package com.opendoorlogistics.core.distances.external; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.function.ObjIntConsumer; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.geometry.LatLong; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.geometry.GreateCircle; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.Numbers; public class RoundingGrid { public static class GridNeighboursResult implements Comparable<GridNeighboursResult> { private final LatLong latLong; private final double cartesianMetresFromRawLatLong; private final int offsetI; private final int offsetJ; public GridNeighboursResult(LatLong latLong,int offsetI, int offsetJ, double diff) { this.latLong = latLong; this.offsetI = offsetI; this.offsetJ = offsetJ; this.cartesianMetresFromRawLatLong = diff; } @Override public int compareTo(GridNeighboursResult o) { return, o.cartesianMetresFromRawLatLong); } @Override public String toString() { return "[latLong=" + latLong + ", metresDiff=" + cartesianMetresFromRawLatLong + ", offset=" + offsetI + "," + offsetJ + "]"; } public LatLong getLatLong() { return latLong; } } private static final double EARTH_RADIUS_METRES = 6371000; private static final double EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE_METRES = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * 2 * Math.PI; /** * See The axis alignment (i.e. is +z North?) doesn't matter as long as * this transformation is used consistently. * * @param ll * @return */ private static ThreeDPoint calculateXYZ(LatLong ll) { ThreeDPoint ret = new ThreeDPoint(); double lat = Math.toRadians(ll.getLongitude()); double lng = Math.toRadians(ll.getLatitude()); ret.x = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * Math.sin(lat) * Math.cos(lng); ret.y = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * Math.sin(lat) * Math.sin(lng); ret.z = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * Math.cos(lat); return ret; } // // public static LatLong roundToMetreGrid( LatLong ll){ // return roundToCustomGrid(ll, 1, 10); // } public static void main(String[] args) { RoundingGrid grid = new RoundingGrid(); Random random = new Random(123); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { LatLongImpl ll = LatLongImpl.random(random); LatLong rounded = grid.snapToGrid(ll); double distance = GreateCircle.greatCircle(ll, rounded, true); System.out.println("" + i + " - " + ll.toString() + " rounds to " + rounded.toString() + " with distance " + distance); // if(Math.abs(ll.getLatitude() - rounded.getLatitude())>0.001){ // throw new RuntimeException(); // } // if(Math.abs(ll.getLongitude() - rounded.getLongitude())>0.001){ // throw new RuntimeException(); // } if (distance > 10) { throw new RuntimeException(); } } for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { LatLongImpl ll = LatLongImpl.random(random); System.out.println(ll); for(GridNeighboursResult ngb : grid.calculateNeighbouringGridCells(ll)){ System.out.println("\t" + ngb); } // System.out.println(grid.calculateNeighbouringGridCells(ll)); System.out.println(System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator()); } } /** * Round the lat-long to a standard grid of input resolution * * @param ll * @param gridResolutionMetres * @param latitudeSafetyFactor * @return */ // public static LatLong roundToCustomGrid(LatLong ll, double gridResolutionMetres, double latitudeSafetyFactor){ // // Use a latitude limit where the a horizontal (constant latitude) section through the Earth is only X metres // double minEarthSectionRadius = gridResolutionMetres * latitudeSafetyFactor; // double latLimit = Math.acos(minEarthSectionRadius/EARTH_RADIUS_METRES); // latLimit = 0.5* Math.PI - latLimit; // latLimit = Math.toDegrees(latLimit); // double minLat = -90 + latLimit; // double maxLat = +90 - latLimit; // double latRange = maxLat - minLat; // // double halfEarthCircumference = 0.5 * EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE_METRES; // double nbLatitudeCells = halfEarthCircumference/ gridResolutionMetres; // double latitudeCellHeight = latRange / nbLatitudeCells; // // // get snapped-to-grid latitude first // double latitude = Numbers.clamp(ll.getLatitude(), minLat,maxLat); // long latitudeIndex = Math.round((latitude - minLat)/latitudeCellHeight); // double snapped2GridLatitude = latitudeCellHeight * latitudeIndex+ minLat; // // // get circumference of a constant latitude circle at this latitude // double circleRadius = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(snapped2GridLatitude)); // double circleCircum = 2 * Math.PI * circleRadius; // // // get nb of longitude cells at this latitude // double nbLongitudeCells = circleCircum / gridResolutionMetres; // double longitudeCellWidth = 360 / nbLongitudeCells; // // // then get snapped-to-grid longitude // double minLong = -180; // double longitude = Numbers.clamp(ll.getLongitude(), minLong, 180); // long longitudeIndx = Math.round((longitude - minLong)/longitudeCellWidth); // double snapped2GridLongitude = longitudeCellWidth *longitudeIndx + minLong; // // return new LatLongImpl(snapped2GridLatitude, snapped2GridLongitude); // // } // public static class CustomRoundingGrid{ private final double minLong = -180; private final double gridResolutionMetres; private final double minLat; private final double maxLat; private final double latitudeCellHeight; public RoundingGrid() { this(1, 10); } public RoundingGrid(double gridResolutionMetres, double latitudeSafetyFactor) { this.gridResolutionMetres = gridResolutionMetres; // Use a latitude limit where the a horizontal (constant latitude) section through the Earth is only X metres double minEarthSectionRadius = gridResolutionMetres * latitudeSafetyFactor; double latLimit = Math.acos(minEarthSectionRadius / EARTH_RADIUS_METRES); latLimit = 0.5 * Math.PI - latLimit; latLimit = Math.toDegrees(latLimit); minLat = -90 + latLimit; maxLat = +90 - latLimit; double latRange = maxLat - minLat; double halfEarthCircumference = 0.5 * EARTH_CIRCUMFERENCE_METRES; double nbLatitudeCells = halfEarthCircumference / gridResolutionMetres; latitudeCellHeight = latRange / nbLatitudeCells; } private double calcLongitudeCellWidth(double latitudeSnapped2Grid) { // get circumference of a constant latitude circle at this latitude double circleRadius = EARTH_RADIUS_METRES * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(latitudeSnapped2Grid)); double circleCircum = 2 * Math.PI * circleRadius; // get nb of longitude cells at this latitude double nbLongitudeCells = circleCircum / gridResolutionMetres; double longitudeCellWidth = 360 / nbLongitudeCells; return longitudeCellWidth; } private double calcSnappedLatitude(long latitudeIndx) { return latitudeCellHeight * latitudeIndx + minLat; } private long calcSnappedLatitudeIndex(double latitude) { latitude = Numbers.clamp(latitude, minLat, maxLat); long latitudeIndex = Math.round((latitude - minLat) / latitudeCellHeight); return latitudeIndex; } private double calcSnappedLongitude(double latitudeSnapped2Grid, long longitudeIndx) { return calcLongitudeCellWidth(latitudeSnapped2Grid) * longitudeIndx + minLong; } private long calcSnappedLongitudeIndex(double latitudeSnapped2Grid, double longitude) { double longitudeCellWidth = calcLongitudeCellWidth(latitudeSnapped2Grid); // then get snapped-to-grid longitude longitude = Numbers.clamp(longitude, minLong, 180); long longitudeIndx = Math.round((longitude - minLong) / longitudeCellWidth); return longitudeIndx; } public List<GridNeighboursResult> calculateNeighbouringGridCells(LatLong ll) { return calculateNeighbouringGridCells(ll, 1); } /** * Return neighbours (include the closest snap-to), sorted by closest first * @param ll * @param borderWidth * @return */ public List<GridNeighboursResult> calculateNeighbouringGridCells(LatLong ll, int borderWidth) { if(borderWidth<0){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } ThreeDPoint rawCentre = calculateXYZ(ll); long latIndx = calcSnappedLatitudeIndex(ll.getLatitude()); int length = 1 + 2 * borderWidth; ArrayList<GridNeighboursResult> toSort = new ArrayList<>(length * length); for (int i = -borderWidth; i <= borderWidth; i++) { long latIndx2 = latIndx + i; double snappedLat2 = calcSnappedLatitude(latIndx2); if (snappedLat2 >= minLat && snappedLat2 <= maxLat) { long longIndx = calcSnappedLongitudeIndex(snappedLat2, ll.getLongitude()); for (int j = -borderWidth; j <= borderWidth; j++) { long longIndx2 = longIndx + j; double snappedLng2 = calcSnappedLongitude(snappedLat2, longIndx2); LatLong snappedLatLng = new LatLongImpl(snappedLat2, snappedLng2); if (snappedLatLng.isValid()) { ThreeDPoint pnt = calculateXYZ(snappedLatLng); // use xyz Cartesian diff as Great Circle calculation is an approximation with inaccuracies at low separation double diff = Math.sqrt(ThreeDPoint.absSqd(ThreeDPoint.subtract(rawCentre, pnt))); toSort.add(new GridNeighboursResult(snappedLatLng,i,j, diff)); } } } } Collections.sort(toSort); return toSort; } // } private double snapLatitudeToGrid(double latitude) { return calcSnappedLatitude(calcSnappedLatitudeIndex(latitude)); } private double snapLongitudeToGrid(double latitudeSnapped2Grid, double longitude) { return calcSnappedLongitude(latitudeSnapped2Grid, calcSnappedLongitudeIndex(latitudeSnapped2Grid, longitude)); } public LatLong snapToGrid(LatLong ll) { double snappedLat = snapLatitudeToGrid(ll.getLatitude()); double snappedLong = snapLongitudeToGrid(snappedLat, ll.getLongitude()); return new LatLongImpl(snappedLat, snappedLong); } }