package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.complete; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.complete.CompletionUtil.getDefaultValueDescription; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.outline.CeylonLabelProvider.appendTypeName; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.PARAMETER_TYPES_IN_COMPLETIONS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.RETURN_TYPES_IN_OUTLINES; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.java2ceylon.Java2CeylonProxies.utilJ2C; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.ANN_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.ARROW_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.KW_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.MEMBER_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.TYPE_ID_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.TYPE_STYLER; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.styleIdentifier; import static com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.OccurrenceLocation.EXTENDS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.intersectionOfSupertypes; import static com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.isConstructor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.isTypeUnknown; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledString; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledString.Styler; import; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.parse.CeylonParseController; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui.CeylonPlugin; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.OccurrenceLocation; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.escaping_; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ClassOrInterface; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.DeclarationWithProximity; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Function; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Functional; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Generic; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Interface; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Parameter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ParameterList; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Reference; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Setter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.SiteVariance; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeAlias; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeParameter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedReference; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Unit; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Value; public class CodeCompletions { private static boolean forceExplicitTypeArgs( Declaration d, OccurrenceLocation ol) { if (ol==EXTENDS) { return true; } else { //TODO: this is a pretty limited implementation // for now, but eventually we could do // something much more sophisticated to // guess if explicit type args will be // necessary (variance, etc) if (d instanceof Functional) { Functional fun = (Functional) d; List<ParameterList> pls = fun.getParameterLists(); return pls.isEmpty() || pls.get(0) .getParameters() .isEmpty(); } else { return false; } } } static String getTextForDocLink( CeylonParseController cpc, Declaration decl) { Package pkg = decl.getUnit().getPackage(); String qname = decl.getQualifiedNameString(); // handle language package or same module and package Unit unit = cpc.getLastCompilationUnit().getUnit(); if (pkg!=null && (Module.LANGUAGE_MODULE_NAME .equals(pkg.getNameAsString()) || (unit!=null && pkg.equals(unit.getPackage())))) { if (decl.isToplevel()) { return decl.getNameAsString(); } else { // not top level in language module int loc = qname.indexOf("::"); if (loc>=0) { return qname.substring(loc + 2); } else { return qname; } } } else { return qname; } } public static String getTextFor(Declaration dec, Unit unit) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); result.append(escaping_.get_().escapeName(dec, unit)); appendTypeParameters(dec, result); return result.toString(); } public static String getPositionalInvocationTextFor( Declaration dec, OccurrenceLocation ol, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted, String typeArgs) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(escaping_.get_().escapeName(dec, unit)); if (typeArgs!=null) { result.append(typeArgs); } else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, ol)) { appendTypeParameters(dec, result); } appendPositionalArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, false); appendSemiToVoidInvocation(result, dec); return result.toString(); } public static String getNamedInvocationTextFor( Declaration dec, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted, String typeArgs) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(escaping_.get_().escapeName(dec, unit)); if (typeArgs!=null) { result.append(typeArgs); } else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, null)) { appendTypeParameters(dec, result); } appendNamedArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, false); appendSemiToVoidInvocation(result, dec); return result.toString(); } private static void appendSemiToVoidInvocation( StringBuilder result, Declaration dd) { if (dd instanceof Function) { Function fun = (Function) dd; if (fun.isDeclaredVoid() && fun.getParameterLists().size()==1) { result.append(';'); } } } public static String getDescriptionFor( Declaration dec, Unit unit) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(dec.getName(unit)); appendTypeParameters(dec, result); return result.toString(); } public static String getDescriptionFor( DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Unit unit, boolean addTypeParameters) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); Declaration dec = dwp.getDeclaration(); if(dwp.isAlias()){ result.append(dwp.getName()); result.append(" \u2192 "); } result.append(dec.getName(unit)); if(addTypeParameters) appendTypeParameters(dec, result); return result.toString(); } public static String getPositionalInvocationDescriptionFor( DeclarationWithProximity dwp, Declaration dec, OccurrenceLocation ol, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted, String typeArgs) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if(dwp != null && dwp.isAlias()){ result.append(dwp.getName()); result.append(" \u2192 "); } result.append(dec.getName(unit)); if (typeArgs!=null) { result.append(typeArgs); } else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, ol)) { appendTypeParameters(dec, result); } appendPositionalArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, true); return result.toString(); } public static String getNamedInvocationDescriptionFor( Declaration dec, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean includeDefaulted, String typeArgs) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(dec.getName(unit)); if (typeArgs!=null) { result.append(typeArgs); } else if (forceExplicitTypeArgs(dec, null)) { appendTypeParameters(dec, result); } appendNamedArgs(dec, pr, unit, result, includeDefaulted, true); return result.toString(); } public static String getRefinementTextFor( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean isInterface, ClassOrInterface ci, String indent, boolean containsNewline) { return getRefinementTextFor(d, pr, unit, isInterface, ci, indent, containsNewline, true); } public static String getRefinementTextFor( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, boolean isInterface, ClassOrInterface ci, String indent, boolean containsNewline, boolean preamble) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (preamble) { result.append("shared actual "); if (isVariable(d) && !isInterface) { result.append("variable "); } } appendDeclarationHeaderText(d, pr, unit, result); appendTypeParameters(d, result); appendParametersText(d, pr, unit, result); if (d instanceof Class) { String extraIndent = extraIndent(extraIndent(indent, containsNewline), containsNewline); result.append(extraIndent) .append(" extends super.") .append(escaping_.get_().escapeName(d)); appendPositionalArgs(d, pr, unit, result, true, false); } appendConstraints(d, pr, unit, indent, containsNewline, result); appendImplText(d, pr, isInterface, unit, indent, result, ci); return result.toString(); } private static void appendConstraints(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, String indent, boolean containsNewline, StringBuilder result) { if (d instanceof Generic) { Generic generic = (Generic) d; for (TypeParameter tp: generic.getTypeParameters()) { List<Type> sts = tp.getSatisfiedTypes(); if (!sts.isEmpty()) { String extraIndent = extraIndent(extraIndent(indent, containsNewline), containsNewline); result.append(extraIndent) .append("given ") .append(tp.getName()) .append(" satisfies "); boolean first = true; for (Type st: sts) { if (first) { first = false; } else { result.append("&"); } if (pr instanceof Type) { st = st.substitute((Type) pr); } else { st = st.substitute((TypedReference) pr); } result.append(st.asSourceCodeString(unit)); } } } } } static String getInlineFunctionTextFor(Parameter p, Reference pr, Unit unit, String indent) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); appendNamedArgumentHeader(p, pr, result, false); appendTypeParameters(p.getModel(), result); appendParametersText(p.getModel(), pr, unit, result); if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append(" {}"); } else { result.append(" => nothing;"); } return result.toString(); } public static boolean isVariable(Declaration d) { if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d; return td.isVariable(); } else { return false; } } static String getRefinementDescriptionFor( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder("shared actual "); if (isVariable(d)) { result.append("variable "); } appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, pr, unit, result); appendTypeParameters(d, result); appendParametersDescription(d, pr, unit, result); /*result.append(" \u2014 refine declaration in ") .append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/ return result.toString(); } static String getInlineFunctionDescriptionFor( Parameter p, Reference pr, Unit unit) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); appendNamedArgumentHeader(p, pr, result, true); appendTypeParameters(p.getModel(), result); appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), pr, unit, result); return result.toString(); } public static String getLabelDescriptionFor( Declaration d) { return getLabelDescriptionFor(d, true, true); } public static String getLabelDescriptionFor( Declaration d, boolean typeParams, boolean params) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); if (d!=null) { appendDeclarationAnnotations(d, result); appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, d.getUnit(), result); if (typeParams) appendTypeParameters(d, result, true); if (params) appendParametersDescription(d, result, null); } return result.toString(); } private static void appendDeclarationAnnotations( Declaration d, StringBuilder result) { if (d.isActual()) { result.append("actual "); } if (d.isFormal()) { result.append("formal "); } if (d.isDefault()) { result.append("default "); } if (isVariable(d)) { result.append("variable "); } } public static String getDocDescriptionFor( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); appendDeclarationHeaderDescription(d, pr, unit, result); appendTypeParameters(d, pr, result, true, unit); appendParametersDescription(d, pr, unit, result); return result.toString(); } public static StyledString getQualifiedDescriptionFor( Declaration d) { return getQualifiedDescriptionFor(d, true, true, true, CeylonPlugin.getPreferences() .getBoolean(RETURN_TYPES_IN_OUTLINES)); } public static StyledString getQualifiedDescriptionFor( Declaration d, boolean typeParameters, boolean parameters, boolean parameterTypes, boolean types) { return getQualifiedDescriptionFor(d, typeParameters, parameters, parameterTypes, types, null, null); } public static StyledString getQualifiedDescriptionFor( Declaration d, boolean typeParameters, boolean parameters, boolean parameterTypes, boolean types, String prefix, Font font) { StyledString result = new StyledString(); if (d!=null) { appendDeclarationDescription(d, result); result.append(' '); if (d.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { Declaration ci = (Declaration) d.getContainer(); appendQualifyingTypeName(result, ci, prefix, font); appendMemberName(d, result, prefix, font); } else { appendDeclarationName(d, result, prefix, font); } if (typeParameters) { appendTypeParameters(d, result, true); } if (parameters||parameterTypes) { appendParametersDescription(d, result, parameters, parameterTypes); } if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) { if (types) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d; if (!td.isParameter() && !td.isDynamicallyTyped() && !(td instanceof Function && ((Function) td).isDeclaredVoid())) { Type t = td.getType(); if (t!=null) { result.append(" ∊ "); appendTypeName(result, t, ARROW_STYLER); } } } } /*result.append(" \u2014 refines declaration in ") .append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/ } return result; } private static void appendQualifyingTypeName( StyledString result, Declaration ci, String prefix, Font font) { String name = ci.getName(); if (prefix!=null) { int loc = prefix.indexOf('.'); if (loc>0) { prefix = prefix.substring(0, loc); } styleIdentifier(result, prefix, name, TYPE_ID_STYLER, font); } else { result.append(name, TYPE_ID_STYLER); } result.append('.'); } public static StyledString getStyledDescriptionFor( Declaration d) { StyledString result = new StyledString(); if (d!=null) { appendDeclarationAnnotations(d, result); appendDeclarationDescription(d, result); result.append(' '); appendDeclarationName(d, result); appendTypeParameters(d, result, true); appendParametersDescription(d, result, true, true); if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) { if (CeylonPlugin.getPreferences() .getBoolean(RETURN_TYPES_IN_OUTLINES)) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d; if (!td.isParameter() && !td.isDynamicallyTyped() && !(td instanceof Function && ((Function) td).isDeclaredVoid())) { Type t = td.getType(); if (t!=null) { result.append(" ∊ "); appendTypeName(result, t, ARROW_STYLER); } } } } /*result.append(" \u2014 refines declaration in ") .append(((Declaration) d.getContainer()).getName());*/ } return result; } private static void appendDeclarationAnnotations(Declaration d, StyledString result) { if (d.isActual()) { result.append("actual ", ANN_STYLER); } if (d.isFormal()) { result.append("formal ", ANN_STYLER); } if (d.isDefault()) { result.append("default ", ANN_STYLER); } if (isVariable(d)) { result.append("variable ", ANN_STYLER); } } public static void appendPositionalArgs(Declaration dec, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted, boolean descriptionOnly) { appendPositionalArgs(dec, dec.getReference(), unit, result, includeDefaulted, descriptionOnly); } private static void appendPositionalArgs( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (d instanceof Functional) { List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d, includeDefaulted, false); if (params.isEmpty()) { result.append("()"); } else { boolean paramTypes = descriptionOnly && CeylonPlugin.getPreferences() .getBoolean(PARAMETER_TYPES_IN_COMPLETIONS); result.append("("); for (Parameter p: params) { TypedReference typedParameter = pr.getTypedParameter(p); if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) { if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append("void "); } appendParameters(p.getModel(), typedParameter, unit, result, descriptionOnly); if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append(" {}"); } else { result.append(" => ") .append("nothing"); } } else { Type pt = typedParameter.getType(); if (paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(pt)) { if (p.isSequenced()) { pt = unit.getSequentialElementType(pt); } result.append(pt.asString(unit)); if (p.isSequenced()) { result.append(p.isAtLeastOne()?'+':'*'); } result.append(" "); } else if (p.isSequenced()) { result.append("*"); } result.append(descriptionOnly || p.getModel()==null ? p.getName() : escaping_.get_().escapeName(p.getModel())); } result.append(", "); } result.setLength(result.length()-2); result.append(")"); } } } static void appendSuperArgsText(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted) { if (d instanceof Functional) { List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d, includeDefaulted, false); if (params.isEmpty()) { result.append("()"); } else { result.append("("); for (Parameter p: params) { if (p.isSequenced()) { result.append("*"); } result.append(escaping_.get_().escapeName(p.getModel())) .append(", "); } result.setLength(result.length()-2); result.append(")"); } } } private static List<Parameter> getParameters(Functional fd, boolean includeDefaults, boolean namedInvocation) { List<ParameterList> plists = fd.getParameterLists(); if (plists==null || plists.isEmpty()) { return Collections.<Parameter>emptyList(); } else { return CompletionUtil.getParameters(plists.get(0), includeDefaults, namedInvocation); } } private static void appendNamedArgs( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean includeDefaulted, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (d instanceof Functional) { List<Parameter> params = getParameters((Functional) d, includeDefaulted, true); if (params.isEmpty()) { result.append(" {}"); } else { boolean paramTypes = descriptionOnly && CeylonPlugin.getPreferences() .getBoolean(PARAMETER_TYPES_IN_COMPLETIONS); result.append(" { "); for (Parameter p: params) { String name = descriptionOnly ? p.getName() : escaping_.get_().escapeName(p.getModel()); if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) { if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append("void "); } else { if (paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(p.getType())) { String ptn = p.getType().asString(unit); result.append(ptn).append(" "); } else { result.append("function "); } } result.append(name); appendParameters(p.getModel(), pr.getTypedParameter(p), unit, result, descriptionOnly); if (descriptionOnly) { result.append("; "); } else if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append(" {} "); } else { result.append(" => ") //.append(CeylonQuickFixAssistant.defaultValue(p.getUnit(), p.getType())) .append("nothing; "); } } else { if (p==params.get(params.size()-1) && !isTypeUnknown(p.getType()) && unit.isIterableParameterType(p.getType())) { // result.append(" "); } else { if (paramTypes && !isTypeUnknown(p.getType())) { String ptn = p.getType().asString(unit); result.append(ptn).append(" "); } result.append(name) .append(" = ") //.append(CeylonQuickFixAssistant.defaultValue(p.getUnit(), p.getType())) .append("nothing") .append("; "); } } } result.append("}"); } } } private static void appendTypeParameters( Declaration d, StringBuilder result) { appendTypeParameters(d, result, false); } private static void appendTypeParameters( Declaration d, StringBuilder result, boolean variances) { if (d instanceof Generic) { Generic g = (Generic) d; List<TypeParameter> types = g.getTypeParameters(); if (!types.isEmpty()) { result.append("<"); for (TypeParameter tp: types) { if (variances) { if (tp.isCovariant()) { result.append("out "); } if (tp.isContravariant()) { result.append("in "); } } result.append(tp.getName()) .append(", "); } result.setLength(result.length()-2); result.append(">"); } } } private static void appendTypeParameters( Declaration d, Reference pr, StringBuilder result, boolean variances, Unit unit) { if (d instanceof Generic) { Generic g = (Generic) d; List<TypeParameter> types = g.getTypeParameters(); if (!types.isEmpty()) { result.append("<"); boolean first = true; for (TypeParameter tp: types) { if (first) { first = false; } else { result.append(", "); } Type arg = pr==null ? null : pr.getTypeArguments().get(tp); if (arg == null) { if (variances) { if (tp.isCovariant()) { result.append("out "); } else if (tp.isContravariant()) { result.append("in "); } } result.append(tp.getName()); } else { if (pr instanceof Type) { if (variances) { Type t = (Type) pr; SiteVariance variance = t.getVarianceOverrides() .get(tp); if (variance==null) { if (tp.isCovariant()) { result.append("out "); } else if (tp.isContravariant()) { result.append("in "); } } else if (variance==SiteVariance.OUT) { result.append("out "); } else if (variance==SiteVariance.IN) { result.append("in "); } } } result.append(arg.asString(unit)); } } result.append(">"); } } } private static void appendTypeParameters( Declaration d, StyledString result, boolean variances) { if (d instanceof Generic) { Generic g = (Generic) d; List<TypeParameter> types = g.getTypeParameters(); if (!types.isEmpty()) { result.append("<"); int len = types.size(), i = 0; for (TypeParameter tp: types) { if (variances) { if (tp.isCovariant()) { result.append("out ", KW_STYLER); } if (tp.isContravariant()) { result.append("in ", KW_STYLER); } } result.append(tp.getName(), TYPE_STYLER); if (++i<len) { result.append(", "); } } result.append(">"); } } } private static void appendDeclarationHeaderDescription( Declaration d, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) { appendDeclarationHeader(d, null, unit, result, true); } private static void appendDeclarationHeaderDescription( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) { appendDeclarationHeader(d, pr, unit, result, true); } private static void appendDeclarationHeaderText( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) { appendDeclarationHeader(d, pr, unit, result, false); } private static void appendDeclarationHeader( Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (d instanceof TypeAlias && d.isAnonymous()) { return; } if (isConstructor(d)) { result.append("new"); } else if (d instanceof Class) { if (d.isAnonymous()) { result.append("object"); } else { result.append("class"); } } else if (d instanceof Interface) { result.append("interface"); } else if (d instanceof TypeAlias) { result.append("alias"); } else if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d; FunctionOrValue fov = (FunctionOrValue) d; boolean isSequenced = d.isParameter() && fov.getInitializerParameter() .isSequenced(); Type type; if (pr == null) { type = td.getType(); } else { type = pr.getType(); } if (isSequenced && type!=null) { // type = unit.getIteratedType(type); //TODO: nasty workaround because unit can be null // in docs for Open dialogs List<Type> args = type.getTypeArgumentList(); if (args.size()>0) { type = args.get(0); } } if (type==null) { type = unit.getUnknownType(); } String typeName = descriptionOnly ? type.asString(unit) : type.asSourceCodeString(unit); if (td.isDynamicallyTyped()) { result.append("dynamic"); } else if (td instanceof Value && type.getDeclaration() .isAnonymous() && !type.isTypeConstructor()) { result.append("object"); } else if (d instanceof Function) { Functional fun = (Functional) d; if (fun.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append("void"); } else { result.append(typeName); } } else { result.append(typeName); } if (isSequenced) { if (fov.getInitializerParameter() .isAtLeastOne()) { result.append("+"); } else { result.append("*"); } } } result.append(" "); if (d.getName()!=null) { result.append(descriptionOnly ? d.getName() : escaping_.get_().escapeName(d)); } } private static void appendNamedArgumentHeader( Parameter p, Reference pr, StringBuilder result, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (p.getModel() instanceof Functional) { Functional fp = (Functional) p.getModel(); result.append(fp.isDeclaredVoid() ? "void" : "function"); } else { result.append("value"); } result.append(" ") .append(descriptionOnly ? p.getName() : escaping_.get_().escapeName(p.getModel())); } private static void appendDeclarationDescription( Declaration d, StyledString result) { if (isConstructor(d)) { result.append("new", KW_STYLER); } else if (d instanceof Class) { if (d.isAnonymous()) { result.append("object", KW_STYLER); } else { result.append("class", KW_STYLER); } } else if (d instanceof Interface) { result.append("interface", KW_STYLER); } else if (d instanceof TypeAlias) { result.append("alias", KW_STYLER); } else if (d.isParameter()) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) d; Type type = td.getType(); if (td.isDynamicallyTyped()) { result.append("dynamic", KW_STYLER); } else if (type!=null) { FunctionOrValue fov = (FunctionOrValue) d; boolean isSequenced = //d.isParameter() && fov.getInitializerParameter() .isSequenced(); if (isSequenced) { type = d.getUnit().getIteratedType(type); } /*if (td instanceof Value && td.getTypeDeclaration().isAnonymous()) { result.append("object", KW_STYLER); } else*/ if (d instanceof Function) { Functional fun = (Functional) d; if (fun.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append("void", KW_STYLER); } else { appendTypeName(result, type); } } else { appendTypeName(result, type); } if (isSequenced) { result.append("*"); } } } else if (d instanceof Value) { Value v = (Value) d; if (v.isDynamicallyTyped()) { result.append("dynamic", KW_STYLER); } else if (v.getTypeDeclaration()!=null && v.getTypeDeclaration().isAnonymous()) { result.append("object", KW_STYLER); } else { result.append("value", KW_STYLER); } } else if (d instanceof Function) { Function m = (Function) d; if (m.isDynamicallyTyped()) { result.append("dynamic", KW_STYLER); } else if (m.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append("void", KW_STYLER); } else { result.append("function", KW_STYLER); } } else if (d instanceof Setter) { result.append("assign", KW_STYLER); } } private static void appendMemberName( Declaration d, StyledString result, String prefix, Font font) { String name = d.getName(); if (name!=null) { Styler styler = d instanceof TypeDeclaration ? TYPE_STYLER : MEMBER_STYLER; if (prefix!=null) { int loc = prefix.indexOf('.'); if (loc>0) { prefix = prefix.substring(loc); } styleIdentifier(result, prefix, name, styler, font); } else { result.append(name, styler); } } } private static void appendDeclarationName( Declaration d, StyledString result, String prefix, Font font) { String name = d.getName(); if (name!=null) { Styler styler = d instanceof TypeDeclaration ? TYPE_STYLER : MEMBER_STYLER; if (prefix!=null) { styleIdentifier(result, prefix, name, styler, font); } else { result.append(name, styler); } } } private static void appendDeclarationName( Declaration d, StyledString result) { appendDeclarationName(d, result, null, null); } /*private static void appendPackage(Declaration d, StringBuilder result) { if (d.isToplevel()) { result.append(" \u2014 ").append(getPackageLabel(d)); } if (d.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { result.append(" \u2014 "); ClassOrInterface td = (ClassOrInterface) d.getContainer(); result.append( td.getName() ); appendPackage(td, result); } }*/ private static void appendImplText( Declaration d, Reference pr, boolean isInterface, Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci) { if (d instanceof Function) { Function fun = (Function) d; if (ci!=null && !ci.isAnonymous()) { if (d.getName().equals("equals")) { List<ParameterList> pl = fun.getParameterLists(); if (!pl.isEmpty()) { List<Parameter> ps = pl.get(0).getParameters(); if (!ps.isEmpty()) { appendEqualsImpl(unit, indent, result, ci, ps); return; } } } } if (!d.isFormal()) { result.append(" => super.") .append(d.getName()); appendSuperArgsText(d, pr, unit, result, true); result.append(";"); } else { if (fun.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append(" {}"); } else { result.append(" => nothing;"); } } } else if (d instanceof Value) { if (ci!=null && !ci.isAnonymous()) { if (d.getName().equals("hash")) { appendHashImpl(unit, indent, result, ci); return; } } if (isInterface/*||d.isParameter()*/) { //interfaces can't have references, //so generate a setter for variables if (d.isFormal()) { result.append(" => nothing;"); } else { result.append(" => super.") .append(d.getName()) .append(";"); } if (isVariable(d)) { result.append(indent) .append("assign ") .append(d.getName()) .append(" {}"); } } else { //we can have a references, so use = instead //of => for variables String arrow = isVariable(d) ? " = " : " => "; if (d.isFormal()) { result.append(arrow) .append("nothing;"); } else { result.append(arrow) .append("super.") .append(d.getName()) .append(";"); } } } else { //TODO: in the case of a class, formal member refinements! result.append(" {}"); } } private static void appendHashImpl(Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci) { if (hasUniqueMemberForHash(unit, ci)) { Value value = getUniqueMemberForHash(unit, ci); result.append(" => ") .append(value.getName()); if (!value.getType().isInteger()) { result.append(".hash"); } result.append(";"); } else { result.append(" {") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("variable value hash = 1;") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()); String ind = indent + utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent(); appendMembersToHash(unit, ind, result, ci); result.append("return hash;") .append(indent) .append("}"); } } private static void appendEqualsImpl(Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci, List<Parameter> ps) { Parameter p = ps.get(0); StringBuilder targs = new StringBuilder(); if (!ci.getTypeParameters().isEmpty()) { targs.append("<"); for (TypeParameter tp: ci.getTypeParameters()) { if (targs.length()>1) { targs.append(","); } String bounds = unit.denotableType(intersectionOfSupertypes(tp)) .asSourceCodeString(unit); if (tp.isCovariant()) { targs.append(bounds); } else if (tp.isContravariant()) { targs.append("Nothing"); } else { targs.append("out ").append(bounds); } } targs.append(">"); } result.append(" {") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("if (is ").append(ci.getName()).append(targs).append(" ").append(p.getName()).append(") {") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("return "); String ind = indent+utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()+utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()+utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent(); appendMembersToEquals(unit, ind, result, ci, p); result.append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("}") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("else {") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("return false;") .append(indent).append(utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent()) .append("}") .append(indent) .append("}"); } private static boolean isObjectField(Declaration m) { String name = m.getName(); return name!=null && (name.equals("hash") || name.equals("string")); } private static void appendMembersToEquals(Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci, Parameter p) { boolean found = false; Type nt = unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType(); for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) { if (m instanceof Value && !isObjectField(m) && !isConstructor(m)) { Value value = (Value) m; if (!value.isTransient()) { if (!nt.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) { result.append(value.getName()) .append("==") .append(p.getName()) .append(".") .append(value.getName()) .append(" && ") .append(indent); found = true; } } } } if (found) { result.setLength(result.length()-4-indent.length()); result.append(";"); } else { result.append("true;"); } } private static void appendMembersToHash(Unit unit, String indent, StringBuilder result, ClassOrInterface ci) { Type nt = unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType(); for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) { if (m instanceof Value && !isObjectField(m) && !isConstructor(m)) { Value value = (Value) m; if (!value.isTransient() && !nt.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) { result.append("hash = 31*hash + ") .append(value.getName()); if (!value.getType().isInteger()) { result.append(".hash"); } result.append(";").append(indent); } } } } private static boolean hasUniqueMemberForHash(Unit unit, ClassOrInterface ci) { int count = 0; Type nt = unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType(); for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) { if (m instanceof Value && !isObjectField(m) && !isConstructor(m)) { Value value = (Value) m; if (!value.isTransient() && !nt.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) { count++; } } } return count==1; } private static Value getUniqueMemberForHash(Unit unit, ClassOrInterface ci) { Type nt = unit.getNullValueDeclaration().getType(); for (Declaration m: ci.getMembers()) { if (m instanceof Value && !isObjectField(m) && !isConstructor(m)) { Value value = (Value) m; if (!value.isTransient() && !nt.isSubtypeOf(value.getType())) { return value; } } } return null; } private static String extraIndent(String indent, boolean containsNewline) { return containsNewline ? indent + utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent() : indent; } public static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, StringBuilder result, CeylonParseController cpc) { appendParameters(d, null, d.getUnit(), result, cpc, true); } public static void appendParametersText(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) { appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, false); } private static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result) { appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, true); } private static void appendParameters(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, boolean descriptionOnly) { appendParameters(d, pr, unit, result, null, descriptionOnly); } private static void appendParameters(Declaration d, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result, CeylonParseController cpc, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (d instanceof Functional) { List<ParameterList> plists = ((Functional) d).getParameterLists(); if (plists!=null) { for (ParameterList params: plists) { if (params.getParameters().isEmpty()) { result.append("()"); } else { result.append("("); for (Parameter p: params.getParameters()) { appendParameter(result, pr, p, unit, descriptionOnly); if (cpc!=null) { result.append(getDefaultValueDescription(p, cpc)); } result.append(", "); } result.setLength(result.length()-2); result.append(")"); } } } } } public static void appendParameterText(StringBuilder result, Reference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit) { appendParameter(result, pr, p, unit, false); } private static void appendParameter(StringBuilder result, Reference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit, boolean descriptionOnly) { if (p.getModel() == null) { result.append(p.getName()); } else { TypedReference ppr = pr==null ? null : pr.getTypedParameter(p); appendDeclarationHeader(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result, descriptionOnly); appendParameters(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result, descriptionOnly); } } public static void appendParameterContextInfo(StringBuilder result, Reference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit, boolean namedInvocation, boolean isListedValues) { if (p.getModel() == null) { result.append(p.getName()); } else { TypedReference ppr = pr==null ? null : pr.getTypedParameter(p); String typeName; Type type = ppr.getType(); if (isListedValues && namedInvocation) { Type et = unit.getIteratedType(type); typeName = et.asString(unit); if (unit.isEntryType(et)) { typeName = '<' + typeName + '>'; } typeName += unit.isNonemptyIterableType(type) ? '+' : '*'; } else if (p.isSequenced() && !namedInvocation) { Type et = unit.getSequentialElementType(type); typeName = et.asString(unit); if (unit.isEntryType(et)) { typeName = '<' + typeName + '>'; } typeName += p.isAtLeastOne() ? '+' : '*'; } else { typeName = type.asString(unit); } result.append(typeName).append(" ").append(p.getName()); appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result); } if (namedInvocation && !isListedValues) { result.append(p.getModel() instanceof Function ? " => ... " : " = ... " ); } } private static void appendParametersDescription(Declaration d, StyledString result, boolean names, boolean types) { if (d instanceof Functional) { List<ParameterList> plists = ((Functional) d).getParameterLists(); if (plists!=null) { for (ParameterList params: plists) { if (params.getParameters().isEmpty()) { result.append("()"); } else { result.append("("); int len = params.getParameters().size(); int i=0; for (Parameter p: params.getParameters()) { if (p.getModel()==null) { if (names) { result.append(p.getName()); } } else { if (types) { appendDeclarationDescription(p.getModel(), result); } if (names && types) { result.append(' '); } if (names) { appendDeclarationName(p.getModel(), result); } appendParametersDescription(p.getModel(), result, names, types); /*result.append(p.getType().asString(), TYPE_STYLER) .append(" ").append(p.getName(), ID_STYLER); if (p instanceof FunctionalParameter) { result.append("("); FunctionalParameter fp = (FunctionalParameter) p; List<Parameter> fpl = fp.getParameterLists().get(0).getParameters(); int len2 = fpl.size(), j=0; for (Parameter pp: fpl) { result.append(pp.getType().asString(), TYPE_STYLER) .append(" ").append(pp.getName(), ID_STYLER); if (++j<len2) result.append(", "); } result.append(")"); }*/ } if (++i<len) result.append(", "); } result.append(")"); } } } } } }