package com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeMap; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.analysis.SolutionAnalyser; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.Capacity; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.Location; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.cost.TransportDistance; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.job.Delivery; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.job.Job; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.job.Pickup; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.job.Service; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.job.Shipment; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.solution.VehicleRoutingProblemSolution; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.VehicleRoute; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.solution.route.activity.TourActivity.JobActivity; import com.graphhopper.jsprit.core.problem.vehicle.Vehicle; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ODLApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.components.ComponentExecutionApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.geometry.LatLong; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.geometry.ODLGeom; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastore; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableReadOnly; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTime; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.VRPBuilder.BuiltStopRec; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.VRPBuilder.TravelCostType; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.VRPConfig.BooleanOptions; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.solution.RouteDetail; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.solution.SolutionDetail; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.solution.StopDetail; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.tabledefinitions.InputTablesDfn; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.tabledefinitions.StopsTableDefn; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.tabledefinitions.VehiclesTableDfn.CostType; import com.opendoorlogistics.components.jsprit.tabledefinitions.VehiclesTableDfn.RowVehicleIndex; public class CalculateRouteDetailsV2 { private final ComponentExecutionApi componentApi; private final ODLApi odlApi; private final InputTablesDfn dfn; private final VRPConfig config; private final ODLTableReadOnly stopsTable; private final ODLTableReadOnly vehiclesTable; private final ODLTableReadOnly stopOrderTable; private final VRPBuilder builtProblem; // private final Map<String, Integer> stopIdMap; private final Map<String, RouteDetail> vehicleIdToRouteDetails; private final Map<String,StopDetail> loadedStopsByStopId; private final VehicleRoutingProblemSolution jspritSol; private final SolutionAnalyser jspritSA; private final SolutionDetail sd; public CalculateRouteDetailsV2(VRPConfig conf, ComponentExecutionApi api, ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> ioDb) { componentApi = api; odlApi = api.getApi(); dfn = new InputTablesDfn(api.getApi(), conf); config = conf; stopsTable = ioDb.getTableByImmutableId(dfn.stops.tableId); vehiclesTable = ioDb.getTableByImmutableId(dfn.vehicles.tableId); stopOrderTable = ioDb.getTableByImmutableId(dfn.stopOrder.tableId); sd = new SolutionDetail(config.getNbQuantities()); // build map of route details vehicleIdToRouteDetails = buildEmptyRouteDetails(); // build VRP builtProblem = buildVRPProblem(conf, api, dfn, ioDb); // get the empty (i.e. without stats) stop objects loadedStopsByStopId = buildEmptyStopDetails(); // add stops for the depots buildDepotStops(); // build jsprit solution using the built problem etc Map.Entry<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution, SolutionAnalyser> tmp = buildJspritSolution(); jspritSol = tmp.getKey(); jspritSA = tmp.getValue(); fillInStopStats(); fillInRouteStats(); fillInSolutionStats(); } private void fillInStopStats() { for (final RouteDetail routeDetail : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { VehicleRoute vr = routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute; int n = routeDetail.stops.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { StopDetail stopDetail = routeDetail.stops.get(i); TourActivity ta = stopDetail.temporary.jspritTourActivity; if (ta == null) { continue; } // times stopDetail.arrivalTime = ta.getArrTime(); stopDetail.leaveTime = ta.getEndTime(); stopDetail.waitingTime = jspritSA.getWaitingTimeAtActivity(ta, vr); stopDetail.timeWindowViolation = jspritSA.getTimeWindowViolationAtActivity(ta, vr); // quantities Capacity before = jspritSA.getLoadJustBeforeActivity(ta, vr); copyQuantities(before, stopDetail.arrivalQuantities); Capacity violationBefore = Capacity.max(Capacity.Builder.newInstance().build(), Capacity.subtract(before, routeDetail.temp.jspritVehicle.getType().getCapacityDimensions())); copyQuantities(violationBefore, stopDetail.arrivalCapacityViolation); Capacity after = jspritSA.getLoadRightAfterActivity(ta, vr); copyQuantities(after, stopDetail.leaveQuantities); copyQuantities(Capacity.subtract(after, before), stopDetail.stopQuantities); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getCapacityViolationAfterActivity(ta, vr), stopDetail.leaveCapacityViolation); // check for quantity violations for (long cv : stopDetail.leaveCapacityViolation) { if (cv > 0) { stopDetail.hasViolation = 1; } } // travel costs stopDetail.travelCost[TravelCostType.TIME.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getLastTransportTimeAtActivity(ta, vr); stopDetail.travelCost[TravelCostType.DISTANCE_KM.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getLastTransportDistanceAtActivity(ta, vr); stopDetail.travelCost[TravelCostType.COST.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getLastTransportCostAtActivity(ta, vr); // total travel costs stopDetail.totalTravelCost[TravelCostType.TIME.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getTransportTimeAtActivity(ta,vr); stopDetail.totalTravelCost[TravelCostType.DISTANCE_KM.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getDistanceAtActivity(ta, vr) ; stopDetail.totalTravelCost[TravelCostType.COST.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getVariableTransportCostsAtActivity(ta, vr); // check for violations if ((config.isDeliveriesBeforePickups() && jspritSA.hasBackhaulConstraintViolationAtActivity(ta, vr)) || jspritSA.hasShipmentConstraintViolationAtActivity(ta, vr) || jspritSA.hasSkillConstraintViolationAtActivity(ta, vr) || stopDetail.timeWindowViolation > 0) { stopDetail.hasViolation = 1; } if(stopDetail.type.equals(VRPConstants.DEPOT)){ // Depot stops by default from jsprit arrive at the start depot at midnight and leave // the end depot at their final time window, which makes the Gantt chart look odd. // We therefore change this behaviour. if(i==0){ stopDetail.arrivalTime = stopDetail.leaveTime; }else{ stopDetail.leaveTime = stopDetail.arrivalTime; } stopDetail.waitingTime=0; } } // calculate incoming and outgoing paths for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= 1; j++) { boolean outgoing = j == 0; int prevIndx = outgoing ? i : i - 1; int nextIndx = outgoing ? i + 1 : i; if (prevIndx >= 0 && nextIndx < n) { LatLong prevLL = routeDetail.stops.get(prevIndx).stopLatLong; LatLong nextLL = routeDetail.stops.get(nextIndx).stopLatLong; if (prevLL != null && nextLL != null) { ODLGeom geom = null; if (config.getBool(BooleanOptions.OUTPUT_STRAIGHT_LINES_BETWEEN_STOPS)) { geom = odlApi.geometry().createLineGeometry(prevLL, nextLL); } else { geom = componentApi.calculateRouteGeom(config.getDistances(), prevLL, nextLL); } if (outgoing) { routeDetail.stops.get(i).outgoingPath = geom; } else { routeDetail.stops.get(i).incomingPath = geom; } } } } } } } private void fillInRouteStats() { for (final RouteDetail rd : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { VehicleRoute vr = rd.temp.jspritRoute; rd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.DISTANCE_KM.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getDistance(vr); rd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.TIME.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getTransportTime(vr); rd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.COST.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getVariableTransportCosts(vr); rd.waitingTime = jspritSA.getWaitingTime(vr); rd.timeWindowViolation = jspritSA.getTimeWindowViolation(vr); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getCapacityViolation(vr), rd.capacityViolation); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getLoadDelivered(vr), rd.deliveredQuantities); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getLoadPickedUp(vr), rd.pickedUpQuantities); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getLoadAtBeginning(vr), rd.startQuantities); rd.pickupsCount = jspritSA.getNumberOfPickups(vr); rd.deliveriesCount = jspritSA.getNumberOfDeliveries(vr); // start and end times if(vr.getStart()!=null){ rd.startTime = vr.getStart().getEndTime(); } if(vr.getEnd()!=null){ rd.endTime = vr.getEnd().getArrTime(); } rd.time = rd.endTime - rd.startTime; // update hasViolation for (StopDetail sd : rd.stops) { if (sd.hasViolation == 1) { rd.hasViolation = 1; } } if ((config.isDeliveriesBeforePickups() && jspritSA.hasBackhaulConstraintViolation(vr)) || jspritSA.hasShipmentConstraintViolation(vr) || jspritSA.hasSkillConstraintViolation(vr)) { rd.hasViolation = 1; } } } private void fillInSolutionStats() { sd.routesCount = sd.routes.size(); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getCapacityViolation(), sd.capacityViolation); sd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.DISTANCE_KM.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getDistance(); sd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.TIME.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getTransportTime(); sd.travelCosts[TravelCostType.COST.ordinal()] = jspritSA.getVariableTransportCosts(); sd.waitingTime = jspritSA.getWaitingTime(); sd.timeWindowViolation = jspritSA.getTimeWindowViolation(); // total time sd.time=0; for(RouteDetail rd:sd.routes){ sd.time += rd.time; } copyQuantities(jspritSA.getLoadDelivered(), sd.deliveredQuantities); copyQuantities(jspritSA.getLoadPickedUp(), sd.pickedUpQuantities); sd.pickupsCount = jspritSA.getNumberOfPickups(); sd.deliveriesCount = jspritSA.getNumberOfDeliveries(); for (RouteDetail rd : sd.routes) { if (rd.hasViolation == 1) { sd.hasViolation = 1; } } if ((config.isDeliveriesBeforePickups() & jspritSA.hasBackhaulConstraintViolation()) || jspritSA.hasShipmentConstraintViolation() || jspritSA.hasSkillConstraintViolation()) { sd.hasViolation = 1; } // assigned and unassigned stops sd.assignedStopsCount = loadedStopsByStopId.size(); sd.unassignedStops=0; for(BuiltStopRec stop:builtProblem.getBuiltStops()){ if(!loadedStopsByStopId.containsKey(stop.getStopIdInStopsTable())){ sd.unassignedStops++; } } } private static void copyQuantities(Capacity from, long[] to) { for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(from.getNuOfDimensions(), to.length); i++) { to[i] = from.get(i); } } private void buildDepotStops() { int nq = config.getNbQuantities(); for (final RouteDetail route : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { int vRow = route.temp.rvi.row; // add start depot LatLong[] ends = dfn.vehicles.getStartAndEnd(vehiclesTable, vRow); if(ends[0]!=null){ StopDetail startDepot = new StopDetail(nq); startDepot.stopLatLong = ends[0]; startDepot.type = VRPConstants.DEPOT; startDepot.stopId = VRPConstants.VEHICLE_START_ID + "_" + dfn.vehicles.getBaseId(vehiclesTable, vRow); startDepot.stopName = startDepot.stopId; startDepot.stopNumber = 0; startDepot.startTimeWindow = route.startTimeWindow; startDepot.endTimeWindow = route.endTimeWindow; startDepot.vehicleId = route.vehicleId; startDepot.vehicleName = route.vehicleName; startDepot.temporary.rowVehicleIndex = route.temp.rvi; route.stops.add(0, startDepot); } // add end depot if (ends[1] != null) { StopDetail endDepot = new StopDetail(nq); endDepot.stopLatLong = ends[1]; endDepot.type = VRPConstants.DEPOT; endDepot.stopId = VRPConstants.VEHICLE_END_ID + "_" + dfn.vehicles.getBaseId(vehiclesTable, vRow); endDepot.stopName = endDepot.stopId; endDepot.stopNumber = route.stops.size(); endDepot.startTimeWindow = route.startTimeWindow; endDepot.endTimeWindow = route.endTimeWindow; endDepot.vehicleId = route.vehicleId; endDepot.vehicleName = route.vehicleName; endDepot.temporary.rowVehicleIndex = route.temp.rvi; route.stops.add(endDepot); } } } private Map.Entry<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution, SolutionAnalyser> buildJspritSolution() { // build the vehicle routes List<VehicleRoute> vehicleRoutes = new ArrayList<VehicleRoute>(); for (final RouteDetail routeDetail : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { VehicleRoute.Builder vehicleRouteBuilder = VehicleRoute.Builder.newInstance(routeDetail.temp.jspritVehicle); vehicleRouteBuilder.setJobActivityFactory(builtProblem.getJspritProblem().getJobActivityFactory()); Map<String, List<StopDetail>> stopDetailsByJobId = odlApi.stringConventions().createStandardisedMap(); // Go through all the stops on a route and add these to the vehicle // route builder as service/job. for (StopDetail stopDetail : routeDetail.stops) { // // don't add an unbalanced pickup / delivery to the jsprit // // solution // if (stopDetail.temporary.isUnbalancedPickupDelivery) { // continue; // } // check we have a stop record (could be a depot stop otherwise) BuiltStopRec stopRec = builtProblem.getBuiltStop(stopDetail.stopId); if (stopRec == null) { continue; } // add the stop to the jsprit vehicle route builder Job job = stopRec.getJSpritJob(); switch (stopRec.getType()) { case LINKED_DELIVERY: vehicleRouteBuilder.addDelivery((Shipment) job); break; case LINKED_PICKUP: vehicleRouteBuilder.addPickup((Shipment) job); break; case UNLINKED_PICKUP: vehicleRouteBuilder.addPickup((Pickup) job); break; case UNLINKED_DELIVERY: vehicleRouteBuilder.addDelivery((Delivery) job); break; } // also save the stop to our 'by job id' structure String jobId = stopRec.getJSpritJob().getId(); List<StopDetail> sameId = stopDetailsByJobId.get(jobId); if (sameId == null) { sameId = new ArrayList<StopDetail>(); stopDetailsByJobId.put(jobId, sameId); } sameId.add(stopDetail); } routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute =; vehicleRoutes.add(routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute); // Save the tour activity objects to the stop details int n = routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute.getActivities().size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { TourActivity activity = routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute.getActivities().get(i); if (JobActivity.class.isInstance(activity)) { JobActivity ja = (JobActivity) activity; List<StopDetail> stops = stopDetailsByJobId.get(ja.getJob().getId()); if (stops != null) { for (StopDetail sd : stops) { if (sd.temporary.builtStopRec == builtProblem.getBuiltStop(ja)) { sd.temporary.jspritTourActivity = ja; break; } } } } } // fill in start int nsd = routeDetail.stops.size(); if (nsd> 0) { StopDetail sd = routeDetail.stops.get(0); if (sd.type.equals(VRPConstants.DEPOT)) { sd.temporary.jspritTourActivity = routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute.getStart(); } } // fill in end if(nsd>1){ StopDetail sd = routeDetail.stops.get(nsd-1); if (sd.type.equals(VRPConstants.DEPOT)) { sd.temporary.jspritTourActivity = routeDetail.temp.jspritRoute.getEnd(); } } } // get all loaded job ids (note an pickup-deliver with only one end // loaded is still counted here (and possibly shouldn't be) Set<String> loadedJobIds = odlApi.stringConventions().createStandardisedSet(); for (final RouteDetail routeDetail : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { for (StopDetail stopDetail : routeDetail.stops) { if (stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec != null) { loadedJobIds.add(stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec.getJSpritJob().getId()); } } } // find out which jobs are unassigned - including any partially assigned // pds List<Job> unassignedJobs = new ArrayList<>(); for (Job job : builtProblem.getJspritProblem().getJobs().values()) { if (!loadedJobIds.contains(job.getId())) { unassignedJobs.add(job); } } // build the jsprit problem VehicleRoutingProblemSolution sol = new VehicleRoutingProblemSolution(vehicleRoutes, unassignedJobs, 0); // Create a solution analyser from the solution. SolutionAnalyser analyser = new SolutionAnalyser(builtProblem.getJspritProblem(), sol, new TransportDistance() { @Override public double getDistance(Location fromLocationId, Location toLocationId,double departureTime, Vehicle vehicle) { return builtProblem.getTravelDistanceKM(fromLocationId.getId(), toLocationId.getId()); } }); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<VehicleRoutingProblemSolution, SolutionAnalyser>(sol, analyser); } // private void findUnbalancedPickupDelivers() { // // build a map of all the loaded pds // Map<String, List<StopDetail>> pdsByJobId = // odlApi.stringConventions().createStandardisedMap(); // for (RouteDetail rd : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { // for (StopDetail sd : rd.stops) { // BuiltStopRec rec = sd.temporary.builtStopRec; // if (rec != null) { // if (rec.getType() == StopType.LINKED_DELIVERY || rec.getType() == // StopType.LINKED_PICKUP) { // String jobId = rec.getJSpritJob().getId(); // List<StopDetail> list = pdsByJobId.get(jobId); // if (list == null) { // list = new ArrayList<StopDetail>(); // pdsByJobId.put(jobId, list); // } // // if (rec.getType() == StopType.LINKED_PICKUP) { // list.add(0, sd); // } else { // list.add(list.size(), sd); // } // } // } // } // } // // // parse the grouped pds and check for invalid // for (List<StopDetail> list : pdsByJobId.values()) { // boolean invalid = false; // // // check for only one loaded // if (list.size() == 1) { // invalid = true; // } // // // check for different vehicle // if (!invalid) { // if (!odlApi.stringConventions().equalStandardised(list.get(0).vehicleId, // list.get(1).vehicleId)) { // invalid = true; // } // } // // // check for delivery before pickup // if (!invalid) { // if (list.get(0).temporary.rowNumberInStopOrderTable >= // list.get(1).temporary.rowNumberInStopOrderTable) { // invalid = true; // } // } // // if (invalid) { // for (StopDetail detail : list) { // detail.temporary.isUnbalancedPickupDelivery = true; // detail.hasViolation = 1; // } // } // } // } private Map<String,StopDetail> buildEmptyStopDetails() { Map<String,StopDetail> ret = odlApi.stringConventions().createStandardisedMap(); // parse route order table getting records for each stop in a list for // each route int n = stopOrderTable.getRowCount(); for (int stopOrderRow = 0; stopOrderRow < n; stopOrderRow++) { StopDetail stopDetail = new StopDetail(config.getNbQuantities()); stopDetail.temporary.rowNumberInStopOrderTable = stopOrderRow; stopDetail.stopId = dfn.stopOrder.getStopId(stopOrderTable, stopOrderRow); // identify stop from the built problem stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec = builtProblem.getBuiltStop(stopDetail.stopId); if (stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Failed to build or could not find stop record for stop id " + stopDetail.stopId + " in stop-order table on row " + (stopOrderRow + 1) + "."); } // get vehicleid and routedetails record - if its unknown an // exception would have been thrown already stopDetail.vehicleId = dfn.stopOrder.getVehicleId(stopOrderTable, stopOrderRow); RouteDetail routeDetail = vehicleIdToRouteDetails.get(stopDetail.vehicleId); stopDetail.temporary.rowVehicleIndex = routeDetail.temp.rvi; stopDetail.vehicleName = routeDetail.vehicleName; // fill in stop details StopsTableDefn stopDfn = dfn.stops; stopDetail.jobId = stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec.getJSpritJob().getId(); int stopRow = stopDetail.temporary.builtStopRec.getRowNbInStopsTable(); stopDetail.stopName = (String) stopsTable.getValueAt(stopRow,; stopDetail.stopNumber = routeDetail.stops.size() + 1; stopDetail.stopAddress = (String) stopsTable.getValueAt(stopRow, stopDfn.address); stopDetail.stopLatLong = stopDfn.latLong.getLatLong(stopsTable, stopRow, false); stopDetail.stopDuration = stopDfn.getDuration(stopsTable, stopRow).getTotalMilliseconds(); stopDetail.type = stopDfn.getStopType(stopsTable, stopRow).getPrimaryCode(); stopDetail.requiredSkills = (String)stopsTable.getValueAt(stopRow, stopDfn.requiredSkills); ODLTime[] tw = stopDfn.getTW(stopsTable, stopRow); if (tw != null) { stopDetail.startTimeWindow = (double) tw[0].getTotalMilliseconds(); stopDetail.endTimeWindow = (double) tw[1].getTotalMilliseconds(); } // // get stop quantities // for (int i = 0; i < conf.getNbQuantities(); i++) { // int value = dfn.stops.getQuantity(jobs, stopRow, i); // switch (detail.temporary.stopType) { // case UNLINKED_DELIVERY: // case NORMAL_STOP: // // loaded at the depot // currentRoute.startQuantities[i] += value; // // // unloaded on the route // detail.stopQuantities[i] = -value; // break; // // case LINKED_PICKUP: // case UNLINKED_PICKUP: // // loaded on the route, not at the depot // detail.stopQuantities[i] = value; // break; // // case LINKED_DELIVERY: // // unloaded on the route // detail.stopQuantities[i] = -value; // break; // // } // } // add route details for this stop to the current route routeDetail.stops.add(stopDetail); ret.put(stopDetail.stopId, stopDetail); } // fill in stops count for (final RouteDetail routeDetail : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { routeDetail.stopsCount = routeDetail.stops.size(); } return ret; } private Map<String, RouteDetail> buildEmptyRouteDetails() { // Create the object which identifies vehicle ids VehicleIds vehicleIds = new VehicleIds(odlApi, config, dfn, vehiclesTable); Map<String, RouteDetail> ret = odlApi.stringConventions().createStandardisedMap(); for (int row = 0; row < stopOrderTable.getRowCount(); row++) { // check if routedetails object already built String vehicleId = dfn.stopOrder.getVehicleId(stopOrderTable, row); if (ret.containsKey(vehicleId)) { continue; } // identifyVehicle throws an exception if not identified RouteDetail detail = new RouteDetail(config.getNbQuantities()); detail.temp.rvi = vehicleIds.identifyVehicle(row, vehicleId); = vehicleId; detail.vehicleId = vehicleId; // fill in any vehicle details we have initially int vehicleTypeRow = detail.temp.rvi.row; detail.vehicleName = dfn.vehicles.getName(vehiclesTable, vehicleTypeRow, detail.temp.rvi.vehicleIndex); for (int q = 0; q < config.getNbQuantities(); q++) { detail.capacity[q] = dfn.vehicles.getCapacity(vehiclesTable, vehicleTypeRow, q); } detail.costPerKm = dfn.vehicles.getCost(vehiclesTable, vehicleTypeRow, CostType.COST_PER_KM); detail.costPerHour = dfn.vehicles.getCost(vehiclesTable, vehicleTypeRow, CostType.COST_PER_HOUR); // route time windows ODLTime[] tw = dfn.vehicles.getTimeWindow(vehiclesTable, vehicleTypeRow); if (tw != null) { detail.startTimeWindow = (double) tw[0].getTotalMilliseconds(); detail.endTimeWindow = (double) tw[1].getTotalMilliseconds(); } // skills detail.skills = (String)vehiclesTable.getValueAt(vehicleTypeRow, dfn.vehicles.skills); // speed multiplier detail.speedMultiplier = (double)vehiclesTable.getValueAt(vehicleTypeRow, dfn.vehicles.speedMultiplier); // save ret.put(vehicleId, detail); } // add all routes to the solution details object in sorted orded... for(RouteDetail rd : ret.values()){ sd.routes.add(rd); } return ret; } private VRPBuilder buildVRPProblem(VRPConfig conf, ComponentExecutionApi api, InputTablesDfn dfn, ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> ioDb) { // Get vehicle ids in the format expected by the VRP builder TreeMap<Integer, List<RowVehicleIndex>> vehiclesToBuild = new TreeMap<>(); for (RouteDetail rd : vehicleIdToRouteDetails.values()) { List<RowVehicleIndex> withinType = vehiclesToBuild.get(rd.temp.rvi.row); if (withinType == null) { withinType = new ArrayList<>(); vehiclesToBuild.put(rd.temp.rvi.row, withinType); } withinType.add(rd.temp.rvi); } // build the VRP to (a) call matrix generation and (b) create the exact // needed vehicles VRPBuilder built =, conf, vehiclesToBuild, api); // set the jsprit object onto the vehicle record for (Vehicle vehicle : built.getJspritProblem().getVehicles()) { vehicleIdToRouteDetails.get(vehicle.getId()).temp.jspritVehicle = vehicle; } return built; } public SolutionDetail getSolutionDetail() { return sd; } }