package; import android.os.Bundle; import; import; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import org.robolectric.RobolectricTestRunner; import org.robolectric.annotation.Config; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static org.mockito.Mockito.spy; @Config(manifest = Config.NONE) @RunWith(RobolectricTestRunner.class) public class ArgumentsTest { @Test public void handles_null_bundle_gracefully() { // given final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(null); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("")); } @Test public void handles_empty_bundle_gracefully() { // given final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(new Bundle()); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("")); } @Test public void supports_glue_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("glue", "glue/code/path"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--glue glue/code/path")); } @Test public void supports_format_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("format", "someFormat"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--format someFormat")); } @Test public void supports_plugin_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("plugin", "someFormat"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--plugin someFormat")); } @Test public void supports_tags_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("tags", "@someTag"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--tags @someTag")); } @Test public void supports_name_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("name", "someName"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--name someName")); } @Test public void supports_dryRun_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("dryRun", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--dry-run")); } @Test public void supports_log_as_alias_for_dryRun_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("log", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--dry-run")); } @Test public void supports_noDryRun_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("noDryRun", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--no-dry-run")); } @Test public void supports_monochrome_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("monochrome", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--monochrome")); } @Test public void supports_noMonochrome_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("noMonochrome", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--no-monochrome")); } @Test public void supports_strict_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("strict", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--strict")); } @Test public void supports_noStrict_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("noStrict", "true"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--no-strict")); } @Test public void supports_snippets_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("snippets", "someSnippet"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--snippets someSnippet")); } @Test public void supports_features_as_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("features", "someFeature"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then // TODO does this space makes sense? assertThat(cucumberOptions, is(" someFeature")); } @Test public void supports_multiple_values() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("name", "Feature1--Feature2"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--name Feature1 --name Feature2")); } @Test public void supports_single_cucumber_options_string() { // given final List<String> cucumberOptions = Lists.newArrayList("--tags @mytag", "--monochrome", "--name MyFeature", "--dry-run", "--glue com.someglue.Glue", "--format pretty", "--snippets underscore", "--strict", "--dotcucumber", "test features"); final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("cucumberOptions", Joiner.on(" ").join(cucumberOptions)); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then for (final String cucumberOption : cucumberOptions) { assertThat(arguments.getCucumberOptions(), containsString(cucumberOption)); } } @Test public void single_cucumber_options_string_takes_precedence_over_direct_bundle_argument() { // given final String cucumberOptions = "--tags @mytag1"; final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("cucumberOptions", cucumberOptions); bundle.putString("tags", "@mytag2"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.getCucumberOptions(), is(cucumberOptions)); } @Test public void supports_spaces_in_values() { // given final Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putString("name", "'Name with spaces'"); final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // when final String cucumberOptions = arguments.getCucumberOptions(); // then assertThat(cucumberOptions, is("--name 'Name with spaces'")); } @Test public void isCountEnabled_returns_true_when_bundle_contains_true() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.COUNT_ENABLED, "true"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCountEnabled(), is(true)); } @Test public void isCountEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_false() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.COUNT_ENABLED, "false"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCountEnabled(), is(false)); } @Test public void isCountEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_no_value() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCountEnabled(), is(false)); } @Test public void isDebugEnabled_returns_true_when_bundle_contains_true() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.DEBUG_ENABLED, "true"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isDebugEnabled(), is(true)); } @Test public void isDebugEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_false() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.DEBUG_ENABLED, "false"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isDebugEnabled(), is(false)); } @Test public void isDebugEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_no_value() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isDebugEnabled(), is(false)); } @Test public void coverageDataFilePath_returns_value_when_bundle_contains_value() { // given final String fileName = ""; final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.COVERAGE_DATA_FILE_PATH, fileName); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.coverageDataFilePath(), is(fileName)); } @Test public void coverageDataFilePath_returns_default_value_when_bundle_contains_no_value() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.coverageDataFilePath(), is(Arguments.DEFAULT.COVERAGE_DATA_FILE_PATH)); } @Test public void isCoverageEnabled_returns_true_when_bundle_contains_true() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.COVERAGE_ENABLED, "true"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCoverageEnabled(), is(true)); } @Test public void isCoverageEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_false() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); bundle.putString(Arguments.KEY.COVERAGE_ENABLED, "false"); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCoverageEnabled(), is(false)); } @Test public void isCoverageEnabled_returns_false_when_bundle_contains_no_value() { // given final Bundle bundle = spy(new Bundle()); // when final Arguments arguments = new Arguments(bundle); // then assertThat(arguments.isCoverageEnabled(), is(false)); } }