package cucumber.runtime.table; import cucumber.api.DataTable; import cucumber.runtime.CucumberException; import cucumber.runtime.ParameterInfo; import cucumber.runtime.xstream.LocalizedXStreams; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static; public class ToDataTableTest { private static final String DD_MM_YYYY = "dd/MM/yyyy"; private static final ParameterInfo PARAMETER_INFO = new ParameterInfo(null, DD_MM_YYYY, null, null); private TableConverter tc; @Before public void createTableConverterWithDateFormat() { LocalizedXStreams.LocalizedXStream xStream = new LocalizedXStreams(Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()).get(Locale.US); tc = new TableConverter(xStream, new ParameterInfo(null, DD_MM_YYYY, null, null)); } @Test public void converts_list_of_beans_to_table() { List<UserPojo> users = tc.toList(personTable(), UserPojo.class); DataTable table = tc.toTable(users); assertEquals("" + " | credits | name | birthDate |\n" + " | 1,000 | Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 |\n" + " | 3,000 | Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 |\n" + "", table.toString()); } @Test public void converts_list_of_beans_with_null_to_table() { List<UserPojo> users = tc.toList(personTableWithNull(), UserPojo.class); DataTable table = tc.toTable(users, "name", "birthDate", "credits"); assertEquals("" + " | name | birthDate | credits |\n" + " | Sid Vicious | | 1,000 |\n" + " | Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", table.toString()); } @Test public void gives_a_nice_error_message_when_field_is_missing() { try { tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| name | birthDate | crapola |\n" + "| Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 | 1,000 |\n" + "| Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), UserPojo.class); fail(); } catch (CucumberException e) { assertEquals("No such field cucumber.runtime.table.ToDataTableTest$UserPojo.crapola", e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void gives_a_nice_error_message_when_primitive_field_is_null() { try { tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| credits |\n" + "| 5 |\n" + "| |\n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), PojoWithInt.class ); fail(); } catch (CucumberException e) { assertEquals("Can't assign null value to one of the primitive fields in cucumber.runtime.table.ToDataTableTest$PojoWithInt. Please use boxed types.", e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void gives_a_meaningfull_error_message_when_field_is_repeated() { try { tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| credits | credits |\n" + "| 5 | 5 |\n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), UserPojo.class ); fail(); } catch (CucumberException e) { assertEquals("Duplicate field credits", e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void converts_list_of_beans_to_table_with_explicit_columns() { List<UserPojo> users = tc.toList(personTable(), UserPojo.class); DataTable table = tc.toTable(users, "name", "birthDate", "credits"); assertEquals("" + " | name | birthDate | credits |\n" + " | Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 | 1,000 |\n" + " | Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", table.toString()); } @Test public void diffs_round_trip() { List<UserPojo> users = tc.toList(personTable(), UserPojo.class); personTable().diff(users); } private DataTable personTable() { return TableParser.parse("" + "| name | birthDate | credits |\n" + "| Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 | 1,000 |\n" + "| Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO); } private DataTable personTableWithNull() { return TableParser.parse("" + "| name | birthDate | credits |\n" + "| Sid Vicious | | 1,000 |\n" + "| Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO); } @Test public void converts_list_of_list_of_number_to_table() { List<? extends List<? extends Number>> lists = asList(asList(0.5, 1.5), asList(99.0, 1000.5)); DataTable table = tc.toTable(lists); assertEquals("" + " | 0.5 | 1.5 |\n" + " | 99 | 1,000.5 |\n" + "", table.toString()); List<List<Double>> actual = tc.toLists(table, Double.class); assertEquals(lists, actual); } @Test public void converts_list_of_array_of_string_or_number_to_table_with_number_formatting() { List<Object[]> arrays = asList( new Object[]{"name", "birthDate", "credits"}, new Object[]{"Sid Vicious", "10/05/1957", 1000}, new Object[]{"Frank Zappa", "21/12/1940", 3000} ); DataTable table = tc.toTable(arrays); assertEquals("" + " | name | birthDate | credits |\n" + " | Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 | 1,000 |\n" + " | Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", table.toString()); } @Test public void convert_list_of_maps_to_table() { Map<String, Object> vicious = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); vicious.put("name", "Sid Vicious"); vicious.put("birthDate", "10/05/1957"); vicious.put("credits", 1000); Map<String, Object> zappa = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); zappa.put("name", "Frank Zappa"); zappa.put("birthDate", "21/12/1940"); zappa.put("credits", 3000); List<Map<String, Object>> maps = asList(vicious, zappa); assertEquals("" + " | name | credits | birthDate |\n" + " | Sid Vicious | 1,000 | 10/05/1957 |\n" + " | Frank Zappa | 3,000 | 21/12/1940 |\n" + "", tc.toTable(maps, "name", "credits", "birthDate").toString()); assertEquals("" + " | name | birthDate | credits |\n" + " | Sid Vicious | 10/05/1957 | 1,000 |\n" + " | Frank Zappa | 21/12/1940 | 3,000 |\n" + "", tc.toTable(maps).toString()); } @Test public void enum_value_should_be_null_when_text_omitted_for_pojo() { final List<PojoWithEnum> actual = tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| agree | \n" + "| yes | \n" + "| | \n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), PojoWithEnum.class ); assertEquals("[PojoWithEnum{yes}, PojoWithEnum{null}]", actual.toString()); } @Test public void mixed_case_enum_members_shall_still_work_even_when_starts_from_lower_case() { final List<PojoWithEnum> actual = tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| agree | \n" + "| mayBeMixedCase | \n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), PojoWithEnum.class ); assertEquals("[PojoWithEnum{mayBeMixedCase}]", actual.toString()); } @Test public void enum_value_should_be_null_when_text_omitted_for_plain_enum() { final List<AnEnum> actual = tc.toList(TableParser.parse("" + "| yes | \n" + "| | \n" + "", PARAMETER_INFO), AnEnum.class ); assertEquals("[yes, null]", actual.toString()); } // No setters public static class UserPojo { public Integer credits; public String name; public Date birthDate; public UserPojo(int foo) { } } public static class PojoWithInt { public int credits; } public enum AnEnum { yes, no, mayBeMixedCase } public static class PojoWithEnum { public AnEnum agree; public PojoWithEnum(AnEnum agree) { this.agree = agree; } @Override public String toString() { return "PojoWithEnum{" + agree + '}'; } } }