package redis.clients.jedis.tests; import; import; import java.util.*; import org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import redis.clients.jedis.HostAndPort; import redis.clients.jedis.Jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.Pipeline; import redis.clients.jedis.Response; import redis.clients.jedis.Tuple; import redis.clients.jedis.exceptions.JedisDataException; import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder; import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.equalTo; public class PipeliningTest extends Assert { private static HostAndPort hnp = HostAndPortUtil.getRedisServers().get(0); private Jedis jedis; @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { jedis = new Jedis(hnp.getHost(), hnp.getPort(), 2000); jedis.connect(); jedis.auth("foobared"); jedis.flushAll(); } @Test public void pipeline() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set("foo", "bar"); p.get("foo"); List<Object> results = p.syncAndReturnAll(); assertEquals(2, results.size()); assertEquals("OK", results.get(0)); assertEquals("bar", results.get(1)); } @Test public void pipelineResponse() { jedis.set("string", "foo"); jedis.lpush("list", "foo"); jedis.hset("hash", "foo", "bar"); jedis.zadd("zset", 1, "foo"); jedis.sadd("set", "foo"); jedis.setrange("setrange", 0, "0123456789"); byte[] bytesForSetRange = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; jedis.setrange("setrangebytes".getBytes(), 0, bytesForSetRange); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<String> string = p.get("string"); Response<String> list = p.lpop("list"); Response<String> hash = p.hget("hash", "foo"); Response<Set<String>> zset = p.zrange("zset", 0, -1); Response<String> set = p.spop("set"); Response<Boolean> blist = p.exists("list"); Response<Double> zincrby = p.zincrby("zset", 1, "foo"); Response<Long> zcard = p.zcard("zset"); p.lpush("list", "bar"); Response<List<String>> lrange = p.lrange("list", 0, -1); Response<Map<String, String>> hgetAll = p.hgetAll("hash"); p.sadd("set", "foo"); Response<Set<String>> smembers = p.smembers("set"); Response<Set<Tuple>> zrangeWithScores = p.zrangeWithScores("zset", 0, -1); Response<String> getrange = p.getrange("setrange", 1, 3); Response<byte[]> getrangeBytes = p.getrange("setrangebytes".getBytes(), 6, 8); p.sync(); assertEquals("foo", string.get()); assertEquals("foo", list.get()); assertEquals("bar", hash.get()); assertEquals("foo", zset.get().iterator().next()); assertEquals("foo", set.get()); assertEquals(false, blist.get()); assertEquals(Double.valueOf(2), zincrby.get()); assertEquals(Long.valueOf(1), zcard.get()); assertEquals(1, lrange.get().size()); assertNotNull(hgetAll.get().get("foo")); assertEquals(1, smembers.get().size()); assertEquals(1, zrangeWithScores.get().size()); assertEquals("123", getrange.get()); byte[] expectedGetRangeBytes = { 6, 7, 8 }; assertArrayEquals(expectedGetRangeBytes, getrangeBytes.get()); } @Test public void pipelineResponseWithData() { jedis.zadd("zset", 1, "foo"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Double> score = p.zscore("zset", "foo"); p.sync(); assertNotNull(score.get()); } @Test public void pipelineBinarySafeHashCommands() { jedis.hset("key".getBytes(), "f1".getBytes(), "v111".getBytes()); jedis.hset("key".getBytes(), "f22".getBytes(), "v2222".getBytes()); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Map<byte[], byte[]>> fmap = p.hgetAll("key".getBytes()); Response<Set<byte[]>> fkeys = p.hkeys("key".getBytes()); Response<List<byte[]>> fordered = p.hmget("key".getBytes(), "f22".getBytes(), "f1".getBytes()); Response<List<byte[]>> fvals = p.hvals("key".getBytes()); p.sync(); assertNotNull(fmap.get()); // we have to do these strange contortions because byte[] is not a very // good key // for a java Map. It only works with equality (you need the exact key // object to retrieve // the value) I recommend we switch to using ByteBuffer or something // similar: // Map<byte[], byte[]> map = fmap.get(); Set<byte[]> mapKeys = map.keySet(); Iterator<byte[]> iterMap = mapKeys.iterator(); byte[] firstMapKey =; byte[] secondMapKey =; assertFalse(iterMap.hasNext()); verifyHasBothValues(firstMapKey, secondMapKey, "f1".getBytes(), "f22".getBytes()); byte[] firstMapValue = map.get(firstMapKey); byte[] secondMapValue = map.get(secondMapKey); verifyHasBothValues(firstMapValue, secondMapValue, "v111".getBytes(), "v2222".getBytes()); assertNotNull(fkeys.get()); Iterator<byte[]> iter = fkeys.get().iterator(); byte[] firstKey =; byte[] secondKey =; assertFalse(iter.hasNext()); verifyHasBothValues(firstKey, secondKey, "f1".getBytes(), "f22".getBytes()); assertNotNull(fordered.get()); assertArrayEquals("v2222".getBytes(), fordered.get().get(0)); assertArrayEquals("v111".getBytes(), fordered.get().get(1)); assertNotNull(fvals.get()); assertEquals(2, fvals.get().size()); byte[] firstValue = fvals.get().get(0); byte[] secondValue = fvals.get().get(1); verifyHasBothValues(firstValue, secondValue, "v111".getBytes(), "v2222".getBytes()); } private void verifyHasBothValues(byte[] firstKey, byte[] secondKey, byte[] value1, byte[] value2) { assertFalse(Arrays.equals(firstKey, secondKey)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(firstKey, value1) || Arrays.equals(firstKey, value2)); assertTrue(Arrays.equals(secondKey, value1) || Arrays.equals(secondKey, value2)); } @Test public void pipelineSelect() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined();; p.sync(); } @Test public void pipelineResponseWithoutData() { jedis.zadd("zset", 1, "foo"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Double> score = p.zscore("zset", "bar"); p.sync(); assertNull(score.get()); } @Test(expected = JedisDataException.class) public void pipelineResponseWithinPipeline() { jedis.set("string", "foo"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<String> string = p.get("string"); string.get(); p.sync(); } @Test public void pipelineWithPubSub() { Pipeline pipelined = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Long> p1 = pipelined.publish("foo", "bar"); Response<Long> p2 = pipelined.publish("foo".getBytes(), "bar".getBytes()); pipelined.sync(); assertEquals(0, p1.get().longValue()); assertEquals(0, p2.get().longValue()); } @Test public void canRetrieveUnsetKey() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<String> shouldNotExist = p.get(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); p.sync(); assertNull(shouldNotExist.get()); } @Test public void piplineWithError() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set("foo", "bar"); Response<Set<String>> error = p.smembers("foo"); Response<String> r = p.get("foo"); p.sync(); try { error.get(); fail(); } catch (JedisDataException e) { // that is fine we should be here } assertEquals(r.get(), "bar"); } @Test public void multi() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.multi(); Response<Long> r1 = p.hincrBy("a", "f1", -1); Response<Long> r2 = p.hincrBy("a", "f1", -2); Response<List<Object>> r3 = p.exec(); List<Object> result = p.syncAndReturnAll(); assertEquals(new Long(-1), r1.get()); assertEquals(new Long(-3), r2.get()); assertEquals(4, result.size()); assertEquals("OK", result.get(0)); assertEquals("QUEUED", result.get(1)); assertEquals("QUEUED", result.get(2)); // 4th result is a list with the results from the multi @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<Object> multiResult = (List<Object>) result.get(3); assertEquals(new Long(-1), multiResult.get(0)); assertEquals(new Long(-3), multiResult.get(1)); assertEquals(new Long(-1), r3.get().get(0)); assertEquals(new Long(-3), r3.get().get(1)); } @Test public void multiWithMassiveRequests() { Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.multi(); List<Response<?>> responseList = new ArrayList<Response<?>>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) { // any operation should be ok, but shouldn't forget about timeout responseList.add(p.setbit("test", 1, true)); } Response<List<Object>> exec = p.exec(); p.sync(); // we don't need to check return value // if below codes run without throwing Exception, we're ok exec.get(); for (Response<?> resp : responseList) { resp.get(); } } @Test public void multiWithSync() { jedis.set("foo", "314"); jedis.set("bar", "foo"); jedis.set("hello", "world"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<String> r1 = p.get("bar"); p.multi(); Response<String> r2 = p.get("foo"); p.exec(); Response<String> r3 = p.get("hello"); p.sync(); // before multi assertEquals("foo", r1.get()); // It should be readable whether exec's response was built or not assertEquals("314", r2.get()); // after multi assertEquals("world", r3.get()); } @Test(expected = JedisDataException.class) public void pipelineExecShoudThrowJedisDataExceptionWhenNotInMulti() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.exec(); } @Test(expected = JedisDataException.class) public void pipelineDiscardShoudThrowJedisDataExceptionWhenNotInMulti() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.discard(); } @Test(expected = JedisDataException.class) public void pipelineMultiShoudThrowJedisDataExceptionWhenAlreadyInMulti() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.multi(); pipeline.set("foo", "3"); pipeline.multi(); } @Test(expected = JedisDataException.class) public void testJedisThowExceptionWhenInPipeline() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.set("foo", "3"); jedis.get("somekey"); fail("Can't use jedis instance when in Pipeline"); } @Test public void testReuseJedisWhenPipelineIsEmpty() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.set("foo", "3"); pipeline.sync(); String result = jedis.get("foo"); assertEquals(result, "3"); } @Test public void testResetStateWhenInPipeline() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.set("foo", "3"); jedis.resetState(); String result = jedis.get("foo"); assertEquals(result, "3"); } @Test public void testDiscardInPipeline() { Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.multi(); pipeline.set("foo", "bar"); Response<String> discard = pipeline.discard(); Response<String> get = pipeline.get("foo"); pipeline.sync(); discard.get(); get.get(); } @Test public void testEval() { String script = "return 'success!'"; Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.eval(script); p.sync(); assertEquals("success!", result.get()); } @Test public void testEvalWithBinary() { String script = "return 'success!'"; Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.eval(SafeEncoder.encode(script)); p.sync(); assertArrayEquals(SafeEncoder.encode("success!"), (byte[]) result.get()); } @Test public void testEvalKeyAndArg() { String key = "test"; String arg = "3"; String script = "'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"; Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set(key, "0"); Response<Object> result0 = p.eval(script, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); p.incr(key); Response<Object> result1 = p.eval(script, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); Response<String> result2 = p.get(key); p.sync(); assertNull(result0.get()); assertNull(result1.get()); assertEquals("13", result2.get()); } @Test public void testEvalKeyAndArgWithBinary() { // binary byte[] bKey = SafeEncoder.encode("test"); byte[] bArg = SafeEncoder.encode("3"); byte[] bScript = SafeEncoder .encode("'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"); Pipeline bP = jedis.pipelined(); bP.set(bKey, SafeEncoder.encode("0")); Response<Object> bResult0 = bP.eval(bScript, Arrays.asList(bKey), Arrays.asList(bArg)); bP.incr(bKey); Response<Object> bResult1 = bP.eval(bScript, Arrays.asList(bKey), Arrays.asList(bArg)); Response<byte[]> bResult2 = bP.get(bKey); bP.sync(); assertNull(bResult0.get()); assertNull(bResult1.get()); assertArrayEquals(SafeEncoder.encode("13"), bResult2.get()); } @Test public void testEvalNestedLists() { String script = "return { {KEYS[1]} , {2} }"; Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.eval(script, 1, "key1"); p.sync(); List<?> results = (List<?>) result.get(); assertThat((List<String>) results.get(0), listWithItem("key1")); assertThat((List<Long>) results.get(1), listWithItem(2L)); } @Test public void testEvalNestedListsWithBinary() { byte[] bScript = SafeEncoder.encode("return { {KEYS[1]} , {2} }"); byte[] bKey = SafeEncoder.encode("key1"); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.eval(bScript, 1, bKey); p.sync(); List<?> results = (List<?>) result.get(); assertThat((List<byte[]>) results.get(0), listWithItem(bKey)); assertThat((List<Long>) results.get(1), listWithItem(2L)); } @Test public void testEvalsha() { String script = "return 'success!'"; String sha1 = jedis.scriptLoad(script); assertTrue(jedis.scriptExists(sha1)); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); Response<Object> result = p.evalsha(sha1); p.sync(); assertEquals("success!", result.get()); } @Test public void testEvalshaKeyAndArg() { String key = "test"; String arg = "3"; String script = "'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"; String sha1 = jedis.scriptLoad(script); assertTrue(jedis.scriptExists(sha1)); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set(key, "0"); Response<Object> result0 = p.evalsha(sha1, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); p.incr(key); Response<Object> result1 = p.evalsha(sha1, Arrays.asList(key), Arrays.asList(arg)); Response<String> result2 = p.get(key); p.sync(); assertNull(result0.get()); assertNull(result1.get()); assertEquals("13", result2.get()); } @Test public void testEvalshaKeyAndArgWithBinary() { byte[] bKey = SafeEncoder.encode("test"); byte[] bArg = SafeEncoder.encode("3"); String script = "'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])'INCRBY', KEYS[1], ARGV[1])"; byte[] bScript = SafeEncoder.encode(script); byte[] bSha1 = jedis.scriptLoad(bScript); assertTrue(jedis.scriptExists(bSha1) == 1); Pipeline p = jedis.pipelined(); p.set(bKey, SafeEncoder.encode("0")); Response<Object> result0 = p.evalsha(bSha1, Arrays.asList(bKey), Arrays.asList(bArg)); p.incr(bKey); Response<Object> result1 = p.evalsha(bSha1, Arrays.asList(bKey), Arrays.asList(bArg)); Response<byte[]> result2 = p.get(bKey); p.sync(); assertNull(result0.get()); assertNull(result1.get()); assertArrayEquals(SafeEncoder.encode("13"), result2.get()); } @Test public void testPipelinedTransactionResponse() { String key1 = "key1"; String val1 = "val1"; String key2 = "key2"; String val2 = "val2"; String key3 = "key3"; String field1 = "field1"; String field2 = "field2"; String field3 = "field3"; String field4 = "field4"; String value1 = "value1"; String value2 = "value2"; String value3 = "value3"; String value4 = "value4"; Map<String, String> hashMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); hashMap.put(field1, value1); hashMap.put(field2, value2); String key4 = "key4"; Map<String, String> hashMap1 = new HashMap<String, String>(); hashMap1.put(field3, value3); hashMap1.put(field4, value4); jedis.set(key1, val1); jedis.set(key2, val2); jedis.hmset(key3, hashMap); jedis.hmset(key4, hashMap1); Pipeline pipeline = jedis.pipelined(); pipeline.multi(); pipeline.get(key1); pipeline.hgetAll(key2); pipeline.hgetAll(key3); pipeline.get(key4); Response<List<Object>> response = pipeline.exec(); pipeline.sync(); List<Object> result = response.get(); assertEquals(4, result.size()); assertEquals("val1", result.get(0)); assertTrue(result.get(1) instanceof JedisDataException); Map<String, String> hashMapReceived = (Map<String, String>) result.get(2); Iterator<String> iterator = hashMapReceived.keySet().iterator(); String mapKey1 =; String mapKey2 =; assertFalse(iterator.hasNext()); verifyHasBothValues(mapKey1, mapKey2, field1, field2); String mapValue1 = hashMapReceived.get(mapKey1); String mapValue2 = hashMapReceived.get(mapKey2); verifyHasBothValues(mapValue1, mapValue2, value1, value2); assertTrue(result.get(3) instanceof JedisDataException); } @Test public void testSyncWithNoCommandQueued() { // we need to test with fresh instance of Jedis Jedis jedis2 = new Jedis(hnp.getHost(), hnp.getPort(), 500); Pipeline pipeline = jedis2.pipelined(); pipeline.sync(); jedis2.close(); jedis2 = new Jedis(hnp.getHost(), hnp.getPort(), 500); pipeline = jedis2.pipelined(); List<Object> resp = pipeline.syncAndReturnAll(); assertTrue(resp.isEmpty()); jedis2.close(); } @Test public void testCloseable() throws IOException { // we need to test with fresh instance of Jedis Jedis jedis2 = new Jedis(hnp.getHost(), hnp.getPort(), 500); jedis2.auth("foobared"); Pipeline pipeline = jedis2.pipelined(); Response<String> retFuture1 = pipeline.set("a", "1"); Response<String> retFuture2 = pipeline.set("b", "2"); pipeline.close(); // it shouldn't meet any exception retFuture1.get(); retFuture2.get(); } @Test public void testCloseableWithMulti() throws IOException { // we need to test with fresh instance of Jedis Jedis jedis2 = new Jedis(hnp.getHost(), hnp.getPort(), 500); jedis2.auth("foobared"); Pipeline pipeline = jedis2.pipelined(); Response<String> retFuture1 = pipeline.set("a", "1"); Response<String> retFuture2 = pipeline.set("b", "2"); pipeline.multi(); pipeline.set("a", "a"); pipeline.set("b", "b"); pipeline.close(); try { pipeline.exec(); fail("close should discard transaction"); } catch (JedisDataException e) { assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("EXEC without MULTI")); // pass } // it shouldn't meet any exception retFuture1.get(); retFuture2.get(); } private void verifyHasBothValues(String firstKey, String secondKey, String value1, String value2) { assertFalse(firstKey.equals(secondKey)); assertTrue(firstKey.equals(value1) || firstKey.equals(value2)); assertTrue(secondKey.equals(value1) || secondKey.equals(value2)); } private <T> Matcher<Iterable<? super T>> listWithItem(T expected) { return CoreMatchers.<T> hasItem(equalTo(expected)); } }