package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.hover; /******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2012 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation * Genady Beryozkin <> - [hovering] tooltip for constant string does not show constant value - *******************************************************************************/ import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.complete.CodeCompletions.getDocDescriptionFor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.complete.CodeCompletions.isVariable; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.complete.CompletionUtil.getInitialValueDescription; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor.Navigation.getJavaElement; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTMLPrinter.addPageEpilog; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTMLPrinter.convertToHTMLContent; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTMLPrinter.insertPageProlog; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTMLPrinter.toHex; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.imports.ModuleImportUtil.appendNativeBackends; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.ALTERNATE_ICONS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.builder.CeylonBuilder.getModelLoader; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.builder.CeylonBuilder.getTypeCheckers; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.DebugUtils.getFrame; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.DebugUtils.getJdiProducedType; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.DebugUtils.producedTypeFromTypeDescriptor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.DebugUtils.toModelProducedType; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.core.debug.hover.CeylonDebugHover.jdiVariableForTypeParameter; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.ANNOTATIONS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.ANNOTATION_STRINGS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.CHARS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.NUMBERS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.STRINGS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Highlights.getCurrentThemeColor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.findNode; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getReferencedDeclaration; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getReferencedNode; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.InteropUtils.toJavaString; import static com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ModelUtil.isResolvable; import static java.lang.Character.codePointCount; import static java.lang.Double.parseDouble; import static java.lang.Long.parseLong; import static org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_BACK; import static org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_BACK_DISABLED; import static org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_FORWARD; import static org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages.IMG_TOOL_FORWARD_DISABLED; import static org.eclipse.ui.PlatformUI.getWorkbench; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaModelException; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaObject; import org.eclipse.jdt.debug.core.IJavaVariable; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.debug.core.model.JDIStackFrame; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.text.javadoc.JavadocContentAccess2; import org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI; import org.eclipse.jface.action.Action; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControlCreator; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextSelection; import org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewer; import org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages; import com.github.rjeschke.txtmark.Configuration; import com.github.rjeschke.txtmark.Configuration.Builder; import com.github.rjeschke.txtmark.Processor; import com.redhat.ceylon.cmr.api.ModuleSearchResult.ModuleDetails; import com.redhat.ceylon.common.Backends; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.TypeChecker; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.context.PhasedUnit; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Node; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.tree.Tree.AnonymousAnnotation; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.browser.BrowserInformationControl; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.browser.BrowserInput; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor.CeylonEditor; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTML; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.html.HTMLPrinter; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.parse.CeylonParseController; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui.CeylonPlugin; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.UnlinkedSpanEmitter; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.model.BaseIdeModelLoader; import com.redhat.ceylon.ide.common.model.CeylonUnit; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.cmr.JDKUtils; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Cancellable; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Class; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ClassOrInterface; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Constructor; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Declaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Function; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.FunctionOrValue; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Functional; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Generic; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Interface; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Module; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.NothingType; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Package; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Parameter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.ParameterList; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Reference; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Referenceable; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Scope; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Type; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeAlias; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeParameter; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedDeclaration; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypedReference; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Unit; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.Value; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.util.TypePrinter; public class DocumentationHover extends SourceInfoHover { public static final String smallerSize = "90%"; public static final String annotationSize = "85%"; public static final String largerSize = "103%"; public DocumentationHover(CeylonEditor editor) { super(editor); } /** * Action to go back to the previous input in the hover control. */ static final class BackAction extends Action { private final BrowserInformationControl fInfoControl; public BackAction(BrowserInformationControl infoControl) { fInfoControl = infoControl; setText("Back"); ISharedImages images = getWorkbench().getSharedImages(); setImageDescriptor(images.getImageDescriptor(IMG_TOOL_BACK)); setDisabledImageDescriptor(images.getImageDescriptor(IMG_TOOL_BACK_DISABLED)); update(); } @Override public void run() { BrowserInput previous= (BrowserInput) fInfoControl.getInput().getPrevious(); if (previous != null) { fInfoControl.setInput(previous); } } public void update() { BrowserInput current = fInfoControl.getInput(); if (current!=null && current.getPrevious()!=null) { BrowserInput previous = current.getPrevious(); setToolTipText("Back to " + previous.getInputName()); setEnabled(true); } else { setToolTipText("Back"); setEnabled(false); } } } /** * Action to go forward to the next input in the hover control. */ static final class ForwardAction extends Action { private final BrowserInformationControl fInfoControl; public ForwardAction(BrowserInformationControl infoControl) { fInfoControl = infoControl; setText("Forward"); ISharedImages images = getWorkbench().getSharedImages(); setImageDescriptor(images.getImageDescriptor(IMG_TOOL_FORWARD)); setDisabledImageDescriptor(images.getImageDescriptor(IMG_TOOL_FORWARD_DISABLED)); update(); } @Override public void run() { BrowserInput next = (BrowserInput) fInfoControl.getInput().getNext(); if (next != null) { fInfoControl.setInput(next); } } public void update() { BrowserInput current = fInfoControl.getInput(); if (current!=null && current.getNext()!=null) { setToolTipText("Forward to " + current.getNext().getInputName()); setEnabled(true); } else { setToolTipText("Forward"); setEnabled(false); } } } static void close(BrowserInformationControl control) { control.notifyDelayedInputChange(null); control.dispose(); } @Override public IInformationControlCreator getHoverControlCreator() { return new CeylonInformationControlCreator(editor, "F2 for focus"); } public static Referenceable getLinkedModel(String location, CeylonEditor editor) { CeylonParseController controller = editor.getParseController(); if (location==null) { return null; } else if (location.matches("doc:ceylon.language/.*:ceylon.language:Nothing")) { Unit unit = controller.getLastCompilationUnit().getUnit(); return unit.getNothingDeclaration(); } return getLinkedModel(location, controller.getTypeChecker()); } public static Referenceable getLinkedModel(String location) { if (location==null) { return null; } for (TypeChecker typeChecker: getTypeCheckers()) { Referenceable linkedModel = getLinkedModel(location, typeChecker); if (linkedModel!=null) { return linkedModel; } } return null; } public static Referenceable getLinkedModel(String location, TypeChecker typeChecker) { int firstColumnIndex = location.indexOf(':'); int moduleVersionSeparator = location.indexOf('/', firstColumnIndex); String moduleName = location.substring(firstColumnIndex+1, moduleVersionSeparator); int secondColumnIndex = location.indexOf(':', moduleVersionSeparator); String moduleVersion = location.substring(moduleVersionSeparator+1, secondColumnIndex); String remainingLocation = location.substring(secondColumnIndex+1); BaseIdeModelLoader modelLoader = getModelLoader(typeChecker); Module module = modelLoader.getLoadedModule(moduleName, moduleVersion); if (module==null || remainingLocation.isEmpty()) { return module; } String[] bits = remainingLocation.split(":"); Referenceable target = module.getPackage(bits[0]); for (int i=1; i<bits.length; i++) { Scope scope; if (target instanceof Scope) { scope = (Scope) target; } else if (target instanceof TypedDeclaration) { TypedDeclaration td = (TypedDeclaration) target; scope = td.getType().getDeclaration(); } else { return null; } if (scope instanceof Value) { Value v = (Value) scope; TypeDeclaration val = v.getTypeDeclaration(); if (val.isAnonymous()) { scope = val; } } target = scope.getDirectMember(bits[i], null, false); } return target; } public String getHoverInfo(ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) { if (editor==null || editor.getSelectionProvider()==null) { return null; } String result = getExpressionHoverText(editor, hoverRegion); if (result==null) { result = getHoverText(editor, hoverRegion); } return result; } @Override public CeylonBrowserInput getHoverInfo2( ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion hoverRegion) { if (editor==null || editor.getSelectionProvider()==null) { return null; } String result = getExpressionHoverText(editor, hoverRegion); if (result!=null) { return new CeylonBrowserInput(null, null, result); } else { result = getHoverText(editor, hoverRegion); if (result!=null) { return new CeylonBrowserInput(null, getModel(editor, hoverRegion), result); } } return null; } static String getExpressionHoverText( CeylonEditor editor, IRegion hoverRegion) { CeylonParseController parseController = editor.getParseController(); if (parseController==null) { return null; } Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode = parseController.getTypecheckedRootNode(); if (rootNode!=null) { int hoffset = hoverRegion.getOffset(); int hlength = hoverRegion.getLength(); ITextSelection selection = editor.getSelectionFromThread(); if (selection!=null) { int offset = selection.getOffset(); int length = selection.getLength(); if (offset<=hoffset && offset+length>=hoffset+hlength) { Node node = findNode(rootNode, parseController.getTokens(), selection); IDocument document = editor.getCeylonSourceViewer() .getDocument(); IProject project = editor.getParseController() .getProject(); if (node instanceof Tree.Type) { return getTypeHoverText(node, selection.getText(), document, project); } if (node instanceof Tree.Expression) { Tree.Expression expression = (Tree.Expression) node; node = expression.getTerm(); } if (node instanceof Tree.Term) { return getTermTypeHoverText(node, selection.getText(), document, project); } } } } return null; } static Referenceable getModel(CeylonEditor editor, IRegion hoverRegion) { Node node = getHoverNode(hoverRegion, editor.getParseController()); return node==null ? null : getReferencedDeclaration(node); } static String getHoverText(CeylonEditor editor, IRegion hoverRegion) { CeylonParseController parseController = editor.getParseController(); Node node = getHoverNode(hoverRegion, parseController); if (node!=null) { IProject project = parseController.getProject(); if (node instanceof Tree.LocalModifier) { return getInferredTypeHoverText(node, project); } else if (node instanceof Tree.Literal) { IDocument document = editor.getCeylonSourceViewer() .getDocument(); return getTermTypeHoverText(node, null, document, project); } else { Referenceable model = getReferencedDeclaration(node); return getDocumentationHoverText(model, editor, node, null); } } else { return null; } } private static String getInferredTypeHoverText(Node node, IProject project) { Tree.LocalModifier local = (Tree.LocalModifier) node; Type t = local.getTypeModel(); if (t==null) return null; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); HTMLPrinter.insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); appendTypeInfo(buffer, node, t); buffer.append("<br/>"); if (!t.containsUnknowns()) { buffer.append("One quick assist available:<br/>"); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("correction_change.png") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<a href=\"stp:" + node.getStartIndex() + "\">Specify explicit type</a>", 20, 4); } //buffer.append(getDocumentationFor(editor.getParseController(), t.getDeclaration())); HTMLPrinter.addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } static String getTypeHoverText( Node node, String selectedText, IDocument doc, IProject project) { Tree.Type type = (Tree.Type) node; Type t = type.getTypeModel(); if (t==null) return null; // String expr = ""; // try { // expr = doc.get(node.getStartIndex(), node.getStopIndex()-node.getStartIndex()+1); // } // catch (BadLocationException e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); HTMLPrinter.insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); appendTypeInfo(buffer, node, t); HTMLPrinter.addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static void appendTypeInfo(StringBuilder buffer, Node node, Type type) { Unit unit = node.getUnit(); String abbreviated = PRINTER.print(type,unit); String unabbreviated = VERBOSE_PRINTER.print(type,unit); String simplified = PRINTER.print(unit.denotableType(type),unit); String desc; if (node instanceof Tree.Term) { desc = node instanceof Tree.Literal ? "Literal of type" : "Expression of type"; } else if (node instanceof Tree.LocalModifier) { desc = "Inferred type"; } else { desc = "Type"; } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("types.png").toExternalForm(), 16, 16, desc + " <tt>" + producedTypeLink(type,unit) + "</tt> ", 20, 4); if (!abbreviated.equals(unabbreviated)) { buffer.append("<p>Abbreviation of ") .append(unabbreviated) .append("</p>"); } if (!simplified.equals(unabbreviated) && !simplified.equals(abbreviated)) { buffer.append("<p>Simplifies to ") .append(simplified) .append("</p>"); } } private static String escape(String string) { return string .replace("\0", "\\0") .replace("\b", "\\b") .replace("\t", "\\t") .replace("\n", "\\n") .replace("\r", "\\r") .replace("\f", "\\f") .replace("\u001b", "\\e"); } private static String getTermTypeHoverText( Node node, String selectedText, IDocument doc, IProject project) { Tree.Term term = (Tree.Term) node; Type type = term.getTypeModel(); if (type==null) return null; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); HTMLPrinter.insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); appendTypeInfo(buffer, node, type); String text = node.getText(); if (node instanceof Tree.StringLiteral) { appendStringHoverInfo(buffer, text); // If a single char selection, then append info // on that character too if (selectedText!=null) { int count = codePointCount(selectedText, 0, selectedText.length()); if (count == 1) { appendCharacterHoverInfo(buffer, selectedText); } } } else if (node instanceof Tree.CharLiteral) { if (text.length()>2) { appendCharacterHoverInfo(buffer, text.substring(1, text.length()-1)); } } else if (node instanceof Tree.NaturalLiteral) { appendIntegerHoverInfo(buffer, text); } else if (node instanceof Tree.FloatLiteral) { appendFloatHoverInfo(buffer, text); } HTMLPrinter.addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static void appendStringHoverInfo( StringBuilder buffer, String text) { String escaped = escape(text); if (escaped.length()>250) { escaped = escaped.substring(0,250) + "..."; } String html = convertToHTMLContent(escaped) .replace("\\n", "<br/>"); buffer.append( "<br/>") .append("<code style='color:") .append(toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(STRINGS))) .append("'><pre>") .append('\"') .append(html) .append('\"') .append("</pre></code>"); } private static void appendFloatHoverInfo( StringBuilder buffer, String text) { text = text.replace("_", ""); try { buffer.append("<br/>") .append("<code style='color:") .append(toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(NUMBERS))) .append("'>") .append(parseDouble(text)) .append("</code>"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } private static void appendIntegerHoverInfo( StringBuilder buffer, String text) { text = text.replace("_", ""); try { buffer.append("<br/>") .append("<code style='color:") .append(toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(NUMBERS))) .append("'>"); switch (text.charAt(0)) { case '#': long hex = parseLong(text.substring(1), 16); buffer.append(hex); break; case '$': long bin = parseLong(text.substring(1), 2); buffer.append(bin); break; default: buffer.append(parseLong(text)); } buffer.append("</code>"); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {} } private static void appendCharacterHoverInfo( StringBuilder buffer, String character) { buffer.append( "<br/>") .append("<code style='color:") .append(toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(CHARS))) .append("'>") .append('\'') .append(convertToHTMLContent(escape(character))) .append('\'') .append("</code>"); int codepoint = Character.codePointAt(character, 0); String name = Character.getName(codepoint); String hex = Integer.toHexString(codepoint) .toUpperCase(); while (hex.length() < 4) { hex = "0" + hex; } String category = getCodepointGeneralCategoryName(codepoint); String script = Character.UnicodeScript.of(codepoint) .name(); String block = Character.UnicodeBlock.of(codepoint) .toString(); buffer.append("<br/>Unicode Name: <code>") .append(name) .append("</code>"); buffer.append("<br/>Codepoint: <code>") .append("U+") .append(hex) .append("</code>"); buffer.append("<br/>General Category: <code>") .append(category) .append("</code>"); buffer.append("<br/>Script: <code>") .append(script) .append("</code>"); buffer.append("<br/>Block: <code>") .append(block) .append("</code><br/>"); } private static String getCodepointGeneralCategoryName( int codepoint) { String gc; switch (Character.getType(codepoint)) { case Character.COMBINING_SPACING_MARK: gc = "Mark, combining spacing"; break; case Character.CONNECTOR_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, connector"; break; case Character.CONTROL: gc = "Other, control"; break; case Character.CURRENCY_SYMBOL: gc = "Symbol, currency"; break; case Character.DASH_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, dash"; break; case Character.DECIMAL_DIGIT_NUMBER: gc = "Number, decimal digit"; break; case Character.ENCLOSING_MARK: gc = "Mark, enclosing"; break; case Character.END_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, close"; break; case Character.FINAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, final quote"; break; case Character.FORMAT: gc = "Other, format"; break; case Character.INITIAL_QUOTE_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, initial quote"; break; case Character.LETTER_NUMBER: gc = "Number, letter"; break; case Character.LINE_SEPARATOR: gc = "Separator, line"; break; case Character.LOWERCASE_LETTER: gc = "Letter, lowercase"; break; case Character.MATH_SYMBOL: gc = "Symbol, math"; break; case Character.MODIFIER_LETTER: gc = "Letter, modifier"; break; case Character.MODIFIER_SYMBOL: gc = "Symbol, modifier"; break; case Character.NON_SPACING_MARK: gc = "Mark, nonspacing"; break; case Character.OTHER_LETTER: gc = "Letter, other"; break; case Character.OTHER_NUMBER: gc = "Number, other"; break; case Character.OTHER_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, other"; break; case Character.OTHER_SYMBOL: gc = "Symbol, other"; break; case Character.PARAGRAPH_SEPARATOR: gc = "Separator, paragraph"; break; case Character.PRIVATE_USE: gc = "Other, private use"; break; case Character.SPACE_SEPARATOR: gc = "Separator, space"; break; case Character.START_PUNCTUATION: gc = "Punctuation, open"; break; case Character.SURROGATE: gc = "Other, surrogate"; break; case Character.TITLECASE_LETTER: gc = "Letter, titlecase"; break; case Character.UNASSIGNED: gc = "Other, unassigned"; break; case Character.UPPERCASE_LETTER: gc = "Letter, uppercase"; break; default: gc = "<Unknown>"; } return gc; } static String getIcon(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof Module) { return "jar_l_obj.gif"; } else if (obj instanceof Package) { return "package_obj.png"; } else if (obj instanceof Declaration) { Declaration dec = (Declaration) obj; if (CeylonPlugin.getPreferences().getBoolean(ALTERNATE_ICONS)) { if (dec instanceof Class) { if (dec.isAnonymous()) { return "anonymousClass.png"; } return "class.png"; } else if (dec instanceof Interface) { return "interface.png"; } else if (dec instanceof Constructor) { return "classInitializer.png"; } else if (dec.isParameter()) { return "parameter.png"; } else if (dec instanceof Value) { return "field.png"; } else if (dec instanceof Function) { return dec.isShared() ? "method.png" : "function.png"; } else if (dec instanceof TypeParameter) { return "variable.png"; } } if (dec instanceof Class) { String icon = dec.isShared() ? "class_obj.png" : "innerclass_private_obj.png"; return decorateTypeIcon(dec, icon); } else if (dec instanceof Interface) { String icon = dec.isShared() ? "int_obj.png" : "innerinterface_private_obj.png"; return decorateTypeIcon(dec, icon); } else if (dec instanceof Constructor) { String icon = dec.isShared() ? "constructor.png" : "constructor.png"; //TODO!!!!!! return icon; // return decorateTypeIcon(dec, icon); } else if (dec instanceof TypeAlias|| dec instanceof NothingType) { return "type_alias.gif"; } else if (dec.isParameter()) { if (dec instanceof Function) { return "methpro_obj.png"; } else { return "field_protected_obj.png"; } } else if (dec instanceof Function) { String icon = dec.isShared() ? "methpub_obj.png" : "methpri_obj.png"; return decorateFunctionIcon(dec, icon); } else if (dec instanceof FunctionOrValue) { return dec.isShared() ? "field_public_obj.png" : "field_private_obj.png"; } else if (dec instanceof TypeParameter) { return "typevariable_obj.png"; } } return null; } private static String decorateFunctionIcon( Declaration dec, String icon) { if (dec.isAnnotation()) { return icon.replace("obj", "ann") .replace("png", "gif"); } else { return icon; } } private static String decorateTypeIcon( Declaration dec, String icon) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) dec; if (td.getCaseTypes()!=null) { return icon.replace("obj", "enum") .replace("png", "gif"); } else if (dec.isAnnotation()) { return icon.replace("obj", "ann") .replace("png", "gif"); } else if (td.isAlias()) { return icon.replace("obj", "alias") .replace("png", "gif"); } else { return icon; } } /** * Computes the hover info. * @param node * @param elements the resolved elements * @param editorInputElement the editor input, or <code>null</code> * @return the HTML hover info for the given element(s) or <code>null</code> * if no information is available * @since 3.4 */ public static String getDocumentationHoverText( Referenceable model, CeylonEditor editor, Node node, IProgressMonitor monitor) { CeylonParseController parseController = editor.getParseController(); if (model instanceof Declaration) { Declaration dec = (Declaration) model; return getDocumentationFor(parseController, dec, node, null, null); } else if (model instanceof Package) { Package dec = (Package) model; return getDocumentationFor(parseController, dec); } else if (model instanceof Module) { Module dec = (Module) model; return getDocumentationFor(parseController, dec); } else { return null; } } private static void appendJavadoc(IJavaElement elem, StringBuilder sb) { if (elem instanceof IMember) { try { //TODO: Javadoc @ icon? IMember mem = (IMember) elem; // String jd = JavadocContentAccess2.getHTMLContent(mem, true); String javadocText = getHtmlContent(mem); if (javadocText!=null) { sb.append("<br/>").append(javadocText); String base = getBaseURL(mem, mem.isBinary()); int endHeadIdx= sb.indexOf("</head>"); if (endHeadIdx>0) { sb.insert(endHeadIdx, "\n<base href='" + base + "'>\n"); } } } catch (JavaModelException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private static String getHtmlContent(IMember mem) { for (java.lang.reflect.Method m: JavadocContentAccess2.class .getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.getName().equals("getHTMLContent")) { try { Object[] args = { mem, true }; return (String) m.invoke(null, args); } catch (Exception e) {} } } return null; } private static String getBaseURL( IJavaElement element, boolean isBinary) throws JavaModelException { if (isBinary) { // Source attachment usually does not include Javadoc resources // => Always use the Javadoc location as base: URL baseURL = JavaUI.getJavadocLocation(element, false); if (baseURL != null) { String urlString = baseURL.toExternalForm(); if (baseURL.getProtocol().equals("jar")) { // It's a JarURLConnection, which is not known to the browser widget. // Let's start the help web server: URL baseURL2 = getWorkbench() .getHelpSystem() .resolve(urlString, true); if (baseURL2 != null) { // can be null if is not available baseURL = baseURL2; } } return urlString; } } else { IResource resource = element.getResource(); if (resource != null) { /* * Too bad: Browser widget knows nothing about EFS and custom URL handlers, * so IResource#getLocationURI() does not work in all cases. * We only support the local file system for now. * A solution could be . */ IPath location = resource.getLocation(); if (location != null) { return location.toFile().toURI().toString(); } } } return null; } public static String getDocumentationFor( CeylonParseController controller, Package pack) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addMainPackageDescription(pack, buffer); addPackageDocumentation(controller, pack, buffer); addAdditionalPackageInfo(buffer, pack); addPackageMembers(buffer, pack); addPackageModuleInfo(pack, buffer); insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static void addPackageMembers( StringBuilder buffer, Package pack) { boolean first = true; for (Declaration dec: pack.getMembers()) { if (dec.getName()==null) { continue; } if (dec instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) dec; if (c.isOverloaded()) { continue; } } if (dec.isShared() && !dec.isAnonymous()) { if (first) { buffer.append("<p>Contains: "); first = false; } else { buffer.append(", "); } /*addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, fileUrl(getIcon(dec)).toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><a " + link(dec) + ">" + dec.getName() + "</a></tt>", 20, 2);*/ appendLink(buffer, dec); } } if (!first) { buffer.append(".</p>"); } } private static void appendLink( StringBuilder buffer, Referenceable model) { buffer.append("<tt><a ") .append( .append(">") .append(model.getNameAsString()) .append("</a></tt>"); } private static String link(Referenceable dec) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); appendLink(builder, dec); return builder.toString(); } private static void addAdditionalPackageInfo( StringBuilder buffer, Package pack) { Module mod = pack.getModule(); if (mod.isJava()) { buffer.append("<p>This package is implemented in Java.</p>"); } if (JDKUtils.isJDKModule(mod.getNameAsString())) { buffer.append("<p>This package forms part of the Java SDK.</p>"); } } private static void addMainPackageDescription( Package pack, StringBuilder buffer) { if (pack.isShared()) { String ann = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATIONS)); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("annotation_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + annotationSize + ";color:" + ann + "'>shared</span></tt>" , 20, 4); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, pack, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(pack)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + HTML.highlightLine(description(pack)) + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } private static void addPackageModuleInfo( Package pack, StringBuilder buffer) { Module mod = pack.getModule(); String label; boolean defaultPackage = mod.getNameAsString().isEmpty() || mod.getNameAsString().equals("default"); if (defaultPackage) { label = "<span>Belongs to default module.</span>"; } else { label = "<span>Belongs to " + link(mod) + " <tt><span style='color:" + toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(STRINGS)) + "'>\"" + mod.getVersion() + "\"</span></tt>" + ".</span>"; } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, mod, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(mod)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, label, 20, 2); } private static String description(Package pack) { return "package " + pack.getNameAsString(); } public static String getDocumentationFor(ModuleDetails mod, String version, Scope scope, Unit unit) { return getDocumentationForModule(mod.getName(), version, mod.getDoc(), scope, unit); } public static String getDocumentationFor(ModuleDetails mod, String version, String packageName, Scope scope, Unit unit) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); String ann = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATIONS)); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("annotation_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + annotationSize + ";color:" + ann + "'>shared</span></tt>", 20, 4); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("package_obj.png") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + HTML.highlightLine("package " + packageName) + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); buffer.append("<p>This package belongs to the unimported module <code> ") .append(mod.getName()) .append("</code>, which will be automatically added to the descriptor of the current module.<p>"); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("jar_l_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + HTML.highlightLine("import " + mod.getName() + " \"" + version + "\"") + "</span></tt></b>", 20, 4); if (mod.getDoc()!=null) { buffer.append(markdown(mod.getDoc(), scope, unit)); } insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } public static String getDocumentationForModule(String name, String version, String doc, Scope scope, Unit unit) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("jar_l_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + HTML.highlightLine(description(name, version)) + "</span></tt></b>", 20, 4); if (doc!=null) { buffer.append(markdown(doc, scope, unit)); } insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static String description(String name, String version) { return "module " + name + " \"" + version + "\""; } public static String getDocumentationFor( CeylonParseController controller, Module mod) { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addMainModuleDescription(mod, buffer); addAdditionalModuleInfo(buffer, mod); addModuleDocumentation(controller, mod, buffer); addModuleMembers(buffer, mod); insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static void addAdditionalModuleInfo( StringBuilder buffer, Module mod) { if (mod.isJava()) { buffer.append("<p>This module is implemented in Java.</p>"); } if (mod.isDefaultModule()) { buffer.append("<p>The default module for packages which do not belong to explicit module.</p>"); } if (JDKUtils.isJDKModule(mod.getNameAsString())) { buffer.append("<p>This module forms part of the Java SDK.</p>"); } } private static void addMainModuleDescription(Module mod, StringBuilder buffer) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (mod.isNative()) buf.append("native"); Backends nativeBackends = mod.getNativeBackends(); if (!nativeBackends.none() && !Backends.HEADER.equals(nativeBackends)) { String color = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATION_STRINGS)); buf.append("(<span style='color:") .append(color) .append("'>"); appendNativeBackends(buf, nativeBackends); buf.append("</span>)"); } if (mod.isNative()) buf.append(" "); if (buf.length()!=0) { String color = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATIONS)); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("annotation_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + annotationSize + ";color:" + color + "'>" + buf + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, mod, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(mod)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + HTML.highlightLine(description(mod)) + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } private static void addModuleDocumentation( CeylonParseController cpc, Module mod, StringBuilder buffer) { Unit unit = mod.getUnit(); PhasedUnit pu = null; if (unit instanceof CeylonUnit) { pu = ((CeylonUnit) unit).getPhasedUnit(); } if (pu!=null) { List<Tree.ModuleDescriptor> moduleDescriptors = pu.getCompilationUnit() .getModuleDescriptors(); if (!moduleDescriptors.isEmpty()) { Tree.ModuleDescriptor refnode = moduleDescriptors.get(0); if (refnode!=null) { Scope linkScope = mod.getPackage(mod.getNameAsString()); Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = refnode.getAnnotationList(); appendDocAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, linkScope); appendThrowAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, linkScope); appendSeeAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer); } } } } private static void addPackageDocumentation( CeylonParseController cpc, Package pack, StringBuilder buffer) { Unit unit = pack.getUnit(); PhasedUnit pu = null; if (unit instanceof CeylonUnit) { pu = ((CeylonUnit) unit).getPhasedUnit(); } if (pu!=null) { List<Tree.PackageDescriptor> packageDescriptors = pu.getCompilationUnit() .getPackageDescriptors(); if (!packageDescriptors.isEmpty()) { Tree.PackageDescriptor refnode = packageDescriptors.get(0); if (refnode!=null) { Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = refnode.getAnnotationList(); appendDocAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, pack); appendThrowAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, pack); appendSeeAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer); } } } } private static void addModuleMembers( StringBuilder buffer, Module mod) { boolean first = true; for (Package pack: mod.getPackages()) { if (pack.isShared()) { if (first) { buffer.append("<p>Contains: "); first = false; } else { buffer.append(", "); } /*addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, fileUrl(getIcon(dec)).toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><a " + link(dec) + ">" + dec.getName() + "</a></tt>", 20, 2);*/ appendLink(buffer, pack); } } if (!first) { buffer.append(".</p>"); } } private static String description(Module mod) { return "module " + mod.getNameAsString() + " \"" + mod.getVersion() + "\""; } public static String getDocumentationFor( CeylonParseController controller, Declaration dec, IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getDocumentationFor(controller, dec, null, null, monitor); } public static String getDocumentationFor( CeylonParseController controller, Declaration dec, Reference pr, IProgressMonitor monitor) { return getDocumentationFor(controller, dec, null, pr, monitor); } private static String getDocumentationFor( CeylonParseController controller, Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, IProgressMonitor monitor) { if (dec==null) return null; if (dec instanceof FunctionOrValue) { FunctionOrValue value = (FunctionOrValue) dec; TypeDeclaration valueType = value.getTypeDeclaration(); if (valueType!=null && valueType.isAnonymous() && !value.getType().isTypeConstructor()) { dec = valueType; } } Unit unit = controller==null ? null : controller.getLastCompilationUnit().getUnit(); Unit declarationUnit = dec.getUnit(); if (declarationUnit instanceof CeylonUnit) { CeylonUnit cu = (CeylonUnit) declarationUnit; PhasedUnit declarationPhasedUnit = cu.getPhasedUnit(); if (declarationPhasedUnit!=null) { declarationPhasedUnit.analyseTypes(Cancellable.ALWAYS_CANCELLED); } } StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); insertPageProlog(buffer, 0, HTML.getStyleSheet()); addMainDescription(buffer, dec, node, pr, controller, unit); boolean obj = addInheritanceInfo(dec, node, pr, buffer, unit); addContainerInfo(dec, pr, node, buffer); if (!(dec instanceof NothingType)) { addPackageInfo(dec, buffer); } boolean hasDoc = addDoc(dec, node, buffer, monitor); addRefinementInfo(dec, pr, node, buffer, hasDoc, unit); addReturnType(dec, buffer, node, pr, obj, unit); addParameters(controller, dec, node, pr, buffer, unit); addClassMembersInfo(dec, buffer); if (dec instanceof NothingType) { addNothingTypeInfo(buffer); } else { addUnitInfo(dec, buffer); } addPageEpilog(buffer); return buffer.toString(); } private static void addMainDescription(StringBuilder buffer, Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, CeylonParseController cpc, Unit unit) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (dec.isShared()) buf.append("shared "); if (dec.isActual()) buf.append("actual "); if (dec.isDefault()) buf.append("default "); if (dec.isFormal()) buf.append("formal "); if (dec instanceof Value) { Value value = (Value) dec; if (value.isLate()) buf.append("late "); } if (isVariable(dec)) buf.append("variable "); if (dec.isNative()) buf.append("native"); Backends nativeBackends = dec.getNativeBackends(); if (!nativeBackends.none() && !Backends.HEADER.equals(nativeBackends)) { String color = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATION_STRINGS)); buf.append("(<span style='color:") .append(color) .append("'>"); appendNativeBackends(buf, nativeBackends); buf.append("</span>)"); } if (dec.isNative()) buf.append(" "); if (dec instanceof TypeDeclaration) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) dec; if (td.isSealed()) buf.append("sealed "); if (td.isFinal() && !(td instanceof Constructor)) { buf.append("final "); } if (td instanceof Class) { Class c = (Class) td; if (c.isAbstract()) { buf.append("abstract "); } } } if (dec.isAnnotation()) buf.append("annotation "); if (buf.length()!=0) { String color = toHex(getCurrentThemeColor(ANNOTATIONS)); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("annotation_obj.gif") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + annotationSize + ";color:" + color + "'>" + buf + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, dec, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(dec)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + largerSize + "'>" + (dec.isDeprecated() ? "<s>":"") + description(dec, node, pr, cpc, unit) + (dec.isDeprecated() ? "</s>":"") + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } private static void addClassMembersInfo(Declaration dec, StringBuilder buffer) { if (dec instanceof ClassOrInterface) { boolean first = true; for (Declaration mem: dec.getMembers()) { if (isResolvable(mem) && mem.isShared() && (!mem.isOverloaded() || mem.isAbstraction())) { if (first) { buffer.append("<p>Members: "); first = false; } else { buffer.append(", "); } appendLink(buffer, mem); } } if (!first) { buffer.append(".</p>"); } } } private static void addNothingTypeInfo(StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append("Special bottom type defined by the language. " + "<code>Nothing</code> is assignable to all types, but has no value. " + "A function or value of type <code>Nothing</code> either throws " + "an exception, or never returns."); } private static boolean addInheritanceInfo(Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, StringBuilder buffer, Unit unit) { buffer.append("<p><div style='padding-left:20px'>"); boolean obj=false; if (dec instanceof TypedDeclaration) { TypedDeclaration d = (TypedDeclaration) dec; TypeDeclaration td = d.getTypeDeclaration(); if (td!=null && td.isAnonymous()) { obj=true; documentInheritance(td, node, pr, buffer, unit); } } else if (dec instanceof TypeDeclaration) { documentInheritance((TypeDeclaration) dec, node, pr, buffer, unit); } buffer.append("</div></p>"); documentTypeParameters(dec, node, pr, buffer, unit); buffer.append("</p>"); return obj; } private static void addRefinementInfo(Declaration dec, Reference pr, Node node, StringBuilder buffer, boolean hasDoc, Unit unit) { Declaration rd = dec.getRefinedDeclaration(); if (dec!=rd && rd!=null) { buffer.append("<p>"); TypeDeclaration superclass = (TypeDeclaration) rd.getContainer(); Type sup = getQualifyingType(dec, pr, node) .getSupertype(superclass); String icon = rd.isFormal() ? "implm_co.png" : "over_co.png"; HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, rd, HTML.fileUrl(icon).toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "Refines " + link(rd) + " declared by <tt>" + producedTypeLink(sup, unit) + "</tt>.", 20, 2); buffer.append("</p>"); if (!hasDoc) { Tree.Declaration decNode = (Tree.Declaration) getReferencedNode(rd); if (decNode!=null) { Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = decNode.getAnnotationList(); appendDocAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, resolveScope(rd)); } } } } private static void appendParameters(Declaration dec, Reference pr, Unit unit, StringBuilder result/*, CeylonParseController cpc*/) { if (dec instanceof Functional) { Functional fun = (Functional) dec; List<ParameterList> plists = fun.getParameterLists(); if (plists!=null) { for (ParameterList params: plists) { if (params.getParameters().isEmpty()) { result.append("()"); } else { result.append("("); for (Parameter p: params.getParameters()) { appendParameter(result, pr, p, unit); // if (cpc!=null) { // result.append(getDefaultValueDescription(p, cpc)); // } result.append(", "); } result.setLength(result.length()-2); result.append(")"); } } } } } private static void appendParameter(StringBuilder result, Reference pr, Parameter p, Unit unit) { result.append("<tt>"); if (p.getModel() == null) { result.append(p.getName()); result.append("</tt>"); } else { TypedReference ppr = pr==null ? null : pr.getTypedParameter(p); if (p.isDeclaredVoid()) { result.append(HTML.keyword("void")); } else { if (ppr!=null) { Type pt = ppr.getType(); if (p.isSequenced() && pt!=null) { pt = p.getDeclaration().getUnit() .getSequentialElementType(pt); } result.append(producedTypeLink(pt, unit)); if (p.isSequenced()) { result.append(p.isAtLeastOne()?'+':'*'); } } else if (p.getModel() instanceof Function) { result.append(HTML.keyword("function")); } else { result.append(HTML.keyword("value")); } } result.append(" "); result.append("</tt>"); appendLink(result, p.getModel()); appendParameters(p.getModel(), ppr, unit, result); } } private static void addParameters(CeylonParseController cpc, Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, StringBuilder buffer, Unit unit) { if (dec instanceof Functional) { if (pr==null) { pr = appliedReference(dec, node); } if (pr==null) return; Functional fun = (Functional) dec; List<ParameterList> pls = fun.getParameterLists(); for (ParameterList pl: pls) { if (!pl.getParameters().isEmpty()) { buffer.append("<p>"); for (Parameter p: pl.getParameters()) { FunctionOrValue model = p.getModel(); if (model!=null) { StringBuilder param = new StringBuilder(); param.append("Accepts "); // param.append("<span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>accepts "); appendParameter(param, pr, p, unit); String init = getInitialValueDescription( model, cpc); param.append("<tt>") .append(HTML.highlightLine(init)) .append("</tt>") .append("."); Tree.Declaration refNode = (Tree.Declaration) getReferencedNode(model); if (refNode!=null) { Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = refNode.getAnnotationList(); appendDocAnnotationContent(annotationList, param, resolveScope(dec)); } // param.append("</span>"); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, model, HTML.fileUrl("methpro_obj.png") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, param.toString(), 20, 2); } } buffer.append("</p>"); } } } } private static void addReturnType( Declaration dec, StringBuilder buffer, Node node, Reference pr, boolean obj, Unit unit) { if (dec instanceof TypedDeclaration && !obj) { if (pr==null) { pr = appliedReference(dec, node); } if (pr==null) return; Type ret = pr.getType(); if (ret!=null) { buffer.append("<p>"); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder("Returns <tt>"); buf.append(producedTypeLink(ret, unit)) .append("|"); buf.setLength(buf.length()-1); buf.append("</tt>."); HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, ret.getDeclaration(), HTML.fileUrl("stepreturn_co.png") .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, buf.toString(), 20, 2); buffer.append("</p>"); } } } private static TypePrinter printer(boolean abbreviate) { return new TypePrinter(abbreviate, true, false, true, false) { @Override protected String getSimpleDeclarationName( Declaration declaration, Unit unit) { return "<a " + + ">" + super.getSimpleDeclarationName(declaration, unit) + "</a>"; } @Override protected String amp() { return "&"; } @Override protected String lt() { return "<"; } @Override protected String gt() { return ">"; } }; } static TypePrinter PRINTER = printer(true); static TypePrinter VERBOSE_PRINTER = printer(false); private static String producedTypeLink(Type pt, Unit unit) { return PRINTER.print(pt, unit); } private static List<Type> getTypeParameters(Declaration dec) { if (dec instanceof Generic) { List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = ((Generic) dec).getTypeParameters(); if (typeParameters.isEmpty()) { return Collections.<Type>emptyList(); } else { List<Type> list = new ArrayList<Type>(); for (TypeParameter p: typeParameters) { list.add(p.getType()); } return list; } } else { return Collections.<Type>emptyList(); } } private static Reference appliedReference(Declaration dec, Node node) { if (node instanceof Tree.TypeDeclaration) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) dec; return td.getType(); } else if (node instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) { Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression mte = (Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) node; return mte.getTarget(); } else if (node instanceof Tree.Type) { Tree.Type t = (Tree.Type) node; return t.getTypeModel(); } else { //a member declaration - unfortunately there is //nothing matching TypeDeclaration.getType() for //TypedDeclarations! Type qt; if (dec.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { ClassOrInterface ci = (ClassOrInterface) dec.getContainer(); qt = ci.getType(); } else { qt = null; } return dec.appliedReference(qt, getTypeParameters(dec)); } } private static boolean addDoc(Declaration dec, Node node, StringBuilder buffer, IProgressMonitor monitor) { boolean hasDoc = false; Node rn = getReferencedNode(dec); if (rn instanceof Tree.SpecifierStatement) { Tree.SpecifierStatement ss = (Tree.SpecifierStatement) rn; rn = getReferencedNode(ss.getRefined()); } if (rn instanceof Tree.Declaration) { Tree.Declaration refnode = (Tree.Declaration) rn; Tree.AnnotationList annotationList = refnode.getAnnotationList(); Scope scope = resolveScope(dec); appendDeprecatedAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, scope); int len = buffer.length(); appendDocAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, scope); hasDoc = buffer.length()!=len; appendThrowAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer, scope); appendSeeAnnotationContent(annotationList, buffer); } else { appendJavadoc(dec, buffer, monitor); } return hasDoc; } private static void addContainerInfo( Declaration dec, Reference pr, Node node, StringBuilder buffer) { Unit unit = node==null ? null : node.getUnit(); buffer.append("<p>"); if (dec.isParameter()) { FunctionOrValue mv = (FunctionOrValue) dec; Parameter ip = mv.getInitializerParameter(); Declaration pd = ip.getDeclaration(); if (pd.getName()==null) { if (pd instanceof Constructor) { buffer.append("Parameter of default constructor of"); appendParameterLink(buffer, (Declaration) pd.getContainer()); buffer.append("."); } } else if (pd.getName().startsWith("anonymous#")) { buffer.append("Parameter of anonymous function."); } else { buffer.append("Parameter of"); appendParameterLink(buffer, pd); buffer.append("."); } // HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, pd, // HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(pd)).toExternalForm(), // 16, 16, // "<span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>parameter of <tt><a " + + ">" + // pd.getName() +"</a></tt><span>", 20, 2); } else if (dec instanceof TypeParameter) { TypeParameter tp = (TypeParameter) dec; Declaration pd = tp.getDeclaration(); buffer.append("Type parameter of"); appendParameterLink(buffer, pd); buffer.append("."); // HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, pd, // HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(pd)).toExternalForm(), // 16, 16, // "<span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>type parameter of <tt><a " + + ">" + // pd.getName() +"</a></tt></span>", // 20, 2); } else { if (dec.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { Type qt = getQualifyingType(dec, pr, node); if (qt!=null) { String desc; if (dec instanceof Constructor) { if (dec.getName()==null) { desc = "Default constructor of"; } else { desc = "Constructor of"; } } else if (dec instanceof Value) { if (dec.isStaticallyImportable()) { desc = "Static attribute of"; } else { desc = "Attribute of"; } } else if (dec instanceof Function) { if (dec.isStaticallyImportable()) { desc = "Static method of"; } else { desc = "Method of"; } } else { if (dec.isStaticallyImportable()) { desc = "Static member of"; } else { desc = "Member of"; } } String typeDesc; if (qt.getDeclaration().getName() .startsWith("anonymous#")) { typeDesc = " anonymous class"; } else { typeDesc = " " + "<tt>" + producedTypeLink(qt, unit) + "</tt>"; } buffer.append(desc + typeDesc + "."); // HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, outer, // HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(outer)).toExternalForm(), // 16, 16, // "<span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>member of <tt>" + // producedTypeLink(qt, unit) + "</tt></span>", // 20, 2); } } } buffer.append("</p>"); } private static void appendParameterLink( StringBuilder buffer, Declaration pd) { if (pd instanceof Class) { buffer.append(" class"); } else if (pd instanceof Interface) { buffer.append(" interface"); } else if (pd instanceof Function) { if (pd.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { buffer.append(" method"); } else { buffer.append(" function"); } } else if (pd instanceof Constructor) { buffer.append(" constructor"); } buffer.append(" "); if (pd.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { appendLink(buffer, (Referenceable) pd.getContainer()); buffer.append("."); } appendLink(buffer, pd); } private static void addPackageInfo(Declaration dec, StringBuilder buffer) { Package pack = dec.getUnit().getPackage(); if ((/*dec.isShared() ||*/ dec.isToplevel()) && !(dec instanceof NothingType)) { String label; if (pack.getNameAsString().isEmpty()) { label = "<span>Member of default package.</span>"; } else { label = "<span>Member of package " + link(pack) + ".</span>"; } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, pack, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(pack)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, label, 20, 2); } } private static Type getQualifyingType(Declaration dec, Reference r, Node node) { if (r!=null) { return r.getQualifyingType(); } ClassOrInterface outer = (ClassOrInterface) dec.getContainer(); if (outer == null) { return null; } if (node instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) { Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression mte = (Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) node; Reference pr = mte.getTarget(); if (pr!=null) { return pr.getQualifyingType(); } } if (node instanceof Tree.QualifiedType) { Tree.QualifiedType qt = (Tree.QualifiedType) node; return qt.getOuterType().getTypeModel(); } return outer.getType(); } private static void addUnitInfo( Declaration dec, StringBuilder buffer) { buffer.append("<p>"); String unitName = null; if (dec.getUnit() instanceof CeylonUnit) { // Manage the case of CeylonBinaryUnit : getFileName() would return the class file name. // but getCeylonFileName() will return the ceylon source file name if any. CeylonUnit ceylonUnit = (CeylonUnit) dec.getUnit(); unitName = toJavaString(ceylonUnit.getCeylonFileName()); } if (unitName == null) { unitName = dec.getUnit().getFilename(); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("unit.gif").toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<span>Declared in <tt><a href='dec:" + HTML.declink(dec) + "'>" + unitName + "</a></tt>.</span>", 20, 2); addPackageModuleInfo(dec.getUnit().getPackage(), buffer); //} buffer.append("</p>"); } private static void documentInheritance(TypeDeclaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, StringBuilder buffer, Unit unit) { if (pr==null) { pr = appliedReference(dec, node); } Type type; if (pr instanceof Type) { type = (Type) pr; } else { type = dec.getType(); } List<Type> cts = type.getCaseTypes(); if (cts!=null) { StringBuilder cases = new StringBuilder(); for (Type ct: cts) { if (cases.length()>0) { cases.append(" | "); } cases.append(producedTypeLink(ct, unit)); } if (dec.getSelfType()!=null) { cases.append(" (self type)"); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("sub.png").toExternalForm(), 16, 16, " <tt><span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>of " + cases +"</span></tt>", 20, 2); } if (dec instanceof Class) { Type sup = type.getExtendedType(); if (sup!=null) { HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, sup.getDeclaration(), HTML.fileUrl("superclass.png").toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>extends " + producedTypeLink(sup, unit) +"</span></tt>", 20, 2); } } List<Type> sts = type.getSatisfiedTypes(); if (!sts.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder satisfies = new StringBuilder(); for (Type st: sts) { if (satisfies.length()>0) { satisfies.append(" & "); } satisfies.append(producedTypeLink(st, unit)); } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, null, HTML.fileUrl("super.png").toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>satisfies " + satisfies + "</span></tt>", 20, 2); } } private static void documentTypeParameters(Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, StringBuilder buffer, Unit unit) { if (pr==null) { pr = appliedReference(dec, node); } List<TypeParameter> typeParameters; if (dec instanceof Generic) { Generic g = (Generic) dec; typeParameters = g.getTypeParameters(); } else { typeParameters = Collections.emptyList(); } for (TypeParameter tp: typeParameters) { StringBuilder bounds = new StringBuilder(); for (Type st: tp.getSatisfiedTypes()) { if (bounds.length() == 0) { bounds.append(" satisfies "); } else { bounds.append(" & "); } Unit du = dec.getUnit(); bounds.append(producedTypeLink(st, du)); } String arg= ""; String liveValue = getLiveValue(tp, unit); if (liveValue!=null) { arg = liveValue; } else { Type typeArg = pr==null ? null : pr.getTypeArguments().get(tp); if (typeArg!=null && !tp.getType().isExactly(typeArg)) { arg = " = " + producedTypeLink(typeArg, unit); } } HTML.addImageAndLabel(buffer, tp, HTML.fileUrl(getIcon(tp)) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "<tt><span style='font-size:" + smallerSize + "'>given <a " + + ">" + tp.getName() + "</a>" + bounds + arg + "</span></tt>", 20, 4); } } private static String description(Declaration dec, Node node, Reference pr, CeylonParseController cpc, Unit unit) { if (pr==null) { pr = appliedReference(dec, node); } String doc = getDocDescriptionFor(dec, pr, unit); StringBuffer description = new StringBuffer(doc); if (dec instanceof TypeDeclaration) { TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) dec; if (td.isAlias()) { Type et = td.getExtendedType(); if (et!=null) { description.append(" => ") .append(et.asString()); } } } if (dec instanceof Value && !isVariable(dec) || dec instanceof Function) { description.append(getInitialValueDescription(dec, cpc)); } String result = HTML.highlightLine(description.toString()); String liveValue = getLiveValue(dec, unit); return liveValue==null ? result : result+liveValue; } static String getLiveValue(Declaration dec, Unit unit) { if (dec instanceof TypeParameter && unit!=null) { TypeParameter typeParameter = (TypeParameter) dec; JDIStackFrame stackFrame = getFrame(); if (stackFrame!=null) { try { IJavaVariable typeDescriptor = jdiVariableForTypeParameter( stackFrame.getJavaDebugTarget(), stackFrame, typeParameter); if (typeDescriptor!=null) { IJavaObject jdiProducedType = getJdiProducedType(typeDescriptor.getValue(), producedTypeFromTypeDescriptor); Type producedType = toModelProducedType(jdiProducedType); if (producedType != null) { return new StringBuilder() .append(" <i>= ") .append(producedTypeLink(producedType, unit)) .append("</i>").toString(); } } } catch (DebugException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return null; } static void appendJavadoc(Declaration model, StringBuilder buffer, IProgressMonitor monitor) { try { appendJavadoc(getJavaElement(model, monitor), buffer); } catch (JavaModelException jme) { jme.printStackTrace(); } } private static void appendDocAnnotationContent( Tree.AnnotationList annotationList, StringBuilder documentation, Scope linkScope) { if (annotationList!=null) { AnonymousAnnotation aa = annotationList.getAnonymousAnnotation(); Unit unit = annotationList.getUnit(); if (aa!=null) { String text = aa.getStringLiteral().getText(); documentation.append(markdown(text, linkScope, unit)); // HTML.addImageAndLabel(documentation, null, // HTML.fileUrl("toc_obj.gif").toExternalForm(), // 16, 16, // markdown(aa.getStringLiteral().getText(), // linkScope, annotationList.getUnit()), // 20, 0); } for (Tree.Annotation annotation: annotationList.getAnnotations()) { Tree.Primary annotPrim = annotation.getPrimary(); if (annotPrim instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) { Tree.BaseMemberExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) annotPrim; String name = bme.getIdentifier().getText(); if ("doc".equals(name)) { Tree.PositionalArgumentList argList = annotation.getPositionalArgumentList(); if (argList!=null) { List<Tree.PositionalArgument> args = argList.getPositionalArguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { Tree.PositionalArgument a = args.get(0); if (a instanceof Tree.ListedArgument) { Tree.ListedArgument la = (Tree.ListedArgument) a; String text = la.getExpression() .getTerm().getText(); if (text!=null) { documentation.append(markdown(text, linkScope, unit)); } } } } } } } } } private static void appendDeprecatedAnnotationContent( Tree.AnnotationList annotationList, StringBuilder documentation, Scope linkScope) { if (annotationList!=null) { for (Tree.Annotation annotation: annotationList.getAnnotations()) { Tree.Primary annotPrim = annotation.getPrimary(); if (annotPrim instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) { Tree.BaseMemberExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) annotPrim; String name = bme.getIdentifier().getText(); if ("deprecated".equals(name)) { Tree.PositionalArgumentList argList = annotation.getPositionalArgumentList(); if (argList!=null) { List<Tree.PositionalArgument> args = argList.getPositionalArguments(); if (!args.isEmpty()) { Tree.PositionalArgument a = args.get(0); if (a instanceof Tree.ListedArgument) { Tree.ListedArgument la = (Tree.ListedArgument) a; String text = la.getExpression() .getTerm().getText(); if (text!=null) { documentation.append(markdown( "_(This is a deprecated program element.)_\n\n" + text, linkScope, annotationList.getUnit())); } } } } } } } } } private static void appendSeeAnnotationContent( Tree.AnnotationList annotationList, StringBuilder documentation) { if (annotationList!=null) { for (Tree.Annotation annotation: annotationList.getAnnotations()) { Tree.Primary annotPrim = annotation.getPrimary(); if (annotPrim instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) { Tree.BaseMemberExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) annotPrim; String name = bme.getIdentifier().getText(); if ("see".equals(name)) { Tree.PositionalArgumentList argList = annotation.getPositionalArgumentList(); if (argList!=null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); List<Tree.PositionalArgument> args = argList.getPositionalArguments(); for (Tree.PositionalArgument arg: args) { if (arg instanceof Tree.ListedArgument) { Tree.ListedArgument la = (Tree.ListedArgument) arg; Tree.Term term = la.getExpression().getTerm(); if (term instanceof Tree.MetaLiteral) { Tree.MetaLiteral ml = (Tree.MetaLiteral) term; Declaration dec = ml.getDeclaration(); if (dec!=null) { String dn = dec.getName(); if (dec.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) { ClassOrInterface container = (ClassOrInterface) dec.getContainer(); dn = container.getName() + "." + dn; } if (sb.length()!=0) sb.append(", "); sb.append("<tt><a "">"+dn+"</a></tt>"); } } } } if (sb.length()!=0) { HTML.addImageAndLabel(documentation, null, HTML.fileUrl("link_obj.gif"/*getIcon(dec)*/) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "see " + sb + ".", 20, 2); } } } } } } } private static void appendThrowAnnotationContent( Tree.AnnotationList annotationList, StringBuilder documentation, Scope linkScope) { if (annotationList!=null) { for (Tree.Annotation annotation: annotationList.getAnnotations()) { Tree.Primary annotPrim = annotation.getPrimary(); if (annotPrim instanceof Tree.BaseMemberExpression) { Tree.BaseMemberExpression bme = (Tree.BaseMemberExpression) annotPrim; String name = bme.getIdentifier().getText(); if ("throws".equals(name)) { Tree.PositionalArgumentList argList = annotation.getPositionalArgumentList(); if (argList!=null) { List<Tree.PositionalArgument> args = argList.getPositionalArguments(); if (args.isEmpty()) continue; Tree.PositionalArgument typeArg = args.get(0); Tree.PositionalArgument textArg = args.size()>1 ? args.get(1) : null; if (typeArg instanceof Tree.ListedArgument && (textArg==null || textArg instanceof Tree.ListedArgument)) { Tree.ListedArgument typeListedArg = (Tree.ListedArgument) typeArg; Tree.ListedArgument textListedArg = (Tree.ListedArgument) textArg; Tree.Term typeArgTerm = typeListedArg.getExpression().getTerm(); Tree.Term textArgTerm = textArg==null ? null : textListedArg.getExpression().getTerm(); String text = textArgTerm instanceof Tree.StringLiteral ? textArgTerm.getText() : ""; if (typeArgTerm instanceof Tree.MetaLiteral) { Tree.MetaLiteral ml = (Tree.MetaLiteral) typeArgTerm; Declaration dec = ml.getDeclaration(); if (dec!=null) { String dn = dec.getName(); if (typeArgTerm instanceof Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) { Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression qmte = (Tree.QualifiedMemberOrTypeExpression) typeArgTerm; Tree.Primary p = qmte.getPrimary(); if (p instanceof Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) { Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression mte = (Tree.MemberOrTypeExpression) p; dn = mte.getDeclaration().getName() + "." + dn; } } HTML.addImageAndLabel(documentation, dec, HTML.fileUrl("ihigh_obj.gif"/*getIcon(dec)*/) .toExternalForm(), 16, 16, "throws <tt><a "">"+dn+"</a></tt>" + markdown(text, linkScope, annotationList.getUnit()), 20, 2); } } } } } } } } } static String markdown(String text, final Scope linkScope, final Unit unit) { if (text == null || text.isEmpty()) { return text; } Builder builder = Configuration.builder() .forceExtentedProfile(); builder.setCodeBlockEmitter(new CeylonBlockEmitter()); if (linkScope!=null && unit!=null) { builder.setSpecialLinkEmitter(new CeylonSpanEmitter(linkScope, unit)); } else { builder.setSpecialLinkEmitter(new UnlinkedSpanEmitter()); } return Processor.process(text,; } private static Scope resolveScope(Declaration decl) { if (decl == null) { return null; } else if (decl instanceof Scope) { return (Scope) decl; } else { return decl.getContainer(); } } public IInformationControlCreator getInformationPresenterControlCreator() { return new CeylonEnrichedInformationControlCreator(editor); } }