package redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset; import redis.clients.jedis.params.Params; import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder; import java.util.ArrayList; /** * Parameters for ZINCRBY commands <br/> * <br/> * In fact, Redis doesn't have parameters for ZINCRBY. Instead Redis has INCR parameter for ZADD.<br/> * When users call ZADD with INCR option, its restriction (only one member) and return type is same * to ZINCRBY. <br/> * Document page for ZADD also describes INCR option to act like ZINCRBY. <br/> * <br/> * <br/> * So we decided to wrap "ZADD with INCR option" to ZINCRBY. <br/> * <br/> * <br/> * Works with Redis 3.0.2 and onwards. */ public class ZIncrByParams extends Params { private static final String XX = "xx"; private static final String NX = "nx"; private static final String INCR = "incr"; private ZIncrByParams() { } public static ZIncrByParams zIncrByParams() { return new ZIncrByParams(); } /** * Only set the key if it does not already exist. * @return ZIncrByParams */ public ZIncrByParams nx() { addParam(NX); return this; } /** * Only set the key if it already exist. * @return ZIncrByParams */ public ZIncrByParams xx() { addParam(XX); return this; } public byte[][] getByteParams(byte[] key, byte[]... args) { ArrayList<byte[]> byteParams = new ArrayList<byte[]>(); byteParams.add(key); if (contains(NX)) { byteParams.add(SafeEncoder.encode(NX)); } if (contains(XX)) { byteParams.add(SafeEncoder.encode(XX)); } byteParams.add(SafeEncoder.encode(INCR)); for (byte[] arg : args) { byteParams.add(arg); } return byteParams.toArray(new byte[byteParams.size()][]); } }