package cucumber.runtime; import cucumber.api.PendingException; import cucumber.api.Scenario; import cucumber.api.StepDefinitionReporter; import cucumber.runtime.formatter.CucumberJSONFormatter; import cucumber.runtime.formatter.FormatterSpy; import; import; import; import cucumber.runtime.model.CucumberFeature; import gherkin.I18n; import gherkin.formatter.Formatter; import gherkin.formatter.JSONFormatter; import gherkin.formatter.Reporter; import gherkin.formatter.model.Result; import gherkin.formatter.model.Step; import gherkin.formatter.model.Tag; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.internal.AssumptionViolatedException; import org.mockito.ArgumentCaptor; import; import; import; import java.util.AbstractMap.SimpleEntry; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import static cucumber.runtime.TestHelper.feature; import static cucumber.runtime.TestHelper.result; import static java.util.Arrays.asList; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.containsString; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.startsWith; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertSame; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import static; import static org.mockito.Matchers.any; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyCollectionOf; import static org.mockito.Matchers.anyString; import static org.mockito.Matchers.eq; import static org.mockito.Mockito.doThrow; import static org.mockito.Mockito.mock; import static org.mockito.Mockito.verify; import static org.mockito.Mockito.when; public class RuntimeTest { private static final I18n ENGLISH = new I18n("en"); @Ignore @Test public void runs_feature_with_json_formatter() throws Exception { CucumberFeature feature = feature("test.feature", "" + "Feature: feature name\n" + " Background: background name\n" + " Given b\n" + " Scenario: scenario name\n" + " When s\n"); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); JSONFormatter jsonFormatter = new CucumberJSONFormatter(out); List<Backend> backends = asList(mock(Backend.class)); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); RuntimeOptions runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions(""); Runtime runtime = new Runtime(new ClasspathResourceLoader(classLoader), classLoader, backends, runtimeOptions);, jsonFormatter, runtime); jsonFormatter.done(); String expected = "" + "[\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"feature-name\",\n" + " \"description\": \"\",\n" + " \"name\": \"feature name\",\n" + " \"keyword\": \"Feature\",\n" + " \"line\": 1,\n" + " \"elements\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"description\": \"\",\n" + " \"name\": \"background name\",\n" + " \"keyword\": \"Background\",\n" + " \"line\": 2,\n" + " \"steps\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"result\": {\n" + " \"status\": \"undefined\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"name\": \"b\",\n" + " \"keyword\": \"Given \",\n" + " \"line\": 3,\n" + " \"match\": {}\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\": \"background\"\n" + " },\n" + " {\n" + " \"id\": \"feature-name;scenario-name\",\n" + " \"description\": \"\",\n" + " \"name\": \"scenario name\",\n" + " \"keyword\": \"Scenario\",\n" + " \"line\": 4,\n" + " \"steps\": [\n" + " {\n" + " \"result\": {\n" + " \"status\": \"undefined\"\n" + " },\n" + " \"name\": \"s\",\n" + " \"keyword\": \"When \",\n" + " \"line\": 5,\n" + " \"match\": {}\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"type\": \"scenario\"\n" + " }\n" + " ],\n" + " \"uri\": \"test.feature\"\n" + " }\n" + "]"; assertEquals(expected, out.toString()); } @Test public void strict_without_pending_steps_or_errors() { Runtime runtime = createStrictRuntime(); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_without_pending_steps_or_errors() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_with_undefined_steps() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); runtime.undefinedStepsTracker.addUndefinedStep(new Step(null, "Given ", "A", 1, null, null), ENGLISH); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void strict_with_undefined_steps() { Runtime runtime = createStrictRuntime(); runtime.undefinedStepsTracker.addUndefinedStep(new Step(null, "Given ", "A", 1, null, null), ENGLISH); assertEquals(0x1, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void strict_with_pending_steps_and_no_errors() { Runtime runtime = createStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new PendingException()); assertEquals(0x1, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_with_pending_steps() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new PendingException()); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_with_failed_junit_assumption_prior_to_junit_412() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new AssumptionViolatedException("should be treated like pending")); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_with_failed_junit_assumption_from_junit_412_on() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new org.junit.AssumptionViolatedException("should be treated like pending")); assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void non_strict_with_errors() { Runtime runtime = createNonStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new RuntimeException()); assertEquals(0x1, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void strict_with_errors() { Runtime runtime = createStrictRuntime(); runtime.addError(new RuntimeException()); assertEquals(0x1, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void should_pass_if_no_features_are_found() throws IOException { ResourceLoader resourceLoader = createResourceLoaderThatFindsNoFeatures(); Runtime runtime = createStrictRuntime(resourceLoader);; assertEquals(0x0, runtime.exitStatus()); } @Test public void reports_step_definitions_to_plugin() throws IOException, NoSuchMethodException { Runtime runtime = createRuntime("--plugin", "cucumber.runtime.RuntimeTest$StepdefsPrinter"); StubStepDefinition stepDefinition = new StubStepDefinition(this, getClass().getMethod("reports_step_definitions_to_plugin"), "some pattern"); runtime.getGlue().addStepDefinition(stepDefinition);; assertSame(stepDefinition, StepdefsPrinter.instance.stepDefinition); } public static class StepdefsPrinter implements StepDefinitionReporter { public static StepdefsPrinter instance; public StepDefinition stepDefinition; public StepdefsPrinter() { instance = this; } @Override public void stepDefinition(StepDefinition stepDefinition) { this.stepDefinition = stepDefinition; } } @Test public void should_throw_cucumer_exception_if_no_backends_are_found() throws Exception { try { ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); new Runtime(new ClasspathResourceLoader(classLoader), classLoader, Collections.<Backend>emptyList(), new RuntimeOptions("")); fail("A CucumberException should have been thrown"); } catch (CucumberException e) { assertEquals("No backends were found. Please make sure you have a backend module on your CLASSPATH.", e.getMessage()); } } @Test public void should_add_passed_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Exception { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), startsWith(String.format( "1 Scenarios (1 passed)%n" + "1 Steps (1 passed)%n"))); } @Test public void should_add_pending_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = createExceptionThrowingMatch(new PendingException()); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 pending)%n" + "1 Steps (1 pending)%n"))); } @Test public void should_add_failed_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = createExceptionThrowingMatch(new Exception()); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 failed)%n" + "1 Steps (1 failed)%n"))); } @Test public void should_add_ambiguous_match_as_failed_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlueWithAmbiguousMatch("--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format(""+ "1 Scenarios (1 failed)%n" + "1 Steps (1 failed)%n"))); } @Test public void should_add_skipped_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = createExceptionThrowingMatch(new Exception()); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(2)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 failed)%n" + "2 Steps (1 failed, 1 skipped)%n"))); } @Test public void should_add_undefined_result_to_the_summary_counter() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(null, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 undefined)%n" + "1 Steps (1 undefined)%n"))); } @Test public void should_fail_the_scenario_if_before_fails() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class); HookDefinition hook = createExceptionThrowingHook(); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, hook, true, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 failed)%n" + "1 Steps (1 skipped)%n"))); } @Test public void should_fail_the_scenario_if_after_fails() throws Throwable { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); Reporter reporter = mock(Reporter.class); StepDefinitionMatch match = mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class); HookDefinition hook = createExceptionThrowingHook(); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, hook, false, "--monochrome"); runScenario(reporter, runtime, stepCount(1)); runtime.printStats(new PrintStream(baos)); assertThat(baos.toString(), containsString(String.format("" + "1 Scenarios (1 failed)%n" + "1 Steps (1 passed)%n"))); } @Test public void should_make_scenario_name_available_to_hooks() throws Throwable { CucumberFeature feature = TestHelper.feature("path/test.feature", "Feature: feature name\n" + " Scenario: scenario name\n" + " Given first step\n" + " When second step\n" + " Then third step\n"); HookDefinition beforeHook = mock(HookDefinition.class); when(beforeHook.matches(anyCollectionOf(Tag.class))).thenReturn(true); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class), beforeHook, true);, mock(Reporter.class), runtime); ArgumentCaptor<Scenario> capturedScenario = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Scenario.class); verify(beforeHook).execute(capturedScenario.capture()); assertEquals("scenario name", capturedScenario.getValue().getName()); } @Test public void should_make_scenario_id_available_to_hooks() throws Throwable { CucumberFeature feature = TestHelper.feature("path/test.feature", "Feature: feature name\n" + " Scenario: scenario name\n" + " Given first step\n" + " When second step\n" + " Then third step\n"); HookDefinition beforeHook = mock(HookDefinition.class); when(beforeHook.matches(anyCollectionOf(Tag.class))).thenReturn(true); Runtime runtime = createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class), beforeHook, true);, mock(Reporter.class), runtime); ArgumentCaptor<Scenario> capturedScenario = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Scenario.class); verify(beforeHook).execute(capturedScenario.capture()); assertEquals("feature-name;scenario-name", capturedScenario.getValue().getId()); } @Test public void should_call_formatter_for_two_scenarios_with_background() throws Throwable { CucumberFeature feature = TestHelper.feature("path/test.feature", "" + "Feature: feature name\n" + " Background: background\n" + " Given first step\n" + " Scenario: scenario_1 name\n" + " When second step\n" + " Then third step\n" + " Scenario: scenario_2 name\n" + " Then second step\n"); Map<String, Result> stepsToResult = new HashMap<String, Result>(); stepsToResult.put("first step", result("passed")); stepsToResult.put("second step", result("passed")); stepsToResult.put("third step", result("passed")); String formatterOutput = runFeatureWithFormatterSpy(feature, stepsToResult); assertEquals("" + "uri\n" + "feature\n" + " startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " background\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " scenario\n" + " step\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " background\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " scenario\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "eof\n" + "done\n" + "close\n", formatterOutput); } @Test public void should_call_formatter_for_scenario_outline_with_two_examples_table_and_background() throws Throwable { CucumberFeature feature = TestHelper.feature("path/test.feature", "" + "Feature: feature name\n" + " Background: background\n" + " Given first step\n" + " Scenario Outline: scenario outline name\n" + " When <x> step\n" + " Then <y> step\n" + " Examples: examples 1 name\n" + " | x | y |\n" + " | second | third |\n" + " | second | third |\n" + " Examples: examples 2 name\n" + " | x | y |\n" + " | second | third |\n"); Map<String, Result> stepsToResult = new HashMap<String, Result>(); stepsToResult.put("first step", result("passed")); stepsToResult.put("second step", result("passed")); stepsToResult.put("third step", result("passed")); String formatterOutput = runFeatureWithFormatterSpy(feature, stepsToResult); assertEquals("" + "uri\n" + "feature\n" + " scenarioOutline\n" + " step\n" + " step\n" + " examples\n" + " startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " background\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " scenario\n" + " step\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " background\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " scenario\n" + " step\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " examples\n" + " startOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + " background\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " scenario\n" + " step\n" + " step\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " match\n" + " result\n" + " endOfScenarioLifeCycle\n" + "eof\n" + "done\n" + "close\n", formatterOutput); } private String runFeatureWithFormatterSpy(CucumberFeature feature, Map<String, Result> stepsToResult) throws Throwable { FormatterSpy formatterSpy = new FormatterSpy(); TestHelper.runFeatureWithFormatter(feature, stepsToResult, Collections.<SimpleEntry<String, Result>>emptyList(), 0L, formatterSpy, formatterSpy); return formatterSpy.toString(); } private StepDefinitionMatch createExceptionThrowingMatch(Exception exception) throws Throwable { StepDefinitionMatch match = mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class); doThrow(exception).when(match).runStep((I18n) any()); return match; } private HookDefinition createExceptionThrowingHook() throws Throwable { HookDefinition hook = mock(HookDefinition.class); when(hook.matches(anyCollectionOf(Tag.class))).thenReturn(true); doThrow(new Exception()).when(hook).execute((Scenario) any()); return hook; } public void runStep(Reporter reporter, Runtime runtime) { Step step = mock(Step.class); I18n i18n = mock(I18n.class); runtime.runStep("<featurePath>", step, reporter, i18n); } private ResourceLoader createResourceLoaderThatFindsNoFeatures() { ResourceLoader resourceLoader = mock(ResourceLoader.class); when(resourceLoader.resources(anyString(), eq(".feature"))).thenReturn(Collections.<Resource>emptyList()); return resourceLoader; } private Runtime createStrictRuntime() { return createRuntime("-g", "anything", "--strict"); } private Runtime createNonStrictRuntime() { return createRuntime("-g", "anything"); } private Runtime createStrictRuntime(ResourceLoader resourceLoader) { return createRuntime(resourceLoader, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(), "-g", "anything", "--strict"); } private Runtime createRuntime(String... runtimeArgs) { ResourceLoader resourceLoader = mock(ResourceLoader.class); ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); return createRuntime(resourceLoader, classLoader, runtimeArgs); } private Runtime createRuntime(ResourceLoader resourceLoader, ClassLoader classLoader, String... runtimeArgs) { RuntimeOptions runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions(asList(runtimeArgs)); Backend backend = mock(Backend.class); Collection<Backend> backends = Arrays.asList(backend); return new Runtime(resourceLoader, classLoader, backends, runtimeOptions); } private Runtime createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(StepDefinitionMatch match, String... runtimeArgs) { return createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, false, mock(HookDefinition.class), false, runtimeArgs); } private Runtime createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(StepDefinitionMatch match, HookDefinition hook, boolean isBefore, String... runtimeArgs) { return createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(match, false, hook, isBefore, runtimeArgs); } private Runtime createRuntimeWithMockedGlueWithAmbiguousMatch(String... runtimeArgs) { return createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(mock(StepDefinitionMatch.class), true, mock(HookDefinition.class), false, runtimeArgs); } private Runtime createRuntimeWithMockedGlue(StepDefinitionMatch match, boolean isAmbiguous, HookDefinition hook, boolean isBefore, String... runtimeArgs) { ResourceLoader resourceLoader = mock(ResourceLoader.class); ClassLoader classLoader = mock(ClassLoader.class); RuntimeOptions runtimeOptions = new RuntimeOptions(asList(runtimeArgs)); Backend backend = mock(Backend.class); RuntimeGlue glue = mock(RuntimeGlue.class); mockMatch(glue, match, isAmbiguous); mockHook(glue, hook, isBefore); Collection<Backend> backends = Arrays.asList(backend); return new Runtime(resourceLoader, classLoader, backends, runtimeOptions, glue); } private void mockMatch(RuntimeGlue glue, StepDefinitionMatch match, boolean isAmbiguous) { if (isAmbiguous) { Exception exception = new AmbiguousStepDefinitionsException(Arrays.asList(match, match)); doThrow(exception).when(glue).stepDefinitionMatch(anyString(), (Step) any(), (I18n) any()); } else { when(glue.stepDefinitionMatch(anyString(), (Step) any(), (I18n) any())).thenReturn(match); } } private void mockHook(RuntimeGlue glue, HookDefinition hook, boolean isBefore) { if (isBefore) { when(glue.getBeforeHooks()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(hook)); } else { when(glue.getAfterHooks()).thenReturn(Arrays.asList(hook)); } } private void runScenario(Reporter reporter, Runtime runtime, int stepCount) { gherkin.formatter.model.Scenario gherkinScenario = mock(gherkin.formatter.model.Scenario.class); runtime.buildBackendWorlds(reporter, Collections.<Tag>emptySet(), gherkinScenario); runtime.runBeforeHooks(reporter, Collections.<Tag>emptySet()); for (int i = 0; i < stepCount; ++i) { runStep(reporter, runtime); } runtime.runAfterHooks(reporter, Collections.<Tag>emptySet()); runtime.disposeBackendWorlds("scenario designation"); } private int stepCount(int stepCount) { return stepCount; } }