package com.opendoorlogistics.components.heatmap; import gnu.trove.list.array.TIntArrayList; import; import gnu.trove.procedure.TIntObjectProcedure; import gnu.trove.set.hash.TIntHashSet; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import com.opendoorlogistics.api.components.ComponentExecutionApi; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.LargeList; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.Numbers; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.UpdateTimer; import com.opendoorlogistics.core.utils.strings.Strings; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Envelope; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.index.quadtree.Quadtree; import com.vividsolutions.jts.simplify.TopologyPreservingSimplifier; public class HeatmapGenerator { static final double GAUSSIAN_CUTOFF = 4; private static final boolean LOG_TO_CONSOLE= false; private enum EdgeType{ TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT } static class CellCoordSystem{ final Envelope area; final double cellLength; final double halfCellLength; int xDim; int yDim; CellCoordSystem(Envelope area, double cellLength) { this.area = area; this.cellLength = cellLength; this.halfCellLength = 0.5*cellLength; // get the resolution int xres = (int)Math.ceil(area.getWidth() / cellLength); int yres = (int)Math.ceil(area.getHeight() / cellLength); if(xres<1) xres = 1; if(yres<1) yres = 1; this.xDim = xres; this.yDim = yres; } double getCellXCentre(int ix){ return area.getMinX() + halfCellLength + ix * cellLength; } double getCellYCentre(int iy){ return area.getMinY() + halfCellLength + iy * cellLength; } int getCellX(double x){ return getCell(x, area.getMinX()); } int getCellY(double y){ return getCell(y, area.getMinY()); } /** * Get the value at a cell. This will be used in the future if we * implement additional edge refinement... * @param ix * @param iy * @param q * @param g * @return */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") double value(int ix, int iy, Quadtree q, Gaussian g){ Coordinate c = new Coordinate(getCellXCentre(ix), getCellYCentre(iy),0); Envelope envelope = new Envelope(c); envelope.expandBy(g.cutoff); List<?> list = q.query(envelope); double ret=0; for(Object pnt : list){ InputPoint ip = (InputPoint)pnt; Coordinate cp = ip.point.getCoordinate(); double distSqd = twoDimDistSqd(c, cp); if(distSqd<= g.cutoffSqd){ double dist = Math.sqrt(distSqd); double value = g.value(dist) * ip.weight; ret+=value; } } return ret; } private int getCell(double s, double l){ if(s >= l){ return (int)Math.floor( (s - l) / cellLength ); } return -1 - (int)Math.floor( (l - s ) / cellLength ); } boolean isInsideGrid(int ox, int oy){ return ox>=0 && oy >= 0 && ox < xDim && oy < yDim; } } public static class SingleContourGroup{ final int index; SingleContourGroup(int index) { this.index = index; } Geometry geometry; int level; } public static class HeatMapResult{ LargeList<SingleContourGroup> groups = new LargeList<HeatmapGenerator.SingleContourGroup>(); double [] levelLowerLimits; double [] levelUpperLimits; } /** * A trace coord is a combination of an edge (defined by its * start an * @author Phil * */ static class TraceCoord{ java.awt.Point cell = new java.awt.Point(); java.awt.Point edgeStart = new java.awt.Point(); java.awt.Point edgeEnd = new java.awt.Point(); TraceCoord(java.awt.Point cell , Offset offset) { this.cell.setLocation(cell); switch(offset.edge){ case TOP: edgeStart.setLocation(cell.x, cell.y+1); edgeEnd.setLocation(cell.x+1, cell.y+1); break; case BOTTOM: edgeStart.setLocation(cell.x , cell.y); edgeEnd.setLocation(cell.x+1, cell.y); break; case LEFT: edgeStart.setLocation(cell.x , cell.y); edgeEnd.setLocation(cell.x, cell.y+1); break; case RIGHT: edgeStart.setLocation(cell.x+1 , cell.y); edgeEnd.setLocation(cell.x+1, cell.y+1); break; } } TraceCoord(){ } @Override public String toString(){ return toString(true); } public String toString(boolean printSide){ java.awt.Point cell1 = new java.awt.Point(); java.awt.Point cell2 = new java.awt.Point(); getCell(0, cell1); getCell(1, cell2); return (isVertical() ? "Vertical" : "Horizontal") + " edge from " + pnt2Str(edgeStart) + " to " + pnt2Str(edgeEnd) + " between cells " + pnt2Str(cell1) + " and " + pnt2Str(cell2) + (printSide?", side touching " + pnt2Str(cell): ""); } private String pnt2Str(java.awt.Point p){ return "[x=" + p.x + ",y=" + p.y + "]"; } boolean isVertical(){ return edgeStart.x == edgeEnd.x; } void getCell(int index, java.awt.Point outCell){ if(index!=0 && index!=1){ throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } if(isVertical()){ if(index==0){ outCell.x = edgeStart.x-1; }else{ outCell.x = edgeStart.x; } outCell.y = Math.min(edgeStart.y, edgeEnd.y); }else{ outCell.x = Math.min(edgeStart.x, edgeEnd.x); if(index==0){ outCell.y = edgeStart.y-1; }else{ outCell.y = edgeStart.y; } } } void set(TraceCoord other){ cell.setLocation(other.cell); edgeStart.setLocation(other.edgeStart); edgeEnd.setLocation(other.edgeEnd); } /** * Create an identifier object which is hashable and uniquely identifies * an edge and its side - defined by the cell it refers to. * @return */ Object createDirectionIndependentIdentifer(){ class Ret{ long cell; long lower; long higher; int hashcode; @Override public int hashCode() { return hashcode; } void calculateHashCode() { final int prime = 31; hashcode = 1; hashcode = prime * hashcode + (int) (cell ^ (cell >>> 32)); hashcode = prime * hashcode + (int) (higher ^ (higher >>> 32)); hashcode = prime * hashcode + (int) (lower ^ (lower >>> 32)); } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; Ret other = (Ret) obj; if (cell != other.cell) return false; if (higher != other.higher) return false; if (lower != other.lower) return false; return true; } } Ret ret = new Ret(); ret.cell = getXYAsLong(cell.x, cell.y); long l1 = getXYAsLong(edgeStart.x, edgeStart.y); long l2 = getXYAsLong(edgeEnd.x, edgeEnd.y); if(l1<l2){ ret.lower =l1; ret.higher = l2; }else{ ret.lower = l2; ret.higher = l1; } ret.calculateHashCode(); return ret; } } private static interface LevelAccessor{ int getLevel(java.awt.Point p); int getLevel(int x, int y); } // private static class TraceResult{ // Geometry polygon; // boolean isHole; // } private static class Tracer{ final TraceCoord testEdge = new TraceCoord(); final java.awt.Point otherCell = new java.awt.Point(); final CellCoordSystem coordsSys; final LevelAccessor levelAccessor; final ComponentExecutionApi api; Tracer(ComponentExecutionApi api,CellCoordSystem coords, LevelAccessor levelAccessor) { this.api = api; this.coordsSys = coords; this.levelAccessor = levelAccessor; } void logLevelsToConsole(){ // title row for the columns StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for(int x =0 ; x<coordsSys.xDim ; x++){ builder.append("\t" + x ); } System.out.println(builder.toString()); for(int y =coordsSys.yDim-1;y>=0 ; y--){ builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("" + y); for(int x =0 ; x<coordsSys.xDim ; x++){ builder.append("\t" + levelAccessor.getLevel(new java.awt.Point(x, y))); } System.out.println(builder.toString()); } } synchronized void traceAllV2(GeometryFactory factory, List<SingleContourGroup> result){ TraceGraph graph = new TraceGraph(); UpdateTimer timer = new UpdateTimer(100); if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ logLevelsToConsole(); System.out.println(); } // loop over each cell and do all traces TIntArrayList completedTraceIds = new TIntArrayList(); java.awt.Point cell = new java.awt.Point(); java.awt.Point otherCell = new java.awt.Point(); for(cell.x =0 ; cell.x<coordsSys.xDim ; cell.x++){ for(cell.y = 0 ; cell.y < coordsSys.yDim ; cell.y++){ int level = levelAccessor.getLevel(cell); if(level==-1){ continue; } // and each edge of the cell for(Offset offset : Offset.NGBS4){ offset.addTo(cell, otherCell); int otherLevel = levelAccessor.getLevel(otherCell); if(level!=otherLevel){ // This is a boundary!!! // define the edge TraceCoord startCoord = new TraceCoord(cell, offset); if(graph.isEdgeTracedFromCellAlready(startCoord)){ continue; } // trace to create the polygon int traceRingNb = graph.createTraceFirstEdge(startCoord, level); TraceCoord current = new TraceCoord(); current.set(startCoord); boolean reachedStart=false; while(!reachedStart){ traceNext(current); // check for reaching start again reachedStart=current.edgeEnd.equals(startCoord.edgeStart); // check we've not already traced this edge (can happen when multiple rings are traced in succession) if(!reachedStart && graph.isEdgeTracedFromCellAlready(current)){ break; } graph.createTraceLaterEdge(current, level, traceRingNb); } if(reachedStart){ completedTraceIds.add(traceRingNb); } } } if(timer.isUpdate()){ double pc = 100.0*cell.x / coordsSys.xDim; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00"); api.postStatusMessage("Traced " + df.format(pc) +"% and found " + completedTraceIds.size() + " contour rings."); } } if(api.isCancelled()){ return; } } // Calculate diagonals (i.e. what points to remove) api.postStatusMessage("Calculating diagonals"); graph.calculateDiagonals(); if(api.isCancelled()){ return; } // Build the polygons and find out if they're holes or not api.postStatusMessage("Building polygons and testing for holes"); TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> polygonsByLevel = new TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>>(); TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> holesByLevel = new TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>>(); int nbBuilt = 0; for(int ringId: completedTraceIds.toArray()){ List<java.awt.Point> pnts = graph.getPoints(ringId, false); Geometry rawPolygon = createPolygonFromTracedPoints(pnts, false, factory); // Test if the central position of the original cell is inside or outside the polygon // This determines if its a hole or not. Do this before creating diagonals (as diagonals break this test) java.awt.Point startCell = graph.getFirstCell(ringId); Coordinate cellCentre = new Coordinate(coordsSys.getCellXCentre(startCell.x), coordsSys.getCellYCentre(startCell.y), 0); boolean isHole = !rawPolygon.contains(factory.createPoint(cellCentre)); // Now create with diagonals pnts = graph.getPoints(ringId, true); Geometry polygon= createPolygonFromTracedPoints(pnts, false, factory); // And save it TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> map = isHole ? holesByLevel:polygonsByLevel; int level = graph.getLevel(ringId); List<Geometry> list = map.get(level); if(list==null){ list = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); map.put(level, list); } list.add(polygon); nbBuilt++; if(timer.isUpdate()){ api.postStatusMessage("Building polygons and testing for holes - built " + nbBuilt); } } if(api.isCancelled()){ return; } api.postStatusMessage("Removing holes from polygons"); polygonsByLevel.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<List<Geometry>>() { @Override public boolean execute(int level, List<Geometry> polygons) { // build up a quadtree of holes List<Geometry> holes = holesByLevel.get(level); Quadtree quadtree = new Quadtree(); if(holes!=null){ for(Geometry hole : holes){ quadtree.insert(hole.getEnvelopeInternal(), hole); } } for(Geometry p : polygons){ // remove all holes List<?> intersectingHoles = quadtree.query(p.getEnvelopeInternal()); for(Object o : intersectingHoles){ // Remove the hole if (and only if) its contained by the geometry; // otherwise we remove non-holes which are contained within holes. if(p.contains((Geometry)o)){ p = p.difference((Geometry)o); } } // we now have the final geometry if(p!=null && p.isEmpty()==false){ // Simplify by a tiny tolerance that just removes unneeded points Geometry simplified = TopologyPreservingSimplifier.simplify(p, coordsSys.cellLength * 0.0000000001); if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("Simplified, reduced " + p.getNumPoints() + " down to " + simplified.getNumPoints()); } SingleContourGroup singleContourGroup = new SingleContourGroup(result.size()); singleContourGroup.geometry = simplified; singleContourGroup.level = level; result.add(singleContourGroup); } } return true; } }); } // synchronized void traceAll(GeometryFactory factory, List<SingleContourGroup> result){ // HashSet<Object> tracedEdges = new HashSet<Object>(); // // TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> polygonsByLevel = new TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>>(); // TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> holesByLevel = new TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>>(); // // if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ // logLevelsToConsole(); // System.out.println(); // } // // // loop over each cell // java.awt.Point cell = new java.awt.Point(); // java.awt.Point otherCell = new java.awt.Point(); // for(cell.x =0 ; cell.x<coordsSys.xDim ; cell.x++){ // for(cell.y = 0 ; cell.y < coordsSys.yDim ; cell.y++){ // // int level = levelAccessor.getLevel(cell); // if(level==-1){ // continue; // } // // // and each edge of the cell // for(Offset offset : Offset.NGBS4){ // offset.addTo(cell, otherCell); // int otherLevel = levelAccessor.getLevel(otherCell); // if(level!=otherLevel){ // // This is a boundary!!! // // // define the edge // TraceCoord startCoord = new TraceCoord(cell, offset); // if(tracedEdges.contains(startCoord.createDirectionIndependentIdentifer())){ // continue; // } // // // trace to create the polygon // TraceResult traceResult= traceSingleRing(startCoord, tracedEdges, factory); // // TIntObjectHashMap<List<Geometry>> map = traceResult.isHole ? holesByLevel:polygonsByLevel; // // List<Geometry> list = map.get(level); // if(list==null){ // list = new ArrayList<Geometry>(); // map.put(level, list); // } // list.add(traceResult.polygon); // } // } // } // // if(api.isCancelled()){ // return; // } // } // // api.postStatusMessage("Removing holes from polygons"); // // polygonsByLevel.forEachEntry(new TIntObjectProcedure<List<Geometry>>() { // // @Override // public boolean execute(int level, List<Geometry> polygons) { // // build up a quadtree of holes // List<Geometry> holes = holesByLevel.get(level); // Quadtree quadtree = new Quadtree(); // if(holes!=null){ // for(Geometry hole : holes){ // quadtree.insert(hole.getEnvelopeInternal(), hole); // } // } // // for(Geometry p : polygons){ // // remove all holes // List<?> intersectingHoles = quadtree.query(p.getEnvelopeInternal()); // for(Object o : intersectingHoles){ // // Remove the hole if (and only if) its contained by the geometry; // // otherwise we remove non-holes which are contained within holes. // if(p.contains((Geometry)o)){ // p = p.difference((Geometry)o); // } // } // // // we now have the final geometry // if(p!=null && p.isEmpty()==false){ // // // Simplify by a tiny tolerance that just removes unneeded points // Geometry simplified = TopologyPreservingSimplifier.simplify(p, coordsSys.cellLength * 0.0000000001); // if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ // System.out.println("Simplified, reduced " + p.getNumPoints() + " down to " + simplified.getNumPoints()); // } // // SingleContourGroup singleContourGroup = new SingleContourGroup(result.size()); // singleContourGroup.geometry = simplified; // singleContourGroup.level = level; // result.add(singleContourGroup); // } // // } // return true; // } // }); // } private RuntimeException createTraceFailureException(String extra){ return new RuntimeException("Failed to trace heatmap contour." + (extra !=null ? " "+ extra : "")); } // /** // * Trace polygon from start position // * @param startPosition // * @param factory // * @return // */ // synchronized TraceResult traceSingleRing(TraceCoord startPosition,HashSet<Object> tracedEdges, GeometryFactory factory){ // class Points{ // LargeList<java.awt.Point> ordered = new LargeList<java.awt.Point>(); // HashSet<java.awt.Point> set = new HashSet<java.awt.Point>(); // // void add(java.awt.Point pnt){ // // take copy // pnt = new java.awt.Point(pnt); // ordered.add(pnt); // set.add(pnt); // } // } // Points points = new Points(); // // points.add(startPosition.edgeStart); // points.add(startPosition.edgeEnd); // tracedEdges.add(startPosition.createDirectionIndependentIdentifer()); // // TraceCoord current = new TraceCoord(); // current.set(startPosition); // boolean reachedStart=false; // while(!reachedStart){ // traceNext(current); // // // check for reaching start again // reachedStart=current.edgeEnd.equals(startPosition.edgeStart); // // // check we've not already traced this edge (can happen when multiple rings are traced in succession) // Object ident = current.createDirectionIndependentIdentifer(); // if(!reachedStart && tracedEdges.contains(ident)){ // return null; // } // tracedEdges.add(ident); // // // add new edge end // points.add(current.edgeEnd); // // } // // // Test if the central position of the original cell is inside or outside the polygon // // This determines if its a hole or not. Do this before creating diagonals (as diagonals break this test) // Coordinate cellCentre = new Coordinate(coordsSys.getCellXCentre(startPosition.cell.x), coordsSys.getCellYCentre(startPosition.cell.y), 0); // List<java.awt.Point> orderedPoints = points.ordered; // Geometry rawPolygon = createPolygonFromTracedPoints(orderedPoints, false, factory); // TraceResult result = new TraceResult(); // result.isHole = !rawPolygon.contains(factory.createPoint(cellCentre)); // // // Now create the final polygon with diagonals // result.polygon= createPolygonFromTracedPoints(orderedPoints,true, factory); // // // Turn off diagonal creation for the moment as its not reliable // // result.polygon = rawPolygon; // return result; // // } private Geometry createPolygonFromTracedPoints(List<java.awt.Point> orderedPoints, boolean createDiagonals,GeometryFactory factory) { int n = orderedPoints.size(); double sepLimit = 1.0000001 * Math.sqrt(2); abstract class PointProcessor{ abstract void process(int i,java.awt.Point pp , java.awt.Point cp ,java.awt.Point np); } class PointLooper{ void loop(List<java.awt.Point> points, PointProcessor processor){ int i=0; int n = points.size(); while(i < n){ int next = i+1; if(next>=n){ next -=n; } int previous = i-1; if(previous<0){ previous +=n; } java.awt.Point pp = points.get(previous); java.awt.Point cp = points.get(i); java.awt.Point np = points.get(next); processor.process(previous, pp, cp, np); i++; } } } // A linear ring needs at least 4 points. Creating diagonals can halve the points, // so only create diagonals if we're guaranteed to end up with at least 4 points TIntHashSet nearbyLevels = new TIntHashSet(); if(n>=8 && createDiagonals){ LargeList<java.awt.Point> newOrdered1 = new LargeList<java.awt.Point>(); new PointLooper().loop(orderedPoints, new PointProcessor(){ @Override void process(int i, java.awt.Point pp, java.awt.Point cp, java.awt.Point np) { boolean remove=false; // only remove if the points haven't been involved in an earlier remove double dist = pp.distance(np); if(dist < sepLimit){ // horizontal followed by vertical if(pp.y == cp.y && cp.x == np.x){ remove = true; } // vertical followed by horizontal if(pp.x == cp.x && pp.y == np.y){ remove = true; } } // don't remove if we near to another level as this goes wrong if(remove){ nearbyLevels.clear(); int buffer = 2; for(int x = cp.x - buffer ; x< cp.x + buffer ; x++){ for(int y = cp.y - buffer ; y< cp.y + buffer ; y++){ nearbyLevels.add(levelAccessor.getLevel(x, y)); } } // nearby levels will be >=3 if there's a 3rd level nearby remove = nearbyLevels.size()<=2; } if(!remove){ newOrdered1.add(cp); } } }); // // also reduce points where we can without deforming the same // LargeList<java.awt.Point> newOrdered2 = new LargeList<java.awt.Point>(); // new PointLooper().loop(newOrdered1, new PointProcessor(){ // // @Override // void process(int i, java.awt.Point pp, java.awt.Point cp, java.awt.Point np) { // // horizontal followed by vertical // boolean remove=false; // // // Remove this point if the angle between // // if(!remove){ // newOrdered1.add(cp); // } // // } // // }); orderedPoints = newOrdered1; } // ensure start and end points match if(!orderedPoints.get(0).equals(orderedPoints.get(orderedPoints.size()-1))){ orderedPoints = new ArrayList<java.awt.Point>(orderedPoints); orderedPoints.add(orderedPoints.get(0)); } // Now convert into real coords and create a polygon n = orderedPoints.size(); Coordinate [] coordArray = new Coordinate[n]; for(int i =0 ; i < n ; i++){ java.awt.Point p = orderedPoints.get(i); Coordinate coord = new Coordinate(0,0,0); coord.x = coordsSys.area.getMinX() + p.x * coordsSys.cellLength; coord.y = coordsSys.area.getMinY() + p.y * coordsSys.cellLength; coordArray[i] = coord; } Geometry polygon = factory.createPolygon(coordArray); if(!polygon.isValid()){ // try self-unioning to fix it. may be able to sort out internal loops which should be holes? polygon = polygon.union(); } return polygon; } /** * Trace to the next position * @param current * @return */ synchronized void traceNext(TraceCoord current){ // Loop over the 3 connecting edges and check if any border // a cell connected to this cell (with 4-neighbour connectivity) // in the same group. int level = levelAccessor.getLevel(current.cell); if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("Current: " + current.toString()); } // Loop over all 4 edges going out from the current edge end point testEdge.edgeStart.setLocation(current.edgeEnd); for(Offset offset : Offset.NGBS4){ // Get the end point of this new edge offset.addTo(testEdge.edgeStart, testEdge.edgeEnd); // Make sure the test edge end doesn't just point back to the start if(current.edgeStart.equals(testEdge.edgeEnd)){ if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tGoes back to start: "+ testEdge.toString(false)); } continue; } // Test the 2 cells on either side of this edge for(int cellIndx = 0 ; cellIndx<=1 ; cellIndx++){ // Get the move-to cell and the other cell testEdge.getCell(cellIndx, testEdge.cell); testEdge.getCell(cellIndx==0?1:0, otherCell); // The move-to cell must have the same level if(levelAccessor.getLevel(testEdge.cell)!=level){ if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tMove-to cell is different level: "+ testEdge.toString()); } continue; } // But the other cell on the edge must be in a different level int otherLevel = levelAccessor.getLevel(otherCell); if(otherLevel==level){ if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tOther cell is same level: "+ testEdge.toString()); } continue; } // Is the move-to cell either the same cell as the current one or connected to it by 4-neighbours? int dx =testEdge.cell.x - current.cell.x; int dy = testEdge.cell.y - current.cell.y; int absdx =Math.abs(dx); int absdy = Math.abs(dy); boolean okMove = false; if(absdx==0 && absdy==0){ okMove = true; if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tStaying in same cell: "+ testEdge.toString()); } } if( (absdx==1 && absdy==0) || (absdx==0 && absdy==1)){ okMove = true; if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tGoing to neighbouring cell: "+ testEdge.toString()); } } // We must have edge which would involve moving the move-to cell on a diagonal // This is OK if the cell between the current and move-to is in the same cell if(absdx==1 && absdy==1){ if(levelAccessor.getLevel(current.cell.x + dx, current.cell.y) == level || levelAccessor.getLevel(current.cell.x, current.cell.y + dy) ==level){ okMove = true; if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tGoing to diagonally neighbouring cell: "+ testEdge.toString()); } } } if(okMove){ current.set(testEdge); return; } if(LOG_TO_CONSOLE){ System.out.println("\tMove-to cell is not reachable from current cell: "+ testEdge.toString()); } } } // failed to trace for some reason throw createTraceFailureException("Couldn't find next point on contour."); } } private static class Offset{ final int dx; final int dy; final EdgeType edge; Offset(int dx, int dy, EdgeType edge) { super(); this.dx = dx; this.dy = dy; this.edge = edge; } /** * 4-connectivity neighbours */ static final Offset [] NGBS4 = new Offset[]{new Offset(-1,0,EdgeType.LEFT), new Offset(+1, 0,EdgeType.RIGHT),new Offset(0, -1,EdgeType.BOTTOM),new Offset(0, +1,EdgeType.TOP) }; void addTo(java.awt.Point addToMe, java.awt.Point result){ result.x = addToMe.x + dx; result.y = addToMe.y + dy; } } public static HeatMapResult build(Iterable<InputPoint> points,double radius, Envelope area, double cellLength, int nbContourLevels, ComponentExecutionApi api){ GeometryFactory factory = new GeometryFactory(); Gaussian g = new Gaussian(radius); CellCoordSystem cellCoords = new CellCoordSystem(area, cellLength); // Allocate the array double [][] data = new double[cellCoords.xDim][]; for(int x =0 ; x < cellCoords.xDim ; x++){ data[x] = new double[cellCoords.yDim]; } // Calculate the number of cells either side of the cell containing the point to search in int searchN = (int)Math.ceil(g.cutoff / cellLength) + 1; // Work out limits for any point which can't contribute to the grid int lowX = -searchN - 1; int highX = cellCoords.xDim + searchN; int lowY = -searchN - 1; int highY = cellCoords.yDim + searchN; // Loop over all points and add contribution to the cells api.postStatusMessage("Calculating density value at each cell"); UpdateTimer timer = new UpdateTimer(250); long nbParsed=0; for(InputPoint point : points){ int cx = cellCoords.getCellX(point.point.getX()); int cy = cellCoords.getCellY(point.point.getY()); if(cx < lowX || cx > highX || cy < lowY || cy > highY){ continue; } int xmin = Math.max( cx - searchN,0); int xmax = Math.min(cx + searchN, cellCoords.xDim-1); int ymin = Math.max(cy - searchN,0); int ymax = Math.min(cy + searchN, cellCoords.yDim-1); for(int ix = xmin ; ix<=xmax ; ix++){ for(int iy = ymin ; iy <= ymax ; iy++){ double x = cellCoords.getCellXCentre(ix); double y = cellCoords.getCellYCentre(iy); double dx = x - point.point.getX(); double dy = y - point.point.getY(); double dist = Math.sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy); double value = g.value(dist) * point.weight; data[ix][iy] += value; } } if(api.isCancelled()){ return null; } nbParsed++; if(timer.isUpdate()){ api.postStatusMessage("Calculating density value at each cell - processed " + nbParsed + " input points."); } } // Get maximum and minimum values double minZ = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxZ = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for(double [] row : data){ for(double z : row){ minZ = Math.min(z, minZ); maxZ = Math.max(z, maxZ); } } // Allocate each cell to a contour level int [][]levels = new int[cellCoords.xDim][]; for(int x =0 ; x < cellCoords.xDim ; x++){ levels[x] = new int[cellCoords.yDim]; } // Define levels HeatMapResult result = new HeatMapResult(); if(maxZ > minZ){ // Calculate ranges double range = maxZ - minZ; double levelWidth = range / nbContourLevels; result.levelLowerLimits = new double[nbContourLevels]; result.levelUpperLimits = new double[nbContourLevels]; for(int i =0 ; i < nbContourLevels ; i++){ result.levelLowerLimits[i] = minZ + i*levelWidth; result.levelUpperLimits[i] = minZ + (i+1)*levelWidth; } // And then assign each cell to a level double oneOverLevelWidth = 1.0/levelWidth; for(int ix =0 ; ix < cellCoords.xDim; ix++){ for(int iy = 0 ; iy < cellCoords.yDim ; iy++){ double z = data[ix][iy]; if(z>0){ int level = (int)Math.floor( z * oneOverLevelWidth); if(level>(nbContourLevels-1)){ level = nbContourLevels-1; } levels[ix][iy] = level; }else{ levels[ix][iy] = -1; } } } }else{ return result; } api.postStatusMessage("Tracing contours"); if(api.isCancelled()){ return null; } Tracer tracer = new Tracer(api,cellCoords, new LevelAccessor() { @Override public int getLevel(java.awt.Point p) { return getLevel(p.x, p.y); } @Override public int getLevel(int x, int y) { if(cellCoords.isInsideGrid(x,y)){ return levels[x][y]; } return -1; } }); //tracer.traceAll(factory, result.groups); tracer.traceAllV2(factory, result.groups); return result; } private static long getXYAsLong(int x, int y){ return (((long)x) << 32) | (y & 0xffffffffL); } // private static int getXFromLong(long l){ // return (int)(l >> 32); // } // // // private static int getYFromLong(long l){ // return (int)l; // } // private static class Gaussian{ final double cutoff; final double cutoffSqd; final double factorA; final double factorB; Gaussian(double radius) { cutoff = radius * GAUSSIAN_CUTOFF; cutoffSqd = cutoff * cutoff; factorA = 1.0/Math.sqrt(2 * Math.PI * radius * radius); factorB = -1.0/ (2 * radius * radius); } double value(double x){ if(x<cutoff){ return factorA * Math.exp(factorB * x * x); } return 0; } } public static class InputPoint{ final Point point; final double weight; InputPoint(Point point, double weight) { super(); this.point = point; this.weight = weight; } @Override public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + ((point == null) ? 0 : point.hashCode()); long temp; temp = Double.doubleToLongBits(weight); result = prime * result + (int) (temp ^ (temp >>> 32)); return result; } public long sizeInBytes(){ return 8*4 + 8 + 8; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) return true; if (obj == null) return false; if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false; InputPoint other = (InputPoint) obj; if (point == null) { if (other.point != null) return false; } else if (!point.equals(other.point)) return false; if (Double.doubleToLongBits(weight) != Double.doubleToLongBits(other.weight)) return false; return true; } } private static double twoDimDistSqd(Coordinate a, Coordinate b){ double dx = a.x - b.x; double dy = a.y - b.y; return dx*dx + dy*dy; } }