package com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.vls; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ExecutionReport; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.Factory; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ODLApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.StringConventions; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.Tables; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.components.PredefinedTags; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLColumnType; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastore; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastoreAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableDefinition; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableDefinitionAlterable; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.FormulaParser; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.Function; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.FunctionImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.FunctionParameters; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.Functions; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.Functions.FmConst; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.definitions.FunctionDefinitionLibrary; import; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.TargetIODsInterpreter; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.elements.AdaptedTableConfig; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.elements.AdapterConfig; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.ScriptExecutionBlackboardImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.AdapterBuilder; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.AdapterBuilderUtils; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.BuiltAdapters; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.vls.Style.OutputFormula; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.FmLocalElement; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.TableParameters; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.rules.RuleNode; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.rules.RuleNode.RuleFilter; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.wizard.ColumnNameMatch; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.ColumnValueProcessor; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping.BeanDatastoreMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping.BeanTableMappingImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.decorators.datastores.AdaptedDecorator; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.decorators.datastores.AdaptedDecorator.AdapterMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.decorators.datastores.UnionDecorator; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.memory.ODLDatastoreImpl; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.utils.DatastoreCopier; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.utils.TableUtils; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.Numbers; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.StandardisedStringTreeMap; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.Strings; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; public class VLSBuilder { private static final BeanDatastoreMapping INPUT_VLS_ONLY; private static final int INPUT_VIEW_INDX; private static final int INPUT_LAYER_INDX; private static final int INPUT_STYLE_INDX; private static final int INPUT_EXTRA_FIELDS_INDX; private static final BeanTableMappingImpl SOURCE_TABLE; private static final Function[] APPEARANCE_KEY_ACCESSORS; private final ODLApi api; public VLSBuilder(ODLApi api) { this.api = api; } static { INPUT_VLS_ONLY = BeanMapping.buildDatastore(View.class, Layer.class, Style.class, ExtraFields.class); INPUT_VIEW_INDX = 0; INPUT_LAYER_INDX = 1; INPUT_STYLE_INDX = 2; INPUT_EXTRA_FIELDS_INDX = 3; SOURCE_TABLE = BeanMapping.buildTable(VLSSourceDrawables.class); APPEARANCE_KEY_ACCESSORS = new Function[4]; for (int i = 0; i < Style.NB_RULE_KEYS; i++) { APPEARANCE_KEY_ACCESSORS[i] = new FmLocalElement(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_VLSKEY1 + i, "VLSKey" + (i + 1)); } } // public static class VLSConfig { // private List<String> datasourceTableReferences = new ArrayList<String>(); // // public List<String> getDatasourceTableReferences() { // return datasourceTableReferences; // } // // public void setDatasourceTableReferences(List<String> // datasourceTableReferences) { // this.datasourceTableReferences = datasourceTableReferences; // } // // } /* * Get view-layer-style tables */ public static ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTableDefinition> getVLSTableDefinitions() { return INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getDefinition(); } public static ODLTableDefinition getSourceTableDefinition() { return SOURCE_TABLE.getTableDefinition(); } public static interface VLSDependencyInjector { int getTableCount(); String getTableName(int i); ODLTable buildTable(int i); ODLTable buildTableFormula(String s); Function buildFormula(String formula, ODLTableDefinition table); } private static class MatchedLayer { Layer layer; ArrayList<MatchedStyle> styles = new ArrayList<MatchedStyle>(); SourceTable source; MapTileProvider mapTileProvider; LayerType layerType; RuleNode styleLookupTree; } private static class MatchedStyle { MatchedStyle(Style style) { super(); = style; } final Style style; Function functions[] = new Function[Style.OutputFormula.values().length]; Function filter; } private enum LayerType { BACKGROUND_IMAGE(false, PredefinedTags.BACKGROUND_IMAGE, PredefinedTags.BACKGROUND_IMAGE), BACKGROUND(true, PredefinedTags.DRAWABLES_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND, PredefinedTags.DRAWABLES_INACTIVE_BACKGROUND, "background"), ACTIVE(true, PredefinedTags.DRAWABLES, "active"), FOREGROUND(true, PredefinedTags.DRAWABLES_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND, PredefinedTags.DRAWABLES_INACTIVE_FOREGROUND, "foreground"); final String tablename; final String[] keywords; final boolean drawable; private LayerType(boolean drawable, String tablename, String... keywords) { this.drawable = drawable; this.tablename = tablename; this.keywords = keywords; } private static final StandardisedStringTreeMap<LayerType> KEYWORD_MAP = new StandardisedStringTreeMap<VLSBuilder.LayerType>(false); static { for (LayerType type : LayerType.values()) { for (String keyword : type.keywords) { KEYWORD_MAP.put(keyword, type); } } } public static LayerType identify(String s) { return KEYWORD_MAP.get(s); } public static String orderedCommaSeparatedKeywords() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (LayerType type : values()) { if (builder.length() > 0) { builder.append(", "); } builder.append(type.keywords[0]); } return builder.toString(); } } /** * Finds the input table and validates it to the table definition, returning * a table mapped to have the correct fields in the correct order * * @author Phil * */ private static class TableFinder { final ODLApi api; final VLSDependencyInjector injector; final ExecutionReport report; final Map<String, Integer> tables; private TableFinder(ODLApi api, VLSDependencyInjector injector, ExecutionReport report) { this.api = api; this.injector = injector; = report; // make a lookup of table names tables = api.stringConventions().createStandardisedMap(); for (int i = 0; i < injector.getTableCount(); i++) { tables.put(injector.getTableName(i), i); } } ODLTable fetchRawSourceTable(String name, boolean isOptional) { Integer indx = tables.get(name); ODLTable ret = null; if (indx != null) { ret = injector.buildTable(indx); } if (ret == null && !isOptional) { report.setFailed("Cannot find table required by view-layer-style adapter: " + name); } return ret; } SourceTable fetchValidatedSourceTable(String name, boolean isOptional, ODLTableDefinition definition) { ODLTable raw = fetchRawSourceTable(name, isOptional); if (report.isFailed() || raw == null) { return null; } SourceTable ret = new SourceTable(); ret.raw = raw; // Do simple name-based mapping to ensure all fields are present and // in correct order, returning the mapped table ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTableDefinition> tmpDfn = new ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTableDefinition>(null); tmpDfn.addTable(definition); ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTable> tmpData = new ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTable>(null); tmpData.addTable(ret.raw); ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> mapped = new TargetIODsInterpreter(api).buildScriptExecutionAdapter(tmpData, tmpDfn, report); if (mapped != null && !report.isFailed()) { ret.validated = mapped.getTableAt(0); return ret; } if (report.isFailed()) { report.setFailed("Error reading view-layer-style table: " + name); } return null; } } private class ViewHierarchy { List<View> background = new ArrayList<>(); List<View> active = new ArrayList<>(); List<View> foreground = new ArrayList<>(); View current; } private ViewHierarchy readViewHierarchy(SourceTable viewTable, ExecutionReport report) { ViewHierarchy ret = new ViewHierarchy(); // Read views table and turn into map List<View> views = readViewTable(viewTable, report); StringConventions strings = api.stringConventions(); Map<String, View> viewById = strings.createStandardisedMap(); for (View view : views) { if (strings.isEmptyString(view.getId())) { report.setFailed("Empty or null ID found for view row."); return null; } if (viewById.containsKey(view.getId())) { report.setFailed("Found duplicate view id: " + view.getId()); return null; } viewById.put(view.getId(), view); } // Find the main view ret.current = findView(views, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } Set<String> includedViews = strings.createStandardisedSet(); class Helper { List<View> getNewViews(String ids, int maxAllowed) { if (ids == null) { return new ArrayList<>(0); } String[] split = ids.split(","); if (split.length > maxAllowed) { report.setFailed("Found activeViewId field in views table containing more than one view id."); return new ArrayList<>(0); } // ArrayList<String> tmp = new ArrayList<>(split.length); ArrayList<View> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (String s : split) { s = strings.standardise(s); if (!strings.isEmptyString(s) && !includedViews.contains(s)) { includedViews.add(s); View view = viewById.get(s); if (view == null) { report.setFailed("Unknown view id referenced in include field in the views table:" + s); return new ArrayList<>(0); } // add recursion ret.addAll(recurse(view)); // add myself ret.add(view); } } return ret; } List<View> recurse(View view) { ArrayList<View> ret = new ArrayList<>(); ret.addAll(getNewViews(view.getBackgroundViewIds(), Integer.MAX_VALUE)); ret.addAll(getNewViews(view.getActiveViewId(), 1)); ret.addAll(getNewViews(view.getForegroundViewIds(), Integer.MAX_VALUE)); return ret; } } // Build the view hierarchy, including each view only once includedViews.add(ret.current.getId()); Helper helper = new Helper(); ret.background = helper.getNewViews(ret.current.getBackgroundViewIds(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); = helper.getNewViews(ret.current.getActiveViewId(), 1); ret.foreground = helper.getNewViews(ret.current.getForegroundViewIds(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return ret; } public ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> build(VLSDependencyInjector injector, ExecutionReport report) { // Try getting built in tables TableFinder finder = new TableFinder(api, injector, report); SourceTable viewTable = finder.fetchValidatedSourceTable(View.TABLE_NAME, false, INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_VIEW_INDX).getTableDefinition()); SourceTable layerTable = finder.fetchValidatedSourceTable(Layer.TABLE_NAME, false, INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_LAYER_INDX).getTableDefinition()); SourceTable styleTable = finder.fetchValidatedSourceTable(Style.TABLE_NAME, false, INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_STYLE_INDX).getTableDefinition()); SourceTable extraFieldDfnsTable = finder.fetchValidatedSourceTable(ExtraFields.TABLE_NAME, true, INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_EXTRA_FIELDS_INDX).getTableDefinition()); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } ViewHierarchy viewHierarchy = readViewHierarchy(viewTable, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } // Read the additional field definitions ODLTableDefinition extraFldsDfns = readExtraFields(extraFieldDfnsTable, report); if(report.isFailed()){ return null; } // Get layers for this view including their data source tables ArrayList<MatchedLayer> matchedLayers = new ArrayList<VLSBuilder.MatchedLayer>(); StringConventions strings = api.stringConventions(); Map<String, MatchedLayer> matchedLayersMap = strings.createStandardisedMap(); readLayers(finder, layerTable, viewHierarchy,extraFldsDfns, matchedLayers, matchedLayersMap, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } // Add styles objects to layer objects addStylesToLayers(styleTable, matchedLayersMap, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } compileStyles(injector, matchedLayers, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable> ret = createAdapter(matchedLayers, extraFldsDfns,report); return ret; } private ODLTableDefinition readExtraFields(SourceTable extraFieldDfnsTable, ExecutionReport report) { ODLDatastoreAlterable<? extends ODLTableDefinitionAlterable> ds = api.tables().createDefinitionDs(); ODLTableDefinitionAlterable table = ds.createTable(ExtraFields.TABLE_NAME, -1); if (extraFieldDfnsTable == null) { return table; } // get list of all field names Set<String> allFields = api.stringConventions().createStandardisedSet(); for(int i =0 ; i < DrawableObjectImpl.DRAWABLES_ONLY_DS.getTableCount();i++){ ODLTableDefinition drawables = DrawableObjectImpl.DRAWABLES_ONLY_DS.getTableAt(i); int nc = drawables.getColumnCount(); for(int j =0 ; j < nc ; j++){ allFields.add(drawables.getColumnName(j)); } } List<ExtraFields> rows = INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_EXTRA_FIELDS_INDX).readObjectsFromTable(extraFieldDfnsTable.validated, report); if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } for (ExtraFields fld : rows) { ODLColumnType type = api.tables().getColumnType(fld.getType()); if (type == null) { report.setFailed("Unidentified column type in extra fields table in VLS adapter: " + fld.getType()); return null; } String name = fld.getName(); if (api.stringConventions().isEmptyStandardised(name)) { report.setFailed("Empty name found for field in extra fields table in VLS adapter."); return null; } // check not already used if(allFields.contains(name)){ report.setFailed("Found field in extra fields table in VLS adapter which has been included twice: " + name); return null; } table.addColumn(-1, name, type, 0); allFields.add(name); } return table; } private AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable> createAdapter(List<MatchedLayer> matchedLayers,ODLTableDefinition extraFields, ExecutionReport report) { // Now process all layers into the datastore adapter ArrayList<MatchedLayer> layersInType = new ArrayList<VLSBuilder.MatchedLayer>(matchedLayers.size()); AdapterMapping mapping = AdapterMapping.createUnassignedMapping(DrawableObjectImpl.ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_FOREGROUND_IMAGE_DS,true); ArrayList<ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable>> dsList = new ArrayList<ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable>>(matchedLayers.size()); for (LayerType layerType : LayerType.values()) { // Get all the layers for this layertype layersInType.clear(); for (MatchedLayer ml : matchedLayers) { if (ml.layerType == layerType) { layersInType.add(ml); } } ODLTableDefinition destinationTable = TableUtils.findTable(DrawableObjectImpl.ACTIVE_BACKGROUND_FOREGROUND_IMAGE_DS, layerType.tablename); int nl = layersInType.size(); if (nl == 0) { if (layerType != LayerType.BACKGROUND_IMAGE) { // add the extra fields (even though they're empty) int nbExtra = extraFields!=null? extraFields.getColumnCount() : 0; for(int i =0 ; i < nbExtra;i++){ mapping.addMappedField(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), extraFields.getColumnName(i), extraFields.getColumnType(i), -1); } } // nothing to do... continue; } // Get the destination table Tables tables = api.tables(); if (layerType == LayerType.BACKGROUND_IMAGE) { // Create a table containing all the map tile providers in-order ODLDatastoreAlterable<? extends ODLTableAlterable> imgDs = tables.createAlterableDs(); ODLTable table = (ODLTable) tables.copyTableDefinition(BackgroundImage.BEAN_MAPPING.getTableDefinition(), imgDs); mapping.setTableSourceId(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), dsList.size(), table.getImmutableId()); dsList.add(imgDs); for (int i = 0; i < table.getColumnCount(); i++) { mapping.setFieldSourceIndx(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), i, i); } for (MatchedLayer ml : layersInType) { if (ml.mapTileProvider != null) { BackgroundImage bi = new BackgroundImage(); bi.setTileProvider(ml.mapTileProvider); BackgroundImage.BEAN_MAPPING.writeObjectToTable(bi, table); } } } else { // // Add the extra fields to the destination table if needed // if(extraFields!=null && extraFields.getColumnCount()>0){ // destinationTable =tables.copyTableDefinition(destinationTable, tables.createAlterableDs()); // tables.copyTableDefinition(extraFields, (ODLTableDefinitionAlterable)destinationTable); // } if (nl == 1) { // non-union - add directly MatchedLayer ml = layersInType.get(0); mapping.setTableSourceId(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), dsList.size(), ml.source.validated.getImmutableId()); setFieldMapping(ml, destinationTable.getImmutableId(),extraFields, mapping); dsList.add(wrapTableInDs(ml.source.validated)); } else { // union - we build individual adapters, then place in a // union decorator which we add to the final adapter // build adapters for each layer ArrayList<ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable>> dsListToUnion = new ArrayList<ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable>>(nl); for (MatchedLayer ml : layersInType) { AdapterMapping singleSourceMapping = AdapterMapping.createUnassignedMapping(destinationTable,true); singleSourceMapping.setTableSourceId(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), 0, ml.source.validated.getImmutableId()); setFieldMapping(ml, destinationTable.getImmutableId(),extraFields, singleSourceMapping); AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable> singleLayerDecorator = new AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable>(singleSourceMapping, wrapTableInDs(ml.source.validated)); dsListToUnion.add(singleLayerDecorator); } // union them together UnionDecorator<ODLTable> union = new UnionDecorator<ODLTable>(dsListToUnion); // set the mapping to point towards the union mapping.setTableSourceId(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), dsList.size(), union.getTableAt(0).getImmutableId()); for (int i = 0; i <= DrawableObjectImpl.COL_MAX; i++) { mapping.setFieldSourceIndx(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), i, i); } // also add the extra fields to the additional mapping int nbExtra = extraFields!=null? extraFields.getColumnCount() : 0; for(int i =0 ; i < nbExtra;i++){ mapping.addMappedField(destinationTable.getImmutableId(), extraFields.getColumnName(i), extraFields.getColumnType(i), DrawableObjectImpl.COL_MAX+ 1 + i); } dsList.add(union); } } } // Finally return the decorator AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable> ret = new AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable>(mapping, dsList); return ret; } private void compileStyles(VLSDependencyInjector injector, ArrayList<MatchedLayer> matchedLayers, ExecutionReport report) { StringConventions strings = api.stringConventions(); for (MatchedLayer layer : matchedLayers) { // Get the values which need to match for each style in this layer ArrayList<List<Object>> selectors = new ArrayList<List<Object>>(); for (MatchedStyle style : layer.styles) { ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); for (int i = 0; i < Style.NB_RULE_KEYS; i++) { String key =; if (AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(key) != null) { report.setFailed("Functions are not allowed for style appearance key fields: " + key); return; } values.add(key); } selectors.add(values); } // Compile the style keys into a lookup tree layer.styleLookupTree = RuleNode.buildTree(selectors, true); // Compile the formulae for the styles for (MatchedStyle style : layer.styles) { // build output formula for (OutputFormula ft : Style.OutputFormula.values()) { String styleValue =; Function function = null; if (strings.isEmptyString(styleValue)) { function = null; } else { // Test if this value is actually a formula (starts with // :=) String styleFormula = AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(styleValue); if (styleFormula != null) { // Build the formula against the raw table (with the // additional fields), // not the validated one where additional fields are // stripped function = injector.buildFormula(styleFormula, layer.source.raw); if (report.isFailed()) { report.setFailed("Failed to build style formula " + + " in styles table: " + styleFormula); return; } } else { // Create constant formula with correct type Object value = ColumnValueProcessor.convertToMe(ft.outputType, styleValue); if (value == null) { report.setFailed("Could not convert value \"" + styleValue + "\" for style formula " + + " to required type " + + "."); } else { function = new FmConst(value); } } } // Save the compiled function style.functions[ft.ordinal()] = function; } // build filter formula String filterFormula = AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(; if (!strings.isEmptyString( && filterFormula == null) { report.setFailed("Found a non-empty filter formulae in styles table that did not begin with := (the symbol which indicates a formula)."); return; } if (filterFormula != null) { style.filter = injector.buildFormula(filterFormula, layer.source.raw); if (report.isFailed()) { report.setFailed("Failed to build filter formula in styles table:" + filterFormula); return; } } } } } /** * Add the style objects to the layer objects, matching on layerid field * * @param styleTable * @param matchedLayersMap * @param report */ private void addStylesToLayers(SourceTable styleTable, Map<String, MatchedLayer> matchedLayersMap, ExecutionReport report) { List<Style> styles = INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_STYLE_INDX).readObjectsFromTable(styleTable.validated, report); if (styles.size() < styleTable.validated.getRowCount()) { report.setFailed("Failed to read one or more style records correctly."); } if (report.isFailed()) { return; } for (Style style : styles) { // check layer id if (api.stringConventions().isEmptyString(style.getLayerId())) { report.setFailed("Empty or null layer ID found for style."); return; } MatchedLayer ml = matchedLayersMap.get(style.getLayerId()); if (ml != null) { ml.styles.add(new MatchedStyle(style)); } } } private void readLayers(TableFinder finder, SourceTable layerTable, ViewHierarchy viewHierarchy, ODLTableDefinition additionalFields,List<MatchedLayer> matchedLayers, Map<String, MatchedLayer> matchedLayersMap, ExecutionReport report) { StringConventions strings = api.stringConventions(); Map<String, ODLTable> sourceTables = strings.createStandardisedMap(); // Read layer objects List<Layer> layers = INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_LAYER_INDX).readObjectsFromTable(layerTable.validated, report); if (layers.size() < layerTable.validated.getRowCount() || report.isFailed()) { report.setFailed("Failed to read one or more layer records correctly."); } // Collate by view Map<String, LinkedList<Layer>> layersByView = strings.createStandardisedMap(new Factory<LinkedList<Layer>>() { @Override public LinkedList<Layer> create() { return new LinkedList<>(); } }); for (Layer layer : layers) { layersByView.get(layer.getViewId()).add(layer); } int[] countByLayerType = new int[LayerType.values().length]; class Helper { void addView(View view, LayerType lt) { // Loop over each layer object within the view LinkedList<Layer> layers4View = layersByView.get(view.getId()); if (layers4View != null) { for (Layer layer : layers4View) { // check layer id if (strings.isEmptyString(layer.getId())) { report.setFailed("Empty or null ID found for layer row."); return; } if (matchedLayersMap.containsKey(layer.getId())) { report.setFailed("Duplicate layerid found: " + layer.getId()); return; } // create matched layer object MatchedLayer ml = new MatchedLayer(); ml.layer = layer; matchedLayers.add(ml); matchedLayersMap.put(layer.getId(), ml); // identify layer type, using position of the active layer to // identify background and foreground if string is empty if (lt == null && Strings.isEmpty(layer.getLayerType())) { report.setFailed("Layer with id " + layer.getId() + " has empty layer type."); return; } ml.layerType = lt; if (ml.layerType == null) { ml.layerType = LayerType.identify(layer.getLayerType()); } if (ml.layerType == null) { report.setFailed("Unidentified layer type: " + layer.getLayerType()); return; } // validate layer type order if (ml.layerType == LayerType.ACTIVE && countByLayerType[ml.layerType.ordinal()] > 0) { report.setFailed("Found more than one active layer in a view: " + ml.layer.getId()); return; } for (int i = 0; i < countByLayerType.length; i++) { int count = countByLayerType[i]; if (count > 0 && ml.layerType.ordinal() < i) { report.setFailed("Found layer type " + ml.layerType.keywords[0] + " defined after layer type " + LayerType.values()[i].keywords[0] + ". Layers must be defined in order " + LayerType.orderedCommaSeparatedKeywords() + "."); return; } } countByLayerType[ml.layerType.ordinal()]++; } } } void addViews(Iterable<View> views, LayerType lt) { for (View view : views) { addView(view, lt); } } } Helper helper = new Helper(); helper.addViews(viewHierarchy.background, LayerType.BACKGROUND); helper.addViews(, LayerType.ACTIVE); helper.addView(viewHierarchy.current, null); helper.addViews(viewHierarchy.foreground, LayerType.FOREGROUND); // Process matched layer sources for (MatchedLayer ml : matchedLayers) { Layer layer = ml.layer; // process source - note this could be a formula pointing to a // shapefile or similar in the future if (strings.isEmptyString(layer.getSource())) { report.setFailed("Empty or null source value found for the data source for row in layers table with layer id " + layer.getId() + "."); return; } // see if source already processed, if not then process it if (ml.layerType == LayerType.BACKGROUND_IMAGE) { ml.mapTileProvider = fetchMapTileProvider(layer, report); } else { ml.source = fetchLayerSourceTable(layer, sourceTables, additionalFields, finder, report); } if (report.isFailed()) { return; } } } private MapTileProvider fetchMapTileProvider(Layer layer, ExecutionReport report) { String source = layer.getSource(); String sFormula = AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(source); if (sFormula == null) { report.setFailed("Background image layer with id " + layer.getId() + " found without a source formula; formula values begin with :="); return null; } Function function = null; if (sFormula != null) { FormulaParser loader = new FormulaParser(null, FunctionDefinitionLibrary.DEFAULT_LIB, null); try { function = loader.parse(sFormula); } catch (Exception e) { report.setFailed(e); } } if (function == null || report.isFailed()) { report.setFailed("Background image layer with id " + layer.getId() + " - failed to compile source formula."); return null; } MapTileProvider provider = null; boolean wrongType = false; try { Object exec = function.execute(null); if (exec != Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR) { if (exec != null && exec instanceof MapTileProvider) { provider = (MapTileProvider) exec; } else { wrongType = true; } } } catch (Exception e) { } if (provider == null) { // report.setFailed("Layer with type " + // LayerType.BACKGROUND_IMAGE.keywords[0] + " had a problem // executing the formula: " + source); report.setFailed("Background image layer with id " + layer.getId() + " - failed to execute source formula." + (wrongType ? " Result must be of type " + + "." : "")); } return provider; } private List<View> readViewTable(SourceTable viewTable, ExecutionReport report) { return INPUT_VLS_ONLY.getTableMapping(INPUT_VIEW_INDX).readObjectsFromTable(viewTable.validated, report); } private View findView(List<View> views, ExecutionReport report) { if (views.size() == 0) { report.setFailed("No view row provided in view table."); return null; } // Get the first view we find witrh isdefault=1 for (View view : views) { if (view.getIsDefault() == 1) { return view; } } // If not found just take the first return views.get(0); } private static class SourceTable { ODLTable raw; ODLTable validated; int []extraFieldIndicesInRaw; } private SourceTable fetchLayerSourceTable(Layer layer, Map<String, ODLTable> rawSourceTables, ODLTableDefinition additionalFields, TableFinder finder, ExecutionReport report) { // Get the output table definition ODLTableDefinition outTableDfn = VLSSourceDrawables.BEAN_MAPPING.getTableDefinition(); // Get the raw table, trying (1) cache, (2) table formula and (3) input table SourceTable ret = new SourceTable(); ret.raw = rawSourceTables.get(layer.getSource()); if (ret.raw == null) { String layerFormula = AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(layer.getSource()); if (layerFormula != null) { ret.raw = finder.injector.buildTableFormula(layer.getSource()); } else { ret.raw = finder.fetchRawSourceTable(VLSSourceDrawables.SOURCE_PREFIX + layer.getSource(), false); } } if (report.isFailed()) { return null; } // Cache the raw source table rawSourceTables.put(layer.getSource(), ret.raw); // Apply filtering to the raw table if we have it... if (!api.stringConventions().isEmptyString(layer.getFilter())) { String filterFormula = AdapterBuilderUtils.getFormulaFromText(layer.getFilter()); if (filterFormula != null) { String dummyRawID = "RawDSID"; // Create a dummy adapter for the filtering AdapterConfig dummyAdapter = new AdapterConfig("DummyID"); AdaptedTableConfig dummyTable = new AdaptedTableConfig(); dummyTable.setName(ret.raw.getName()); dummyAdapter.getTables().add(dummyTable); int nc = ret.raw.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nc; i++) { dummyTable.addMappedColumn(ret.raw.getColumnName(i), ret.raw.getColumnName(i), ret.raw.getColumnType(i), ret.raw.getColumnFlags(i)); } dummyTable.setFilterFormula(filterFormula); dummyTable.setFrom(dummyRawID, ret.raw.getName()); ScriptExecutionBlackboardImpl bb = new ScriptExecutionBlackboardImpl(false); BuiltAdapters builtAdapters = new BuiltAdapters(); builtAdapters.addAdapter(dummyRawID, wrapTableInDs(ret.raw)); AdapterBuilder builder = new AdapterBuilder(dummyAdapter, null, bb, null, builtAdapters); ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> built =; if (bb.isFailed()) { report.add(bb); report.setFailed("Failed to process filter formula in layer: " + filterFormula); return null; } ret.raw = built.getTableAt(0); } else { report.setFailed("Failed to parse filter \"" + layer.getFilter() + "\" in layer table."); } } // Match columns based on name and also match by geom type if not already found ColumnNameMatch columnNameMatch = new ColumnNameMatch(ret.raw, outTableDfn); if (columnNameMatch.getMatchForTableB(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_GEOMETRY) == -1) { columnNameMatch.setMatchForTableB(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_GEOMETRY, TableUtils.findColumnIndx(ret.raw, ODLColumnType.GEOM)); } // Check either latitude and longitude or geometry have mapped boolean geomMatch = columnNameMatch.getMatchForTableB(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_GEOMETRY) != -1; boolean latMatch = columnNameMatch.getMatchForTableB(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_LATITUDE) != -1; boolean lngMatch = columnNameMatch.getMatchForTableB(VLSSourceDrawables.COL_LONGITUDE) != -1; if (!geomMatch && (!latMatch || !lngMatch)) { report.setFailed("Failed to map either geometry column or latitude and longitudes columns in input VLS table: " + layer.getSource()); return null; } // Apply the field mapping to object defining the field mapping AdapterMapping mapping = AdapterMapping.createUnassignedMapping(outTableDfn,true); mapping.setTableSourceId(outTableDfn.getImmutableId(), 0, ret.raw.getImmutableId()); int ndc = outTableDfn.getColumnCount(); for (int i = 0; i < ndc; i++) { mapping.setFieldSourceIndx(outTableDfn.getImmutableId(), i, columnNameMatch.getMatchForTableB(i)); } // Ensure the raw has the extra fields and map them to the validated if(additionalFields!=null && additionalFields.getColumnCount()>0){ int nbExtra = additionalFields.getColumnCount(); ret.extraFieldIndicesInRaw = new int[nbExtra]; Map<String, Integer> map = api.tables().getColumnNamesMap(ret.raw); for(int col =0 ; col < nbExtra;col++){ String name = additionalFields.getColumnName(col); Integer indx = map.get(name); if(indx==null){ report.setFailed("Additional field " + additionalFields.getColumnName(col) + " is missing from source table " + layer.getSource() + "."); return null; } ret.extraFieldIndicesInRaw[col] = indx; mapping.addMappedField(outTableDfn.getImmutableId(), name, additionalFields.getColumnType(col), indx); } }else{ ret.extraFieldIndicesInRaw = new int[0]; } // Create an adapter AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable> adapter = new AdaptedDecorator<ODLTable>(mapping, ret.raw); ret.validated = adapter.getTableAt(0); return ret; } /** * Set mapping which defines a drawables table. Latitude, longitude and * geometry and non-overlapping layer come directly from the input source * table, everything else comes from a style function * * @param ml * @param destinationTableId * @param mapping */ private void setFieldMapping(MatchedLayer ml, int destinationTableId,ODLTableDefinition extraFields, AdapterMapping mapping) { // get set of columns read directly from validated source and never // controlled by styles TIntHashSet fromSource = new TIntHashSet(); fromSource.add(DrawableObjectImpl.COL_LATITUDE); fromSource.add(DrawableObjectImpl.COL_LONGITUDE); fromSource.add(DrawableObjectImpl.COL_GEOMETRY); fromSource.add(DrawableObjectImpl.COL_NOPL_GROUP_KEY); // now set the source for each column as appropriate for (int drawablesCol = 0; drawablesCol <= DrawableObjectImpl.COL_MAX; drawablesCol++) { if (fromSource.contains(drawablesCol)) { // Read directly from validated source table mapping.setFieldSourceIndx(destinationTableId, drawablesCol, drawablesCol); } else { // Style formula based on unvalidated raw source table, // defaulting to validated when formula unavailable empty mapping.setFieldFormula(destinationTableId, drawablesCol, new StyleFunction(ml, drawablesCol)); } } // additional fields come from the raw... int []extraSrcs = ml.source.extraFieldIndicesInRaw; if(extraSrcs!=null && extraSrcs.length>0){ if(extraFields.getColumnCount()!= extraSrcs.length){ throw new RuntimeException(); } for(int i =0 ; i < extraSrcs.length; i++){ final int finalI=i; mapping.addMappedFormula(destinationTableId, extraFields.getColumnName(i), extraFields.getColumnType(i), new FunctionImpl() { @Override public Object execute(FunctionParameters parameters) { TableParameters tp = (TableParameters)parameters; return ml.source.raw.getValueById(tp.getRowId(), extraSrcs[finalI]); } @Override public Function deepCopy() { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } }); } } } private static ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTable> wrapTableInDs(ODLTable source) { ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTable> tmpDatastore = new ODLDatastoreImpl<ODLTable>(null); tmpDatastore.addTable(source); return tmpDatastore; } private static class StyleFunction extends FunctionImpl { private final MatchedLayer layer; private final Style.OutputFormula styleFormulaType; private final List<ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable>> rawTableWrappedInDsList; private final int targetDrawableColumn; private final RuleFilter ruleFilter = new RuleFilter() { @Override public boolean filter(Object filterData, Object[] values, int ruleNb) { TableParameters rawTP = (TableParameters) filterData; MatchedStyle style = layer.styles.get(ruleNb); if (style.filter != null) { Long l = Numbers.toLong(style.filter.execute(rawTP)); if (l != null && l == 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } return true; } }; StyleFunction(MatchedLayer layer, int targetDrawableColumn) { this.layer = layer; this.rawTableWrappedInDsList = Arrays.asList(wrapTableInDs(layer.source.raw)); this.targetDrawableColumn = targetDrawableColumn; // try to find a corresponding style formula type OutputFormula found = null; for (OutputFormula ft : OutputFormula.values()) { if (ft.drawablesColumn == targetDrawableColumn) { found = ft; break; } } this.styleFormulaType = found; } @Override public Object execute(FunctionParameters parameters) { TableParameters tp = (TableParameters) parameters; // Get table parameters for the raw input table TableParameters rawTP = new TableParameters(rawTableWrappedInDsList, 0, rawTableWrappedInDsList.get(0).getTableAt(0).getImmutableId(), tp.getRowId(), tp.hasRowNb()?tp.getRowNb():-1, null); // Try to find a matching style MatchedStyle style = null; if (styleFormulaType != null) { if (layer.styles.size() > 0) { Object[] keys = new Object[Style.NB_RULE_KEYS]; for (int i = 0; i < Style.NB_RULE_KEYS; i++) { keys[i] = APPEARANCE_KEY_ACCESSORS[i].execute(parameters); if (keys[i] == Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR) { return Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR; } } int rule = layer.styleLookupTree.findRuleNumber(keys, ruleFilter, rawTP); if (rule != -1) { style = layer.styles.get(rule); } } } // use the style if (style != null) { // if we don't have a function then use the source table if (style.functions[styleFormulaType.ordinal()] == null) { if (targetDrawableColumn != -1) { return layer.source.validated.getValueAt(tp.getRowNb(), targetDrawableColumn); } return null; } // Styles are executed against the raw table Object val = style.functions[styleFormulaType.ordinal()].execute(rawTP); if (val == Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR) { return Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR; } // Just return the executed value if we're not doing flag // mapping logic if (styleFormulaType.booleanToFlag == -1) { return val; } // Otherwise process flag mapping. First get the base value from // the validated table Object baseValue = getValidatedTableValue(tp); if (baseValue == Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR) { return Functions.EXECUTION_ERROR; } // Then transform the base value to long Long lBase = Numbers.toLong(baseValue); long ret = lBase != null ? lBase : 0; // Then transform the executed style value to a bool and add / // remove the flag Long lBool = Numbers.toLong(val); if (lBool != null) { if (lBool == 1) { // add flag ret |= styleFormulaType.booleanToFlag; } else { // remove flag ret &= ~styleFormulaType.booleanToFlag; } } return ret; } // take min and max zoom from the layers if set if (targetDrawableColumn == DrawableObjectImpl.COL_MIN_ZOOM && layer.layer.getMinZoom() != null) { return layer.layer.getMinZoom(); } if (targetDrawableColumn == DrawableObjectImpl.COL_MAX_ZOOM && layer.layer.getMaxZoom() != null) { return layer.layer.getMaxZoom(); } // If we have no default style we take the corresponding value from // the validated table (which extends drawable) return getValidatedTableValue(tp); } private Object getValidatedTableValue(TableParameters tp) { if (tp.hasRowNb()) { return layer.source.validated.getValueAt(tp.getRowNb(), targetDrawableColumn); } else if (tp.getRowId() != -1) { return layer.source.validated.getValueById(tp.getRowId(), targetDrawableColumn); } return null; } @Override public Function deepCopy() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } } }