package cucumber.runtime; import cucumber.api.SnippetType; import cucumber.api.StepDefinitionReporter; import cucumber.api.SummaryPrinter; import cucumber.runtime.formatter.ColorAware; import cucumber.runtime.formatter.PluginFactory; import cucumber.runtime.formatter.StrictAware; import; import cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature; import cucumber.runtime.model.PathWithLines; import gherkin.I18n; import gherkin.formatter.Formatter; import gherkin.formatter.Reporter; import gherkin.util.FixJava; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Proxy; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature.load; // IMPORTANT! Make sure USAGE.txt is always uptodate if this class changes. public class RuntimeOptions { public static final String VERSION = ResourceBundle.getBundle("cucumber.version").getString("cucumber-jvm.version"); public static final String USAGE_RESOURCE = "/cucumber/api/cli/USAGE.txt"; static String usageText; private final List<String> glue = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<Object> filters = new ArrayList<Object>(); private final List<String> featurePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> pluginFormatterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> pluginStepDefinitionReporterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> pluginSummaryPrinterNames = new ArrayList<String>(); private final List<String> junitOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); private final PluginFactory pluginFactory; private final List<Object> plugins = new ArrayList<Object>(); private boolean dryRun; private boolean strict = false; private boolean monochrome = false; private SnippetType snippetType = SnippetType.UNDERSCORE; private boolean pluginNamesInstantiated; /** * Create a new instance from a string of options, for example: * <p/> * <pre<{@code "--name 'the fox' --plugin pretty --strict"}</pre> * * @param argv the arguments */ public RuntimeOptions(String argv) { this(new PluginFactory(), Shellwords.parse(argv)); } /** * Create a new instance from a list of options, for example: * <p/> * <pre<{@code Arrays.asList("--name", "the fox", "--plugin", "pretty", "--strict");}</pre> * * @param argv the arguments */ public RuntimeOptions(List<String> argv) { this(new PluginFactory(), argv); } public RuntimeOptions(Env env, List<String> argv) { this(env, new PluginFactory(), argv); } public RuntimeOptions(PluginFactory pluginFactory, List<String> argv) { this(Env.INSTANCE, pluginFactory, argv); } public RuntimeOptions(Env env, PluginFactory pluginFactory, List<String> argv) { this.pluginFactory = pluginFactory; argv = new ArrayList<String>(argv); // in case the one passed in is unmodifiable. parse(argv); String cucumberOptionsFromEnv = env.get("cucumber.options"); if (cucumberOptionsFromEnv != null) { parse(Shellwords.parse(cucumberOptionsFromEnv)); } if (pluginFormatterNames.isEmpty()) { pluginFormatterNames.add("progress"); } if (pluginSummaryPrinterNames.isEmpty()) { pluginSummaryPrinterNames.add("default_summary"); } } private void parse(List<String> args) { List<Object> parsedFilters = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<String> parsedFeaturePaths = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> parsedGlue = new ArrayList<String>(); ParsedPluginData parsedPluginData = new ParsedPluginData(); List<String> parsedJunitOptions = new ArrayList<String>(); while (!args.isEmpty()) { String arg = args.remove(0).trim(); if (arg.equals("--help") || arg.equals("-h")) { printUsage(); System.exit(0); } else if (arg.equals("--version") || arg.equals("-v")) { System.out.println(VERSION); System.exit(0); } else if (arg.equals("--i18n")) { String nextArg = args.remove(0); System.exit(printI18n(nextArg)); } else if (arg.equals("--glue") || arg.equals("-g")) { String gluePath = args.remove(0); parsedGlue.add(gluePath); } else if (arg.equals("--tags") || arg.equals("-t")) { parsedFilters.add(args.remove(0)); } else if (arg.equals("--plugin") || arg.equals("--add-plugin") || arg.equals("-p")) { parsedPluginData.addPluginName(args.remove(0), arg.equals("--add-plugin")); } else if (arg.equals("--format") || arg.equals("-f")) { System.err.println("WARNING: Cucumber-JVM's --format option is deprecated. Please use --plugin instead."); parsedPluginData.addPluginName(args.remove(0), true); } else if (arg.equals("--no-dry-run") || arg.equals("--dry-run") || arg.equals("-d")) { dryRun = !arg.startsWith("--no-"); } else if (arg.equals("--no-strict") || arg.equals("--strict") || arg.equals("-s")) { strict = !arg.startsWith("--no-"); } else if (arg.equals("--no-monochrome") || arg.equals("--monochrome") || arg.equals("-m")) { monochrome = !arg.startsWith("--no-"); } else if (arg.equals("--snippets")) { String nextArg = args.remove(0); snippetType = SnippetType.fromString(nextArg); } else if (arg.equals("--name") || arg.equals("-n")) { String nextArg = args.remove(0); Pattern patternFilter = Pattern.compile(nextArg); parsedFilters.add(patternFilter); } else if (arg.startsWith("--junit,")) { for (String option : arg.substring("--junit,".length()).split(",")) { parsedJunitOptions.add(option); } } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) { printUsage(); throw new CucumberException("Unknown option: " + arg); } else { parsedFeaturePaths.add(arg); } } if (!parsedFilters.isEmpty() || haveLineFilters(parsedFeaturePaths)) { filters.clear(); filters.addAll(parsedFilters); if (parsedFeaturePaths.isEmpty() && !featurePaths.isEmpty()) { stripLinesFromFeaturePaths(featurePaths); } } if (!parsedFeaturePaths.isEmpty()) { featurePaths.clear(); featurePaths.addAll(parsedFeaturePaths); } if (!parsedGlue.isEmpty()) { glue.clear(); glue.addAll(parsedGlue); } if (!parsedJunitOptions.isEmpty()) { junitOptions.clear(); junitOptions.addAll(parsedJunitOptions); } parsedPluginData.updatePluginFormatterNames(pluginFormatterNames); parsedPluginData.updatePluginStepDefinitionReporterNames(pluginStepDefinitionReporterNames); parsedPluginData.updatePluginSummaryPrinterNames(pluginSummaryPrinterNames); } private boolean haveLineFilters(List<String> parsedFeaturePaths) { for (String pathName : parsedFeaturePaths) { if (pathName.startsWith("@") || PathWithLines.hasLineFilters(pathName)) { return true; } } return false; } private void stripLinesFromFeaturePaths(List<String> featurePaths) { List<String> newPaths = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String pathName : featurePaths) { newPaths.add(PathWithLines.stripLineFilters(pathName)); } featurePaths.clear(); featurePaths.addAll(newPaths); } private void printUsage() { loadUsageTextIfNeeded(); System.out.println(usageText); } static void loadUsageTextIfNeeded() { if (usageText == null) { try { Reader reader = new InputStreamReader(FixJava.class.getResourceAsStream(USAGE_RESOURCE), "UTF-8"); usageText = FixJava.readReader(reader); } catch (Exception e) { usageText = "Could not load usage text: " + e.toString(); } } } private int printI18n(String language) { List<I18n> all = I18n.getAll(); if (language.equalsIgnoreCase("help")) { for (I18n i18n : all) { System.out.println(i18n.getIsoCode()); } return 0; } else { return printKeywordsFor(language, all); } } private int printKeywordsFor(String language, List<I18n> all) { for (I18n i18n : all) { if (i18n.getIsoCode().equalsIgnoreCase(language)) { System.out.println(i18n.getKeywordTable()); return 0; } } System.err.println("Unrecognised ISO language code"); return 1; } public List<CucumberFeature> cucumberFeatures(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { return load(resourceLoader, featurePaths, filters, System.out); } List<Object> getPlugins() { if (!pluginNamesInstantiated) { for (String pluginName : pluginFormatterNames) { Object plugin = pluginFactory.create(pluginName); plugins.add(plugin); setMonochromeOnColorAwarePlugins(plugin); setStrictOnStrictAwarePlugins(plugin); } for (String pluginName : pluginStepDefinitionReporterNames) { Object plugin = pluginFactory.create(pluginName); plugins.add(plugin); } for (String pluginName : pluginSummaryPrinterNames) { Object plugin = pluginFactory.create(pluginName); plugins.add(plugin); } pluginNamesInstantiated = true; } return plugins; } public Formatter formatter(ClassLoader classLoader) { return pluginProxy(classLoader, Formatter.class); } public Reporter reporter(ClassLoader classLoader) { return pluginProxy(classLoader, Reporter.class); } public StepDefinitionReporter stepDefinitionReporter(ClassLoader classLoader) { return pluginProxy(classLoader, StepDefinitionReporter.class); } public SummaryPrinter summaryPrinter(ClassLoader classLoader) { return pluginProxy(classLoader, SummaryPrinter.class); } /** * Creates a dynamic proxy that multiplexes method invocations to all plugins of the same type. * * @param classLoader used to create the proxy * @param type proxy type * @param <T> generic proxy type * @return a proxy */ public <T> T pluginProxy(ClassLoader classLoader, final Class<T> type) { Object proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance(classLoader, new Class<?>[]{type}, new InvocationHandler() { @Override public Object invoke(Object target, Method method, Object[] args) throws Throwable { for (Object plugin : getPlugins()) { if (type.isInstance(plugin)) { try { Utils.invoke(plugin, method, 0, args); } catch (Throwable t) { if (!method.getName().equals("startOfScenarioLifeCycle") && !method.getName().equals("endOfScenarioLifeCycle")) { // IntelliJ has its own formatter which doesn't yet implement these methods. throw t; } } } } return null; } }); return type.cast(proxy); } private void setMonochromeOnColorAwarePlugins(Object plugin) { if (plugin instanceof ColorAware) { ColorAware colorAware = (ColorAware) plugin; colorAware.setMonochrome(monochrome); } } private void setStrictOnStrictAwarePlugins(Object plugin) { if (plugin instanceof StrictAware) { StrictAware strictAware = (StrictAware) plugin; strictAware.setStrict(strict); } } public List<String> getGlue() { return glue; } public boolean isStrict() { return strict; } public boolean isDryRun() { return dryRun; } public List<String> getFeaturePaths() { return featurePaths; } public void addPlugin(Object plugin) { plugins.add(plugin); } public List<Object> getFilters() { return filters; } public boolean isMonochrome() { return monochrome; } public SnippetType getSnippetType() { return snippetType; } public List<String> getJunitOptions() { return junitOptions; } class ParsedPluginData { ParsedOptionNames formatterNames = new ParsedOptionNames(); ParsedOptionNames stepDefinitionReporterNames = new ParsedOptionNames(); ParsedOptionNames summaryPrinterNames = new ParsedOptionNames(); public void addPluginName(String name, boolean isAddPlugin) { if (PluginFactory.isFormatterName(name)) { formatterNames.addName(name, isAddPlugin); } else if (PluginFactory.isStepDefinitionResporterName(name)) { stepDefinitionReporterNames.addName(name, isAddPlugin); } else if (PluginFactory.isSummaryPrinterName(name)) { summaryPrinterNames.addName(name, isAddPlugin); } else { throw new CucumberException("Unrecognized plugin: " + name); } } public void updatePluginFormatterNames(List<String> pluginFormatterNames) { formatterNames.updateNameList(pluginFormatterNames); } public void updatePluginStepDefinitionReporterNames(List<String> pluginStepDefinitionReporterNames) { stepDefinitionReporterNames.updateNameList(pluginStepDefinitionReporterNames); } public void updatePluginSummaryPrinterNames(List<String> pluginSummaryPrinterNames) { summaryPrinterNames.updateNameList(pluginSummaryPrinterNames); } } class ParsedOptionNames { private List<String> names = new ArrayList<String>(); private boolean clobber = false; public void addName(String name, boolean isAddOption) { names.add(name); if (!isAddOption) { clobber = true; } } public void updateNameList(List<String> nameList) { if (!names.isEmpty()) { if (clobber) { nameList.clear(); } nameList.addAll(names); } } } }