package; import cucumber.api.PendingException; import cucumber.api.Scenario; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class StepDefs { private final DisposableCucumberBelly belly; public StepDefs(DisposableCucumberBelly belly) { this.belly = belly; } DisposableCucumberBelly getBelly() { return belly; } @Before public void before() { } @Before("@gh210") public void gh20() { } @After public void after() { // We might need to clean up the belly here, if it represented an external resource. assert !belly.isDisposed(); } @Given("^I have (\\d+) (.*) in my belly$") public void I_have_n_things_in_my_belly(int n, String what) { belly.setContents(Collections.nCopies(n, what)); } @Given("^I have this in my basket:$") public void I_have_this_in_my_basket(List<List<String>> stuff) { } @Given("something pending") public void throw_pending() { throw new PendingException("This should not fail (seeing this output is ok)"); } @Then("^there are (\\d+) cukes in my belly") public void checkCukes(int n) { assertEquals(belly.getContents(), Collections.nCopies(n, "cukes")); } @Then("^the (.*) contains (.*)") public void containerContainsIngredient(String container, String ingredient) throws InterruptedException { assertEquals("glass", container); } @Then("^I add (.*)") public void addLiquid(String liquid) throws InterruptedException { assertEquals("milk", liquid); } @Then("^I should be (.*)$") public void I_should_be(String mood) { assertEquals("happy", mood); } @After public void letsSeeWhatHappened(Scenario result) { if (result.isFailed()) { // Maybe take a screenshot! } } }