package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui.CeylonPlugin.PLUGIN_ID; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.EditorUtil.getActivePage; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.findNode; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getIdentifyingNode; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getReferencedExplicitDeclaration; import static java.util.Collections.emptyList; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ISynchronizable; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Position; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.Annotation; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModelExtension; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelection; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ISelectionChangedListener; import org.eclipse.jface.viewers.SelectionChangedEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CaretEvent; import org.eclipse.swt.custom.CaretListener; import org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput; import org.eclipse.ui.IPartListener; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindow; import org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate; import org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Node; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.hover.DocumentationView; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.parse.CeylonParseController; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.parse.TreeLifecycleListener; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.FindAssignmentsVisitor; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.FindDeclarationNodeVisitor; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.util.FindReferencesVisitor; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Referenceable; public class MarkOccurrencesAction implements IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate, CaretListener, ISelectionChangedListener, TreeLifecycleListener { private static final Annotation[] NO_ANNOTATIONS = new Annotation[0]; /** * The ID for the kind of annotations created for "mark occurrences" */ public static final String DECLARATION_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".declarationAnnotation"; public static final String OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".occurrenceAnnotation"; public static final String ASSIGNMENT_ANNOTATION = PLUGIN_ID + ".assignmentAnnotation"; /** * True if "mark occurrences" is currently on/enabled */ private boolean markingEnabled = true; private CeylonEditor activeEditor; /** * The IParseController for the currently-active editor, if any. Could be null * if the current editor is not an IMP editor. */ private CeylonParseController parseController; /** * The document provider for the currently-active editor. Could be null if * the current editor is not an IMP editor. */ private IDocumentProvider documentProvider; /** * The document for the currently-active editor, if any. Could be null if * the current editor is not an IMP editor. */ private IDocument document; private Annotation[] occurrenceAnnotations; /** * Listens to part-related events from the workbench to monitor when text editors are * activated/closed, and keep the necessary listeners pointed at the active editor. */ private final class EditorPartListener implements IPartListener { @Override public void partActivated(IWorkbenchPart part) { if (part instanceof CeylonEditor) { setUpActiveEditor((CeylonEditor) part); if (documentProvider!=null) { retrieveOccurrenceAnnotations(); if (!markingEnabled) { unregisterListeners(); removeExistingOccurrenceAnnotations(); } } } } @Override public void partClosed(IWorkbenchPart part) { if (part == activeEditor) { unregisterListeners(); activeEditor = null; documentProvider = null; document = null; parseController = null; occurrenceAnnotations = null; DocumentationView documentationView = DocumentationView.getInstance(); if (documentationView!=null) { documentationView.update(null, -1, -1); } } } @Override public void partBroughtToTop(IWorkbenchPart part) {} @Override public void partDeactivated(IWorkbenchPart part) {} @Override public void partOpened(IWorkbenchPart part) {} } private boolean canRecompute() { return !activeEditor.isBackgroundParsingPaused() && !activeEditor.isBlockSelectionModeEnabled() && !activeEditor.isInLinkedMode(); } @Override public void caretMoved(CaretEvent event) { try { if (canRecompute()) { int offset = activeEditor.getCeylonSourceViewer() .widgetOffset2ModelOffset( event.caretOffset); recomputeAnnotationsForSelection(offset, 0, document); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent event) { try { ISelection sel = event.getSelection(); if (sel instanceof ITextSelection && canRecompute()) { ITextSelection selection = (ITextSelection) sel; recomputeAnnotationsForSelection( selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength(), document); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public void run(IAction action) { markingEnabled = action.isChecked(); if (markingEnabled) { CeylonEditor editor = (CeylonEditor) getActivePage() .getActiveEditor(); setUpActiveEditor(editor); } else { unregisterListeners(); removeExistingOccurrenceAnnotations(); } } private void registerListeners() { // getDocumentFromEditor() can return null, but register listeners // should only be called when there is an active editor that can // be presumed to have a document provider that has document IDocument document = getDocumentFromEditor(); if (document!=null) { CeylonSourceViewer sourceViewer = activeEditor.getCeylonSourceViewer(); if (sourceViewer!=null) { sourceViewer.getTextWidget() .addCaretListener(this); sourceViewer.getSelectionProvider() .addSelectionChangedListener(this); } } activeEditor.addModelListener(this); } private void unregisterListeners() { if (activeEditor!=null) { CeylonSourceViewer sourceViewer = activeEditor.getCeylonSourceViewer(); if (sourceViewer!=null) { sourceViewer.getTextWidget() .removeCaretListener(this); sourceViewer.getSelectionProvider() .removeSelectionChangedListener(this); } activeEditor.removeModelListener(this); } } private IDocument getDocumentFromEditor() { IDocumentProvider provider = getDocumentProvider(); return provider==null ? null : provider.getDocument(getEditorInput()); } private void recomputeAnnotationsForSelection( int offset, int length, IDocument document) { IAnnotationModel annotationModel = documentProvider.getAnnotationModel( getEditorInput()); Tree.CompilationUnit root = getCompilationUnit(); if (root == null) { // Get this when "selecting" an error message that is shown in the editor view // but is not part of the source file; just returning should leave previous // markings, if any, as they were (which is probably fine) // Also get this when the current AST is null, e.g., as in the event of // a parse error return; } List<CommonToken> tokens = activeEditor==null ? null : activeEditor.getParseController() .getTokens(); Node selectedNode = findNode(root, tokens, offset, offset+length); try { List<Node> declarations = getDeclarationsOf(parseController, selectedNode); List<Node> occurrences = getOccurrencesOf(parseController, selectedNode); List<Node> assignments = getAssignmentsOf(parseController, selectedNode); // removeEditedOccurrences(document, declarations); // removeEditedOccurrences(document, occurrences); // removeEditedOccurrences(document, assignments); int capacity = declarations.size() + occurrences.size() + assignments.size(); Map<Annotation,Position> annotationMap = new HashMap<Annotation,Position> (capacity); addPositionsToAnnotationMap( convertRefNodesToPositions(declarations), DECLARATION_ANNOTATION, document, annotationMap); addPositionsToAnnotationMap( convertRefNodesToPositions(occurrences), OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION, document, annotationMap); addPositionsToAnnotationMap( convertRefNodesToPositions(assignments), ASSIGNMENT_ANNOTATION, document, annotationMap); placeAnnotations(annotationMap, annotationModel); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } DocumentationView documentationView = DocumentationView.getInstance(); if (documentationView!=null) { documentationView.update(activeEditor, offset, length); } } /*private static void removeEditedOccurrences( IDocument document, List<Node> occurrences) throws BadLocationException { for (Iterator<Node> it=occurrences.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Node next =; if (next != null) { CommonToken tok = (CommonToken) next.getToken(); if (tok != null) { try { int start = tok.getStartIndex(); int stop = tok.getStopIndex(); int len = stop-start+1; String docText = document.get(start, len); if (docText.startsWith("\\")) { docText = docText.substring(2); } if (!docText.equals(tok.getText())) { it.remove(); } } catch (BadLocationException e) { it.remove(); } } } } }*/ private void addPositionsToAnnotationMap( Position[] positions, String type, IDocument document, Map<Annotation, Position> annotationMap) { for(int i=0; i<positions.length; i++) { Position position = positions[i]; try { // Create & add annotation String message = document.get(position.offset, position.length); annotationMap.put( new Annotation(type, false, message), position); } catch (BadLocationException ex) { continue; // skip apparently bogus position } } } private void placeAnnotations( Map<Annotation,Position> annotationMap, IAnnotationModel annotationModel) { if (annotationModel==null || (occurrenceAnnotations==null || occurrenceAnnotations.length==0) && annotationMap.isEmpty()) { return; } synchronized (getLockObject(annotationModel)) { if (annotationModel instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) { IAnnotationModelExtension ext = (IAnnotationModelExtension) annotationModel; ext.replaceAnnotations(occurrenceAnnotations, annotationMap); } else { removeExistingOccurrenceAnnotations(); Iterator<Map.Entry<Annotation,Position>> iter = annotationMap.entrySet() .iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<Annotation,Position> mapEntry =; Annotation ann = mapEntry.getKey(); Position pos = mapEntry.getValue(); annotationModel.addAnnotation(ann, pos); } } occurrenceAnnotations = (Annotation[]) annotationMap.keySet() .toArray(NO_ANNOTATIONS); } } private void retrieveOccurrenceAnnotations() { IAnnotationModel annotationModel = documentProvider.getAnnotationModel( getEditorInput()); // Need to initialize the set of pre-existing annotations in order // for them to be removed properly when new occurrences are marked if (annotationModel != null) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Iterator<Annotation> annotationIterator = annotationModel.getAnnotationIterator(); List<Annotation> annotationList = new ArrayList<Annotation>(); while (annotationIterator.hasNext()) { // SMS 23 Jul 2008: added test for annotation type Annotation ann =; String type = ann.getType(); if (type.startsWith(DECLARATION_ANNOTATION) || type.startsWith(OCCURRENCE_ANNOTATION) || type.startsWith(ASSIGNMENT_ANNOTATION)) { annotationList.add(ann); } } occurrenceAnnotations = annotationList.toArray(NO_ANNOTATIONS); } } void removeExistingOccurrenceAnnotations() { // RMF 6/27/2008 - If we've come up in an empty workspace, there won't be an active editor if (activeEditor == null) return; // RMF 6/27/2008 - Apparently partActivated() gets called before the editor is initialized // (on MacOS?), and then we can't properly initialize this MarkOccurrencesAction instance. // When that happens, fDocumentProvider will be null. Initialization needs a fix for that, // rather than this simple-minded null guard. if (documentProvider == null) return; IAnnotationModel annotationModel = documentProvider.getAnnotationModel( getEditorInput()); if (annotationModel==null || occurrenceAnnotations==null) return; synchronized (getLockObject(annotationModel)) { if (annotationModel instanceof IAnnotationModelExtension) { IAnnotationModelExtension ext = (IAnnotationModelExtension) annotationModel; ext.replaceAnnotations(occurrenceAnnotations, null); } else { for (int i=0, length=occurrenceAnnotations.length; i<length; i++) { annotationModel.removeAnnotation( occurrenceAnnotations[i]); } } occurrenceAnnotations= null; } } private Position[] convertRefNodesToPositions(List<Node> refs) { List<Position> positions = new ArrayList<>(refs.size()); for (Iterator<Node> iter=refs.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { Node node =; Node identifyingNode = getIdentifyingNode(node); if (identifyingNode != null) { positions.add(new Position( identifyingNode.getStartIndex(), identifyingNode.getDistance())); } } Position[] result = new Position[positions.size()]; return positions.toArray(result); } private Tree.CompilationUnit getCompilationUnit() { // Do NOT compute fCompilationUnit conditionally based // on the AST being null; that causes problems when switching // between editor windows because the old value of the AST // will be retained even after the new window comes up, until // the text in the new window is parsed. For now just // get the current AST (but in the future do something more // sophisticated to avoid needless recomputation but only // when it is truly needless). return parseController.getLastCompilationUnit(); } private IEditorInput getEditorInput() { return activeEditor.getEditorInput(); } private IDocumentProvider getDocumentProvider() { documentProvider = activeEditor.getDocumentProvider(); return documentProvider; } private void setUpActiveEditor(CeylonEditor textEditor) { unregisterListeners(); if (textEditor == null) { return; } activeEditor = textEditor; document = getDocumentFromEditor(); parseController = activeEditor.getParseController(); if (parseController == null) { return; } registerListeners(); ISelection selection = activeEditor.getSelectionProvider() .getSelection(); if (selection instanceof ITextSelection) { ITextSelection textSelection = (ITextSelection) selection; recomputeAnnotationsForSelection( textSelection.getOffset(), textSelection.getLength(), document); } } private Object getLockObject(IAnnotationModel annotationModel) { if (annotationModel instanceof ISynchronizable) { ISynchronizable sync = (ISynchronizable) annotationModel; return sync.getLockObject(); } else { return annotationModel; } } @Override public void selectionChanged(IAction action, ISelection selection) {} @Override public void dispose() { unregisterListeners(); } @Override public void init(IWorkbenchWindow window) { window.getActivePage() .addPartListener(new EditorPartListener()); } @Override public void update(CeylonParseController parseController, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (activeEditor!=null) { // synchronized (activeEditor) { if (!activeEditor.isBackgroundParsingPaused() && !activeEditor.isInLinkedMode()) { try { activeEditor.getEditorSite() .getShell() .getDisplay() .asyncExec( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (activeEditor!=null) { IRegion selection = activeEditor.getSelection(); recomputeAnnotationsForSelection( selection.getOffset(), selection.getLength(), document); } } }); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } // } } } @Override public Stage getStage() { return Stage.TYPE_ANALYSIS; } private List<Node> getDeclarationsOf( CeylonParseController controller, Node node) { if (controller.getStage().ordinal() >= getStage().ordinal()) { // Check whether we even have an AST in which to find occurrences Tree.CompilationUnit root = controller.getLastCompilationUnit(); if (root!=null) { Referenceable declaration = getReferencedExplicitDeclaration( node, root); if (declaration!=null) { List<Node> occurrences = new ArrayList<Node>(); FindReferencesVisitor frv = new FindReferencesVisitor( declaration); FindDeclarationNodeVisitor fdv = new FindDeclarationNodeVisitor( frv.getDeclaration()); root.visit(fdv); Tree.StatementOrArgument decNode = fdv.getDeclarationNode(); if (decNode!=null) { occurrences.add(decNode); } return occurrences; } } } return emptyList(); } private List<Node> getOccurrencesOf( CeylonParseController controller, Node node) { if (controller.getStage().ordinal() >= getStage().ordinal()) { // Check whether we even have an AST in which to find occurrences Tree.CompilationUnit root = controller.getLastCompilationUnit(); if (root!=null) { Referenceable declaration = getReferencedExplicitDeclaration( node, root); if (declaration!=null) { List<Node> occurrences = new ArrayList<Node>(); FindReferencesVisitor frv = new FindReferencesVisitor( declaration); root.visit(frv); occurrences.addAll(frv.getReferenceNodeSet()); return occurrences; } } } return emptyList(); } private List<Node> getAssignmentsOf( CeylonParseController controller, Node node) { // Check whether we even have an AST in which to find occurrences Tree.CompilationUnit root = controller.getLastCompilationUnit(); if (root!=null) { Referenceable declaration = getReferencedExplicitDeclaration( node, root); if (declaration instanceof Declaration) { List<Node> occurrences = new ArrayList<Node>(); FindAssignmentsVisitor frv = new FindAssignmentsVisitor( (Declaration) declaration); root.visit(frv); occurrences.addAll(frv.getAssignmentNodeSet()); return occurrences; } } return emptyList(); } }