package com.opendoorlogistics.core.distances.external; import; import; import; import java.util.List; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.components.ContinueProcessingCB; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.components.ProcessingApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.distances.ExternalMatrixFileConfiguration; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.geometry.LatLong; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLColumnType; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTime; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.AppConstants; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.api.impl.ODLApiImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.distances.DistancesSingleton; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.distances.external.LoadedMatrixFile.ValueType; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.ColumnValueProcessor; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.Exceptions; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.UpdateTimer; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.Strings; import gnu.trove.list.array.TDoubleArrayList; public class MatrixFileReader { public static final RoundingGrid ROUNDING_GRID = new RoundingGrid(); private static class LineRecord { double fromLat; double fromLng; double toLat; double toLng; double distanceKM; double timeSecs; } private static double readDouble(String filename, long lineNb, int zeroBasedColNb, String[] split) { try { // LineRecord lineRecord = new LineRecord(); // lineRecord.fromLat = Double.parseDouble(s) return Double.parseDouble(split[zeroBasedColNb]); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException( "Matrix file " + filename + " has a corrupt value which can't be read on line " + lineNb + " column " + (zeroBasedColNb + 1)); // throw new RuntimeException("Matrix file " + file.getName() + " has one or more values with incorrect format on line " + line + "."); } } public static LoadedMatrixFile loadFile(File file, ProcessingApi continueProcessing) { return loadFile(file, continueProcessing, Long.MAX_VALUE,null); } public static ODLTable loadFileAsTable(File file,long maxLines, ProcessingApi continueProcessing) { ODLApiImpl api = new ODLApiImpl(); ODLTableAlterable table = api.tables().createAlterableDs().createTable("MatrixFile",-1); table.addColumn(-1, "FromLatitude", ODLColumnType.DOUBLE, 0); table.addColumn(-1, "FromLongitude", ODLColumnType.DOUBLE, 0); table.addColumn(-1, "ToLatitude", ODLColumnType.DOUBLE, 0); table.addColumn(-1, "ToLongitude", ODLColumnType.DOUBLE, 0); table.addColumn(-1, "DistanceKM", ODLColumnType.DOUBLE, 0); table.addColumn(-1, "Time", ODLColumnType.TIME, 0); loadFile(file, continueProcessing, maxLines,table); return table; } private static LoadedMatrixFile loadFile(File file, ProcessingApi processingApi, long maxLinesToRead, ODLTable outputTable) { LoadedMatrixFile ret = new LoadedMatrixFile(file); try { try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file))) { long lineNb = 1; String line; UpdateTimer progressTimer = new UpdateTimer(250); while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) { // assume first line is header if (lineNb > 1) { String[] split = line.split("\t"); if (split.length != 6) { throw new RuntimeException("Matrix file " + file.getName() + " has wrong number of values on line " + line + "."); } // FromLatitude - from point latitude in decimal degrees (e.g. 52.342) // FromLongitude- from point longitude in decimal degrees (e.g. 100.342) // ToLatitude - to point latitude in decimal degrees // ToLongitude - to point longitude in decimal degrees // DistanceKM - distance in kilometres // Time - time in standard ODL Studio time format, which is hours:minutes:seconds, so 01:43:23. If the travel time is greater than 24 // hours, you should include a days component as well - e.g. 1d 01:23:12 // try { int tableRow =-1; if(outputTable!=null){ tableRow = outputTable.createEmptyRow(-1); } LineRecord lineRecord = new LineRecord(); lineRecord.fromLat = readDouble(file.getName(), lineNb, 0, split); lineRecord.fromLng = readDouble(file.getName(), lineNb, 1, split); lineRecord.toLat = readDouble(file.getName(), lineNb, 2, split); lineRecord.toLng = readDouble(file.getName(), lineNb, 3, split); if (split[4].trim().length() == 0) { lineRecord.distanceKM = DistancesSingleton.UNCONNECTED_TRAVEL_COST; } else { lineRecord.distanceKM = readDouble(file.getName(), lineNb, 4, split); } if(outputTable!=null){ outputTable.setValueAt(lineRecord.fromLat, tableRow, 0); outputTable.setValueAt(lineRecord.fromLng, tableRow, 1); outputTable.setValueAt(lineRecord.toLat, tableRow, 2); outputTable.setValueAt(lineRecord.toLng, tableRow, 3); outputTable.setValueAt(lineRecord.distanceKM, tableRow, 4); } if (split[5].trim().length() == 0) { lineRecord.timeSecs = DistancesSingleton.UNCONNECTED_TRAVEL_COST; } else { ODLTime time = (ODLTime) ColumnValueProcessor.convertToMe(ODLColumnType.TIME, split[5]); if (time == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Matrix file " + file.getName() + ", line " + line + ", could not read time value \"" + split[5] + "\"."); } lineRecord.timeSecs = ((double) time.getTotalMilliseconds()) / ODLTime.MILLIS_IN_SEC; if(outputTable!=null){ outputTable.setValueAt(time, tableRow, 5); } } processLine(lineRecord, lineNb, ret); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Matrix file " + file.getName() + " has one or more values with incorrect format(s) on line " + lineNb + "." +System.lineSeparator() + "The contents of the line is:" + System.lineSeparator() + System.lineSeparator() + line); } } lineNb++; if(processingApi!=null && progressTimer.isUpdate()){ processingApi.postStatusMessage("Read " + lineNb + " lines from file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + ", found " + ret.getLocations().size() + " locations."); } if(processingApi!=null && processingApi.isCancelled()){ throw new RuntimeException("User cancelled during matrix file load."); } if(lineNb>=maxLinesToRead){ // Skip validation as we won't have all the entries return ret; } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw Exceptions.asUnchecked(e); } // Now validate the matrix - check for any entries which are still nan int n = ret.getLocationsToIndices().size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { for(ValueType vt : ValueType.values()){ boolean isNaN = Double.isNaN(ret.get(i, j, vt)); if(isNaN){ if(i==j){ // set to zero if not set ret.set(i, j, vt, 0); }else{ throw new RuntimeException("Matrix file " + file.getName() + " is missing an entry for " + ret.getLocations().get(i) + " to " + ret.getLocations().get(j) +". A valid matrix file must contain rows for all FROM and TO combinations of locations in the file."); } } } } } return ret; } private static void processLine(LineRecord record, long lineNb, LoadedMatrixFile bb) { LatLong from = processLL(lineNb, record.fromLat, record.fromLng); LatLong to = processLL(lineNb, record.toLat, record.toLng); int iFrom = allocateLocation(from, bb); int iTo = allocateLocation(to, bb); if (record.distanceKM < 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Found negative distance entry on line " + lineNb + ": " + record.distanceKM); } setToMin(iFrom, iTo, record.distanceKM, bb.getDistancesKM()); setToMin(iFrom, iTo, record.timeSecs, bb.getTimeSeconds()); } private static void setToMin(int row, int col, double newValue, List<TDoubleArrayList> matrix) { TDoubleArrayList array = matrix.get(row); double existing = array.get(col); if (Double.isNaN(existing)) { array.set(col, newValue); } else { array.set(col, Math.min(newValue, existing)); } } private static LatLong processLL(long lineNb, double lat, double lng) { LatLong ll = new LatLongImpl(lat, lng); if (!ll.isValid()) { throw new RuntimeException("Invalid latitude-longitude found on matrix line " + lineNb + ": " + ll.toString()); } ll = ROUNDING_GRID.snapToGrid(ll); return ll; } private static int allocateLocation(LatLong ll, LoadedMatrixFile bb) { int indx = bb.getLocationsToIndices().get(ll); if (indx != -1) { return indx; } indx = bb.getLocationsToIndices().size(); bb.getLocationsToIndices().put(ll, indx); bb.getLocations().add(ll); expandMatrixBy1(bb.getDistancesKM()); expandMatrixBy1(bb.getTimeSeconds()); return indx; } private static void expandMatrixBy1(List<TDoubleArrayList> matrix) { int n = matrix.size(); // add new row to the bottom TDoubleArrayList newRow = new TDoubleArrayList(n + 1); newRow.fill(0, n, Double.NaN); matrix.add(newRow); // add one element to each row including the new row for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) { matrix.get(i).add(Double.NaN); } } /** * Resolve the matrix file or throw an exception if it can't be * @param conf * @param refFile * @return */ public static File resolveExternalMatrixFileOrThrowException(ExternalMatrixFileConfiguration conf, File refFile) { // resolve the file... File file = null; if(conf.isUseDefaultFile()){ String msgStart="Distances are set to use the automatic external matrix file"; if(refFile==null){ throw new RuntimeException(msgStart + "."+ System.lineSeparator() + "The automatic file is defined by the location of the loaded Excel file but no Excel file is loaded." + System.lineSeparator() + "If you've created a new Excel file in ODL Studio, try saving it."); } String refNoExt=FilenameUtils.removeExtension(refFile.getAbsolutePath()); file = new File(refNoExt + AppConstants.EXTERNAL_MATRIX_TEXTFILE_EXTENSION); if(!file.exists()){ throw new RuntimeException(msgStart + " but the automatically-defined file " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " is not found."); } }else{ String msgStart = "Distances are set to use the external matrix file in non-automatic mode "; if(Strings.isEmptyWhenStandardised(conf.getNonDefaultFilename())){ throw new RuntimeException(msgStart + " but the filename is empty."); } file = RelativeFiles.validateRelativeFiles(conf.getNonDefaultFilename(), AppConstants.EXTERNAL_MATRIX_DIRECTORY); if(file==null){ throw new RuntimeException(msgStart + " but the file " + conf.getNonDefaultFilename() + " cannot be found. " + System.lineSeparator() + "You should either use an absolute file (e.g. \"c:\\mymatrixfile.txt\") or a relative file (e.g. \"mymatrixfile.txt\") " + "which is located in the " + AppConstants.EXTERNAL_MATRIX_DIRECTORY + " subdirectory of your ODL Studio installation directory."); } } return file; } }