package com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters; import static com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParametersTable.COL_KEY; import static com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParametersTable.COL_PROMPT_TYPE; import static com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParametersTable.COL_VALUE; import static com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParametersTable.COL_VALUE_TYPE; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ExecutionReport; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ODLApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.scripts.ScriptAdapter; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.scripts.ScriptAdapter.ScriptAdapterType; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.scripts.ScriptAdapterTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.scripts.parameters.Parameters; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.scripts.parameters.ParametersControlFactory; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLColumnType; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastore; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastoreAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableDefinition; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableReadOnly; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.api.impl.ODLApiImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.api.impl.scripts.ScriptAdapterImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.cache.RecentlyUsedCache; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.ScriptConstants; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.elements.AdapterConfig; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.NoKeyParameterValues; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.NoKeyParametersTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParameterValues; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.beans.WithKeyParametersTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.parameters.controls.ControlFactory; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping.BeanDatastoreMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.EnumStdLookup; public class ParametersImpl implements Parameters { public static final String TABLE_NAME = "Parameter"; public static final String PARAMETER_VALUES_TABLE_NAME = "ParameterValues"; public static final String VALUES_TABLE_NAME = "ParameterValues"; public static final String DS_ID = "internal"; private static final BeanDatastoreMapping BEAN_NO_KEY_DS_MAPPING = BeanMapping.buildDatastore(NoKeyParametersTable.class, NoKeyParameterValues.class); private static final BeanDatastoreMapping BEAN_WITH_KEY_DS_MAPPING = BeanMapping.buildDatastore(WithKeyParametersTable.class, WithKeyParameterValues.class); // private static final BeanTableMapping NO_KEY_BEAN_MAPPING = // BEAN_NO_KEY_DS_MAPPING.getTableMapping(0); private static final EnumStdLookup<ODLColumnType> COL_TYPE_LOOKUP = new EnumStdLookup<ODLColumnType>(ODLColumnType.class); private static final EnumStdLookup<PromptType> PROMPT_TYPE_LOOKUP = new EnumStdLookup<PromptType>(PromptType.class); private final ODLApi api; private static volatile ParametersControlFactory PARAMETERS_CONTROL; /** * Last used values cache for parameters is separate to main ODL Studio data cache as it doesn't store * large data and we don't want it cleared when the user clears the rest of the cache. * e.g. if the road network graph has been rebuilt the user might clear the main data cache to reload * results based on this file, but they still want the UI to remember the location of the last road network file. */ private RecentlyUsedCache parameterLastUsedValuesCache = new RecentlyUsedCache("ParametersLastUsedValues", 1024*1024); private static class CachedParameterKey{ final UUID scriptUUID; final String key; CachedParameterKey(UUID scriptUUID, String key) { this.scriptUUID = scriptUUID; this.key = key; } /** * Estimate of size in bytes */ public int bytesSize(){ return key.length() *2 + 5*8; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((key == null) ? 0 : key.hashCode()); result = prime * result + ((scriptUUID == null) ? 0 : scriptUUID.hashCode()); return result; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; CachedParameterKey other = (CachedParameterKey) obj; if (key == null) { if (other.key != null) return false; } else if (!key.equals(other.key)) return false; if (scriptUUID == null) { if (other.scriptUUID != null) return false; } else if (!scriptUUID.equals(other.scriptUUID)) return false; return true; } } static { List<ParametersControlFactory> ctrls = new ODLApiImpl().loadPlugins(ParametersControlFactory.class); if (ctrls.size() > 0) { System.out.println("Loaded parameter control factory plugin"); PARAMETERS_CONTROL = ctrls.get(0); } else { PARAMETERS_CONTROL = new ControlFactory(); } } public ParametersImpl(ODLApi api) { super(); this.api = api; } @Override public ODLTableDefinition tableDefinition(boolean includeKey) { return getTableDefinition(includeKey, 0); } private ODLTableDefinition getTableDefinition(boolean includeKey, int indx) { return (includeKey ? BEAN_WITH_KEY_DS_MAPPING : BEAN_NO_KEY_DS_MAPPING).getDefinition().getTableAt(indx); } @Override public ODLTableDefinition valuesTableDefinition(boolean includeKeyColumn) { return getTableDefinition(includeKeyColumn, 1); } @Override public Object getValue(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, String name) { String val = getRawColValue(name, parametersTable, COL_VALUE); ODLColumnType type = getColumnType(parametersTable, name); if (type != null) { return api.values().convertValue(val, type); } return null; } @Override public ODLColumnType getColumnType(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, String name) { return COL_TYPE_LOOKUP.get(getRawColValue(name, parametersTable, COL_VALUE_TYPE)); } @Override public PromptType getPromptType(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, String name) { return PROMPT_TYPE_LOOKUP.get(getRawColValue(name, parametersTable, COL_PROMPT_TYPE)); } private long getRowId(String name, ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable) { if (name != null) { long[] find = parametersTable.find(COL_KEY, name); if (find != null && find.length > 0) { return find[0]; } } return -1; } private String getRawColValue(String name, ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, int col) { long rowId = getRowId(name, parametersTable); if (rowId != -1) { return (String) parametersTable.getValueById(rowId, col); } return null; } @Override public String getDSId() { return DS_ID; } @Override public ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTableDefinition> dsDefinition(boolean includeKey) { return (includeKey ? BEAN_WITH_KEY_DS_MAPPING : BEAN_NO_KEY_DS_MAPPING).getDefinition(); } @Override public String getByRow(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, int row, ParamDefinitionField type) { return (String) parametersTable.getValueAt(row, getWithKeyColIndx(type)); } @Override public boolean exists(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, String key) { return getRowId(key, parametersTable) != -1; } @Override public ParametersControlFactory getControlFactory() { return PARAMETERS_CONTROL; } // @Override // public String getParameterControlComponentId() { // return "com.opendoorlogistics.core.parameters.control"; // } private int getWithKeyColIndx(ParamDefinitionField type) { switch (type) { case KEY: return COL_KEY; case VALUE_TYPE: return COL_VALUE_TYPE; // case DEFAULT_VALUE: // return COL_DEFAULT_VALUE; // case EDITOR_TYPE: // return COL_EDITOR_TYPE; case PROMPT_TYPE: return COL_PROMPT_TYPE; case VALUE: return COL_VALUE; } return -1; } @Override public String getParametersTableName() { return TABLE_NAME; } @Override public String getByKey(ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, String key, ParamDefinitionField type) { long rowId = getRowId(key, parametersTable); if (rowId != -1) { return (String) parametersTable.getValueById(rowId, getWithKeyColIndx(type)); } return null; } @Override public void setByKey(ODLTable table, String key, ParamDefinitionField type, String newValue) { long rowId = getRowId(key, table); if (rowId != -1) { table.setValueById(newValue, rowId, getWithKeyColIndx(type)); } } @Override public ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTableReadOnly> exampleDs() { ODLDatastoreAlterable<? extends ODLTableAlterable> ret = api.tables().createAlterableDs(); api.tables().copyTableDefinition(tableDefinition(true), ret); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { WithKeyParametersTable o = new WithKeyParametersTable(); o.setKey("View" + (i + 1)); o.setValue("View" + (i + 1)); o.setPromptType(; BEAN_WITH_KEY_DS_MAPPING.getTableMapping(0).writeObjectToTable(o, ret.getTableAt(0)); } return ret; } @Override public String getParamDefinitionFieldName(ParamDefinitionField type) { switch (type) { case KEY: return Parameters.FIELDNAME_KEY; case VALUE_TYPE: return Parameters.FIELDNAME_VALUE_TYPE; // case DEFAULT_VALUE: // return Parameters.FIELDNAME_DEFAULT_VALUE; // case EDITOR_TYPE: // return Parameters.FIELDNAME_EDITOR_TYPE; case PROMPT_TYPE: return Parameters.FIELDNAME_PROMPT_TYPE; case VALUE: return Parameters.FIELDNAME_VALUE; } return null; } /** * Called from the script editor UI... * * @return */ public AdapterConfig createParameterAdapter(String id) { AdapterConfig config = new AdapterConfig(id); config.setAdapterType(ScriptAdapterType.PARAMETER); // wrap the config in the api object so we can user our high-level api // code to configure it... ScriptAdapter adapter = new ScriptAdapterImpl(api, null, config); adapter.setName(adapter.getAdapterId()); adapter.setAdapterType(ScriptAdapterType.PARAMETER); // add parameters table ScriptAdapterTable newParameter = adapter.addSourcelessTable(tableDefinition(false)); ODLTable dataTable = (ODLTable) api.tables().copyTableDefinition(tableDefinition(false), api.tables().createAlterableDs()); dataTable.createEmptyRow(-1); dataTable.setValueAt(, 0, api.tables().findColumnIndex(dataTable, Parameters.FIELDNAME_PROMPT_TYPE)); dataTable.setValueAt(, 0, api.tables().findColumnIndex(dataTable, Parameters.FIELDNAME_VALUE_TYPE)); newParameter.setDataTable(dataTable); // newParameter.setFormula(Parameters.FIELDNAME_VALUE_TYPE, "\"" + // "\""); // newParameter.setFormula(Parameters.FIELDNAME_EDITOR_TYPE, "\"\""); // newParameter.setFormula(Parameters.FIELDNAME_PROMPT_TYPE, "\"" + // + "\""); // String inputTableName = tableDefinition(false).getName(); // newParameter.setSourceTable(":=emptytable(\"" +inputTableName+ // "\",1)", inputTableName); newParameter.setSourceTable(ScriptConstants.SCRIPT_EMBEDDED_TABLE_DATA_DS, ""); // add available values table... ScriptAdapterTable availableValues = adapter.addSourcelessTable(valuesTableDefinition(false)); // String valuesTableName = valuesTableDefinition(false).getName(); // availableValues.setSourceTable(":=emptytable(\"" +valuesTableName+ // "\",0)", valuesTableName); availableValues.setSourceTable(ScriptConstants.SCRIPT_EMBEDDED_TABLE_DATA_DS, ""); // availableValues.setFormula(0, "\"\""); return config; } @Override public void registerControlFactory(ParametersControlFactory factory) { PARAMETERS_CONTROL = factory; } @Override public ODLTable findTable(ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> ds, TableType type) { return api.tables().findTable(ds, type == TableType.PARAMETERS ? TABLE_NAME : PARAMETER_VALUES_TABLE_NAME); } /** * Apply the string defining the visible parameters override to the input * parameters table, return the filtered and ordered result as a new table. * * @param overrideCommand * @param parametersTable * @param report * @return */ public ODLTable applyVisibleOverrides(String overrideCommand, ODLTableReadOnly parametersTable, ExecutionReport report) { String formatMsg = "Visible parameters override should be a comma-separated line in the format [PROMPT_TYPE] parametername, e.g. ATTACH Potential, Sales, POPUP Workload"; ODLTable ret = (ODLTable) api.tables().copyTableDefinition(parametersTable, api.tables().createAlterableDs()); if (overrideCommand != null) { String[] params = overrideCommand.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { String[] words = params[i].split("\\s+"); if (words.length == 0 || words.length > 2) { report.setFailed("Incorrect format in visible parameters override. " + formatMsg); return null; } // Get and validate prompt type if we have one PromptType promptType = PromptType.ATTACH_POPUP; int paramWordIndx = 0; if (words.length == 2) { words[0] = api.stringConventions().standardise(words[0]); if(words[0].length()>0){ promptType = PROMPT_TYPE_LOOKUP.get(words[0]); if (promptType == null) { report.setFailed("Unidentified prompt type in visible parameters override: " + words[0] + ".\n" + formatMsg); return null; } } paramWordIndx++; } String key = words[paramWordIndx]; key = api.stringConventions().standardise(key); if (key.length() > 0) { long rowId = getRowId(key, parametersTable); if (rowId == -1) { report.setFailed("Cannot find parameter \"" + key + "\" referenced in visible parameters override. " + formatMsg); return null; } // copy the parameter over api.tables().copyRowById(parametersTable, rowId, ret); // but set its new prompt type setByKey(ret, key, ParamDefinitionField.PROMPT_TYPE,; } } } return ret; } @Override public String getLastValue(String parameterName) { return (String)parameterLastUsedValuesCache.get(new CachedParameterKey(null, parameterName)); } @Override public void saveLastValue( String parameterName, String value) { CachedParameterKey key = new CachedParameterKey(null, parameterName); int bytes = key.bytesSize(); if(value!=null){ bytes += value.length()*2; } parameterLastUsedValuesCache.put(key, value, bytes); } }