package com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.editor; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.ASTRING_LITERAL; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.AVERBATIM_STRING; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.CHAR_LITERAL; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.LINE_COMMENT; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.MULTI_COMMENT; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.STRING_END; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.STRING_LITERAL; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.STRING_MID; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.STRING_START; import static com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer.VERBATIM_STRING; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_ANGLES; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_BACKTICKS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_BRACES; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_BRACKETS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_PARENS; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.code.preferences.CeylonPreferenceInitializer.CLOSE_QUOTES; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getTokenIndexAtCharacter; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes.getTokenIterator; import static java.lang.Character.isDigit; import static java.lang.Character.isJavaIdentifierPart; import static java.lang.Character.isLetter; import static java.lang.Character.isUpperCase; import static java.lang.Character.isWhitespace; import static org.antlr.runtime.Token.HIDDEN_CHANNEL; import static com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.java2ceylon.Java2CeylonProxies.utilJ2C; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.antlr.runtime.CommonToken; import org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore; import org.eclipse.jface.text.BadLocationException; import org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentCommand; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument; import org.eclipse.jface.text.IRegion; import org.eclipse.jface.text.Region; import com.redhat.ceylon.compiler.typechecker.parser.CeylonLexer; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.ui.CeylonPlugin; import com.redhat.ceylon.eclipse.util.Nodes; class AutoEdit { public AutoEdit(IDocument document, List<CommonToken> tokens, DocumentCommand command) { this.document = document; this.tokens = tokens; this.command = command; } private IDocument document; private List<CommonToken> tokens; private DocumentCommand command; //TODO: when pasting inside an existing string literal, should // we automagically escape unescaped quotes in the pasted // text? public void customizeDocumentCommand() { //Note that Correct Indentation sends us a tab //character at the start of each line of selected //text. This is amazingly sucky because it's very //difficult to distinguish Correct Indentation from //an actual typed tab. //Note also that typed tabs are replaced with spaces //before this method is called if the spacesfortabs //setting is enabled. if (command.text!=null) { //command.length>0 means we are replacing or deleting text if (command.length==0) { if (command.text.isEmpty()) { //workaround for a really annoying bug where we //get sent "" instead of "\t" or " " by IMP //reconstruct what we would have been sent //without the bug if (getIndentWithSpaces()) { int overhang = getPrefix().length() % getIndentSpaces(); command.text = getDefaultIndent() .substring(overhang); } else { command.text = "\t"; } smartIndentOnKeypress(); } else if (isLineEnding(command.text)) { //a typed newline (might have length 1 or 2, //depending on the platform) smartIndentAfterNewline(); } else if (command.text.length()==1 || //when spacesfortabs is enabled, we get //sent spaces instead of a tab - the right //number of spaces to take us to the next //tab stop getIndentWithSpaces() && isIndent(getPrefix())) { //anything that might represent a single //keypress or a Correct Indentation smartIndentOnKeypress(); } } if (command.text!=null && command.text.length()==1 && command.length==0) { closeOpening(); } } } private String getDefaultIndent() { return utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultIndent(); } private int getIndentSpaces() { return (int) utilJ2C().indents().getIndentSpaces(); } private boolean getIndentWithSpaces() { return utilJ2C().indents().getIndentWithSpaces(); } private static String[][] FENCES = { { "'", "'", CLOSE_QUOTES }, { "\"", "\"", CLOSE_QUOTES }, { "`", "`", CLOSE_BACKTICKS }, { "<", ">", CLOSE_ANGLES }, { "(", ")", CLOSE_PARENS }, { "[", "]", CLOSE_BRACKETS }}; private void closeOpening() { if (isCommented(command.offset)) { return; } boolean quoted = isQuoted(command.offset); String current = command.text; try { // don't close fences after a backslash escape // TODO: improve this, check the surrounding // token type! if (command.offset>0 && document.getChar(command.offset-1)=='\\') { return; } // don't close fences before an identifier, // literal or opening paren if (!quoted && //there are special rules for < below !current.equals("<")) { int curr = command.offset; while (curr<document.getLength()) { char ch = document.getChar(curr++); if (isLetter(ch) || isDigit(ch) || ch=='(') { return; } if (ch=='"' && !"\"".equals(current) && !"`".equals(current)) { return; } if (ch=='\'' && !"\'".equals(current)) { return; } if (ch!=' ') { break; } } } } catch (BadLocationException e) {} String opening = null; String closing = null; boolean found=false; IPreferenceStore store = CeylonPlugin.getPreferences(); for (String[] type: FENCES) { if (type[0].equals(current) || type[1].equals(current)) { if (store==null || store.getBoolean(type[2])) { opening = type[0]; closing = type[1]; found = true; break; } } } if (found) { if (current.equals(closing)) { //typed character is a closing fence try { // skip one ahead if next char is already a closing fence if (skipClosingFence(closing) && closeOpeningFence(opening, closing)) { command.text = null; command.shiftsCaret = false; command.caretOffset = command.offset + 1; return; } } catch (BadLocationException e) {} } boolean isInterpolation = isGraveAccentCharacterInStringLiteral(command.offset, opening); boolean isDocLink = isOpeningBracketInAnnotationStringLiteral(command.offset, opening); if (current.equals(opening) && (isInterpolation || isDocLink || !quoted)) { //typed character is an opening fence if (isInterpolation || isDocLink || closeOpeningFence(opening, closing)) { //add a closing fence command.shiftsCaret = false; command.caretOffset = command.offset + 1; if (isInterpolation) { try { if (command.offset>1 && document.get(command.offset-1,1) .equals("`") && !document.get(command.offset-2,1) .equals("`")) { command.text += "``"; } } catch (BadLocationException e) {} } else if (isDocLink) { try { if (command.offset>1 && document.get(command.offset-1,1) .equals("[") && !document.get(command.offset-2,1) .equals("]")) { command.text += "]]"; } } catch (BadLocationException e) {} } else if (opening.equals("\"")) { try { if (command.offset<=1 || !document.get(command.offset-1,1) .equals("\"")) { command.text += closing; } else if (command.offset>1 && document.get(command.offset-2,2) .equals("\"\"") && !(command.offset>2 && document.get(command.offset-3,1) .equals("\""))) { command.text += "\"\"\""; } } catch (BadLocationException e) {} } else { command.text += closing; } } } } } private boolean skipClosingFence(String closing) throws BadLocationException { char ch = document.getChar(command.offset); return String.valueOf(ch).equals(closing); } private boolean closeOpeningFence(String opening, String closing) { if (opening.equals("<")) { // only close angle brackets if it's after // an uppercase identifier or open fence int currOffset = command.offset; try { //TODO: eat whitespace char ch = document.getChar(currOffset-1); if (ch=='{'||ch=='('||ch=='['||ch=='<'||ch==',') { return !isJavaIdentifierPart(document.getChar(currOffset)); } while (isJavaIdentifierPart(ch) && --currOffset>0) { ch = document.getChar(currOffset-1); } return currOffset<command.offset && isUpperCase(document.getChar(currOffset)); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return false; } } else { if (opening.equals(closing)) { return count(opening)%2==0; } else { return count(opening)>=count(closing); } } } private String getPrefix() { try { int lineOffset = getStartOfCurrentLine(); return document.get(lineOffset, command.offset-lineOffset) + command.text; } catch (BadLocationException e) { return command.text; } } private boolean isIndent(String text) { if (!text.isEmpty() && text.length() % getIndentSpaces()==0) { for (char c: text.toCharArray()) { if (c!=' ') return false; } return true; } else { return false; } } private void smartIndentAfterNewline() { if (command.offset==-1 || document.getLength()==0) { return; } try { //if (end > start) { indentNewLine(); //} } catch (BadLocationException bleid ) { bleid.printStackTrace(); } } private void smartIndentOnKeypress() { if (command.offset==-1 || document.getLength()==0) { return; } try { adjustIndentOfCurrentLine(); } catch (BadLocationException ble) { ble.printStackTrace(); } } private boolean isQuoted(int offset) { int tokenType = getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); return isStringToken(tokenType); } private boolean isStringToken(int type) { return type==STRING_LITERAL || type==STRING_MID || type==STRING_START || type==STRING_END || type==VERBATIM_STRING || type==ASTRING_LITERAL || type==AVERBATIM_STRING || type==MULTI_COMMENT || type==CHAR_LITERAL; //doesn't really belong here } private boolean isCommented(int offset) { int tokenType = getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); return isCommentToken(tokenType); } private boolean isQuotedOrCommented(int offset) { int tokenType = getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); return isQuoteOrCommentToken(tokenType); } private boolean isQuoteOrCommentToken(int type) { return type==STRING_LITERAL || type==STRING_MID || type==STRING_START || type==STRING_END || type==VERBATIM_STRING || type==ASTRING_LITERAL || type==AVERBATIM_STRING || type==CHAR_LITERAL || type==LINE_COMMENT || type==MULTI_COMMENT; } private boolean isCommentToken(int type) { return type==LINE_COMMENT || type==MULTI_COMMENT; } private boolean isGraveAccentCharacterInStringLiteral(int offset, String fence) { if ("`".equals(fence)) { int type = getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); return type == STRING_LITERAL || type == STRING_START || type == STRING_END || type == STRING_MID; } else { return false; } } private boolean isOpeningBracketInAnnotationStringLiteral(int offset, String fence) { if ("[".equals(fence)) { int type = getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); //damn, AutoEdit can now no longer //distinguish annotation strings :( return type == ASTRING_LITERAL || type == AVERBATIM_STRING; } else { return false; } } private boolean isInUnterminatedMultilineComment(int offset, IDocument d) { CommonToken token = getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); if (token==null) return false; try { return token.getType()==MULTI_COMMENT && !token.getText().endsWith("*/") && d.getLineOfOffset(offset)+1==token.getLine(); } catch (BadLocationException e) { return false; } } private String getRelativeIndent(int offset) { int indent = getStringOrCommentIndent(offset); try { IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(offset); StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); int lineOffset = lineInfo.getOffset(); for (int i = lineOffset; i<lineOffset+indent; i++) { char ch = document.getChar(i); if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t') { return ""; } } for (int i = lineOffset+indent;;) { char ch = document.getChar(i++); if (ch==' '||ch=='\t') { result.append(ch); } else { break; } } return result.toString(); } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return ""; } } private int getTokenTypeStrictlyContainingOffset(int offset) { CommonToken token = getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); return token==null ? -1 : token.getType(); } private int getTokenTypeOfCharacterAtOffset(int offset) { int tokenIndex = getTokenIndexAtCharacter(tokens, offset); if (tokenIndex>=0) { CommonToken token = tokens.get(tokenIndex); return token.getType(); } return -1; } private CommonToken getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(int offset) { return Nodes.getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(offset, getTokens()); } private int getStringOrCommentIndent(int offset) { CommonToken tokenContainingOffset = getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(offset); CommonToken token = getStartOfStringToken(tokenContainingOffset); if (token!=null) { int type = token.getType(); int start = token.getCharPositionInLine(); if (token.getStartIndex()<offset) { switch (type) { case STRING_LITERAL: case STRING_START: case ASTRING_LITERAL: return start+1; case STRING_MID: case STRING_END: case MULTI_COMMENT: return start+1; //uncomment to get a bigger indent // return start+3; case VERBATIM_STRING: case AVERBATIM_STRING: return start+3; } } } return -1; } private CommonToken getStartOfStringToken(CommonToken token) { if (token==null) { return null; } int type = token.getType(); if (type==STRING_MID||type==STRING_END) { while (type!=STRING_START) { int index = token.getTokenIndex(); if (index==0) { return null; } token = tokens.get(index-1); type = token.getType(); } } return token; } private void adjustIndentOfCurrentLine() throws BadLocationException { char ch = command.text.charAt(0); if (isQuotedOrCommented(command.offset)) { if (ch=='\t' || getIndentWithSpaces() && isIndent(getPrefix())) { fixIndentOfStringOrCommentContinuation(); } } else { switch (ch) { case '}': case ')': reduceIndentOfCurrentLine(); break; case '\t': case '{': case '(': fixIndentOfCurrentLine(); default: //when spacesfortabs is enabled, and a tab is //pressed, we get sent spaces instead of a tab //we need this special case to "jump" the caret //to the start of the code in the line if (getIndentWithSpaces() && isIndent(getPrefix())) { fixIndentOfCurrentLine(); } } adjustStringOrCommentIndentation(); } } private void adjustStringOrCommentIndentation() throws BadLocationException { CommonToken tok = getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(getEndOfCurrentLine()); if (tok!=null) { int len = command.length; String text = command.text; if (isQuoteOrCommentToken(tok.getType()) && text!=null && text.length()<len) { //reduced indent of a quoted or commented token String indent = document.get(command.offset, len); int line = document.getLineOfOffset(tok.getStartIndex())+1; int lastLine = document.getLineOfOffset(tok.getStopIndex()); while (line<=lastLine) { int offset = document.getLineOffset(line); if (document.get(offset, len).equals(indent)) { document.replace(offset, len, text); } line++; } } } } private void fixIndentOfStringOrCommentContinuation() throws BadLocationException { int endOfWs = firstEndOfWhitespace(command.offset, getEndOfCurrentLine()); if (endOfWs<0) return; CommonToken tokenContainingOffset = getTokenStrictlyContainingOffset(command.offset); CommonToken token = getStartOfStringToken(tokenContainingOffset); int pos = command.offset - getStartOfCurrentLine(); int tokenIndent = token.getCharPositionInLine(); if (pos>tokenIndent) return; StringBuilder indent = new StringBuilder(); int startOfTokenLine = document.getLineOffset(token.getLine()-1); String prefix = document.get(startOfTokenLine+pos, tokenIndent-pos); for (int i=0; i<prefix.length(); i++) { char ch = prefix.charAt(i); indent.append(ch=='\t'?'\t':' '); } indent.append(getExtraIndent(token)); indent.append(getRelativeIndent(command.offset)); if (indent.length()>0) { command.length = endOfWs-command.offset; command.text = indent.toString(); } } private String getExtraIndent(CommonToken token) { String extraIndent = ""; switch (token.getType()) { case MULTI_COMMENT: //uncomment to get a bigger indent // if (document.getLineOfOffset(command.offset) < // document.getLineOfOffset(token.getStopIndex())) { // extraIndent=" "; // } // else { extraIndent=" "; // } break; case STRING_MID: case STRING_END: extraIndent=" "; break; case STRING_LITERAL: case ASTRING_LITERAL: case STRING_START: extraIndent=" "; break; case VERBATIM_STRING: case AVERBATIM_STRING: extraIndent=" "; break; } return extraIndent; } private void indentNewLine() throws BadLocationException { int stringIndent = getStringOrCommentIndent(command.offset); int start = getStartOfCurrentLine(); if (stringIndent>=0) { //we're in a string or multiline comment StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i<stringIndent; i++) { char ws = document.getChar(start+i)=='\t' ? '\t' : ' '; sb.append(ws); } command.text = command.text + sb.toString() + getRelativeIndent(command.offset); } else { char endOfLastLineChar = getPreviousNonHiddenCharacterInLine(command.offset); char startOfNewLineChar = getNextNonHiddenCharacterInNewline(command.offset); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(command.text); IPreferenceStore store = CeylonPlugin.getPreferences(); boolean closeBrace = store==null || store.getBoolean(CLOSE_BRACES); int end = getEndOfCurrentLine(); appendIndent(command.offset, end, start, command.offset, startOfNewLineChar, endOfLastLineChar, closeBrace, buf); if (buf.length()>2) { char ch = buf.charAt(buf.length()-1); if (ch=='}'||ch==')') { String hanging = document.get(command.offset, end-command.offset); //stuff after the { on the current line buf.insert(command.caretOffset-command.offset, hanging); command.length = hanging.length(); } } command.text = buf.toString(); } closeUnterminatedMultlineComment(); } private void closeUnterminatedMultlineComment() { if (isInUnterminatedMultilineComment(command.offset, document)) { command.shiftsCaret=false; String text = command.text; command.caretOffset=command.offset+text.length(); command.text = text + text + //uncomment to get a bigger indent // (text.indexOf(' ')>=0 ? // text.replaceFirst(" ", "") : text) + "*/"; } } private int count(String token) { int count = 0; List<CommonToken> tokens = getTokens(); for (CommonToken tok: tokens) { String text = tok.getText(); if (text.equals(token)) { count++; } if (text.startsWith(token) && !text.endsWith(token)) { count++; } if (text.endsWith(token) && !text.startsWith(token)) { count++; } } return count; } private int count(String token, int startIndex, int stopIndex) { int count = 0; List<CommonToken> tokens = getTokens(); for (CommonToken tok: tokens) { if (tok.getStartIndex()>=startIndex && tok.getStopIndex()<stopIndex && tok.getText().equals(token)) { count++; } } return count; } private List<CommonToken> getTokens() { return tokens; } private void fixIndentOfCurrentLine() throws BadLocationException { int start = getStartOfCurrentLine(); int end = getEndOfCurrentLine(); int endOfWs = firstEndOfWhitespace(start, end); // we want this to happen in three cases: // 1. the user types a tab in the whitespace // at the start of the line // 2. the user types { or ( at the start of // the line // 3. Correct Indentation is calling us //test for Correct Indentation action boolean correctingIndentation = command.offset==start && !command.shiftsCaret; boolean opening = command.text.equals("{") || command.text.equals("("); if (command.offset<endOfWs || //we want strictly < since we don't want to prevent the caret advancing when a space is typed command.offset==endOfWs && endOfWs==end && opening || //this can cause the caret to jump *backwards* when a { or ( is typed! correctingIndentation) { int endOfPrev = getEndOfPreviousLine(); int startOfPrev = getStartOfPreviousLine(); char startOfCurrentLineChar = opening ? command.text.charAt(0) : //the typed character is now the first character in the line getNextNonHiddenCharacterInLine(start); char endOfLastLineChar = getPreviousNonHiddenCharacterInLine(endOfPrev); StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); appendIndent(start, end, startOfPrev, endOfPrev, startOfCurrentLineChar, endOfLastLineChar, false, buf); int len = endOfWs-start; String text = buf.toString(); if (text.length()!=len || !document.get(start,len).equals(text)) { if (opening) { text+=command.text; } command.text = text; command.offset = start; command.length = len; } else if (!opening) { command.caretOffset = start+len; command.shiftsCaret = false; command.text = null; } } } private void appendIndent(int startOfCurrent, int endOfCurrent, int startOfPrev, int endOfPrev, char startOfCurrentLineChar, char endOfLastLineChar, boolean closeBraces, StringBuilder buf) throws BadLocationException { CommonToken prevEnding = getPreviousNonHiddenToken(endOfPrev); CommonToken currStarting = getNextNonHiddenToken(startOfCurrent, endOfCurrent); boolean terminatedCleanly = endOfLastLineChar==';' || endOfLastLineChar==','; boolean isContinuation = !terminatedCleanly && //note: unfortunately we can't treat a line after a closing paren // as a continuation because it might be an annotation (isBinaryOperator(prevEnding) || isBinaryOperator(currStarting) || isInheritanceClause(currStarting) || isOperatorChar(startOfCurrentLineChar)); //to account for a previously line-commented character boolean isClosing = startOfCurrentLineChar=='}' /*&& endOfLastLineChar!='{'*/ || startOfCurrentLineChar==')' /*&& endOfLastLineChar!='('*/; boolean isOpening = endOfLastLineChar=='{' /*&& startOfCurrentLineChar!='}'*/ || endOfLastLineChar=='(' /*&& startOfCurrentLineChar!=')'*/; boolean isListContinuation = count("{",startOfPrev,endOfPrev) > count("}",startOfPrev,endOfPrev) || count("(",startOfPrev,endOfPrev) > count(")",startOfPrev,endOfPrev); appendIndent(isContinuation, isOpening, isClosing, isListContinuation, startOfPrev, endOfPrev, closeBraces, buf); } private boolean isInheritanceClause(CommonToken t) { if (t==null) return false; int tt = t.getType(); return tt==CeylonLexer.EXTENDS || tt==CeylonLexer.CASE_TYPES || tt==CeylonLexer.TYPE_CONSTRAINT || tt==CeylonLexer.SATISFIES; } private boolean isOperatorChar(char ch) { return ch=='+'|| ch=='-'|| ch=='/'|| ch=='*'|| ch=='^'|| ch=='%'|| ch=='|'|| ch=='&'|| ch=='='|| ch=='<'|| ch=='>'|| ch=='~'|| ch=='?'|| ch=='.'|| ch=='!'; } private boolean isBinaryOperator(CommonToken t) { if (t==null) return false; int tt = t.getType(); //partial fix for #1253 /*if (tt==CeylonLexer.ELSE_CLAUSE || tt==CeylonLexer.THEN_CLAUSE) { CommonToken nextToken = getNextNonHiddenToken(t.getStopIndex(), Integer.MAX_VALUE); return nextToken!=null && nextToken.getType()!=CeylonLexer.LBRACE && nextToken.getType()!=CeylonLexer.IF_CLAUSE; }*/ return tt==CeylonLexer.SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.COMPUTE || tt==CeylonLexer.NOT_EQUAL_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.EQUAL_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.IDENTICAL_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.ADD_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.SUBTRACT_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.DIVIDE_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.MULTIPLY_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.OR_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.AND_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.COMPLEMENT_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.UNION_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.INTERSECT_SPECIFY || tt==CeylonLexer.MEMBER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SPREAD_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SAFE_MEMBER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SUM_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.COMPLEMENT_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.DIFFERENCE_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.QUOTIENT_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.PRODUCT_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.REMAINDER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.RANGE_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SEGMENT_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.ENTRY_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.UNION_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.INTERSECTION_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.AND_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.OR_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.POWER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.COMPARE_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.LARGE_AS_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.LARGER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SMALL_AS_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SMALLER_OP || tt==CeylonLexer.SCALE_OP; } // private void reduceIndent(DocumentCommand command) { // int spaces = getIndentSpaces(); // if (endsWithSpaces(command.text, spaces)) { // command.text = command.text.substring(0, command.text.length()-spaces); // } // else if (command.text.endsWith("\t")) { // command.text = command.text.substring(0, command.text.length()-1); // } // } private void reduceIndentOfCurrentLine() throws BadLocationException { int spaces = getIndentSpaces(); String text = document.get(command.offset-spaces, spaces); if (endsWithSpaces(text,spaces)) { command.offset = command.offset-spaces; command.length = spaces; } else if (document.get(command.offset-1,1).equals("\t")) { command.offset = command.offset-1; command.length = 1; } } private void decrementIndent(StringBuilder buf, String indent) throws BadLocationException { int spaces = getIndentSpaces(); if (endsWithSpaces(indent,spaces)) { buf.setLength(buf.length()-spaces); } else if (endsWithTab(indent)) { buf.setLength(buf.length()-1); } } /*private int getStartOfNextLine(IDocument d, int offset) throws BadLocationException { return d.getLineOffset(d.getLineOfOffset(offset)+1); }*/ private void appendIndent(boolean isContinuation, boolean isOpening, boolean isClosing, boolean isListContinuation, int start, int end, boolean closeBraces, StringBuilder buf) throws BadLocationException { int line = document.getLineOfOffset(start); String indent = getIndent(start, end); String delim = getLineDelimiter(document, line); buf.append(indent); if (isOpening||isListContinuation) { if (isClosing) { if (closeBraces && isOpening) { //increment the indent level incrementIndent(buf, indent); //move the closing brace to next line command.shiftsCaret = false; command.caretOffset = command.offset+buf.length(); buf.append(delim) .append(indent); } // else if (closeBraces && //hack just to distinguish a newline from a correct indentation! // isListContinuation) { // //just increment the indent level // incrementIndent(buf, indent); // } } else { //increment the indent level incrementIndent(buf, indent); if (closeBraces && count("{") > count("}")) { //close the opening brace command.shiftsCaret = false; command.caretOffset = command.offset+buf.length(); buf.append(delim) .append(indent) .append('}'); } } } else if (isContinuation) { incrementIndent(buf, indent); incrementIndent(buf, indent); } else if (isClosing) { decrementIndent(buf, indent); } } private static String getLineDelimiter(IDocument document, int line) throws BadLocationException { String newlineChar = document.getLineDelimiter(line); if (newlineChar==null && line>0) { return document.getLineDelimiter(line-1); } else { return getDefaultLineDelimiter(document); } } private static String getDefaultLineDelimiter(IDocument document) { return utilJ2C().indents().getDefaultLineDelimiter(document); } private String getIndent(int start, int end) throws BadLocationException { if (start<0||end<0) return ""; int nestingLevel = 0; while (start>0) { nestingLevel += parenCount(start, end); //We're searching for an earlier line whose //immediately preceding line ends cleanly //with a {, }, or ; or which itelf starts //with a }. We will use that to infer the //indent for the current line char startingChar = getNextNonHiddenCharacterInLine(start); if (startingChar=='}' || startingChar==')') break; int prevEnd = end; int prevStart = start; prevEnd = getEndOfPreviousLine(prevStart); prevStart = getStartOfPreviousLine(prevStart); char prevEndingChar = getPreviousNonHiddenCharacterInLine(prevEnd); if (prevEndingChar==';' || prevEndingChar==',' && nestingLevel>=0 || prevEndingChar=='{' || prevEndingChar=='}' || prevEndingChar=='(' && nestingLevel>=0) //note assymmetry between } and ) here, //due to stuff like "class X()\nextends Y()" //and X f()\n=> X() break; end = prevEnd; start = prevStart; } while (isQuoted(start)) { end = getEndOfPreviousLine(start); start = getStartOfPreviousLine(start); } int len = firstEndOfWhitespace(start, end) - start; return document.get(start, len); } private int parenCount(int start, int end) { int count=0; for (Iterator<CommonToken> it = getTokenIterator(getTokens(), new Region(start, end-start)); it.hasNext();) { int type =; if (type==CeylonLexer.RPAREN) { count--; } else if (type==CeylonLexer.LPAREN) { count++; } } return count; } private void incrementIndent(StringBuilder buf, String indent) { int spaces = getIndentSpaces(); if (endsWithSpaces(indent,spaces)) { for (int i=1; i<=spaces; i++) { buf.append(' '); } } else if (endsWithTab(indent)) { buf.append('\t'); } else { initialIndent(buf); } } private void initialIndent(StringBuilder buf) { utilJ2C().indents().initialIndent(buf); } private boolean endsWithTab(String indent) { return !indent.isEmpty() && indent.charAt(indent.length()-1)=='\t'; } private CommonToken getPreviousNonHiddenToken(int offset) { int index = getTokenIndexAtCharacter(tokens, offset); if (index<0) index=-index; for (; index>=0; index--) { CommonToken token = getTokens().get(index); if (token.getChannel()!=HIDDEN_CHANNEL && token.getStopIndex()<offset) { return token; } } return null; } private CommonToken getNextNonHiddenToken(int offset, int end) { int index = getTokenIndexAtCharacter(tokens, offset); if (index<0) index=1-index; int size = getTokens().size(); for (; index<size; index++) { CommonToken token = getTokens().get(index); if (token.getStartIndex()>=end) { return null; } if (token.getChannel()!=HIDDEN_CHANNEL && token.getStartIndex()>=offset) { return token; } } return null; } /** * Is the given offset in the document a line ending? */ private boolean isLineEnding(int offset) { int documentLength = document.getLength(); String[] delimiters = document.getLegalLineDelimiters(); for (String delimiter: delimiters) { int length = delimiter.length(); if (offset+length <= documentLength) { try { String string = document.get(offset,length); if (string.equals(delimiter)) { return true; } } catch (BadLocationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } return false; } private char getPreviousNonHiddenCharacterInLine(int offset) throws BadLocationException { offset--; for (; offset>=0; offset--) { char ch = document.getChar(offset); int tt = getTokenTypeOfCharacterAtOffset(offset); if (!isWhitespace(ch) && !isCommentToken(tt) || isLineEnding(offset)) { return ch; } } return '\n'; //lame null } private char getNextNonHiddenCharacterInLine(int offset) throws BadLocationException { for (; offset<document.getLength(); offset++) { char ch = document.getChar(offset); int tt = getTokenTypeOfCharacterAtOffset(offset); if (!isWhitespace(ch) && !isCommentToken(tt) || isLineEnding(offset)) { return ch; } } return '\n'; //lame null } private char getNextNonHiddenCharacterInNewline(int offset) throws BadLocationException { for (; offset<document.getLength(); offset++) { char ch = document.getChar(offset); try { if (document.get(offset,2).equals("//")) { break; } } catch (BadLocationException ble) {} int tt = getTokenTypeOfCharacterAtOffset(offset); if (!isWhitespace(ch) && tt!=MULTI_COMMENT || isLineEnding(offset)) { return ch; } } return '\n'; //lame null } private int getStartOfCurrentLine() throws BadLocationException { int p = command.offset == document.getLength() ? command.offset-1 : command.offset; IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(p); return lineInfo.getOffset(); } private int getEndOfCurrentLine() throws BadLocationException { int p = command.offset == document.getLength() ? command.offset-1 : command.offset; IRegion lineInfo = document.getLineInformationOfOffset(p); return lineInfo.getOffset() + lineInfo.getLength(); } private int getStartOfPreviousLine() throws BadLocationException { return getStartOfPreviousLine(command.offset); } private int getStartOfPreviousLine(int offset) throws BadLocationException { int line = document.getLineOfOffset(offset); IRegion lineInfo; do { if (line==0) return 0; lineInfo = document.getLineInformation(--line); } while (lineInfo.getLength()==0 || isQuoted(lineInfo.getOffset())); return lineInfo.getOffset(); } private int getEndOfPreviousLine() throws BadLocationException { return getEndOfPreviousLine(command.offset); } private int getEndOfPreviousLine(int offset) throws BadLocationException { if (offset == document.getLength() && offset>0) { offset--; } int line = document.getLineOfOffset(offset); IRegion lineInfo; do { if (line==0) return 0; lineInfo = document.getLineInformation(--line); } while (lineInfo.getLength()==0); return lineInfo.getOffset() + lineInfo.getLength(); } private boolean endsWithSpaces(String string, int spaces) { if (string.length()<spaces) return false; for (int i=1; i<=spaces; i++) { if (string.charAt(string.length()-i)!=' ') { return false; } } return true; } /** * Returns the first offset greater than <code>offset</code> * and smaller than <code>end</code> whose character is * not a space or tab character. If no such offset is * found, <code>end</code> is returned. * * @param d the document to search in * @param offset the offset at which searching start * @param end the offset at which searching stops * @return the offset in the specified range whose * character is not a space or tab * @exception BadLocationException if position is an * invalid range in the given document */ private int firstEndOfWhitespace(int offset, int end) throws BadLocationException { while (offset < end) { char ch= document.getChar(offset); if (ch!=' ' && ch!='\t') { return offset; } offset++; } return end; } /** * Is the given character sequence a line-ending * character sequence for this document/platform? */ private boolean isLineEnding(String text) { String[] delimiters = document.getLegalLineDelimiters(); for (String delim: delimiters) { if (delim.equals(text)) { return true; } } return false; } }