package com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.image; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.ExecutionReport; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLDatastore; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTable; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableDefinition; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.tables.ODLTableReadOnly; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.Function; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.FunctionFactory; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.FunctionUtils; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.definitions.FunctionDefinition; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.definitions.FunctionDefinitionLibrary; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.definitions.FunctionDefinition.ArgumentType; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.formulae.definitions.FunctionDefinition.FunctionType; import; import; import; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.TableReference; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.elements.AdapterConfig; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.AdapterBuilderUtils; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.execution.adapters.IndexedDatastores; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.scripts.formulae.image.FmImageWithView.IWVMode; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.tables.beans.BeanMapping.BeanDatastoreMapping; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.Strings; public class ImageFormulaeCreator { private static class ArgIndices { int lookupVal = -1; int tableToDrawRef = -1; int tableForZoomDrawRef = -1; int mode = -1; int height = -1; int width = -1; int dpCM = -1; int renderProp = -1; } public static void buildImageFormulae(FunctionDefinitionLibrary library, final IndexedDatastores<? extends ODLTable> datastores, final ExecutionReport result) { for (final boolean withView : new boolean[] { false, true }) { for (final boolean printable : new boolean[] { false, true }) { for (final boolean includeProperties : new boolean[] { false, true }) { // construct the definition final ArgIndices argIndices = new ArgIndices(); FunctionDefinition dfn = new FunctionDefinition(FunctionType.FUNCTION, getFormulaName(withView, printable)); if (withView) { dfn.setDescription("Draw an image using all objects in the to-draw-table, taking the zoom and view centre from the objects in the to-zoom-table whose image formula key matches to-zoom-lookup-value. " + "Both tables must contain the standard drawable fields."); argIndices.tableToDrawRef = dfn.addArg("to-draw-table-reference", ArgumentType.TABLE_REFERENCE_CONSTANT, "Reference to the drawable table including the datastore name - e.g. \"external, drawabletable\"."); argIndices.lookupVal = dfn.addArg("to-zoom-lookup-value", "Filter objects in the to-zoom table whose image formula key field has this value."); argIndices.tableForZoomDrawRef = dfn.addArg("to-zoom-table-table-reference", ArgumentType.TABLE_REFERENCE_CONSTANT, "Reference to the to-zoom-table including the datastore name - e.g. \"external, drawabletable\"."); } else { dfn.setDescription("Draw an image using the referenced drawable-table, filtering the objects based on the row in current table."); argIndices.lookupVal = dfn.addArg("lookup_value", "Filter objects in the drawable table whose image formula key field has this value."); argIndices.tableToDrawRef = dfn.addArg("drawable-table-reference", ArgumentType.TABLE_REFERENCE_CONSTANT, "Reference to the drawable table including the datastore name - e.g. \"external, drawabletable\"."); } addStandardArguments(withView,printable, includeProperties, argIndices, dfn); dfn.setFactory(new FunctionFactory() { @Override public Function createFunction(Function... children) { // parse the table reference for the drawables table ODLTableReadOnly pointsTable = getDrawablesTable(children[argIndices.tableToDrawRef], datastores, result); // get the to-zoom table if we have one ODLTableReadOnly zoomTable= null; if(argIndices.tableForZoomDrawRef!=-1){ zoomTable = getDrawablesTable(children[argIndices.tableForZoomDrawRef], datastores, result); } // get properties RenderProperties properties = getRenderProperties(argIndices, children); if (withView) { return createFmImageWithViewFormula(argIndices, pointsTable,zoomTable, properties, children); } else { return createFmImageFormula(argIndices, pointsTable, properties, children); } } }); library.add(dfn); } } } } private static String getFormulaName(boolean withView, boolean printable) { return (printable ? "printableImage" : "image") + (withView ? "WithView" : ""); } private static void addStandardArguments(final boolean withView,final boolean isPrintable, final boolean includeProperties, final ArgIndices argIndices, FunctionDefinition dfn) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if(withView){ for (FmImageWithView.IWVMode mode : FmImageWithView.IWVMode.values()) { builder.append(" " + mode.getKeyword() + " = " + mode.getDescription()); } }else{ for (FmImage.Mode mode : FmImage.Mode.values()) { builder.append(" " + mode.getKeyword() + " = " + mode.getDescription()); } } argIndices.mode = dfn.addArg("Mode", ArgumentType.STRING_CONSTANT, "Create image mode." + builder.toString()); if (isPrintable) { argIndices.width = dfn.addArg("width", "Image width in centimeters."); argIndices.height = dfn.addArg("height", "Image height in centimeters."); argIndices.dpCM = dfn.addArg("dots_per_cm", "Dots per centimeter"); } else { argIndices.width = dfn.addArg("width", "Image width in pixels."); argIndices.height = dfn.addArg("height", "Image height in pixels."); } if (includeProperties) { argIndices.renderProp = dfn.addArg("render-properties", ArgumentType.STRING_CONSTANT, "A string containing key value pairs, for example \"legend=topleft\"."); } } private static ODLTableReadOnly getDrawablesTable(Function oTableRef, final IndexedDatastores<? extends ODLTable> datastores, final ExecutionReport result) { String sTableRef = FunctionUtils.getConstantString(oTableRef); TableReference tableRef = TableReference.create(sTableRef, result); if (tableRef == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Error reading table reference in an image formula."); } // find the drawable table ... int dsIndx = datastores.getIndex(tableRef.getDatastoreName()); if (dsIndx == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting datastore " + tableRef.getDatastoreName() + " used in an image formula."); } ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTable> ds = datastores.getDatastore(dsIndx); if (ds == null || result.isFailed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error getting datastore " + tableRef + " used in an image formula."); } // do simple adaption of table to drawable datastore definition to ensure table format is exact ODLDatastore<? extends ODLTableDefinition> definition = DrawableObjectImpl.getBeanMapping().getDefinition(); AdapterConfig adapterConfig = AdapterConfig.createSameNameMapper(definition); adapterConfig.getTables().get(0).setFromTable(tableRef.getTableName()); ODLDatastore<ODLTable> simpleAdapted = AdapterBuilderUtils.createSimpleAdapter(ds, adapterConfig, result); if (simpleAdapted == null || result.isFailed()) { throw new RuntimeException("Error matching table " + tableRef + " used in formula image to the table expected by the map renderer."); } ODLTableReadOnly pointsTable = simpleAdapted.getTableAt(0); return pointsTable; } private static RenderProperties getRenderProperties(final ArgIndices argIndices, Function... children) { // get flags RenderProperties properties = new RenderProperties(); if (argIndices.renderProp != -1) { String s = FunctionUtils.getConstantString(children[argIndices.renderProp]); properties = new RenderProperties(s); } // add default flags properties.addFlags(RenderProperties.SHOW_ALL); return properties; } private static Function createFmImageWithViewFormula(final ArgIndices argIndices, ODLTableReadOnly pointsTable,ODLTableReadOnly zoomTable, RenderProperties properties, Function... children) { // find the group key field int groupKeyColumnIndex = getImageFilterColumnIndex(); // get the mode FmImageWithView.IWVMode mode = null; String sMode = FunctionUtils.getConstantString(children[argIndices.mode]); for (FmImageWithView.IWVMode m : FmImageWithView.IWVMode.values()) { if (Strings.equalsStd(m.getKeyword(), sMode)) { mode = m; } } if (mode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown image function mode: " + sMode); } return new FmImageWithView(pointsTable,zoomTable, groupKeyColumnIndex,children[argIndices.lookupVal], mode, children[argIndices.width], children[argIndices.height], argIndices.dpCM!=-1? children[argIndices.dpCM]:null,properties); } private static Function createFmImageFormula(final ArgIndices argIndices, ODLTableReadOnly pointsTable, RenderProperties properties, Function... children) { // find the group key field int groupKeyColumnIndex = getImageFilterColumnIndex(); // get the mode FmImage.Mode mode = null; String sMode = FunctionUtils.getConstantString(children[argIndices.mode]); for (FmImage.Mode m : FmImage.Mode.values()) { if (Strings.equalsStd(m.getKeyword(), sMode)) { mode = m; } } if (mode == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown image function mode: " + sMode); } if (argIndices.dpCM != -1) { return FmImage.createFixedPhysicalSize(children[argIndices.lookupVal], pointsTable, groupKeyColumnIndex, mode, children[argIndices.width], children[argIndices.height], children[argIndices.dpCM], properties); } else { return FmImage.createFixedPixelSize(children[argIndices.lookupVal], pointsTable, groupKeyColumnIndex, mode, children[argIndices.width], children[argIndices.height], properties); } } private static int getImageFilterColumnIndex() { BeanDatastoreMapping beanMap = DrawableObjectImpl.getBeanMapping(); int groupKeyColumnIndex = beanMap.getTableMapping(0).indexOfAnnotation(ImageFormulaKey.class); if (groupKeyColumnIndex == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find group key field in drawable lat long table, used in image formula."); } return groupKeyColumnIndex; } }