package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor.CeylonEditor.getFences; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultCharacterPairMatcher; public class DoubleClickStrategy extends DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy { protected final IdentifierDetector fWordDetector; protected final DefaultCharacterPairMatcher fPairMatcher; public DoubleClickStrategy() { fWordDetector = new IdentifierDetector(); StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder(); String[][] fences= getFences(); for(int i= 0; i < fences.length; i++) { sb.append(fences[i][0]); sb.append(fences[i][1]); } fPairMatcher= new DefaultCharacterPairMatcher(sb.toString().toCharArray()); } private final class IdentifierDetector { private static final int UNKNOWN= -1; /* states */ private static final int WS= 0; private static final int ID= 1; private static final int IDS= 2; /* directions */ private static final int FORWARD= 0; private static final int BACKWARD= 1; /** The current state. */ private int fState; /** * The state at the anchor (if already detected by going the other way), * or <code>UNKNOWN</code>. */ private int fAnchorState; /** The current direction. */ private int fDirection; /** The start of the detected word. */ private int fStart; /** The end of the word. */ private int fEnd; /** * Initializes the detector at offset <code>anchor</code>. * * @param anchor the offset of the double click */ private void setAnchor(int anchor) { fState= UNKNOWN; fAnchorState= UNKNOWN; fDirection= UNKNOWN; fStart= anchor; fEnd= anchor - 1; } private boolean isIdentifierStart(char c) { return Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c) && c!='$' || c=='\\'; } private boolean isIdentifierPart(char c) { return Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c) && c!='$'; } private boolean isWhitespace(char c) { return c==' '||c=='\r'||c=='\n'||c=='\t'||c=='\f'; } /** * Try to add a character to the word going backward. Only call after forward calls! * * @param c the character to add * @param offset the offset of the character * @return <code>true</code> if further characters may be added to the word */ private boolean backward(char c, int offset) { checkDirection(BACKWARD); switch (fState) { case IDS: if (isWhitespace(c)) { fState= WS; return true; } if (isIdentifierStart(c)) { fStart= offset; fState= IDS; return true; } if (isIdentifierPart(c)) { fStart= offset; fState= ID; return true; } return false; case ID: if (isIdentifierStart(c)) { fStart= offset; fState= IDS; return true; } if (isIdentifierPart(c)) { fStart= offset; fState= ID; return true; } return false; case WS: if (isWhitespace(c)) { return true; } return false; case UNKNOWN: if (c == '.') { fEnd= offset - 1; fState= IDS; fAnchorState= fState; return true; } return false; default: return false; } } /** * Try to add a character to the word going forward. * * @param c the character to add * @param offset the offset of the character * @return <code>true</code> if further characters may be added to the word */ private boolean forward(char c, int offset) { checkDirection(FORWARD); switch (fState) { case WS: if (isWhitespace(c)) { fState= WS; return true; } if (isIdentifierStart(c)) { fEnd= offset; fState= IDS; return true; } return false; case IDS: case ID: if (isIdentifierStart(c)) { fEnd= offset; fState= IDS; return true; } if (isIdentifierPart(c)) { fEnd= offset; fState= ID; return true; } return false; case UNKNOWN: if (isIdentifierStart(c)) { fEnd= offset; fState= IDS; fAnchorState= fState; return true; } if (isIdentifierPart(c)) { fEnd= offset; fState= ID; fAnchorState= fState; return true; } if (isWhitespace(c)) { fState= WS; fAnchorState= fState; return true; } return false; default: return false; } } /** * If the direction changes, set state to be the previous anchor state. * * @param direction the new direction */ private void checkDirection(int direction) { if (fDirection == direction) return; if (direction == FORWARD) { if (fStart <= fEnd) fState= fAnchorState; else fState= UNKNOWN; } else if (direction == BACKWARD) { if (fEnd >= fStart) fState= fAnchorState; else fState= UNKNOWN; } fDirection= direction; } /** * Returns the region containing <code>anchor</code> that is a java word. * * @param document the document from which to read characters * @param anchor the offset around which to select a word * @return the region describing a java word around <code>anchor</code> */ public IRegion getWordSelection(IDocument document, int anchor) { try { final int min= 0; final int max= document.getLength(); setAnchor(anchor); char c; int offset= anchor; while (offset < max) { c= document.getChar(offset); if (!forward(c, offset)) break; ++offset; } offset= anchor; // use to not select the previous word when right behind it //offset= anchor - 1; // use to select the previous word when right behind it while (offset >= min) { c= document.getChar(offset); if (!backward(c, offset)) break; --offset; } return new Region(fStart, fEnd - fStart + 1); } catch (BadLocationException x) { return new Region(anchor, 0); } } } protected IRegion findWord(IDocument document, int anchor) { return fWordDetector.getWordSelection(document, anchor); } protected IRegion findExtendedDoubleClickSelection(IDocument document, int offset) { IRegion match= fPairMatcher.match(document, offset); if (match != null && match.getLength() >= 2) return new Region(match.getOffset() + 1, match.getLength() - 2); return findWord(document, offset); } }