package redis.clients.jedis; import redis.clients.jedis.commands.BinaryJedisClusterCommands; import redis.clients.jedis.commands.JedisClusterBinaryScriptingCommands; import redis.clients.jedis.commands.MultiKeyBinaryJedisClusterCommands; import redis.clients.jedis.params.geo.GeoRadiusParam; import redis.clients.jedis.params.set.SetParams; import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZAddParams; import redis.clients.jedis.params.sortedset.ZIncrByParams; import redis.clients.util.KeyMergeUtil; import redis.clients.util.SafeEncoder; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.pool2.impl.GenericObjectPoolConfig; public class BinaryJedisCluster implements BinaryJedisClusterCommands, MultiKeyBinaryJedisClusterCommands, JedisClusterBinaryScriptingCommands, Closeable { public static final short HASHSLOTS = 16384; protected static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 2000; protected static final int DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS = 5; protected int maxRedirections; protected JedisClusterConnectionHandler connectionHandler; public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> nodes, int timeout) { this(nodes, timeout, DEFAULT_MAX_REDIRECTIONS, new GenericObjectPoolConfig()); } public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> nodes) { this(nodes, DEFAULT_TIMEOUT); } public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNode, int timeout, int maxRedirections, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) { this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig, timeout); this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections; } public BinaryJedisCluster(Set<HostAndPort> jedisClusterNode, int connectionTimeout, int soTimeout, int maxRedirections, final GenericObjectPoolConfig poolConfig) { this.connectionHandler = new JedisSlotBasedConnectionHandler(jedisClusterNode, poolConfig, connectionTimeout, soTimeout); this.maxRedirections = maxRedirections; } @Override public void close() { if (connectionHandler != null) { for (JedisPool pool : connectionHandler.getNodes().values()) { try { if (pool != null) { pool.destroy(); } } catch (Exception e) { // pass } } } } public Map<String, JedisPool> getClusterNodes() { return connectionHandler.getNodes(); } @Override public String set(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.set(key, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String set(final byte[] key, final byte[] value, final SetParams params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.set(key, value, params); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] get(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.get(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long exists(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.exists(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Boolean exists(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.exists(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long persist(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.persist(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String type(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.type(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long expire(final byte[] key, final int seconds) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.expire(key, seconds); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long pexpire(final byte[] key, final long milliseconds) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pexpire(key, milliseconds); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long expireAt(final byte[] key, final long unixTime) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.expireAt(key, unixTime); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long pexpireAt(final byte[] key, final long millisecondsTimestamp) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pexpire(key, millisecondsTimestamp); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long ttl(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.ttl(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Boolean setbit(final byte[] key, final long offset, final boolean value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.setbit(key, offset, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Boolean setbit(final byte[] key, final long offset, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.setbit(key, offset, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Boolean getbit(final byte[] key, final long offset) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.getbit(key, offset); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long setrange(final byte[] key, final long offset, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.setrange(key, offset, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] getrange(final byte[] key, final long startOffset, final long endOffset) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.getrange(key, startOffset, endOffset); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] getSet(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.getSet(key, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long setnx(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.setnx(key, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String setex(final byte[] key, final int seconds, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.setex(key, seconds, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long decrBy(final byte[] key, final long integer) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.decrBy(key, integer); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long decr(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.decr(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long incrBy(final byte[] key, final long integer) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.incrBy(key, integer); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double incrByFloat(final byte[] key, final double value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.incrByFloat(key, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long incr(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.incr(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long append(final byte[] key, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.append(key, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] substr(final byte[] key, final int start, final int end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.substr(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long hset(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hset(key, field, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] hget(final byte[] key, final byte[] field) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hget(key, field); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long hsetnx(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hsetnx(key, field, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String hmset(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], byte[]> hash) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hmset(key, hash); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> hmget(final byte[] key, final byte[]... fields) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hmget(key, fields); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long hincrBy(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final long value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hincrBy(key, field, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double hincrByFloat(final byte[] key, final byte[] field, final double value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hincrByFloat(key, field, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Boolean hexists(final byte[] key, final byte[] field) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hexists(key, field); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long hdel(final byte[] key, final byte[]... field) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hdel(key, field); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long hlen(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hlen(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> hkeys(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hkeys(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Collection<byte[]> hvals(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Collection<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Collection<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hvals(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Map<byte[], byte[]> hgetAll(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Map<byte[], byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Map<byte[], byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.hgetAll(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long rpush(final byte[] key, final byte[]... args) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.rpush(key, args); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long lpush(final byte[] key, final byte[]... args) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lpush(key, args); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long llen(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.llen(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> lrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lrange(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String ltrim(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.ltrim(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] lindex(final byte[] key, final long index) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lindex(key, index); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String lset(final byte[] key, final long index, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lset(key, index, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long lrem(final byte[] key, final long count, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lrem(key, count, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] lpop(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lpop(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] rpop(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.rpop(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long sadd(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sadd(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> smembers(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.smembers(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long srem(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.srem(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] spop(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.spop(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> spop(final byte[] key, final long count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.spop(key, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long scard(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.scard(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Boolean sismember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Boolean>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Boolean execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sismember(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] srandmember(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.srandmember(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long strlen(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.strlen(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zadd(key, score, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member, final ZAddParams params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zadd(key, score, member, params); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], Double> scoreMembers) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], Double> scoreMembers, final ZAddParams params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zadd(key, scoreMembers, params); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrange(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zrem(final byte[] key, final byte[]... member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrem(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double zincrby(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zincrby(key, score, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double zincrby(final byte[] key, final double score, final byte[] member, final ZIncrByParams params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zincrby(key, score, member, params); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zrank(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrank(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zrevrank(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrank(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrange(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrange(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeWithScores(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeWithScores(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeWithScores(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeWithScores(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zcard(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zcard(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double zscore(final byte[] key, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zscore(key, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> sort(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sort(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> sort(final byte[] key, final SortingParams sortingParameters) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zcount(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zcount(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zcount(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zcount(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScore(key, min, max, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double min, final double max, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScore(key, max, min, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByScoreWithScores(key, min, max, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final double max, final double min, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<Tuple> zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<Tuple>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<Tuple> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByScoreWithScores(key, max, min, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zremrangeByRank(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zremrangeByRank(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zremrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final double start, final double end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zremrangeByScore(final byte[] key, final byte[] start, final byte[] end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zremrangeByScore(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long linsert(final byte[] key, final Client.LIST_POSITION where, final byte[] pivot, final byte[] value) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.linsert(key, where, pivot, value); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long lpushx(final byte[] key, final byte[]... arg) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.lpushx(key, arg); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long rpushx(final byte[] key, final byte[]... arg) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.rpushx(key, arg); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long del(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.del(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] echo(final byte[] arg) { // note that it'll be run from arbitary node return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.echo(arg); } }.runBinary(arg); } @Override public Long bitcount(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.bitcount(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long bitcount(final byte[] key, final long start, final long end) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.bitcount(key, start, end); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long pfadd(final byte[] key, final byte[]... elements) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pfadd(key, elements); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public long pfcount(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pfcount(key); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> srandmember(final byte[] key, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.srandmember(key, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zlexcount(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zlexcount(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByLex(key, min, max, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrangeByLex(key, max, min); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Set<byte[]> zrevrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] max, final byte[] min, final int offset, final int count) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zrevrangeByLex(key, max, min, offset, count); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long zremrangeByLex(final byte[] key, final byte[] min, final byte[] max) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zremrangeByLex(key, min, max); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Object eval(final byte[] script, final byte[] keyCount, final byte[]... params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.eval(script, keyCount, params); } }.runBinary(Integer.parseInt(SafeEncoder.encode(keyCount)), params); } @Override public Object eval(final byte[] script, final int keyCount, final byte[]... params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.eval(script, keyCount, params); } }.runBinary(keyCount, params); } @Override public Object eval(final byte[] script, final List<byte[]> keys, final List<byte[]> args) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.eval(script, keys, args); } }.runBinary(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new byte[keys.size()][])); } @Override public Object eval(final byte[] script, byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.eval(script); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Object evalsha(final byte[] script, byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.evalsha(script); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Object evalsha(final byte[] sha1, final List<byte[]> keys, final List<byte[]> args) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.evalsha(sha1, keys, args); } }.runBinary(keys.size(), keys.toArray(new byte[keys.size()][])); } @Override public Object evalsha(final byte[] sha1, final int keyCount, final byte[]... params) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Object>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Object execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.evalsha(sha1, keyCount, params); } }.runBinary(keyCount, params); } @Override public List<Long> scriptExists(final byte[] key, final byte[][] sha1) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<Long>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<Long> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.scriptExists(sha1); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public byte[] scriptLoad(final byte[] script, final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.scriptLoad(script); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String scriptFlush(final byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.scriptFlush(); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public String scriptKill(byte[] key) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.scriptKill(); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long del(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.del(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public List<byte[]> blpop(final int timeout, final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.blpop(timeout, keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public List<byte[]> brpop(final int timeout, final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.brpop(timeout, keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public List<byte[]> mget(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.mget(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public String mset(final byte[]... keysvalues) { byte[][] keys = new byte[keysvalues.length / 2][]; for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) { keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2]; } return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.mset(keysvalues); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Long msetnx(final byte[]... keysvalues) { byte[][] keys = new byte[keysvalues.length / 2][]; for (int keyIdx = 0; keyIdx < keys.length; keyIdx++) { keys[keyIdx] = keysvalues[keyIdx * 2]; } return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.msetnx(keysvalues); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public String rename(final byte[] oldkey, final byte[] newkey) { return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.rename(oldkey, newkey); } }.runBinary(2, oldkey, newkey); } @Override public Long renamenx(final byte[] oldkey, final byte[] newkey) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.renamenx(oldkey, newkey); } }.runBinary(2, oldkey, newkey); } @Override public byte[] rpoplpush(final byte[] srckey, final byte[] dstkey) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.rpoplpush(srckey, dstkey); } }.runBinary(2, srckey, dstkey); } @Override public Set<byte[]> sdiff(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sdiff(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Long sdiffstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sdiffstore(dstkey, keys); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Set<byte[]> sinter(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sinter(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Long sinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sinterstore(dstkey, keys); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long smove(final byte[] srckey, final byte[] dstkey, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.smove(srckey, dstkey, member); } }.runBinary(2, srckey, dstkey); } @Override public Long sort(final byte[] key, final SortingParams sortingParameters, final byte[] dstkey) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sort(key, sortingParameters, dstkey); } }.runBinary(2, key, dstkey); } @Override public Long sort(final byte[] key, final byte[] dstkey) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sort(key, dstkey); } }.runBinary(2, key, dstkey); } @Override public Set<byte[]> sunion(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Set<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Set<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sunion(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Long sunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... keys) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, keys); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.sunionstore(dstkey, keys); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... sets) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, sets); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long zinterstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zinterstore(dstkey, params, sets); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long zunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final byte[]... sets) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, sets); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long zunionstore(final byte[] dstkey, final ZParams params, final byte[]... sets) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(dstkey, sets); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.zunionstore(dstkey, params, sets); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public byte[] brpoplpush(final byte[] source, final byte[] destination, final int timeout) { return new JedisClusterCommand<byte[]>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public byte[] execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.brpoplpush(source, destination, timeout); } }.runBinary(2, source, destination); } @Override public Long publish(final byte[] channel, final byte[] message) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.publish(channel, message); } }.runWithAnyNode(); } @Override public void subscribe(final BinaryJedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final byte[]... channels) { new JedisClusterCommand<Integer>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Integer execute(Jedis connection) { connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, channels); return 0; } }.runWithAnyNode(); } @Override public void psubscribe(final BinaryJedisPubSub jedisPubSub, final byte[]... patterns) { new JedisClusterCommand<Integer>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Integer execute(Jedis connection) { connection.subscribe(jedisPubSub, patterns); return 0; } }.runWithAnyNode(); } @Override public Long bitop(final BitOP op, final byte[] destKey, final byte[]... srcKeys) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destKey, srcKeys); return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.bitop(op, destKey, srcKeys); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public String pfmerge(final byte[] destkey, final byte[]... sourcekeys) { byte[][] wholeKeys = KeyMergeUtil.merge(destkey, sourcekeys); return new JedisClusterCommand<String>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public String execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pfmerge(destkey, sourcekeys); } }.runBinary(wholeKeys.length, wholeKeys); } @Override public Long pfcount(final byte[]... keys) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.pfcount(keys); } }.runBinary(keys.length, keys); } @Override public Long geoadd(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final byte[] member) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geoadd(key, longitude, latitude, member); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Long geoadd(final byte[] key, final Map<byte[], GeoCoordinate> memberCoordinateMap) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Long>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Long execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geoadd(key, memberCoordinateMap); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double geodist(final byte[] key, final byte[] member1, final byte[] member2) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public Double geodist(final byte[] key, final byte[] member1, final byte[] member2, final GeoUnit unit) { return new JedisClusterCommand<Double>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public Double execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geodist(key, member1, member2, unit); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<byte[]> geohash(final byte[] key, final byte[]... members) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<byte[]>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<byte[]> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geohash(key, members); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<GeoCoordinate> geopos(final byte[] key, final byte[]... members) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<GeoCoordinate>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<GeoCoordinate> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.geopos(key, members); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadius(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<GeoRadiusResponse>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadius(final byte[] key, final double longitude, final double latitude, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<GeoRadiusResponse>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.georadius(key, longitude, latitude, radius, unit, param); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<GeoRadiusResponse>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit); } }.runBinary(key); } @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> georadiusByMember(final byte[] key, final byte[] member, final double radius, final GeoUnit unit, final GeoRadiusParam param) { return new JedisClusterCommand<List<GeoRadiusResponse>>(connectionHandler, maxRedirections) { @Override public List<GeoRadiusResponse> execute(Jedis connection) { return connection.georadiusByMember(key, member, radius, unit, param); } }.runBinary(key); } public JedisClusterConnectionHandler getConnectionHandler() { return connectionHandler; } }