package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * 生成一个redis可用端口 * * @author: lingguo * @time: 2014/8/25 20:57 */ public class PortGenerator { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PortGenerator.class); /** * redis port常量 */ private static final Integer REDIS_START_PORT = 6379; private static AtomicLongMap<String> redisPortHolder = AtomicLongMap.create(); /** * 返回一个redis的可用端口: * - 1. 通过shell查询redis当前已用的最大port; * - 2. 为什么同步:防止多线程访问时获取到同样的端口; * - 3. 为什么还用原子计数:连续两次调用时,如果进程还没启动,则拿到的仍然是相同的端口; * * @param ip * @return */ public static synchronized Integer getRedisPort(final String ip) { if (redisPortHolder.get(ip) == 0L) { redisPortHolder.put(ip, REDIS_START_PORT); } String maxPortStr = ""; try { int sshPort = SSHUtil.getSshPort(ip); maxPortStr = getMaxPortStr(ip, sshPort); } catch (SSHException e) { logger.error("cannot get max port of redis by ssh, ip: {}", ip, e); } if (StringUtils.isBlank(maxPortStr) || !StringUtils.isNumeric(maxPortStr)) { logger.warn("{} the max port of redis is invalid, maxPortStr: {}", ip, maxPortStr); return new Long(redisPortHolder.getAndIncrement(ip)).intValue(); } int availablePort = Integer.valueOf(maxPortStr) + 1; // 兼容连续调用的情况 if (availablePort < redisPortHolder.get(ip)) { availablePort = new Long(redisPortHolder.getAndIncrement(ip)).intValue(); } else { // 正常情况,以及兼容系统重启和当前端口不可用的情形 redisPortHolder.put(ip, availablePort + 1); } try { while (SSHUtil.isPortUsed(ip, availablePort)) { availablePort++; } } catch (SSHException e) { logger.error("check port error, ip: {}, port: {}", ip, availablePort, e); } redisPortHolder.put(ip, availablePort+1); return availablePort; } @Deprecated public static String getMaxPortStrOld(String ip, int sshPort) throws SSHException { String redisPidCmd = "ps -ef | grep redis | grep -v 'grep' | awk -F '*:' '{print $2}' " + " | awk -F ' ' '{print $1}' | sort -r | head -1"; return SSHUtil.execute(ip, sshPort, ConstUtils.USERNAME, ConstUtils.PASSWORD, redisPidCmd); } /** * 直接解析ps -ef | grep redis | grep -v 'grep' * @param ip * @param sshPort * @return * @throws SSHException */ public static String getMaxPortStr(String ip, int sshPort) throws SSHException { String redisPidCmd = "ps -ef | grep redis | grep -v 'grep'"; String redisProcessStr = SSHUtil.execute(ip, sshPort, ConstUtils.USERNAME, ConstUtils.PASSWORD, redisPidCmd); if (StringUtils.isBlank(redisProcessStr)) { return EmptyObjectConstant.EMPTY_STRING; } int maxPort = 0; String[] lines = redisProcessStr.split(SymbolConstant.ENTER); for (String line : lines) { if (StringUtils.isBlank(line)) { continue; } int redisServerIndex = line.indexOf("redis-server"); int redisSentinelIndex = line.indexOf("redis-sentinel"); if (redisServerIndex >= 0) { line = line.substring(redisServerIndex); } if (redisSentinelIndex >= 0) { line = line.substring(redisSentinelIndex); } if (redisServerIndex < 0 && redisSentinelIndex < 0) { continue; } String[] items = line.split(SymbolConstant.SPACE); if (items.length >= 2) { String hostPort = items[1]; if (StringUtils.isBlank(hostPort)) { continue; } String[] hostPortArr = hostPort.split(SymbolConstant.COLON); if (hostPortArr.length != 2) { continue; } String portStr = hostPortArr[1]; if (!NumberUtils.isDigits(portStr)) { continue; } int port = NumberUtils.toInt(portStr); if (port > maxPort) { maxPort = port; } } } return maxPort == 0 ? EmptyObjectConstant.EMPTY_STRING : String.valueOf(maxPort); } }