package; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import*; import*; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import org.apache.commons.collections.CollectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.collections.MapUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig; import org.quartz.JobKey; import org.quartz.Trigger; import org.quartz.TriggerKey; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.util.Assert; import redis.clients.jedis.*; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException; import redis.clients.util.*; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.util.*; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; /** * Created by yijunzhang on 14-6-10. */ public class RedisCenterImpl implements RedisCenter { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); public static final int REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME = 4000; private SchedulerCenter schedulerCenter; private AppStatsDao appStatsDao; private AsyncService asyncService; private InstanceDao instanceDao; private InstanceStatsDao instanceStatsDao; private InstanceStatsCenter instanceStatsCenter; private MachineCenter machineCenter; private volatile Map<String, JedisPool> jedisPoolMap = new HashMap<String, JedisPool>(); private final Lock lock = new ReentrantLock(); private AppDao appDao; private AppAuditLogDao appAuditLogDao; public static final String REDIS_SLOWLOG_POOL = "redis-slowlog-pool"; public void init() { asyncService.assemblePool(getThreadPoolKey(), AsyncThreadPoolFactory.REDIS_SLOWLOG_THREAD_POOL); } private InstanceSlowLogDao instanceSlowLogDao; @Override public boolean deployRedisCollection(long appId, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); Map<String, Object> dataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.HOST_KEY, host); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.PORT_KEY, port); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.APP_KEY, appId); JobKey jobKey = JobKey.jobKey(ConstUtils.REDIS_JOB_NAME, ConstUtils.REDIS_JOB_GROUP); TriggerKey triggerKey = TriggerKey .triggerKey(ObjectConvert.linkIpAndPort(host, port), ConstUtils.REDIS_TRIGGER_GROUP + appId); return schedulerCenter .deployJobByCron(jobKey, triggerKey, dataMap, ScheduleUtil.getMinuteCronByAppId(appId), false); } private JedisPool maintainJedisPool(String host, int port, String password) { String hostAndPort = ObjectConvert.linkIpAndPort(host, port); JedisPool jedisPool = jedisPoolMap.get(hostAndPort); if (jedisPool == null) { lock.lock(); try { //double check jedisPool = jedisPoolMap.get(hostAndPort); if (jedisPool == null) { try { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { jedisPool = new JedisPool(new GenericObjectPoolConfig(), host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, password); } else { jedisPool = new JedisPool(new GenericObjectPoolConfig(), host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } jedisPoolMap.put(hostAndPort, jedisPool); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { } } } finally { lock.unlock(); } } return jedisPool; } @Override public boolean unDeployRedisCollection(long appId, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); TriggerKey triggerKey = TriggerKey .triggerKey(ObjectConvert.linkIpAndPort(host, port), ConstUtils.REDIS_TRIGGER_GROUP + appId); Trigger trigger = schedulerCenter.getTrigger(triggerKey); if (trigger == null) { return true; } return schedulerCenter.unscheduleJob(triggerKey); } private String buildFutureKey(long appId, long collectTime, String host, int port) { StringBuilder keyBuffer = new StringBuilder("redis-"); keyBuffer.append(collectTime); keyBuffer.append("-"); keyBuffer.append(appId); keyBuffer.append("-"); keyBuffer.append(host + ":" + port); return keyBuffer.toString(); } private class RedisKeyCallable extends KeyCallable<Boolean> { private final long appId; private final long collectTime; private final String host; private final int port; private final Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap; private RedisKeyCallable(long appId, long collectTime, String host, int port, Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap) { super(buildFutureKey(appId, collectTime, host, port)); this.appId = appId; this.collectTime = collectTime; = host; this.port = port; this.infoMap = infoMap; } @Override public Boolean execute() { //比对currentInfoMap和lastInfoMap,计算差值 long lastCollectTime = ScheduleUtil.getLastCollectTime(collectTime); Map<String, Object> lastInfoMap = instanceStatsCenter .queryStandardInfoMap(lastCollectTime, host, port, ConstUtils.REDIS); if (lastInfoMap == null || lastInfoMap.isEmpty()) { logger.error("[redis-lastInfoMap] : lastCollectTime = {} appId={} host:port = {}:{} is null", lastCollectTime, appId, host, port); } //基本统计累加差值 Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> baseDiffTable = getAccumulationDiff(infoMap, lastInfoMap); fillAccumulationMap(infoMap, baseDiffTable); //命令累加差值 Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> commandDiffTable = getCommandsDiff(infoMap, lastInfoMap); fillAccumulationMap(infoMap, commandDiffTable); Map<String, Object> currentInfoMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); for (RedisConstant constant : infoMap.keySet()) { currentInfoMap.put(constant.getValue(), infoMap.get(constant)); } currentInfoMap.put(ConstUtils.COLLECT_TIME, collectTime); instanceStatsCenter.saveStandardStats(currentInfoMap, host, port, ConstUtils.REDIS); // 更新实例在db中的状态 InstanceStats instanceStats = getInstanceStats(appId, host, port, infoMap); if (instanceStats != null) { instanceStatsDao.updateInstanceStats(instanceStats); } boolean isMaster = isMaster(infoMap); if (isMaster) { Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> diffTable = HashBasedTable.create(); diffTable.putAll(baseDiffTable); diffTable.putAll(commandDiffTable); long allCommandCount = 0L; //更新命令统计 List<AppCommandStats> commandStatsList = getCommandStatsList(appId, collectTime, diffTable); for (AppCommandStats commandStats : commandStatsList) { //排除无效命令且存储有累加的数据 if (RedisExcludeCommand.isExcludeCommand(commandStats.getCommandName()) || commandStats.getCommandCount() <= 0L) { continue; } allCommandCount += commandStats.getCommandCount(); try { appStatsDao.mergeMinuteCommandStatus(commandStats); appStatsDao.mergeHourCommandStatus(commandStats); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage() + appId, e); } } //写入app分钟统计 AppStats appStats = getAppStats(appId, collectTime, diffTable, infoMap); try { appStats.setCommandCount(allCommandCount); appStatsDao.mergeMinuteAppStats(appStats); appStatsDao.mergeHourAppStats(appStats); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage() + appId, e); }"collect redis info done, appId: {}, instance: {}:{}, time: {}", appId, host, port, collectTime); } return true; } } @Override public List<InstanceSlowLog> collectRedisSlowLog(long appId, long collectTime, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getInstByIpAndPort(host, port); //不存在实例/实例异常/下线 if (instanceInfo == null) { return null; } if (TypeUtil.isRedisSentinel(instanceInfo.getType())) { //忽略sentinel redis实例 return null; } // 从redis中获取慢查询日志 List<RedisSlowLog> redisLowLogList = getRedisSlowLogs(appId, host, port, 100); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(redisLowLogList)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } // transfer final List<InstanceSlowLog> instanceSlowLogList = new ArrayList<InstanceSlowLog>(); for (RedisSlowLog redisSlowLog : redisLowLogList) { InstanceSlowLog instanceSlowLog = transferRedisSlowLogToInstance(redisSlowLog, instanceInfo); if (instanceSlowLog == null) { continue; } instanceSlowLogList.add(instanceSlowLog); } if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instanceSlowLogList)) { return Collections.emptyList(); } //处理 String key = getThreadPoolKey() + "_" + host + "_" + port; boolean isOk = asyncService.submitFuture(getThreadPoolKey(), new KeyCallable<Boolean>(key) { @Override public Boolean execute() { try { instanceSlowLogDao.batchSave(instanceSlowLogList); return true; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return false; } } }); if (!isOk) { logger.error("slowlog submitFuture failed,appId:{},collectTime:{},host:{},ip:{}", appId, collectTime, host, port); } return instanceSlowLogList; } private InstanceSlowLog transferRedisSlowLogToInstance(RedisSlowLog redisSlowLog, InstanceInfo instanceInfo) { if (redisSlowLog == null) { return null; } String command = redisSlowLog.getCommand(); long executionTime = redisSlowLog.getExecutionTime(); //如果command=BGREWRITEAOF并且小于50毫秒,则忽略 if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("BGREWRITEAOF") && executionTime < 50000) { return null; } InstanceSlowLog instanceSlowLog = new InstanceSlowLog(); instanceSlowLog.setAppId(instanceInfo.getAppId()); instanceSlowLog.setCommand(redisSlowLog.getCommand()); instanceSlowLog.setCostTime((int) redisSlowLog.getExecutionTime()); instanceSlowLog.setCreateTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); instanceSlowLog.setExecuteTime(new Timestamp(redisSlowLog.getDate().getTime())); instanceSlowLog.setInstanceId(instanceInfo.getId()); instanceSlowLog.setIp(instanceInfo.getIp()); instanceSlowLog.setPort(instanceInfo.getPort()); instanceSlowLog.setSlowLogId(redisSlowLog.getId()); return instanceSlowLog; } private String getThreadPoolKey() { return REDIS_SLOWLOG_POOL; } @Override public Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> collectRedisInfo(long appId, long collectTime, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getInstByIpAndPort(host, port); //不存在实例/实例异常/下线 if (instanceInfo == null) { return null; } if (TypeUtil.isRedisSentinel(instanceInfo.getType())) { //忽略sentinel redis实例 return null; } Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap = this.getInfoStats(appId, host, port); if (infoMap == null || infoMap.isEmpty()) { logger.error("appId:{},collectTime:{},host:{},ip:{} cost={} ms redis infoMap is null", new Object[]{appId, collectTime, host, port, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)}); return infoMap; } boolean isOk = asyncService.submitFuture(new RedisKeyCallable(appId, collectTime, host, port, infoMap)); if (!isOk) { logger.error("submitFuture failed,appId:{},collectTime:{},host:{},ip:{} cost={} ms", new Object[]{appId, collectTime, host, port, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)}); } return infoMap; } @Override public Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> getInfoStats(final long appId, final String host, final int port) { Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap = null; final StringBuilder infoBuilder = new StringBuilder(); try { boolean isOk = new IdempotentConfirmer() { private int timeOutFactor = 1; @Override public boolean execute() { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME * (timeOutFactor++)); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME * (timeOutFactor++)); String info ="all"); infoBuilder.append(info); return StringUtils.isNotBlank(info); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("{}:{}, redis-getInfoStats errorMsg:{}", host, port, e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { if (jedis != null) jedis.close(); } } }.run(); if (!isOk) { return infoMap; } infoMap = processRedisStats(infoBuilder.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage() + " {}:{}", host, port, e); } if (infoMap == null || infoMap.isEmpty()) { logger.error("host:{},ip:{} redis infoMap is null", host, port); return infoMap; } return infoMap; } private void fillAccumulationMap(Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap, Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> table) { Map<String, Object> accMap = infoMap.get(RedisConstant.DIFF); if (table == null || table.isEmpty()) { return; } if (accMap == null) { accMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); infoMap.put(RedisConstant.DIFF, accMap); } for (RedisConstant constant : table.rowKeySet()) { Map<String, Long> rowMap = table.row(constant); accMap.putAll(rowMap); } } /** * 获取累加参数值 * * @param currentInfoMap * @return 累加差值map */ private Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> getAccumulationDiff( Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> currentInfoMap, Map<String, Object> lastInfoMap) { //没有上一次统计快照,忽略差值统计 if (lastInfoMap == null || lastInfoMap.isEmpty()) { return HashBasedTable.create(); } Map<RedisAccumulation, Long> currentMap = new LinkedHashMap<RedisAccumulation, Long>(); for (RedisAccumulation acc : RedisAccumulation.values()) { Long count = getCommonCount(currentInfoMap, acc.getConstant(), acc.getValue()); if (count != null) { currentMap.put(acc, count); } } Map<RedisAccumulation, Long> lastMap = new LinkedHashMap<RedisAccumulation, Long>(); for (RedisAccumulation acc : RedisAccumulation.values()) { if (lastInfoMap != null) { Long lastCount = getCommonCount(lastInfoMap, acc.getConstant(), acc.getValue()); if (lastCount != null) { lastMap.put(acc, lastCount); } } } Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> resultTable = HashBasedTable.create(); for (RedisAccumulation key : currentMap.keySet()) { Long value = MapUtils.getLong(currentMap, key, null); Long lastValue = MapUtils.getLong(lastMap, key, null); if (value == null || lastValue == null) { //忽略 continue; } long diff = 0L; if (value > lastValue) { diff = value - lastValue; } resultTable.put(key.getConstant(), key.getValue(), diff); } return resultTable; } /** * 获取命令差值统计 * * @param currentInfoMap * @param lastInfoMap * @return 命令统计 */ private Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> getCommandsDiff(Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> currentInfoMap, Map<String, Object> lastInfoMap) { //没有上一次统计快照,忽略差值统计 if (lastInfoMap == null || lastInfoMap.isEmpty()) { return HashBasedTable.create(); } Map<String, Object> map = currentInfoMap.get(RedisConstant.Commandstats); Map<String, Long> currentMap = transferLongMap(map); Map<String, Object> lastObjectMap; if (lastInfoMap.get(RedisConstant.Commandstats.getValue()) == null) { lastObjectMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } else { lastObjectMap = (Map<String, Object>) lastInfoMap.get(RedisConstant.Commandstats.getValue()); } Map<String, Long> lastMap = transferLongMap(lastObjectMap); Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> resultTable = HashBasedTable.create(); for (String command : currentMap.keySet()) { long lastCount = MapUtils.getLong(lastMap, command, 0L); long currentCount = MapUtils.getLong(currentMap, command, 0L); if (currentCount > lastCount) { resultTable.put(RedisConstant.Commandstats, command, currentCount - lastCount); } } return resultTable; } private AppStats getAppStats(long appId, long collectTime, Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> table, Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap) { AppStats appStats = new AppStats(); appStats.setAppId(appId); appStats.setCollectTime(collectTime); appStats.setModifyTime(new Date()); appStats.setUsedMemory(MapUtils.getLong(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Memory), "used_memory", 0L)); appStats.setHits(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "keyspace_hits", 0L)); appStats.setMisses(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "keyspace_misses", 0L)); appStats.setEvictedKeys(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "evicted_keys", 0L)); appStats.setExpiredKeys(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "expired_keys", 0L)); appStats.setNetInputByte(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "total_net_input_bytes", 0L)); appStats.setNetOutputByte(MapUtils.getLong(table.row(RedisConstant.Stats), "total_net_output_bytes", 0L)); appStats.setConnectedClients(MapUtils.getIntValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Clients), "connected_clients", 0)); appStats.setObjectSize(getObjectSize(infoMap)); return appStats; } private long getObjectSize(Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> currentInfoMap) { Map<String, Object> sizeMap = currentInfoMap.get(RedisConstant.Keyspace); if (sizeMap == null || sizeMap.isEmpty()) { return 0L; } long result = 0L; Map<String, Long> longSizeMap = transferLongMap(sizeMap); for (String key : longSizeMap.keySet()) { result += longSizeMap.get(key); } return result; } private Long getCommonCount(Map<?, ?> infoMap, RedisConstant redisConstant, String commond) { Object constantObject = infoMap.get(redisConstant) == null ? infoMap.get(redisConstant.getValue()) : infoMap.get(redisConstant); if (constantObject != null && (constantObject instanceof Map)) { Map constantMap = (Map) constantObject; if (constantMap == null || constantMap.get(commond) == null) { return null; } return MapUtils.getLongValue(constantMap, commond); } return null; } /** * 转换redis 命令行统计结果 * * @param commandMap * @return */ private Map<String, Long> transferLongMap(Map<String, Object> commandMap) { Map<String, Long> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); if (commandMap == null || commandMap.isEmpty()) { return resultMap; } for (String key : commandMap.keySet()) { if (commandMap.get(key) == null) { continue; } String value = commandMap.get(key).toString(); String[] stats = value.split(","); if (stats.length == 0) { continue; } String[] calls = stats[0].split("="); if (calls == null || calls.length < 2) { continue; } long callCount = Long.valueOf(calls[1]); resultMap.put(key, callCount); } return resultMap; } private List<AppCommandStats> getCommandStatsList(long appId, long collectTime, Table<RedisConstant, String, Long> table) { Map<String, Long> commandMap = table.row(RedisConstant.Commandstats); List<AppCommandStats> list = new ArrayList<AppCommandStats>(); if (commandMap == null) { return list; } for (String key : commandMap.keySet()) { String commandName = key.replace("cmdstat_", ""); long callCount = MapUtils.getLong(commandMap, key, 0L); if (callCount == 0L) { continue; } AppCommandStats commandStats = new AppCommandStats(); commandStats.setAppId(appId); commandStats.setCollectTime(collectTime); commandStats.setCommandName(commandName); commandStats.setCommandCount(callCount); commandStats.setModifyTime(new Date()); list.add(commandStats); } return list; } /** * 处理redis统计信息 * * @param statResult 统计结果串 */ private Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> processRedisStats(String statResult) { Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> redisStatMap = new HashMap<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>>(); String[] data = statResult.split("\r\n"); String key; int i = 0; int length = data.length; while (i < length) { if (data[i].contains("#")) { int index = data[i].indexOf('#'); key = data[i].substring(index + 1); ++i; RedisConstant redisConstant = RedisConstant.value(key.trim()); if (redisConstant == null) { continue; } Map<String, Object> sectionMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); while (i < length && data[i].contains(":")) { String[] pair = data[i].split(":"); sectionMap.put(pair[0], pair[1]); i++; } redisStatMap.put(redisConstant, sectionMap); } else { i++; } } return redisStatMap; } /** * 根据infoMap的结果判断实例的主从 * * @param infoMap * @return */ private Boolean isMaster(Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap) { Map<String, Object> map = infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Replication); if (map == null || map.get("role") == null) { return null; } if (String.valueOf(map.get("role")).equals("master")) { return true; } return false; } /** * 根据ip和port判断某一个实例当前是主还是从 * * @param ip ip * @param port port * @return 主返回true, 从返回false; */ @Override public Boolean isMaster(long appId, String ip, int port) { Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, ip, port, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); try { String info ="all"); Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap = processRedisStats(info); return isMaster(infoMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return null; } finally { jedis.close(); } } @Override public HostAndPort getMaster(String ip, int port, String password) { JedisPool jedisPool = maintainJedisPool(ip, port, password); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisPool.getResource(); String info =; Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap = processRedisStats(info); Map<String, Object> map = infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Replication); if (map == null) { return null; } String masterHost = MapUtils.getString(map, "master_host", null); int masterPort = MapUtils.getInteger(map, "master_port", 0); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(masterHost) && masterPort > 0) { return new HostAndPort(masterHost, masterPort); } return null; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("{}:{} getMaster failed {}", ip, port, e.getMessage(), e); return null; } finally { if (jedis != null) jedis.close(); } } @Override public boolean isRun(final String ip, final int port) { return isRun(ip, port, null); } @Override public boolean isRun(final long appId, final String ip, final int port) { AppDesc appDesc = appDao.getAppDescById(appId); return isRun(ip, port, appDesc.getPassword()); } @Override public boolean isRun(final String ip, final int port, final String password) { boolean isRun = new IdempotentConfirmer() { private int timeOutFactor = 1; @Override public boolean execute() { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(ip, port, password); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * (timeOutFactor++)); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT * (timeOutFactor++)); String pong =; return pong != null && pong.equalsIgnoreCase("PONG"); } catch (JedisDataException e) { String message = e.getMessage(); logger.warn(e.getMessage()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(message) && message.startsWith("LOADING")) { return true; } return false; } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("{}:{} error message is {} ", ip, port, e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } }.run(); return isRun; } @Override public boolean shutdown(long appId, String ip, int port) { boolean isRun = isRun(appId, ip, port); if (!isRun) { return true; } final Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, ip, port); try { //关闭实例节点 boolean isShutdown = new IdempotentConfirmer() { @Override public boolean execute() { jedis.shutdown(); return true; } }.run(); if (!isShutdown) { logger.error("{}:{} redis not shutdown!", ip, port); } return isShutdown; } finally { jedis.close(); } } @Override public boolean shutdown(String ip, int port) { boolean isRun = isRun(ip, port); if (!isRun) { return true; } final Jedis jedis = getJedis(ip, port); try { //关闭实例节点 boolean isShutdown = new IdempotentConfirmer() { @Override public boolean execute() { jedis.shutdown(); return true; } }.run(); if (!isShutdown) { logger.error("{}:{} redis not shutdown!", ip, port); } return isShutdown; } finally { jedis.close(); } } /** * 返回当前实例的一些关键指标 * * @param appId * @param ip * @param port * @param infoMap * @return */ public InstanceStats getInstanceStats(long appId, String ip, int port, Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoMap) { if (infoMap == null) { return null; } // 查询最大内存限制 Long maxMemory = this.getRedisMaxMemory(appId, ip, port); /** * 将实例的一些关键指标返回 */ InstanceStats instanceStats = new InstanceStats(); instanceStats.setAppId(appId); InstanceInfo curInst = instanceDao.getInstByIpAndPort(ip, port); if (curInst != null) { instanceStats.setHostId(curInst.getHostId()); instanceStats.setInstId(curInst.getId()); } else { logger.error("redis={}:{} not found", ip, port); return null; } instanceStats.setIp(ip); instanceStats.setPort(port); if (maxMemory != null) { instanceStats.setMaxMemory(maxMemory); } instanceStats.setUsedMemory(MapUtils.getLongValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Memory), "used_memory", 0)); instanceStats.setHits(MapUtils.getLongValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Stats), "keyspace_hits", 0)); instanceStats.setMisses(MapUtils.getLongValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Stats), "keyspace_misses", 0)); instanceStats .setCurrConnections(MapUtils.getIntValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Clients), "connected_clients", 0)); instanceStats.setCurrItems(getObjectSize(infoMap)); instanceStats.setRole((byte) 1); if (MapUtils.getString(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Replication), "role").equals("slave")) { instanceStats.setRole((byte) 2); } instanceStats.setModifyTime(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); instanceStats.setMemFragmentationRatio(MapUtils.getDoubleValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Memory), "mem_fragmentation_ratio", 0.0)); instanceStats.setAofDelayedFsync(MapUtils.getIntValue(infoMap.get(RedisConstant.Persistence), "aof_delayed_fsync", 0)); return instanceStats; } @Override public Long getRedisMaxMemory(final long appId, final String ip, final int port) { final String key = "maxmemory"; final Map<String, Long> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Long>(); boolean isSuccess = new IdempotentConfirmer() { private int timeOutFactor = 1; @Override public boolean execute() { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, ip, port); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME * (timeOutFactor++)); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME * (timeOutFactor++)); List<String> maxMemoryList = jedis.configGet(key); // 返回结果:list中是2个字符串,如:"maxmemory", // "4096000000" if (maxMemoryList != null && maxMemoryList.size() >= 2) { resultMap.put(key, Long.valueOf(maxMemoryList.get(1))); } return MapUtils.isNotEmpty(resultMap); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("{}:{} errorMsg: {}", ip, port, e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } }.run(); if (isSuccess) { return MapUtils.getLong(resultMap, key); } else { logger.error("{}:{} getMaxMemory failed!", ip, port); return null; } } @Override public String executeCommand(AppDesc appDesc, String command) { //非测试应用只能执行白名单里面的命令 if (AppDescEnum.AppTest.NOT_TEST.getValue() == appDesc.getIsTest()) { if (!RedisReadOnlyCommandEnum.contains(command)) { return "online app only support read-only and safe command"; } } int type = appDesc.getType(); long appId = appDesc.getAppId(); if (type == ConstUtils.CACHE_REDIS_SENTINEL) { JedisSentinelPool jedisSentinelPool = getJedisSentinelPool(appDesc); if (jedisSentinelPool == null) { return "sentinel can not execute "; } Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = jedisSentinelPool.getResource(); String host = jedis.getClient().getHost(); int port = jedis.getClient().getPort(); return executeCommand(appId, host, port, command); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return "运行出错:" + e.getMessage(); } finally { if (jedis != null) jedis.close(); jedisSentinelPool.destroy(); } } else if (type == ConstUtils.CACHE_REDIS_STANDALONE) { List<InstanceInfo> instanceList = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); if (instanceList == null || instanceList.isEmpty()) { return "应用没有运行的实例"; } String host = null; int port = 0; for (InstanceInfo instanceInfo : instanceList) { host = instanceInfo.getIp(); port = instanceInfo.getPort(); break; } try { return executeCommand(appId, host, port, command); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return "运行出错:" + e.getMessage(); } } else if (type == ConstUtils.CACHE_TYPE_REDIS_CLUSTER) { List<InstanceInfo> instanceList = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); if (instanceList == null || instanceList.isEmpty()) { return "应用没有运行的实例"; } Set<HostAndPort> clusterHosts = new LinkedHashSet<HostAndPort>(); for (InstanceInfo instance : instanceList) { if (instance == null || instance.getStatus() == InstanceStatusEnum.OFFLINE_STATUS.getStatus()) { continue; } clusterHosts.add(new HostAndPort(instance.getIp(), instance.getPort())); } if (clusterHosts.isEmpty()) { return "no run instance"; } String host = null; int port = 0; JedisCluster jedisCluster = new JedisCluster(clusterHosts, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); try { String commandKey = getCommandKey(command); int slot; if (StringUtils.isBlank(commandKey)) { slot = 0; } else { slot = JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(commandKey); } JedisPool jedisPool = jedisCluster.getConnectionHandler().getJedisPoolFromSlot(slot); host = jedisPool.getHost(); port = jedisPool.getPort(); } finally { jedisCluster.close(); } try { return executeCommand(appId, host, port, command); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return "运行出错:" + e.getMessage(); } } return "不支持应用类型"; } private String getCommandKey(String command) { String[] array = StringUtils.trim(command).split("\\s+"); if (array.length > 1) { return array[1]; } else { return null; } } @Override public String executeCommand(long appId, String host, int port, String command) { AppDesc appDesc = appDao.getAppDescById(appId); if (appDesc == null) { return "not exist appId"; } //非测试应用只能执行白名单里面的命令 if (AppDescEnum.AppTest.NOT_TEST.getValue() == appDesc.getIsTest()) { if (!RedisReadOnlyCommandEnum.contains(command)) { return "online app only support read-only and safe command "; } } String password = appDesc.getPassword(); String shell = RedisProtocol.getExecuteCommandShell(host, port, password, command); //记录客户端发送日志 logger.warn("executeRedisShell={}", shell); return machineCenter.executeShell(host, shell); } @Override public JedisSentinelPool getJedisSentinelPool(AppDesc appDesc) { if (appDesc == null) { logger.error("appDes is null"); return null; } if (appDesc.getType() != ConstUtils.CACHE_REDIS_SENTINEL) { logger.error("type={} is not sentinel", appDesc.getType()); return null; } long appId = appDesc.getAppId(); List<InstanceInfo> instanceInfos = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); String masterName = null; for (Iterator<InstanceInfo> i = instanceInfos.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo =; if (instanceInfo.getType() != ConstUtils.CACHE_REDIS_SENTINEL) { i.remove(); continue; } if (masterName == null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(instanceInfo.getCmd())) { masterName = instanceInfo.getCmd(); } } Set<String> sentinels = new HashSet<String>(); for (InstanceInfo instanceInfo : instanceInfos) { sentinels.add(instanceInfo.getIp() + ":" + instanceInfo.getPort()); } JedisSentinelPool jedisSentinelPool = new JedisSentinelPool(masterName, sentinels); return jedisSentinelPool; } @Override public Map<String, String> getRedisConfigList(int instanceId) { if (instanceId <= 0) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getInstanceInfoById(instanceId); if (instanceInfo == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } if (TypeUtil.isRedisType(instanceInfo.getType())) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(instanceInfo.getAppId(), instanceInfo.getIp(), instanceInfo.getPort(), REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); List<String> configs = jedis.configGet("*"); Map<String, String> configMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < configs.size(); i += 2) { if (i < configs.size()) { String key = configs.get(i); String value = configs.get(i + 1); if (StringUtils.isBlank(value)) { continue; } configMap.put(key, value); } } return configMap; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } return Collections.emptyMap(); } @Override public List<RedisSlowLog> getRedisSlowLogs(int instanceId, int maxCount) { if (instanceId <= 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getInstanceInfoById(instanceId); if (instanceInfo == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (TypeUtil.isRedisType(instanceInfo.getType())) { return getRedisSlowLogs(instanceInfo.getAppId(), instanceInfo.getIp(), instanceInfo.getPort(), maxCount); } return Collections.emptyList(); } private List<RedisSlowLog> getRedisSlowLogs(long appId, String host, int port, int maxCount) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); List<RedisSlowLog> resultList = new ArrayList<RedisSlowLog>(); List<Slowlog> slowlogs = null; if (maxCount > 0) { slowlogs = jedis.slowlogGet(maxCount); } else { slowlogs = jedis.slowlogGet(); } if (slowlogs != null && slowlogs.size() > 0) { for (Slowlog sl : slowlogs) { RedisSlowLog rs = new RedisSlowLog(); rs.setId(sl.getId()); rs.setExecutionTime(sl.getExecutionTime()); long time = sl.getTimeStamp() * 1000L; rs.setDate(new Date(time)); rs.setTimeStamp(DateUtil.formatYYYYMMddHHMMSS(new Date(time))); rs.setCommand(StringUtils.join(sl.getArgs(), " ")); resultList.add(rs); } } return resultList; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.emptyList(); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } @Override public boolean configRewrite(final long appId, final String host, final int port) { return new IdempotentConfirmer() { @Override public boolean execute() { Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); try { String response = jedis.configRewrite(); return response != null && response.equalsIgnoreCase("OK"); } finally { jedis.close(); } } }.run(); } @Override public boolean cleanAppData(AppDesc appDesc, AppUser appUser) { if (appDesc == null) { return false; } long appId = appDesc.getAppId(); // 线上应用不能清理数据 if (AppDescEnum.AppTest.IS_TEST.getValue() != appDesc.getIsTest()) { logger.error("appId {} profile must be test", appId); return false; } // 必须是redis应用 if (!TypeUtil.isRedisType(appDesc.getType())) { logger.error("appId {} type must be redis", appId); return false; } // 实例验证 List<InstanceInfo> instanceList = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(instanceList)) { logger.error("appId {} instanceList is empty", appId); return false; } // 开始清除 for (InstanceInfo instance : instanceList) { if (instance.getStatus() != InstanceStatusEnum.GOOD_STATUS.getStatus()) { continue; } String host = instance.getIp(); int port = instance.getPort(); // master + 非sentinel节点 Boolean isMater = isMaster(appId, host, port); if (isMater != null && isMater.equals(true) && !TypeUtil.isRedisSentinel(instance.getType())) { Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(30000); try { logger.warn("{}:{} start clear data", host, port); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); String result = jedis.flushAll(); if (!"ok".equalsIgnoreCase(result)) { return false; } logger.warn("{}:{} finish clear data, cost time:{} ms", host, port, (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("clear redis: " + e.getMessage(), e); return false; } finally { jedis.close(); } } } //记录日志 AppAuditLog appAuditLog = AppAuditLog.generate(appDesc, appUser, 0L, AppAuditLogTypeEnum.APP_CLEAN_DATA);; return true; } @Override public boolean isSingleClusterNode(long appId, String host, int port) { final Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port); try { String clusterNodes = jedis.clusterNodes(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clusterNodes)) { throw new RuntimeException(host + ":" + port + "clusterNodes is null"); } String[] nodeInfos = clusterNodes.split("\n"); if (nodeInfos.length == 1) { return true; } return false; } finally { jedis.close(); } } @Override public List<String> getClientList(int instanceId) { if (instanceId <= 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getInstanceInfoById(instanceId); if (instanceInfo == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } if (TypeUtil.isRedisType(instanceInfo.getType())) { Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(instanceInfo.getAppId(), instanceInfo.getIp(), instanceInfo.getPort(), REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); jedis.clientList(); List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<String>(); String clientList = jedis.clientList(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(clientList)) { String[] array = clientList.split("\n"); resultList.addAll(Arrays.asList(array)); } return resultList; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } } return Collections.emptyList(); } @Override public Map<String, String> getClusterLossSlots(long appId) { // 1.从应用中获取一个健康的主节点 InstanceInfo sourceMasterInstance = getHealthyInstanceInfo(appId); if (sourceMasterInstance == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } // 2. 获取所有slot和节点的对应关系 Map<Integer, String> slotHostPortMap = getSlotsHostPortMap(appId, sourceMasterInstance.getIp(), sourceMasterInstance.getPort()); // 3. 获取集群中失联的slot List<Integer> lossSlotList = getClusterLossSlots(appId, sourceMasterInstance.getIp(), sourceMasterInstance.getPort()); // 3.1 将失联的slot列表组装成Map<String host:port,List<Integer> lossSlotList> Map<String, List<Integer>> hostPortSlotMap = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(lossSlotList)) { for (Integer lossSlot : lossSlotList) { String key = slotHostPortMap.get(lossSlot); if (hostPortSlotMap.containsKey(key)) { hostPortSlotMap.get(key).add(lossSlot); } else { List<Integer> list = new ArrayList<Integer>(); list.add(lossSlot); hostPortSlotMap.put(key, list); } } } // 3.2 hostPortSlotMap组装成Map<String host:port,String startSlot-endSlot> Map<String, String> slotSegmentsMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<String, List<Integer>> entry : hostPortSlotMap.entrySet()) { List<Integer> list = entry.getValue(); List<String> slotSegments = new ArrayList<String>(); int min = list.get(0); int max = min; for (int i = 1; i < list.size(); i++) { int temp = list.get(i); if (temp == max + 1) { max = temp; } else { slotSegments.add(String.valueOf(min) + "-" + String.valueOf(max)); min = temp; max = temp; } } slotSegments.add(String.valueOf(min) + "-" + String.valueOf(max)); slotSegmentsMap.put(entry.getKey(), slotSegments.toString()); } return slotSegmentsMap; } /** * 从一个应用中获取一个健康的主节点 * * @param appId * @return */ public InstanceInfo getHealthyInstanceInfo(long appId) { InstanceInfo sourceMasterInstance = null; List<InstanceInfo> appInstanceInfoList = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(appInstanceInfoList)) { logger.error("appId {} has not instances", appId); return null; } for (InstanceInfo instanceInfo : appInstanceInfoList) { int instanceType = instanceInfo.getType(); if (!TypeUtil.isRedisCluster(instanceType)) { continue; } final String host = instanceInfo.getIp(); final int port = instanceInfo.getPort(); if (instanceInfo.getStatus() != InstanceStatusEnum.GOOD_STATUS.getStatus()) { continue; } boolean isRun = isRun(appId, host, port); if (!isRun) { logger.warn("{}:{} is not run", host, port); continue; } boolean isMaster = isMaster(appId, host, port); if (!isMaster) { logger.warn("{}:{} is not master", host, port); continue; } sourceMasterInstance = instanceInfo; break; } return sourceMasterInstance; } /** * clusterslots命令拼接成Map<Integer slot, String host:port> * * @param host * @param port * @return */ private Map<Integer, String> getSlotsHostPortMap(long appId, String host, int port) { Map<Integer, String> slotHostPortMap = new HashMap<Integer, String>(); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port); List<Object> slots = jedis.clusterSlots(); for (Object slotInfoObj : slots) { List<Object> slotInfo = (List<Object>) slotInfoObj; if (slotInfo.size() <= 2) { continue; } List<Integer> slotNums = getAssignedSlotArray(slotInfo); // hostInfos List<Object> hostInfos = (List<Object>) slotInfo.get(2); if (hostInfos.size() <= 0) { continue; } HostAndPort targetNode = generateHostAndPort(hostInfos); for (Integer slot : slotNums) { slotHostPortMap.put(slot, targetNode.getHost() + ":" + targetNode.getPort()); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } return slotHostPortMap; } private HostAndPort generateHostAndPort(List<Object> hostInfos) { return new HostAndPort(SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) hostInfos.get(0)), ((Long) hostInfos.get(1)).intValue()); } private List<Integer> getAssignedSlotArray(List<Object> slotInfo) { List<Integer> slotNums = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int slot = ((Long) slotInfo.get(0)).intValue(); slot <= ((Long) slotInfo.get(1)) .intValue(); slot++) { slotNums.add(slot); } return slotNums; } @Override public List<Integer> getClusterLossSlots(long appId, String host, int port) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getAllInstByIpAndPort(host, port); if (instanceInfo == null) { logger.warn("{}:{} instanceInfo is null", host, port); return Collections.emptyList(); } if (!TypeUtil.isRedisCluster(instanceInfo.getType())) { logger.warn("{}:{} is not rediscluster type", host, port); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Integer> clusterLossSlots = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); String clusterNodes = jedis.clusterNodes(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clusterNodes)) { throw new RuntimeException(host + ":" + port + "clusterNodes is null"); } Set<Integer> allSlots = new LinkedHashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i <= 16383; i++) { allSlots.add(i); } // 解析 ClusterNodeInformationParser nodeInfoParser = new ClusterNodeInformationParser(); for (String nodeInfo : clusterNodes.split("\n")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nodeInfo) && !nodeInfo.contains("disconnected")) { ClusterNodeInformation clusterNodeInfo = nodeInfoParser.parse(nodeInfo, new HostAndPort(host, port)); List<Integer> availableSlots = clusterNodeInfo.getAvailableSlots(); for (Integer slot : availableSlots) { allSlots.remove(slot); } } } clusterLossSlots = new ArrayList<Integer>(allSlots); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getClusterLossSlots: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } return clusterLossSlots; } @Override public List<Integer> getInstanceSlots(long appId, String healthHost, int healthPort, String lossSlotsHost, int lossSlotsPort) { InstanceInfo instanceInfo = instanceDao.getAllInstByIpAndPort(healthHost, healthPort); if (instanceInfo == null) { logger.warn("{}:{} instanceInfo is null", healthHost, healthPort); return Collections.emptyList(); } if (!TypeUtil.isRedisCluster(instanceInfo.getType())) { logger.warn("{}:{} is not rediscluster type", healthHost, healthPort); return Collections.emptyList(); } List<Integer> clusterLossSlots = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, healthHost, healthPort, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME, REDIS_DEFAULT_TIME); String clusterNodes = jedis.clusterNodes(); if (StringUtils.isBlank(clusterNodes)) { throw new RuntimeException(healthHost + ":" + healthPort + "clusterNodes is null"); } // 解析 ClusterNodeInformationParser nodeInfoParser = new ClusterNodeInformationParser(); for (String nodeInfo : clusterNodes.split("\n")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(nodeInfo) && nodeInfo.contains("disconnected") && nodeInfo.contains(lossSlotsHost + ":" + lossSlotsPort)) { ClusterNodeInformation clusterNodeInfo = nodeInfoParser.parse(nodeInfo, new HostAndPort(healthHost, healthPort)); clusterLossSlots = clusterNodeInfo.getAvailableSlots(); } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("getClusterLossSlots: " + e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) { jedis.close(); } } return clusterLossSlots; } public void destory() { for (JedisPool jedisPool : jedisPoolMap.values()) { jedisPool.destroy(); } } @Override public boolean deployRedisSlowLogCollection(long appId, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); Map<String, Object> dataMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.HOST_KEY, host); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.PORT_KEY, port); dataMap.put(ConstUtils.APP_KEY, appId); JobKey jobKey = JobKey.jobKey(ConstUtils.REDIS_SLOWLOG_JOB_NAME, ConstUtils.REDIS_SLOWLOG_JOB_GROUP); TriggerKey triggerKey = TriggerKey.triggerKey(ObjectConvert.linkIpAndPort(host, port), ConstUtils.REDIS_SLOWLOG_TRIGGER_GROUP + appId); boolean result = schedulerCenter.deployJobByCron(jobKey, triggerKey, dataMap, ScheduleUtil.getRedisSlowLogCron(appId), false); return result; } @Override public boolean unDeployRedisSlowLogCollection(long appId, String host, int port) { Assert.isTrue(appId > 0); Assert.hasText(host); Assert.isTrue(port > 0); TriggerKey triggerKey = TriggerKey.triggerKey(ObjectConvert.linkIpAndPort(host, port), ConstUtils.REDIS_SLOWLOG_TRIGGER_GROUP + appId); Trigger trigger = schedulerCenter.getTrigger(triggerKey); if (trigger == null) { return true; } return schedulerCenter.unscheduleJob(triggerKey); } @Override public List<InstanceSlowLog> getInstanceSlowLogByAppId(long appId) { try { return instanceSlowLogDao.getByAppId(appId); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public List<InstanceSlowLog> getInstanceSlowLogByAppId(long appId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { try { return, startDate, endDate); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.emptyList(); } } @Override public Map<String, Long> getInstanceSlowLogCountMapByAppId(Long appId, Date startDate, Date endDate) { try { List<Map<String, Object>> list = instanceSlowLogDao.getInstanceSlowLogCountMapByAppId(appId, startDate, endDate); if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(list)) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } Map<String, Long> resultMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, Long>(); for (Map<String, Object> map : list) { long count = MapUtils.getLongValue(map, "count"); String hostPort = MapUtils.getString(map, "hostPort"); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(hostPort)) { resultMap.put(hostPort, count); } } return resultMap; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); return Collections.emptyMap(); } } @Override public Map<String, InstanceSlotModel> getClusterSlotsMap(long appId) { AppDesc appDesc = appDao.getAppDescById(appId); if (!TypeUtil.isRedisCluster(appDesc.getType())) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } // 最终结果 Map<String, InstanceSlotModel> resultMap = new HashMap<String, InstanceSlotModel>(); // 找到一个运行的节点用来执行cluster slots List<InstanceInfo> instanceList = instanceDao.getInstListByAppId(appId); String host = null; int port = 0; for (InstanceInfo instanceInfo : instanceList) { if (instanceInfo.isOffline()) { continue; } host = instanceInfo.getIp(); port = instanceInfo.getPort(); boolean isRun = isRun(appId, host, port); if (isRun) { break; } } if (StringUtils.isBlank(host) || port <= 0) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } // 获取cluster slots List<Object> clusterSlotList = null; Jedis jedis = null; try { jedis = getJedis(appId, host, port); clusterSlotList = jedis.clusterSlots(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) jedis.close(); } if (clusterSlotList == null || clusterSlotList.size() == 0) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } //clusterSlotList形如: // [0, 1, [[B@5caf905d, 6380], [[B@27716f4, 6379]] // [3, 4096, [[B@8efb846, 6380], [[B@2a84aee7, 6379]] // [12291, 16383, [[B@a09ee92, 6383], [[B@30f39991, 6382]] // [2, 2, [[B@452b3a41, 6381], [[B@4a574795, 6382]] // [8194, 12290, [[B@f6f4d33, 6381], [[B@23fc625e, 6382]] // [4097, 8193, [[B@3f99bd52, 6380], [[B@4f023edb, 6381]] for (Object clusterSlotObj : clusterSlotList) { List<Object> slotInfoList = (List<Object>) clusterSlotObj; if (slotInfoList.size() <= 2) { continue; } //获取slot的start到end相关 int startSlot = ((Long) slotInfoList.get(0)).intValue(); int endSlot = ((Long) slotInfoList.get(1)).intValue(); String slotDistribute = getStartToEndSlotDistribute(startSlot, endSlot); List<Integer> slotList = getStartToEndSlotList(startSlot, endSlot); List<Object> masterInfoList = (List<Object>) slotInfoList.get(2); String tempHost = SafeEncoder.encode((byte[]) masterInfoList.get(0)); int tempPort = ((Long) masterInfoList.get(1)).intValue(); String hostPort = tempHost + ":" + tempPort; if (resultMap.containsKey(hostPort)) { InstanceSlotModel instanceSlotModel = resultMap.get(hostPort); instanceSlotModel.getSlotDistributeList().add(slotDistribute); instanceSlotModel.getSlotList().addAll(slotList); } else { InstanceSlotModel instanceSlotModel = new InstanceSlotModel(); instanceSlotModel.setHost(tempHost); instanceSlotModel.setPort(tempPort); List<String> slotDistributeList = new ArrayList<String>(); slotDistributeList.add(slotDistribute); instanceSlotModel.setSlotDistributeList(slotDistributeList); instanceSlotModel.setSlotList(slotList); resultMap.put(hostPort, instanceSlotModel); } } return resultMap; } /** * 获取slot列表 * @param startSlot * @param endSlot * @return */ private List<Integer> getStartToEndSlotList(int startSlot, int endSlot) { List<Integer> slotList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (startSlot == endSlot) { slotList.add(startSlot); } else { for (int i = startSlot; i <= endSlot; i++) { slotList.add(i); } } return slotList; } /** * 0,4096 0-4096 * 2,2 2-2 * @param slotInfo * @return */ private String getStartToEndSlotDistribute(int startSlot, int endSlot) { if (startSlot == endSlot) { return String.valueOf(startSlot); } else { return startSlot + "-" + endSlot; } } @Override public String getRedisVersion(long appId, String ip, int port) { Map<RedisConstant, Map<String, Object>> infoAllMap = getInfoStats(appId, ip, port); if (MapUtils.isEmpty(infoAllMap)) { return null; } Map<String, Object> serverMap = infoAllMap.get(RedisConstant.Server); if (MapUtils.isEmpty(serverMap)) { return null; } return MapUtils.getString(serverMap, "redis_version"); } @Override public String getNodeId(long appId, String ip, int port) { final Jedis jedis = getJedis(appId, ip, port); try { final StringBuilder clusterNodes = new StringBuilder(); boolean isGetNodes = new IdempotentConfirmer() { @Override public boolean execute() { String nodes = jedis.clusterNodes(); if (nodes != null && nodes.length() > 0) { clusterNodes.append(nodes); return true; } return false; } }.run(); if (!isGetNodes) { logger.error("{}:{} clusterNodes failed", jedis.getClient().getHost(), jedis.getClient().getPort()); return null; } for (String infoLine : clusterNodes.toString().split("\n")) { if (infoLine.contains("myself")) { String nodeId = infoLine.split(" ")[0]; return nodeId; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (jedis != null) jedis.close(); } return null; } public void setSchedulerCenter(SchedulerCenter schedulerCenter) { this.schedulerCenter = schedulerCenter; } public void setInstanceStatsCenter(InstanceStatsCenter instanceStatsCenter) { this.instanceStatsCenter = instanceStatsCenter; } public void setAppStatsDao(AppStatsDao appStatsDao) { this.appStatsDao = appStatsDao; } public void setAsyncService(AsyncService asyncService) { this.asyncService = asyncService; } public void setInstanceDao(InstanceDao instanceDao) { this.instanceDao = instanceDao; } public void setInstanceStatsDao(InstanceStatsDao instanceStatsDao) { this.instanceStatsDao = instanceStatsDao; } public void setMachineCenter(MachineCenter machineCenter) { this.machineCenter = machineCenter; } public void setAppDao(AppDao appDao) { this.appDao = appDao; } public void setAppAuditLogDao(AppAuditLogDao appAuditLogDao) { this.appAuditLogDao = appAuditLogDao; } public void setInstanceSlowLogDao(InstanceSlowLogDao instanceSlowLogDao) { this.instanceSlowLogDao = instanceSlowLogDao; } @Override public Jedis getJedis(long appId, String host, int port) { return getJedis(appId, host, port, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } @Override public Jedis getJedis(long appId, String host, int port, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout) { AppDesc appDesc = appDao.getAppDescById(appId); String password = appDesc.getPassword(); Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(connectionTimeout); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(soTimeout); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { jedis.auth(password); } return jedis; } @Override public Jedis getJedis(String host, int port, String password) { Jedis jedis = new Jedis(host, port); jedis.getClient().setConnectionTimeout(Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); jedis.getClient().setSoTimeout(Protocol.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(password)) { jedis.auth(password); } return jedis; } @Override public Jedis getJedis(String host, int port) { return getJedis(host, port, null); } }