package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.correct; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change; import com.redhat.ceylon.model.typechecker.model.TypeDeclaration; /** * Add generic type constraints proposal for following code: * <pre> * interface Foo<T> given T satisfies Comparable<T> {} * * class Bar<T>() satisfies Foo<T> {} * * ------ * * void foo<T>(T t) { * Bar b = t; * } * * ------ * * void foo<T>(T t) { * Entry<Integer, T> e; * } * </pre> */ public class AddSatisfiesProposal extends CorrectionProposal { /* @Deprecated public static void addSatisfiesProposals( Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode, Node node, Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, IProject project) { node = determineNode(node); if (node == null) { return; } TypeDeclaration typeDec = determineTypeDeclaration(node); if (typeDec == null) { return; } boolean isTypeParam = typeDec instanceof TypeParameter; List<Type> missingSatisfiedTypes = determineMissingSatisfiedTypes(rootNode, node, typeDec); if (!isTypeParam) { for (Iterator<Type> it = missingSatisfiedTypes.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { if (! { it.remove(); } //TODO: add extends clause if the type is a // Class which extends Basic or Object } } if (missingSatisfiedTypes.isEmpty()) { return; } String changeText = asIntersectionTypeString(missingSatisfiedTypes); Unit unit = typeDec.getUnit(); if (unit instanceof ModifiableSourceFile) { ModifiableSourceFile msf = (ModifiableSourceFile) unit; ModifiablePhasedUnit<IProject,IResource,IFolder,IFile> phasedUnit = msf.getPhasedUnit(); Tree.CompilationUnit decRootNode = phasedUnit.getCompilationUnit(); Node declaration = determineContainer(decRootNode, typeDec); if (declaration!=null) { IFile file = phasedUnit.getResourceFile(); if (file != null) { createProposals(proposals, typeDec, isTypeParam, changeText, file, declaration, node.getUnit().equals(unit)); } } } } @Deprecated private static void createProposals( Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, TypeDeclaration typeDec, boolean isTypeParam, String changeText, IFile file, Node declaration, boolean sameFile) { if (isTypeParam) { if (declaration instanceof Tree.ClassDefinition) { Tree.ClassDefinition classDefinition = (Tree.ClassDefinition) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, classDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), classDefinition.getClassBody().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.InterfaceDefinition) { Tree.InterfaceDefinition interfaceDefinition = (Tree.InterfaceDefinition) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, interfaceDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), interfaceDefinition.getInterfaceBody().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.MethodDefinition) { Tree.MethodDefinition methodDefinition = (Tree.MethodDefinition) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, methodDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), methodDefinition.getBlock().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.ClassDeclaration) { Tree.ClassDeclaration classDefinition = (Tree.ClassDeclaration) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, classDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), classDefinition.getClassSpecifier().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.InterfaceDefinition) { Tree.InterfaceDeclaration interfaceDefinition = (Tree.InterfaceDeclaration) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, interfaceDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), interfaceDefinition.getTypeSpecifier().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.MethodDeclaration) { Tree.MethodDeclaration methodDefinition = (Tree.MethodDeclaration) declaration; addConstraintSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, methodDefinition.getTypeConstraintList(), methodDefinition.getSpecifierExpression().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } } else { if (declaration instanceof Tree.ClassDefinition) { Tree.ClassDefinition classDefinition = (Tree.ClassDefinition) declaration; addSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, classDefinition.getSatisfiedTypes(), classDefinition.getTypeConstraintList()==null ? classDefinition.getClassBody().getStartIndex() : classDefinition.getTypeConstraintList().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.ObjectDefinition) { Tree.ObjectDefinition objectDefinition = (Tree.ObjectDefinition) declaration; addSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, objectDefinition.getSatisfiedTypes(), objectDefinition.getClassBody().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } else if (declaration instanceof Tree.InterfaceDefinition) { Tree.InterfaceDefinition interfaceDefinition = (Tree.InterfaceDefinition) declaration; addSatisfiesProposals(typeDec, changeText, file, proposals, interfaceDefinition.getSatisfiedTypes(), interfaceDefinition.getTypeConstraintList()==null ? interfaceDefinition.getInterfaceBody().getStartIndex() : interfaceDefinition.getTypeConstraintList().getStartIndex(), sameFile); } } } @Deprecated private static void addConstraintSatisfiesProposals( TypeDeclaration typeParam, String missingSatisfiedType, IFile file, Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, TypeConstraintList typeConstraints, Integer typeContainerBodyStartIndex, boolean sameFile) { String changeText = null; Integer changeIndex = null; if (typeConstraints != null) { for (TypeConstraint typeConstraint: typeConstraints.getTypeConstraints()) { if (typeConstraint.getDeclarationModel() .equals(typeParam)) { changeText = " & " + missingSatisfiedType; changeIndex = typeConstraint.getEndIndex(); break; } } } if (changeText == null) { changeText = "given "+ typeParam.getName() + " satisfies " + missingSatisfiedType + " "; changeIndex = typeContainerBodyStartIndex; } if (changeText != null) { TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange( "Add Type Constraint", file); tfc.setEdit(new InsertEdit(changeIndex, changeText)); String desc = "Add generic type constraint '" + typeParam.getName() + " satisfies " + missingSatisfiedType + "'"; Region region = sameFile ? new Region(changeIndex, changeText.length()) : null; CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange( "Add Type Constraint"); change.add(tfc); AddSatisfiesProposal proposal = new AddSatisfiesProposal( typeParam, desc, missingSatisfiedType, change, region); if ( !proposals.contains(proposal)) { proposals.add(proposal); } } } @Deprecated private static void addSatisfiesProposals( TypeDeclaration typeParam, String missingSatisfiedType, IFile file, Collection<ICompletionProposal> proposals, Tree.SatisfiedTypes typeConstraints, Integer typeContainerBodyStartIndex, boolean sameFile) { String changeText = null; Integer changeIndex = null; if (typeConstraints != null) { changeText = " & " + missingSatisfiedType; changeIndex = typeConstraints.getEndIndex(); } else if (changeText == null) { changeText = "satisfies " + missingSatisfiedType + " "; changeIndex = typeContainerBodyStartIndex; } if (changeText != null) { TextFileChange tfc = new TextFileChange( "Add Inherited Interface", file); tfc.setEdit(new InsertEdit(changeIndex, changeText)); String desc = "Add inherited interface '" + typeParam.getName() + " satisfies " + missingSatisfiedType + "'"; Region region = sameFile ? new Region(changeIndex, changeText.length()) : null; CompositeChange change = new CompositeChange( "Add Inherited Interface"); change.add(tfc); AddSatisfiesProposal proposal = new AddSatisfiesProposal( typeParam, desc, missingSatisfiedType, change, region); if (!proposals.contains(proposal)) { proposals.add(proposal); } } } @Deprecated private static Node determineNode(Node node) { if (node instanceof Tree.SpecifierExpression) { Tree.SpecifierExpression specifierExpression = (Tree.SpecifierExpression) node; node = specifierExpression.getExpression(); } if (node instanceof Tree.Expression) { Tree.Expression expression = (Tree.Expression) node; node = expression.getTerm(); } return node; } @Deprecated private static TypeDeclaration determineTypeDeclaration(Node node) { TypeDeclaration typeDec = null; if (node instanceof Tree.ClassOrInterface || node instanceof Tree.TypeParameterDeclaration) { Tree.Declaration d = (Tree.Declaration) node; Declaration declaration = d.getDeclarationModel(); if (declaration instanceof ClassOrInterface) { typeDec = (TypeDeclaration) declaration; } } else if (node instanceof Tree.ObjectDefinition) { Tree.ObjectDefinition od = (Tree.ObjectDefinition) node; Value val = od.getDeclarationModel(); return val.getType().getDeclaration(); } else if (node instanceof Tree.BaseType) { Tree.BaseType bt = (Tree.BaseType) node; TypeDeclaration baseTypeDecl = bt.getDeclarationModel(); if (baseTypeDecl instanceof TypeDeclaration) { typeDec = baseTypeDecl; } } else if (node instanceof Tree.Term) { Tree.Term t = (Tree.Term) node; Type type = t.getTypeModel(); if (type != null) { typeDec = type.getDeclaration(); } } return typeDec; } @Deprecated private static Node determineContainer( Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode, final TypeDeclaration typeDec) { FindDeclarationNodeVisitor fdv = new FindDeclarationNodeVisitor(typeDec) { @Override public void visit(Tree.ObjectDefinition that) { if (that.getDeclarationModel().getType() .getDeclaration().equals(typeDec)) { setDeclarationNode(that); } super.visit(that); } }; fdv.visit(rootNode); Tree.Declaration dec = (Tree.Declaration) fdv.getDeclarationNode(); if (dec != null) { FindContainerVisitor fcv = new FindContainerVisitor(dec); fcv.visit(rootNode); return fcv.getStatementOrArgument(); } return null; } @Deprecated private static List<Type> determineMissingSatisfiedTypes( Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode, Node node, TypeDeclaration typeDec) { List<Type> missingSatisfiedTypes = new ArrayList<Type>(); if (node instanceof Tree.Term) { FindInvocationVisitor fav = new FindInvocationVisitor(node); fav.visit(rootNode); if (fav.parameter != null) { Type type = fav.parameter.getType(); if (type!=null && type.getDeclaration()!=null) { if (type.isClassOrInterface()) { missingSatisfiedTypes.add(type); } else if (type.isIntersection()) { for (Type it: type.getSatisfiedTypes()) { if (!typeDec.inherits(it.getDeclaration())) { missingSatisfiedTypes.add(it); } } } } } } else { List<TypeParameter> stTypeParams = determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams( rootNode, node, typeDec); if (!stTypeParams.isEmpty()) { Type typeParamType = typeDec.getType(); Map<TypeParameter, Type> substitutions = new HashMap<TypeParameter, Type>(); for (TypeParameter stTypeParam : stTypeParams) { substitutions.put(stTypeParam, typeParamType); } for (TypeParameter stTypeParam : stTypeParams) { for (Type stTypeParamSatisfiedType: stTypeParam.getSatisfiedTypes()) { stTypeParamSatisfiedType = stTypeParamSatisfiedType.substitute( substitutions, null); boolean isMissing = true; for (Type typeParamSatisfiedType: typeDec.getSatisfiedTypes()) { if (stTypeParamSatisfiedType.isSupertypeOf( typeParamSatisfiedType)) { isMissing = false; break; } } if (isMissing) { for(Type missingSatisfiedType: missingSatisfiedTypes) { if( missingSatisfiedType.isExactly( stTypeParamSatisfiedType) ) { isMissing = false; break; } } } if (isMissing) { missingSatisfiedTypes.add( stTypeParamSatisfiedType); } } } } } return missingSatisfiedTypes; } @Deprecated private static List<TypeParameter> determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams( Tree.CompilationUnit rootNode, final Node typeParamNode, final TypeDeclaration typeDec) { final List<TypeParameter> stTypeParams = new ArrayList<TypeParameter>(); new Visitor() { private void determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams( TypeDeclaration typeParam, Declaration stDecl, Tree.TypeArguments args, List<TypeParameter> stTypeParams, Node typeParamNode) { if (args instanceof Tree.TypeArgumentList) { Tree.TypeArgumentList tal = (Tree.TypeArgumentList) args; List<Tree.Type> stTypeArguments = tal.getTypes(); if (stTypeArguments.contains(typeParamNode) && stDecl instanceof Generic) { for (int i=0; i<stTypeArguments.size(); i++) { Tree.Type type = stTypeArguments.get(i); if (type instanceof Tree.SimpleType) { Tree.SimpleType st = (Tree.SimpleType) type; TypeDeclaration td = st.getDeclarationModel(); if (td!=null && typeParam.equals(td)) { Generic g = (Generic) stDecl; List<TypeParameter> typeParameters = g.getTypeParameters(); if (typeParameters!=null && typeParameters.size()>i) { stTypeParams.add(typeParameters.get(i)); } } } } } } } @Override public void visit(Tree.SimpleType that) { super.visit(that); determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams(typeDec, that.getDeclarationModel(), that.getTypeArgumentList(), stTypeParams, typeParamNode); } @Override public void visit(Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression that) { super.visit(that); determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams(typeDec, that.getDeclaration(), that.getTypeArguments(), stTypeParams, typeParamNode); } }.visit(rootNode); // if (soa instanceof Tree.ClassOrInterface) { // Tree.ClassOrInterface coi = (Tree.ClassOrInterface) soa; // if (coi.getSatisfiedTypes() != null) { // for (Tree.StaticType st: coi.getSatisfiedTypes().getTypes()) { // // FIXME: gavin this needs checking // if (st instanceof Tree.SimpleType) { // } // } // } // } // else if (soa instanceof Tree.AttributeDeclaration) { // Tree.AttributeDeclaration ad = (Tree.AttributeDeclaration) soa; // Tree.Type at = ad.getType(); // if (at instanceof Tree.SimpleType) { // determineSatisfiedTypesTypeParams(typeDec, // (Tree.SimpleType) at, stTypeParams); // } // } return stTypeParams; }*/ private final TypeDeclaration typeParam; private final String missingSatisfiedTypeText; AddSatisfiesProposal(TypeDeclaration typeParam, String description, String missingSatisfiedTypeText, Change change, Region selection) { super(description, change, selection); this.typeParam = typeParam; this.missingSatisfiedTypeText = missingSatisfiedTypeText; } @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (obj instanceof AddSatisfiesProposal) { AddSatisfiesProposal that = (AddSatisfiesProposal) obj; return that.typeParam.equals(typeParam) && that.missingSatisfiedTypeText .equals(missingSatisfiedTypeText); } return false; } @Override public int hashCode() { return typeParam.hashCode() + missingSatisfiedTypeText.hashCode(); } }