package; import; import android.os.Bundle; import cucumber.runtime.Runtime; import gherkin.formatter.model.Feature; import gherkin.formatter.model.Match; import gherkin.formatter.model.Result; import gherkin.formatter.model.Scenario; import; import; /** * Reports the test results to the instrumentation through {@link Instrumentation#sendStatus(int, Bundle)} calls. * A "test" represents the execution of a scenario or scenario example lifecycle, which includes the execution of * following cucumber elements: * <ul> * <li>all before hooks</li> * <li>all background steps</li> * <li>all scenario / scenario example steps</li> * <li>all after hooks</li> * </ul> * * Test reports: * <ul> * <li>"OK", when all step results are either "PASSED" or "SKIPPED"</li> * <li>"FAILURE", when any step result of the background or scenario was "FAILED"</li> * <li>"ERROR", when any step of the background or scenario or any before or after * hook threw an exception other than an {@link AssertionError}</li> * </ul> */ public class AndroidInstrumentationReporter extends NoOpFormattingReporter { /** * Tests status keys. */ public static class StatusKeys { public static final String TEST = "test"; public static final String CLASS = "class"; public static final String STACK = "stack"; public static final String NUMTESTS = "numtests"; } /** * Test result status codes. */ public static class StatusCodes { public static final int FAILURE = -2; public static final int START = 1; public static final int ERROR = -1; public static final int OK = 0; } /** * The current cucumber runtime. */ private final Runtime runtime; /** * The instrumentation to report to. */ private final Instrumentation instrumentation; /** * The total number of tests which will be executed. */ private final int numberOfTests; /** * The severest step result of the current test execution. * This might be a step or hook result. */ private Result severestResult; /** * The feature of the current test execution. */ private Feature currentFeature; /** * Creates a new instance for the given parameters * * @param runtime the {@link cucumber.runtime.Runtime} to use * @param instrumentation the {@link} to report statuses to * @param numberOfTests the total number of tests to be executed, this is expected to include all scenario outline runs */ public AndroidInstrumentationReporter( final Runtime runtime, final Instrumentation instrumentation, final int numberOfTests) { this.runtime = runtime; this.instrumentation = instrumentation; this.numberOfTests = numberOfTests; } @Override public void feature(final Feature feature) { currentFeature = feature; } @Override public void startOfScenarioLifeCycle(final Scenario scenario) { resetSeverestResult(); final Bundle testStart = createBundle(currentFeature, scenario); instrumentation.sendStatus(StatusCodes.START, testStart); } @Override public void before(final Match match, final Result result) { checkAndSetSeverestStepResult(result); } @Override public void result(final Result result) { checkAndSetSeverestStepResult(result); } @Override public void after(final Match match, final Result result) { checkAndSetSeverestStepResult(result); } @Override public void endOfScenarioLifeCycle(final Scenario scenario) { final Bundle testResult = createBundle(currentFeature, scenario); if (severestResult.getStatus().equals(Result.FAILED)) { if (severestResult.getError() instanceof AssertionError) { testResult.putString(StatusKeys.STACK, severestResult.getErrorMessage()); instrumentation.sendStatus(StatusCodes.FAILURE, testResult); } else { testResult.putString(StatusKeys.STACK, getStackTrace(severestResult.getError())); instrumentation.sendStatus(StatusCodes.ERROR, testResult); } return; } if (severestResult.getStatus().equals(Result.PASSED)) { instrumentation.sendStatus( StatusCodes.OK, testResult); return; } if (severestResult.getStatus().equals(Result.SKIPPED.getStatus())) { instrumentation.sendStatus(StatusCodes.OK, testResult); return; } if (severestResult.getStatus().equals(Result.UNDEFINED.getStatus())) { testResult.putString(StatusKeys.STACK, getStackTrace(new MissingStepDefinitionError(getLastSnippet()))); instrumentation.sendStatus(StatusCodes.ERROR, testResult); return; } throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected result status: " + severestResult.getStatus()); } /** * Creates a template bundle for reporting the start and end of a test. * * @param feature the {@link Feature} of the current execution * @param scenario the {@link Scenario} of the current execution * @return the new {@link Bundle} */ private Bundle createBundle(final Feature feature, final Scenario scenario) { final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putInt(StatusKeys.NUMTESTS, numberOfTests); bundle.putString(StatusKeys.CLASS, String.format("%s %s", feature.getKeyword(), feature.getName())); bundle.putString(StatusKeys.TEST, String.format("%s %s", scenario.getKeyword(), scenario.getName())); return bundle; } /** * Determines the last snippet for a detected undefined step. * * @return string representation of the snippet */ private String getLastSnippet() { return runtime.getSnippets().get(runtime.getSnippets().size() - 1); } /** * Resets the severest test result for the next scenario life cycle. */ private void resetSeverestResult() { severestResult = null; } /** * Checks if the given {@code result} is more severe than the current {@code severestResult} and updates * the {@code severestResult} if that should be the case. * * @param result the {@link Result} to check */ private void checkAndSetSeverestStepResult(final Result result) { final boolean firstResult = severestResult == null; if (firstResult) { severestResult = result; return; } final boolean currentIsPassed = severestResult.getStatus().equals(Result.PASSED); final boolean nextIsNotPassed = !result.getStatus().equals(Result.PASSED); if (currentIsPassed && nextIsNotPassed) { severestResult = result; } } /** * Creates a string representation of the given {@code throwable}'s stacktrace. * * @param throwable the {@link Throwable} to get the stacktrace from * @return the stacktrace as a string */ private static String getStackTrace(final Throwable throwable) { final StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter(); final PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(stringWriter, true); throwable.printStackTrace(printWriter); return stringWriter.getBuffer().toString(); } }