package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.presentation; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException; import org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDebugTarget; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.core.LaunchManager; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.ILabelUpdate; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IPresentationContext; import org.eclipse.debug.internal.ui.viewers.model.provisional.IViewerUpdate; import org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaReferenceType; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaStackFrame; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaType; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaValue; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaVariable; import org.eclipse.jface.util.IPropertyChangeListener; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.DebugUtils; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.model.CeylonJDIDebugTarget; class CeylonPresentationContext implements IPresentationContext { private IPresentationContext delegate; public CeylonPresentationContext(IPresentationContext delegate) { this.delegate = delegate; } public String[] getColumns() { return delegate.getColumns(); } public void addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) { delegate.addPropertyChangeListener(listener); } public void removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener) { delegate.removePropertyChangeListener(listener); } public String getId() { return delegate.getId(); } public void setProperty(String property, Object value) { delegate.setProperty(property, value); } public Object getProperty(String property) { return delegate.getProperty(property); } public void dispose() { delegate.dispose(); } public String[] getProperties() { return delegate.getProperties(); } public IWorkbenchPart getPart() { return delegate.getPart(); } public IWorkbenchWindow getWindow() { return delegate.getWindow(); } static IPresentationContext toCeylonContextIfNecessary(IPresentationContext context, IViewerUpdate viewerUpdate) { if (context instanceof CeylonPresentationContext) { return context; } if (isCeylonContext(viewerUpdate)) { return new CeylonPresentationContext(context); } return context; } static boolean isCeylonContext(IPresentationContext context) { return context instanceof CeylonPresentationContext; } static IJavaStackFrame getCeylonStackFrame(IViewerUpdate viewerUpdate) { IJavaStackFrame frame = getStackFrame(viewerUpdate); if (frame != null && DebugUtils.isCeylonFrame(frame)) { return frame; } return null; } private static IJavaStackFrame getStackFrame(IViewerUpdate viewerUpdate) { Object input = viewerUpdate.getViewerInput(); if (input instanceof IJavaStackFrame) { return (IJavaStackFrame) input; } if (input instanceof LaunchManager) { if (viewerUpdate.getElement() instanceof IJavaStackFrame) { return (IJavaStackFrame) viewerUpdate.getElement(); } } IAdaptable context = DebugUITools.getDebugContext(); if (context != null) { return (IJavaStackFrame) context.getAdapter(IJavaStackFrame.class); } return null; } static Boolean isInCeylonFile(IJavaReferenceType type) throws DebugException { String sourceName = null; sourceName = type.getSourceName(); if (sourceName != null && sourceName.endsWith(".ceylon")) { return true; } return false; } static IJavaReferenceType getReferenceType(Object obj) throws DebugException { IJavaReferenceType type = null; if (obj instanceof IJavaReferenceType) { type = (IJavaReferenceType) obj; } else { IJavaValue value = null; if (obj instanceof IJavaValue) { value = (IJavaValue) obj; } else if (obj instanceof IJavaVariable) { value = (IJavaValue) ((IJavaVariable)obj).getValue(); } if (value != null) { IJavaType valueType = value.getJavaType(); if (valueType instanceof IJavaReferenceType) { type = (IJavaReferenceType) valueType; } } } return type; } static Boolean isKnownAsCeylon(String typeName) throws DebugException { if (typeName.startsWith("ceylon.language.")) { return true; } return false; } static Boolean isKnownAsJava(String typeName) throws DebugException { if (typeName.startsWith("java.lang")) { return true; } return false; } static boolean isCeylonContext(IJavaValue value, PresentationType presentationType) { IAdaptable debugContext = DebugUITools.getDebugContext(); if (! (debugContext instanceof IJavaStackFrame)) { return false; } return CeylonPresentationContext.isCeylonContext( (IJavaStackFrame) debugContext, value, presentationType); } static boolean isCeylonContext(IJavaVariable var, PresentationType presentationType) { IAdaptable debugContext = DebugUITools.getDebugContext(); if (! (debugContext instanceof IJavaStackFrame)) { return false; } IJavaValue value = null; try { value = (IJavaValue) var.getValue(); } catch (DebugException e) { return false; } if (value == null) { return false; } return CeylonPresentationContext.isCeylonContext( (IJavaStackFrame) debugContext, value, presentationType); } static boolean isCeylonContext(IViewerUpdate viewerUpdate) { return isCeylonContext( getStackFrame(viewerUpdate), viewerUpdate.getElement(), viewerUpdate instanceof ILabelUpdate ? PresentationType.LABEL : PresentationType.CHILDREN); } public static enum PresentationType { LABEL, CHILDREN } static boolean isCeylonContext(IJavaStackFrame stackFrame, Object element, PresentationType presentationType) { if (stackFrame == null || ! DebugUtils.isCeylonFrame(stackFrame)) { // We are suspended in a Java file => adopt the Java presentations return false; } if (presentationType.equals(PresentationType.CHILDREN)) { IJavaReferenceType type; try { type = getReferenceType(element); if (type != null) { // If the current model element has a Class (variable in the Variables View for example), // Analyze the Class to know whether we use the Java or the Ceylon presentation if (isInCeylonFile(type)) { return true; } String typeName = type.getName(); if (typeName != null) { if (isKnownAsCeylon(typeName)) { return true; } if (isKnownAsJava(typeName)) { return false; } } // We are in a Ceylon stackframe, this class is defined in Java, // and we don't know if it is a Ceylon class // => look at the Ceylon annotation IDebugTarget dt = type.getDebugTarget(); if (dt instanceof CeylonJDIDebugTarget) { CeylonJDIDebugTarget target = (CeylonJDIDebugTarget) dt; return target.isAnnotationPresent((IJavaReferenceType) type, Ceylon.class, 5000); } return false; } } catch (DebugException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return true; } }