XML element or tag * @param capsOn * true if the first letter of output should be capitalized. * * @return the name of the Java class corresponding to the elementName */ public static String javaNameFromElementName(String elementName, boolean capsOn) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH); for (int i = 0; i < elementName.length(); i++) { char c = elementName.charAt(i); if (capsOn) { result.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); capsOn = false; } else { if (c != '_') result.append(c); } if (c == '_') capsOn = true; } return result.toString(); } public static String fieldNameFromNodeName(String nodeName) { return javaNameFromElementName(nodeName, false); } /** * This method generates a name for the *setter* method for a given Java primitive type. For * example, for the attribute <code> intensity </code>, it will generate a setter method named * <code> setIntensity </code>. It is used during translation of xml to Java. Using this method * name, the appropriate field is populated. * * @param tagName * the name of the xml element or tag * @return the name of the *setter* method corresponding to the tagName */ public static String methodNameFromTagName(String tagName) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH); result.append("set"); for (int i = 0; i < tagName.length(); i++) { char c = tagName.charAt(i); if (i == 0) result.append(Character.toUpperCase(c)); else result.append(c); } return result.toString(); } /** * This method generates a field name from a reference type nested object. It just converts the * camelcase name to the lowercase. This is used while generating xml from Java. * * @param elementState * the reference type field for which a field field name needs to be generated * @return field name for the given reference type field */ public static String fieldNameFromObject(ElementState elementState) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(DEFAULT_TAG_LENGTH); String elementName = getClassSimpleName(elementState); for (int i = 0; i < elementName.length(); i++) { char c = elementName.charAt(i); if (i == 0) c = Character.toLowerCase(c); result.append(c); } return result.toString(); } static final HashMap<String, String> classAbbrevNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); static final HashMap<String, String> packageNames = new HashMap<String, String>(); /** * This method returns the abbreviated name of the class, without the package qualifier. It also * puts the name into a hashtable, so that next time the function is called for the same class, * the class name can be retrieved quickly from the hashtable. Used while generating xml from * Java. * * @param thatClass * the <code>Class</code> type of an object * @return the abbreviated name of the class - without the package qualifier */ public static String getClassSimpleName(Class thatClass) { String fullName = thatClass.getName(); String abbrevName = classAbbrevNames.get(fullName); if (abbrevName == null) { abbrevName = thatClass.getSimpleName(); synchronized (classAbbrevNames) { classAbbrevNames.put(fullName, abbrevName); } } return abbrevName; } /** * This method gets the package name of a give Java class. It also puts the name into a hashtable, * so that next time the function is called for the same class, the package name can be retrieved * quickly from the hashtable. Used while generating Java class from xml. * * @param thatClass * the <code>Class</code> type of an object * @return the package name of the class, with an extra "." at the end. */ public static String getPackageName(Class thatClass) { String className = thatClass.getName(); String packageName = null; if (packageNames.containsKey(className)) { packageName = packageNames.get(className); } else { if (thatClass.getPackage() != null) { // packageName = className.substring(6, className.lastIndexOf(".")); packageName = thatClass.getPackage().getName() + "."; synchronized (packageNames) { packageNames.put(className, packageName); } } } return packageName; } /** * This method returns the abbreviated name of the class, without the package qualifier. * * @param o * the object * @return the abbreviated name of the class - without the package qualifier. */ public static String getClassSimpleName(Object o) { return getClassSimpleName(o.getClass()); } public static final int UTF16_LE = 0; public static final int UTF16 = 1; public static final int UTF8 = 2; /** * xml header */ static protected final String XML_FILE_HEADER = "<?xml version=" + "\"1.0\"" + " encoding=" + "\"UTF-8\"" + "?>\n"; /** * This method gets the name of <code>this</code> class. * * @return the abbreviated name of this class - without the package qualifier */ @Override public String getClassSimpleName() { return getClassSimpleName(this); } /** * This method gets the package name of a give Java class. Used while generating Java class from * xml. * * @param o * the <code>Class</code> type of an object * @return the package name of the class */ public static String getPackageName(Object o) { return getPackageName(o.getClass()); } /** * This method gets the package name of <code>this</code>Java class. * * @return the package name of the class */ @Override public String getPackageName() { return getPackageName(this); } @Override public String toString() { return getClassSimpleName(this); } /** * Assumes that outputFile should be a file, whose parent directories may not exist. Creates the * parent directories for the given File, and throws an XMLTranslationException if outputFile is a * directory and not a file. * * @param outputFile * @throws SIMPLTranslationException */ public static void createParentDirs(File outputFile) throws SIMPLTranslationException { if (outputFile.isDirectory()) throw new SIMPLTranslationException( "Output path is already a directory, so it can't be a file: " + outputFile.getAbsolutePath()); String outputDirName = outputFile.getParent(); if (outputDirName != null) // if no parent dir exist, don't make dirs. { File outputDir = new File(outputDirName); outputDir.mkdirs(); if (!outputDir.exists()) throw new SIMPLTranslationException( "Can't make directories due to permissions problems: " + outputDirName); } } static void createErrorHandler(final DocumentBuilder builder) { builder.setErrorHandler(new org.xml.sax.ErrorHandler() { // ignore fatal errors (an exception is guaranteed) @Override public void fatalError(SAXParseException exception) throws SAXException { } // treat validation errors as fatal @Override public void error(SAXParseException e) throws SAXParseException { throw e; } // dump warnings too @Override public void warning(SAXParseException err) throws SAXParseException { println(builder + "** Warning" + ", line " + err.getLineNumber() + ", urn " + err.getSystemId()); println(" " + err.getMessage()); } }); } /** * This method creates a DOM Document from an XML-formatted String, encoded as UTF8. * * @param charSequence * the XML-formatted String from which the DOM is to be created * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOMFromXMLString(CharSequence charSequence) { return buildDOMFromXMLCharSequence(charSequence, XMLTools.UTF8); } /** * This method creates a DOM Document from an XML-formatted String. * * @param charSequence * the XML-formatted String from which the DOM is to be created * @param charsetType * A constant from ecologylab.generic.StringInputStream. 0 for UTF16_LE. 1 for UTF16. 2 * for UTF8. * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOMFromXMLCharSequence(CharSequence charSequence, int charsetType) { InputStream xmlStream = new StringInputStream(charSequence, charsetType); return buildDOM(xmlStream); } /** * This method creates a DOM Document from the XML file at a given URI, which could be a local * file or a URL. * * @param inStream * InputStream from which the DOM is to be created * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOM(InputStream inStream) { Document document = null; try { DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder(); XMLTools.createErrorHandler(builder); document = builder.parse(inStream); } catch (SAXParseException spe) { // Error generated by the parser println("ERROR parsing DOM in" + inStream + ":\n\t** Parsing error on line " + spe.getLineNumber() + ", urn=" + spe.getSystemId()); println(" " + spe.getMessage()); } catch (SAXException sxe) { // Error generated during parsing Exception x = sxe; if (sxe.getException() != null) x = sxe.getException(); x.printStackTrace(); } catch (ParserConfigurationException pce) { // Parser with specified options can't be built pce.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // I/O error ioe.printStackTrace(); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError fce) { fce.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return document; } /** * Report exception during DOM parsing. * * @param spe * @param xmlFileOrURLName */ static void reportException(SAXParseException spe, String xmlFileOrURLName) { println(xmlFileOrURLName + ":\n** Parsing error" + ", line " + spe.getLineNumber() + ", urn " + spe.getSystemId()); println(" " + spe.getMessage()); // Use the contained exception, if any Exception x = spe; if (spe.getException() != null) x = spe.getException(); x.printStackTrace(); } /** * Report exception during DOM parsing. * * @param sxe */ static void reportException(SAXException sxe) { Exception x = sxe; if (sxe.getException() != null) x = sxe.getException(); x.printStackTrace(); } // ////////////// methods to generate DOM objects /////////////////////// /** * This method creates a DOM Document from the XML file at a given URL. * * @param url * the URL to the XML from which the DOM is to be created * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOM(URL url) { return buildDOM(url.toString()); } static public Document buildDOM(ParsedURL purl) { return purl.isFile() ? buildDOM(purl.file()) : XMLTools.buildDOM(purl.url()); } /** * This method creates a DOM Document from the XML file at a given URI, which could be a local * file or a URL. * * @param xmlFileOrURLName * the path to the XML from which the DOM is to be created * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOM(String xmlFileOrURLName) { Document document = null; try { DocumentBuilder builder = getDocumentBuilder(); XMLTools.createErrorHandler(builder); if (!xmlFileOrURLName.contains("://")) xmlFileOrURLName = "file:///" + xmlFileOrURLName; document = builder.parse(xmlFileOrURLName); } catch (SAXParseException spe) { // Error generated by the parser XMLTools.reportException(spe, xmlFileOrURLName); } catch (SAXException sxe) { // Error generated during parsing XMLTools.reportException(sxe); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return document; } /** * This method creates a DOM Document from the local XML file. * * @param file * the XML file from which the DOM is to be created * * @return the Document object */ static public Document buildDOM(File file) { Document document = null; try { DocumentBuilder builder = getDocumentBuilder(); XMLTools.createErrorHandler(builder); document = builder.parse(file); } catch (SAXParseException spe) { // Error generated by the parser XMLTools.reportException(spe, file.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (SAXException sxe) { // Error generated during parsing XMLTools.reportException(sxe); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return document; } /** * Seek an @xml_format annotaion on the Field object. If there is one with a non-zero length, * return it. * * @param field * * @return An array of Strings with format info in them, or null if there wasn't one or it was * empty. */ public static String[] getFormatAnnotation(Field field) { String format[] = null; simpl_format formatAnnotation = field .getAnnotation(simpl_format.class); if (formatAnnotation != null) { String[] formatStrings = formatAnnotation.value(); if (formatStrings.length > 0) format = formatStrings; } return format; } /** * Get an instance; generate an XmlTranslationException if there's a problem. * * @param thatClass * The type of the object to translate in to. * * @return The resulting object. * * @throws SIMPLTranslationException * If the constructor fails, or if that class lacks a constructor that takes no * parameters. */ public static <T> T getInstance(Class<T> thatClass) throws SIMPLTranslationException { // form the new object derived from ElementState T nestedObject = null; try { nestedObject = thatClass.newInstance(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { try { Constructor c = thatClass.getConstructor(null); c.setAccessible(true); return (T)c.newInstance(null); } catch(Exception ex) { throw new SIMPLTranslationException("Instantiation ERROR for " + thatClass + ". Is there a public constructor with no arguments?", ex); } } catch(Exception e) { throw new SIMPLTranslationException("Instantiation ERROR for " + thatClass + ". Is there a public constructor with no arguments?", e); } return nestedObject; } public static String toString(Object o) { return getClassSimpleName(o); } /** * @param string * @return The string wrapped in double quote marks. */ static String q(String string) { return "\"" + string + "\" "; } public static String nameVal(String label, String val) { return (val == null) ? "" : "\n " + label + "=" + q(val); } public static String nameVal(String label, URL val) { String valStr = (val == null) ? null : val.toString(); return nameVal(label, valStr); } public static String nameVal(String label, long val) { return nameVal(label, val + ""); } public static String nameVal(String label, boolean val) { return nameVal(label, val + ""); } public static String nameVal(String label, float val) { return nameVal(label, val + ""); } /** * This method propages the values of all the primitive types from the source object to the * destination object. * * @param src * source object from the values need to be copies * @param dest * destination object to which the values need to be copied */ public static void propagateFields(Object src, Object dest) { // propagate values automatically Field[] fields = src.getClass().getFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field thatField = fields[i]; // we propage values only for primitive types // for others we build RealObjects! // the second condition being checked is for parent objects // getFields gets the public fields in parent classes too, we dont want them if ((thatField.getType().isPrimitive()) && (thatField.getDeclaringClass().getName() == src.getClass().getName())) { try { String methodName = methodNameFromTagName(thatField.getName()); Class[] parameters = new Class[1]; // just 1 parameter in all the *setter* methods Method attrMethod = null; // and thats the value of the field to be set // this gets the type of the field, // the setter method will have the same type for its argument obviously parameters[0] = thatField.getType(); attrMethod = dest.getClass().getMethod(methodName, parameters); if (attrMethod != null) { Object[] args = new Object[1]; // just one argument to the method args[0] = thatField.get(src); attrMethod.invoke(dest, args); } } catch (Exception e) // IllegalArgument, IllegalAccess, IllegalCast { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } /** * Use this method to efficiently get a <code>String</code> from a <code>StringBuilder</code> on * those occassions when you plan to keep using the <code>StringBuilder</code>, and want an * efficiently made copy. In those cases, <i>much</i> better than * <code>new String(StringBuilder)</code> */ public static final String toString(StringBuilder buffer) { return buffer.substring(0); } public static String xmlHeader() { return "<?xml version=" + "\"1.0\"" + " encoding=" + "\"US-ASCII\"" + "?>"; } static final int ISO_LATIN1_START = 128; /** * Translate XML named entity special characters into their Unicode char equivalents. */ public static String unescapeXML(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int ampPos = s.indexOf('&'); if (ampPos == -1) return s; else { StringBuilder buffy = new StringBuilder(s); unescapeXML(buffy, ampPos); return buffy.toString(); } } public static void unescapeXML(StringBuilder buffy) { unescapeXML(buffy, 0); } /** * Translate XML named entity special characters into their Unicode char equivalents. */ public static void unescapeXML(StringBuilder buffy, int startPos) { int ampPos; // , startPos); while ((ampPos = buffy.indexOf("&", startPos)) != -1) { int entityPos = ampPos + 1; int semicolonPos = buffy.indexOf(";", entityPos); if (semicolonPos == -1) return; else if (semicolonPos - ampPos > 7) { startPos = semicolonPos + 1; continue; } /* * We are aready checking whether entityLenth is larger than 7, so we don't need the below - * Eunyee int entityLength = semicolonPos - ampPos; if (entityLength > 8) return sb; */ // find position of & followed by ; // lookup entity in the middle of that in the HashMap // if you find a match, do a replacement *in place* // this includes shifting the rest of the string up, and // resetting the length of the StringBuilder to be shorter // (since the entity is always longer than the char it maps to) // then call recursively, setting the startPos index to after the last // entity that we found String encoded = buffy.substring(entityPos, semicolonPos); String lookup = entityTable.get(encoded); if (lookup != null) { // if (!"nbsp".equals(encoded)) // println("unescapeXML[" +encoded + "] -> " + lookup ); if (!lookup.equals(BOGUS)) { buffy = buffy.replace(ampPos, semicolonPos + 1, lookup); } startPos = ampPos + 1; } else { if (buffy.charAt(entityPos) == '#') { int numPos = entityPos++; try { Integer newEntity = Integer.decode(buffy.substring(numPos, semicolonPos)); println("unescapeXML[" + encoded + "] Create New Entity!"); char newChar = (char) newEntity.intValue(); putEntityInTable(encoded, newChar); buffy = buffy.replace(ampPos, semicolonPos + 1, Character.toString(newChar)); startPos = ampPos + 1; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { println("unescapeXML[" + encoded + "] FAILED"); entityTable.put(encoded, BOGUS); } } startPos = semicolonPos + 1; if (startPos >= buffy.length()) return; } } } /** * Replaces characters that may be confused by a HTML parser with their equivalent character * entity references. * * @param stringToEscape * original string which may contain some characters which are confusing to the HTML * parser, for eg. < and > * @return the string in which the confusing characters are replaced by their equivalent entity * references */ public static void oldEscapeXML(StringBuilder result, CharSequence stringToEscape) { int length = stringToEscape.length(); int newLength = length; // first check for characters that might // be dangerous and calculate a length // of the string that has escapes. for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = stringToEscape.charAt(i); switch (c) { case '\"': newLength += 5; break; case '&': case '\'': newLength += 4; break; case '<': case '>': newLength += 3; break; case '\n': newLength += 4; break; default: if (c >= ISO_LATIN1_START) newLength += 5; } } if (length == newLength) { // nothing to escape in the string // result.append(stringToEscape) result.append(stringToEscape); return; // return stringToEscape; } if (result == null) result = new StringBuilder(newLength); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = stringToEscape.charAt(i); } } /** * Table of replacement Strings for characters deemed nasty in XML. */ // static final String[] ESCAPE_TABLE = new String[ISO_LATIN1_START]; static final String[] ESCAPE_TABLE = new String[Character.MAX_VALUE]; static { for (char c = 0; c < ISO_LATIN1_START; c++) { switch (c) { case '\"': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = """; break; case '\'': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = "'"; break; case '&': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = "&"; break; case '<': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = "<"; break; case '>': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = ">"; break; case '\n': ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = " "; break; case TAB: case CR: default: break; } } int n = SPECIAL_CHARACTER_ENTITIES.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) addEscapeTableEntry(SPECIAL_CHARACTER_ENTITIES[i]); // for (char c=ISO_LATIN1_START; c<Character.MAX_VALUE; c++) for (char c = ISO_LATIN1_START; c < 256; c++) { addEscapeTableEntry(c); } } private static void addEscapeTableEntry(char c) { StringBuilder entry = new StringBuilder(7); entry.append('&').append('#').append((int) c).append(';'); ESCAPE_TABLE[c] = entry.toString(); } static boolean noCharsNeedEscaping(CharSequence stringToEscape) { int length = stringToEscape.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { char c = stringToEscape.charAt(i); if (c >= ISO_LATIN1_START) { return false; } else if (ESCAPE_TABLE[c] != null) { return false; } else { switch (c) { case TAB: case CR: break; default: if (c < 0x20) // TODO we seem, currently to throw these chars away. this would be easy to // fix. return false; break; } } } return true; } /** * Replaces characters that may be confused by a HTML parser with their equivalent character * entity references. * * @param stringToEscape * original string which may contain some characters which are confusing to the HTML * parser, for eg. < and > * @return the string in which the confusing characters are replaced by their equivalent entity * references */ public static void escapeXML(StringBuilder buffy, CharSequence stringToEscape) { if (noCharsNeedEscaping(stringToEscape)) buffy.append(stringToEscape); else { int length = stringToEscape.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = stringToEscape.charAt(i); final String escaped = ESCAPE_TABLE[c]; if (escaped != null) buffy.append(escaped); // append as String else { switch (c) { case TAB: case CR: buffy.append(c); // append as char (fastest!) break; default: if (c >= 255) { // println("escapeXML() ERROR: " + ((int) c)); int cInt = c; buffy.append('&').append('#').append(cInt).append(';'); } else if (c >= 0x20) buffy.append(c); // append as char (fastest!) break; } } } } } public static void escapeXML(Appendable appendable, CharSequence stringToEscape) throws IOException { if (noCharsNeedEscaping(stringToEscape)) appendable.append(stringToEscape); else { int length = stringToEscape.length(); for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { final char c = stringToEscape.charAt(i); final String escaped = ESCAPE_TABLE[c]; if (escaped != null) appendable.append(escaped); // append as String else { switch (c) { case TAB: case CR: appendable.append(c); // append as char (fastest!) break; default: if (c >= 255) { // println("escapeXML() ERROR: " + ((int) c)); int cInt = c; appendable.append('&').append('#').append(String.valueOf(cInt)).append(';'); } else if (c >= 0x20) appendable.append(c); // append as char (fastest!) break; } } } } } /** * Generate a DOM tree from a given String in the XML form. * <p/> * Uses the deprecated StringBufferInputStream class. * * @param contents * the string for which the DOM needs to be constructed. * @return the DOM tree representing the XML string. * * @deprecated */ @Deprecated public static Document getDocument(String contents) { return XMLTools.buildDOM(new StringBufferInputStream(contents)); } public static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() throws ParserConfigurationException { return DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance().newDocumentBuilder(); } /** * Pretty printing XML, properly indented according to hierarchy. * * @param xmlDoc * @param outputStreamWriter * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws SIMPLTranslationException */ public static void translateToXML(Document xmlDoc, File outFile) throws SIMPLTranslationException { try { translateToXML(xmlDoc, new FileOutputStream(outFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new SIMPLTranslationException("Writing pretty XML[" + outFile + "]", e); } } static final int INDENT_AMOUNT = 2; static final String INDENT_AMOUNT_STRING = Integer.toString(INDENT_AMOUNT); /** * Pretty print XML, properly indented according to hierarchy. * * @param xmlDoc * @param out * @throws SIMPLTranslationException * @throws IOException */ public static void translateToXML(Document xmlDoc, OutputStream outputStream) throws SIMPLTranslationException { Transformer transformer; try { TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); factory.setAttribute("indent-number", new Integer(INDENT_AMOUNT)); transformer = factory.newTransformer(); transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes"); // transformer.setOutputProperty("{}indent-amount", // INDENT_AMOUNT_STRING); OutputStreamWriter osw = new, "utf-8"); transformer.transform(new DOMSource(xmlDoc), new StreamResult(osw)); osw.close(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SIMPLTranslationException("Writing pretty XML", e); } } /** * @param field * * @return true if the class name and variable name for the field are equivalent. This is the case * when the variable name is capitalized, it equals the class name. */ public static boolean equivalentClassAndVarNames(Field field) { boolean result = false; String className = field.getType().getName(); String varName = field.getName(); int classLength = className.length(); if (classLength == varName.length()) { char classStart = className.charAt(0); char varStart = varName.charAt(0); if (classStart == Character.toUpperCase(varStart)) { result = className.regionMatches(1, varName, 1, classLength - 1); } } return result; } /** * @param object * which might be representable as a collection. Must not be null. * * @return if the Object passed in is of Collection or Map type, return a Collection representing * it. <br/> * else return null. */ public static Collection getCollection(Object object) { Collection result = null; if (object instanceof Collection) result = (Collection) object; else if (object instanceof Map) result = ((Map) object).values(); return result; } public static boolean isScalar(Field field) { return field.isAnnotationPresent(simpl_scalar.class); } public static boolean isCompositeAsScalarvalue(Field field) { return field.isAnnotationPresent(simpl_composite_as_scalar.class); } public static Hint simplHint(Field field) { simpl_hints hintsAnnotation = field.getAnnotation(simpl_hints.class); return (hintsAnnotation == null) ? Hint.XML_ATTRIBUTE : hintsAnnotation.value()[0]; } public static boolean representAsComposite(Field field) { return field.isAnnotationPresent(simpl_composite.class); } public static boolean representAsCollectionOrMap(Field field) { return representAsCollection(field) || representAsMap(field); } public static boolean representAsMap(Field field) { return field.isAnnotationPresent(simpl_map.class); } public static boolean representAsCollection(Field field) { return field.isAnnotationPresent(simpl_collection.class); } /** * @param field * @return true if the Field is one translated by the Type system. */ public static boolean isScalarValue(Field field) { return TypeRegistry.containsScalarType(field.getType()); } /** * Wrap the passed in argument in HTML tags, so it can be parsed as XML. * * @param htmlFragmentString * A piece of valid XHTML. * * @return */ public static String wrapInHTMLTags(String htmlFragmentString) { StringBuilder buffy = new StringBuilder(htmlFragmentString.length() + 13); return buffy.append("<html>").append(htmlFragmentString).append("</html>").toString(); } public static void main(String[] a) { String s = "This is the first& this is the next’"; System.err.println(unescapeXML(s)); } public static boolean isEnum(Field thatField) { return isEnum(thatField.getType()) || thatField.getType().isEnum(); } public static boolean isEnum(Class thatClass) { return Enum.class.isAssignableFrom(thatClass); } public static boolean isComposite(Class thatClass) { return ElementState.class.isAssignableFrom(thatClass); } public static Enum<?> createEnumeratedType(Field field, String valueString) { if (field.getType().isEnum()) { Object[] enumArray = field.getType().getEnumConstants(); for (Object enumObj : enumArray) { if (enumObj instanceof Enum<?>) { Enum<?> enumeratedType = ((Enum<?>) enumObj); if (enumeratedType.toString().equals(valueString)) return enumeratedType; } } } return null; } /** * Utility function to check if the field is declared as generic type * * @param field * @return */ public static boolean isParameterizedType(Field field) { if (field.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { return true; } else return false; } /** * Utility function to get the generic parameters of a field as class array * * @param field * @return */ public static ArrayList<Class<?>> getGenericParameters(Field field) { ArrayList<Class<?>> result = new ArrayList<Class<?>>(); if (field.getGenericType() instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type[] ta = ((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()).getActualTypeArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) { if (ta[i] instanceof Class<?>) result.add(((Class<?>) ta[i])); } } return result; } /** * Utility function to get the generic parameters as string array * * @param field * @return * @throws DotNetTranslationException */ public static String[] getCSharpGenericParamters(Field field) { String[] result = null; ArrayList<Class<?>> paramClasses = getGenericParameters(field); if (paramClasses.size() > 0) { result = new String[paramClasses.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < paramClasses.size(); i++) { result[i] = inferCSharpType(paramClasses.get(i)); } } return result; } public static String getCSharpGenericParametersStringRecursive(ParameterizedType pType) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Type[] ta = pType.getActualTypeArguments(); result.append('<'); for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) { if (ta[i] instanceof Class<?>) { if (i == 0) result.append(inferCSharpType((Class<?>) ta[i])); else result.append(", " + inferCSharpType((Class<?>) ta[i])); } else if (ta[i] instanceof WildcardType) { WildcardType wildcardType = (WildcardType) ta[i]; Type[] types = wildcardType.getUpperBounds(); for (Type t : types) { Class<?> c = (Class<?>) t; if (i == 0) result.append(inferCSharpType(c)); else result.append(", " + inferCSharpType(c)); } } else if (ta[i] instanceof TypeVariable) { TypeVariable tv = (TypeVariable) ta[i]; if (i == 0) result.append(tv.getName()); else result.append(", " + tv.getName()); } else { ParameterizedType pT = (ParameterizedType) ta[i]; Class<?> rT = (Class<?>) pT.getRawType(); if (i == 0) result.append(inferCSharpType(rT) + getCSharpGenericParametersStringRecursive(pT)); else result.append(", " + inferCSharpType(rT) + getCSharpGenericParametersStringRecursive(pT)); } } result.append('>'); return result.toString(); } public static String getCSharpGenericParametersString(Field field) { String result; if (isParameterizedType(field)) { result = getCSharpGenericParametersStringRecursive((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()); return result; } else return ""; } /** * Utility function to get the generic parameters as comma separated String * * @param field * @return * @throws DotNetTranslationException */ public static String getCSharpGenericParametersStringOld(Field field) { StringBuilder result = null; String[] paramArray = getCSharpGenericParamters(field); if (paramArray == null) { System.out.println("null generic parameters"); String[] paramTest = getCSharpGenericParamters(field); } else if (paramArray.length > 0) { result = new StringBuilder(); result.append("<"); result.append(implode(paramArray, ", ")); result.append(">"); } return result.toString(); } /** * Utility function to implode an array of strings * * @param ary * @param delim * @return */ public static String implode(String[] ary, String delim) { String out = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ary.length; i++) { if (i != 0) { out += delim; } out += ary[i]; } return out; } /** * Utility function to translate Java type to CSharp type * * @param fieldType * @return * @throws DotNetTranslationException */ public static String inferCSharpType(Class<?> fieldType) { String result = null; if (int.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_INTEGER; } else if (float.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_FLOAT; } else if (double.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_DOUBLE; } else if (byte.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_BYTE; } else if (char.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_CHAR; } else if (boolean.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_BOOLEAN; } else if (long.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_LONG; } else if (short.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_SHORT; } else if (String.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_STRING; } else if (StringBuilder.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_STRING_BUILDER; } else if (URL.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_URL; } else if (ParsedURL.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_PARSED_URL; } else if (ScalarType.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_SCALAR_TYPE; } else if (Date.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_DATE; } else if (ArrayList.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_ARRAYLIST; } else if (HashMap.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_HASHMAP; } else if (HashMapArrayList.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_HASHMAPARRAYLIST; } else if (Scope.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_SCOPE; } else if (Class.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_CLASS; } else if (Field.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_FIELD; } else if (ByteBuffer.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.DOTNET_BINARY_DATA; } else { // Assume the field is custom object result = fieldType.getSimpleName(); } return result; } /** * The maximum size to which the padding constant(s) can expand. */ private static final int PAD_LIMIT = 8192; /** * Returns padding using the specified delimiter repeated to a given length. * * <pre> * StringUtils.padding(0, 'e') = "" * StringUtils.padding(3, 'e') = "eee" * StringUtils.padding(-2, 'e') = IndexOutOfBoundsException * </pre> * * Note: this method doesn't not support padding with <a * href="">Unicode Supplementary * Characters</a> as they require a pair of <code>char</code>s to be represented. If you are * needing to support full I18N of your applications consider using {@link #repeat(String, int)} * instead. * * * @param repeat * number of times to repeat delim * @param padChar * character to repeat * @return String with repeated character * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException * if <code>repeat < 0</code> * @see #repeat(String, int) */ private static String padding(int repeat, char padChar) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException { if (repeat < 0) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Cannot pad a negative amount: " + repeat); } final char[] buf = new char[repeat]; for (int i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { buf[i] = padChar; } return new String(buf); } /** * Left pad a String with a specified character. * * Pad to a size of <code>size</code>. * * <pre> * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) = null * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, 'z') = "zzz" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, 'z') = "bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, 'z') = "zzbat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, 'z') = "bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, 'z') = "bat" * </pre> * * @param str * the String to pad out, may be null * @param size * the size to pad to * @param padChar * the character to pad with * @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, <code>null</code> if * null String input * @since 2.0 */ public static String padLeft(String str, int size, char padChar) { if (str == null) { return null; } int pads = size - str.length(); if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (pads > PAD_LIMIT) { return padLeft(str, size, String.valueOf(padChar)); } return padding(pads, padChar).concat(str); } /** * Left pad a String with a specified String. * * Pad to a size of <code>size</code>. * * <pre> * StringUtils.leftPad(null, *, *) = null * StringUtils.leftPad("", 3, "z") = "zzz" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 3, "yz") = "bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "yz") = "yzbat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 8, "yz") = "yzyzybat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 1, "yz") = "bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", -1, "yz") = "bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, null) = " bat" * StringUtils.leftPad("bat", 5, "") = " bat" * </pre> * * @param str * the String to pad out, may be null * @param size * the size to pad to * @param padStr * the String to pad with, null or empty treated as single space * @return left padded String or original String if no padding is necessary, <code>null</code> if * null String input */ public static String padLeft(String str, int size, String padStr) { if (str == null) { return null; } if (isEmpty(padStr)) { padStr = " "; } int padLen = padStr.length(); int strLen = str.length(); int pads = size - strLen; if (pads <= 0) { return str; // returns original String when possible } if (padLen == 1 && pads <= PAD_LIMIT) { return padLeft(str, size, padStr.charAt(0)); } if (pads == padLen) { return padStr.concat(str); } else if (pads < padLen) { return padStr.substring(0, pads).concat(str); } else { char[] padding = new char[pads]; char[] padChars = padStr.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < pads; i++) { padding[i] = padChars[i % padLen]; } return new String(padding).concat(str); } } /** * Checks if a String is empty ("") or null. * * <pre> * StringUtils.isEmpty(null) = true * StringUtils.isEmpty("") = true * StringUtils.isEmpty(" ") = false * StringUtils.isEmpty("bob") = false * StringUtils.isEmpty(" bob ") = false * </pre> * * NOTE: This method changed in Lang version 2.0. It no longer trims the String. That * functionality is available in isBlank(). * * @param str * the String to check, may be null * @return <code>true</code> if the String is empty or null */ public static boolean isEmpty(String str) { return str == null || str.length() == 0; } public static String tlvLength(StringBuilder buffy) { return padLeft(Integer.toHexString(buffy.length()), 4, '0'); } public static boolean getBibtexKey(Field thatField) { final bibtex_key keyAnnotation = thatField.getAnnotation(bibtex_key.class); if (keyAnnotation == null) return false; else return true; } public static String getJavaGenericParametersStringRecursive(ParameterizedType pType) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Type[] ta = pType.getActualTypeArguments(); result.append('<'); for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) { if ((ta[i] instanceof Class<?>)) { if (i == 0) result.append(inferJavaType((Class<?>) ta[i])); else result.append(", " + inferJavaType((Class<?>) ta[i])); } else { try { ParameterizedType pT = (ParameterizedType) ta[i]; Class<?> rT = (Class<?>) pT.getRawType(); if (i == 0) result.append(inferJavaType(rT) + getJavaGenericParametersStringRecursive(pT)); else result.append(", " + inferJavaType(rT) + getJavaGenericParametersStringRecursive(pT)); } catch(Exception ex) { if (i == 0) result.append("?"); else result.append(", " + "?"); } } } result.append('>'); return result.toString(); } public static ArrayList<Class> getJavaGenericDependenciesRecursive(ParameterizedType pType) { ArrayList<Class> result = new ArrayList<Class>(); Type[] ta = pType.getActualTypeArguments(); for (int i = 0; i < ta.length; i++) { if ((ta[i] instanceof Class<?>)) { result.add((Class<?>) ta[i]); } else { try { ParameterizedType pT = (ParameterizedType) ta[i]; Class<?> rT = (Class<?>) pT.getRawType(); result.add(rT); getJavaGenericDependenciesRecursive(pT); }catch(Exception ex) { } } } return result; } public static String getJavaGenericParametersString(Field field) { String result; if (isParameterizedType(field)) { result = getJavaGenericParametersStringRecursive((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()); return result; } else return ""; } public static ArrayList<Class> getJavaGenericDependencies(Field field) { ArrayList<Class> result; if (isParameterizedType(field)) { result = getJavaGenericDependenciesRecursive((ParameterizedType) field.getGenericType()); return result; } else return null; } /** * Utility function to translate Java type to CSharp type * * @param fieldType * @return * @throws DotNetTranslationException */ public static String inferJavaType(Class<?> fieldType) { String result = null; if (int.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_INTEGER; } else if (float.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_FLOAT; } else if (double.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_DOUBLE; } else if (byte.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_BYTE; } else if (char.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_CHAR; } else if (boolean.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_BOOLEAN; } else if (long.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_LONG; } else if (short.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_SHORT; } else if (String.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_STRING; } else if (StringBuilder.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_STRING_BUILDER; } else if (URL.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_URL; } else if (ParsedURL.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_PARSED_URL; } else if (ScalarType.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_SCALAR_TYPE; } else if (Date.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_DATE; } else if (ArrayList.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_ARRAYLIST; } else if (HashMap.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_HASHMAP; } else if (HashMapArrayList.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_HASHMAPARRAYLIST; } else if (Scope.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_SCOPE; } else if (Class.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_CLASS; } else if (Field.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_FIELD; } else if (ByteBuffer.class == fieldType) { result = CrossLanguageTypeConstants.JAVA_BINARY_DATA; } else { // Assume the field is custom object result = fieldType.getSimpleName(); } return result; } /** * remove HTML tag from input text. note that this does not handle nested tags with the same name * correctly now (case like <tag><tag></tag></tag>) */ public static String removeHtmlTag(String input, String tagName, boolean keepInnerText) { String p1 = String.format("<%s(\\s+[A-Za-z0-9:_-]+=\"[^\"\\\r\n]*(?:\\.[^\"\\\r\n]*)*\")*\\s*/>", tagName); String p2 = String.format("<%s(\\s+[A-Za-z0-9:_-]+=\"[^\"\\\r\n]*(?:\\.[^\"\\\r\n]*)*\")*\\s*>(.*?)</%s>", tagName, tagName); input = input.replaceAll(p1, ""); input = input.replaceAll(p2, keepInnerText ? "$2" : ""); return input; } public static boolean isEnumCollection(Field f) { if(representAsCollection(f)) { ArrayList<Class<?>> classes = XMLTools.getGenericParameters(f); if(classes.isEmpty()) { return false; }else{ return classes.get(0).isEnum(); } }else{ return false; } } }