package redis.clients.jedis; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.*; import redis.clients.util.JedisClusterCRC16; /** * Created by yijunzhang on 14-7-19. */ public class SubPubClusterCommand { private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass()); protected final PipelineCluster pipelineCluster; private final JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler; private final int redirections; private ThreadLocal<Jedis> askConnection = new ThreadLocal<Jedis>(); public SubPubClusterCommand(PipelineCluster pipelineCluster, JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler, int redirections) { this.pipelineCluster = pipelineCluster; this.connectionHandler = connectionHandler; this.redirections = redirections; } private Jedis returnRetriesJedis(String key, int redirections, boolean tryRandomNode, boolean asking) { if (redirections <= 0) { throw new JedisClusterMaxRedirectionsException( "Too many Cluster redirections? key=" + key); } Jedis jedis = null; try { if (asking) { // TODO: Pipeline asking with the original command to make it // faster.... jedis = askConnection.get(); jedis.asking(); // if asking success, reset asking flag asking = false; } else if (tryRandomNode) { jedis = connectionHandler.getConnection(); } else { jedis = connectionHandler.getConnectionFromSlot(JedisClusterCRC16.getSlot(key)); } return jedis; } catch (JedisConnectionException jce) { if (tryRandomNode) { // maybe all connection is down throw jce; } releaseConnection(jedis); // retry with random connection return returnRetriesJedis(key, redirections--, true, asking); } catch (JedisRedirectionException jre) { // if MOVED redirection occurred, if (jre instanceof JedisMovedDataException) { // it rebuilds cluster's slot cache // recommended by Redis cluster specification this.connectionHandler.renewSlotCache(jedis); } // release current connection before recursion or renewing releaseConnection(jedis); jedis = null; if (jre instanceof JedisAskDataException) { asking = true; askConnection.set(this.connectionHandler.getConnectionFromNode(jre.getTargetNode())); } else if (jre instanceof JedisMovedDataException) { } else { throw new JedisClusterException(jre); } return returnRetriesJedis(key, redirections - 1, false, asking); } } public Jedis getJedis(String channel) { return returnRetriesJedis(channel, this.redirections, false, false); } public Jedis getNewJedis(String channel, int timeout) { Jedis jedis = getJedis(channel); try { String host = jedis.getClient().getHost(); int port = jedis.getClient().getPort(); Jedis newJedis = new Jedis(host, port, timeout); String pong =; if (pong == null || !pong.equals("PONG")) { throw new JedisException("SubPubCluster:jedis is not ping !"); } return newJedis; } finally { releaseConnection(jedis); } } public void releaseConnection(Jedis connection) { if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } }