package; import; import; import cucumber.runtime.CucumberException; import cucumber.runtime.Utils; import cucumber.runtime.ClassFinder; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import static; class MethodScanner { private final Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> cucumberAnnotationClasses; private final ClassFinder classFinder; public MethodScanner(ClassFinder classFinder) { this.classFinder = classFinder; cucumberAnnotationClasses = findCucumberAnnotationClasses(); } /** * Registers step definitions and hooks. * * @param javaBackend the backend where stepdefs and hooks will be registered * @param gluePaths where to look */ public void scan(JavaBackend javaBackend, List<String> gluePaths) { for (String gluePath : gluePaths) { for (Class<?> glueCodeClass : classFinder.getDescendants(Object.class, packageName(gluePath))) { while (glueCodeClass != null && glueCodeClass != Object.class && !Utils.isInstantiable(glueCodeClass)) { // those can't be instantiated without container class present. glueCodeClass = glueCodeClass.getSuperclass(); } if (glueCodeClass != null) { for (Method method : glueCodeClass.getMethods()) { scan(javaBackend, method, glueCodeClass); } } } } } /** * Registers step definitions and hooks. * * @param javaBackend the backend where stepdefs and hooks will be registered. * @param method a candidate for being a stepdef or hook. * @param glueCodeClass the class where the method is declared. */ public void scan(JavaBackend javaBackend, Method method, Class<?> glueCodeClass) { for (Class<? extends Annotation> cucumberAnnotationClass : cucumberAnnotationClasses) { Annotation annotation = method.getAnnotation(cucumberAnnotationClass); if (annotation != null) { if (!method.getDeclaringClass().isAssignableFrom(glueCodeClass)) { throw new CucumberException(String.format("%s isn't assignable from %s", method.getDeclaringClass(), glueCodeClass)); } if (!glueCodeClass.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) { throw new CucumberException(String.format("You're not allowed to extend classes that define Step Definitions or hooks. %s extends %s", glueCodeClass, method.getDeclaringClass())); } if (isHookAnnotation(annotation)) { javaBackend.addHook(annotation, method); } else if (isStepdefAnnotation(annotation)) { javaBackend.addStepDefinition(annotation, method); } } } } private Collection<Class<? extends Annotation>> findCucumberAnnotationClasses() { return classFinder.getDescendants(Annotation.class, "cucumber.api"); } private boolean isHookAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType(); return annotationClass.equals(Before.class) || annotationClass.equals(After.class); } private boolean isStepdefAnnotation(Annotation annotation) { Class<? extends Annotation> annotationClass = annotation.annotationType(); return annotationClass.getAnnotation(StepDefAnnotation.class) != null; } }